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The Bride of Windermere

Page 5

by Margo Maguire

  Though she knew the men had split up between two of the three rooms they’d let, Kit saw none of them about now. The only person in sight was the innkeeper’s wife, who greeted Kit stiffly, obviously unimpressed with her rough appearance.

  It mattered not. All Kit wanted was a bit of porridge for herself and Bridget and to find out where Wolf had gone. She needed to talk to him before he decided on his course for the day.

  “Sir Gerhart is in the stables,” the woman informed her curtly. Her manner clearly indicated that if it had been her place, she would have advised the powerful knight to leave the ragged girl somewhere.

  Kit paid no attention to the slight. She just wanted to talk to Wolf as soon as possible.

  Wolf pulled Janus’ cinch tight and dropped the stirrup back over his steed’s side. When he looked up, he saw Lady Kathryn approaching. At least he thought it must be Kathryn, though he couldn’t be sure for her face was clean.

  Except for an ugly bruise around her eye and a scab in the middle of her lower lip, it was an amazing face. Not a dainty or beautiful face by any means, but a fascinating face. A strong and willful face. Framed by rich, thick lashes, her bold green eyes, one blackened and more than a bit bloodshot, met his gaze with a directness that was unusual in a woman. Pale, shapely eyebrows arched gracefully over them. High cheekbones gave way to a well-formed nose and full lips. The slightest hint of a cleft dented her chin. When he realized he was staring, he turned back to Janus and let his breath out slowly. Where in hell was the ragged little urchin he’d left asleep at the inn?

  Why couldn’t she have been the child he had expected to find, or more like the ladies he’d known at court? Either one would have been easier to deal with than this headstrong, disturbing girl they’d found at Somerton. She was too impulsive and unpredictable by half. He was never sure what to expect from her, and now with her face washed—

  “Gerhart.” Her commanding voice was direct, as well as her gaze.

  She was disturbing, all right, and annoying.

  He wondered where the meek girl was who’d been beaten by her stepfather only two days before. He walked around Janus and picked up each of his hoofs to examine them in turn, trying to ignore her presence.

  “We cannot go on today.” Her speech was direct and imperious, as usual.

  “Oh?” He controlled his reaction, refusing to be riled by her. God knew she managed to have some effect on him every time she spoke. He had resolved to be immune to her as they approached Windermere Castle. He wouldn’t let her aggravate him, nor was he going to be taken in by any feminine wiles she may possess, scant though they may be.

  “Bridget is ill. She cannot travel.”

  “We leave in half an hour.” His voice was firm. “Several of my men have ridden on ahead. If you have not yet broken your fast, then I suggest you do so now, because you will not have another opportunity.”

  The dolt obviously hadn’t heard her! “But Bridget is sick! She cannot go on in the rain!”

  “She can and she will,” Wolf replied with controlled calm. “She will ride with Nicholas, as she did yesterday. The alternative is that she remain here at the Crooked Ax.”

  “You do not understand! I am responsible for her. I—”

  “You? I thought it was the reverse. I thought your nurse came along to see to you.”

  “Of course not! Bridget hasn’t been able to do anything for me these last few years other than patch up my—”

  Wolf’s fierce look stopped her.

  “—well, that is to say, Bridget is getting old now and cannot possibly work like she used to. She has been with me since I was a baby and as my mother’s distant cou—”

  Gerhart held up one hand to stop her. “Enough!”

  “—cousin, I will not allow her to—”


  “—travel in her con—”

  “According to the innkeeper, Windermere is a mere two hours’ ride from here.” His annoyance was clear in his voice. “I will see the woman myself and judge whether she is fit to travel.” He started to walk away, but hesitated long enough to chide her. Turning and raising one finger to punctuate his statement, he said, “You would do well to consider curbing your argumentative nature. It would make life a lot simpler.”

  His remark was enough to make Kit want to give him a good kick as he walked past, but then the man did the unthinkable. He patted the top of her head as he would a dog and further remarked, “You ought to wash your face more often, too, Sprout. It isn’t such a bad one.”

  “Why, you overbearing, black-hearted, thick-skulled—”

  He didn’t stay to acknowledge her indignation at being so treated.

  Wolf found Bridget in the room she’d shared with Lady Kathryn. The old nurse had a steaming bowl of porridge before her and Wolf paced the room, asking questions regarding the woman’s health. She did look pale and had a terrible, rattling cough. For a moment, Wolf considered giving in to the girl’s wishes. He did not want to cause the woman undue discomfort, nor did he wish to be responsible for the worsening of her condition. However, the old woman insisted she was fit enough to travel. That is, if she could ride with one of the soldiers.

  Since it was to be a short ride, Wolf deemed her capable of making the distance. But he cursed the fate that made him responsible for two women. What did he know of the silly creatures? He was a man of war, not a nursemaid.

  “Sir Gerhart,” Bridget said tentatively as the knight started for the door.

  He stopped and turned, giving her the opportunity to continue whatever she wanted to say. He hoped she’d be quick about it so they could be on their way. Windermere was only hours away.

  “About my Kit—she’s a good lass. Never meant to trouble nobody.”

  “No,” Wolf replied, turning to leave. He found the old woman’s statement somewhat at odds with his experience.

  “Ye don’t understand,” Bridget said. “She’s had to be strong. Independent. She’s, had no one to look after her and there’ve been times...”


  The old nurse nodded. “He’s come close to killin’ her twice. Only things stoppin’ him were the fact that he couldn’t run the estate without her. And the baron never knew when one of them knights would come from King Henry to check on her.”


  Bridget nodded.

  “From Henry?”

  “Baron Somers never could figure the reasons for those visits. Seemed to be just social calls but the baron was always suspectin’ they came to see Kit for some reason. Never failed to ask about her...”

  “When was the last time Somerton was visited by one of these...knights?”

  “Well, it’s been some years now. I don’t believe our new King Henry has sent anyone himself, though.”

  “And what about the estates? You say Lady Kathryn helps Baron Somers run his estate?”

  “No. She doesn’t help him,” Bridget replied.

  Of course not. He had just misheard the old woman before. Wolf turned to leave, but stopped dead at Bridget’s next words.

  “She does it all herself. She’s used to takin’ charge, like.”

  There couldn’t be any doubt that Lady Kathryn was concerned about her nurse. During the entire two-hour journey; she looked back every few minutes to see how the woman was managing, and Wolf sensed her impatience with the time. Not once, however, did he anticipate the hellion who deftly slipped out of his grasp and off Janus the instant they reached the inner bailey of Windermere Castle. She went immediately to Nicholas, who was still mounted and supporting Bridget.

  “Come, come now! I’ll need help with her. Just slide her down...” Kit took charge immediately. Nicholas glanced over at his cousin, who watched with puzzled amusement. The older woman came down, and Kit supported her. “Easy now...” She looked up at Nicholas, then at Gerhart. “Well?” she asked impatiently. “I don’t suppose one of you could lend a hand?”

  Nicholas dismounted at once and helpe
d Kit to support Bridget who was now wheezing audibly.

  “All will be well now, old mother. Have no worry,” Kathryn cooed to her nurse, reversing their appointed roles. Bridget was quite obviously ill and needed warmth and rest. Kit was also of a mind to find the local healer or herbalist, but before she was able to inquire, two of the men sent ahead by Gerhart approached them. Hugh Dryden and Chester Morburn came from the yard, having waited for Gerhart and the others to arrive.

  “Greetings, my lord,” Chester spoke. “The housekeeper informed us that the earl is away from the castle until this evening.” The small group began walking through the yard, toward the stone steps of the keep. Bridget’s weakness kept her from moving quickly, and Kit hovered protectively about her. She didn’t give a hoot for Chester’s report and only wanted to get Bridget to bed.

  “In spite of the earl’s absence, Mistress Hanchaw has provided rooms and provisions. The men are well situated and you and Lord Nicholas have been given suitable chambers. I believe Lady Kathryn and Madam Bridget will be sharing chambers. There are other guests here, as well, due to Windermere Fair, which begins on the morrow.”

  Gerhart seemed preoccupied and paid little attention to the man’s report. However, Kit noticed some unspoken communication go between the knight and his man, Hugh Dryden. The soldier gave his lord a nod and headed for the stables with Chester.

  Kit stepped slowly and carefully, so as not to tire Bridget. But the mincing little steps annoyed Wolf and without conscious thought, he lifted Bridget with ease and carried her up the steps and into the hall.

  Kit was grateful for his help, certain that Bridget would never have been able to make the grade on her own power. The stairs, the castle and all of its surroundings were massive.

  Kit had never seen anything like it. If not for Bridget, she would have stayed outside gaping at the huge stone fortress which was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. The stone walls had been more than imposing from a distance, but Kit’s preoccupation with Bridget had interfered with her appreciation of them. The drawbridge, portcullis and moat were also worthy of her consideration, and she determined to get a closer look at the first opportunity.

  The great hall was decorated with magnificent tapestries adorning the walls and colorful banners hanging from the vaulted ceiling. Several long, narrow windows were cut into the stone walls and there was a stained glass window at the head of the arch. The late afternoon sunlight filtered in through the filmy windows, giving a warmth to the huge room.

  Glancing a bit more closely at the banners and the rushes under her feet, Kit detected a shabbiness to the hall, as well as a stale odor, likely due to the refuse left under the tables and benches for the dogs.

  Kit vowed that when she and Rupert were married and she was mistress of her own hall, she would never allow such slovenliness. The rushes would always be fresh and the hangings in good repair, just as she’d kept them at Somerton. And she’d have flowers. Vases and pots full of flowers. These conditions in such a magnificent fortress were unforgivable.

  “Sir Gerhart, I presume?” They were approached by a woman somewhat older than Kit, dressed in a tidy gray gown and apron. Her hair was completely covered by a white linen wimple, so Kit couldn’t tell if it was yet touched by gray, but her face was lovely with only a few soft lines about the eyes.

  Gerhart merely nodded in her direction. Kit sensed a hostility in his mood, but couldn’t reason why. So far, she thought they’d been treated well, except for the earl being away from the castle. She couldn’t believe Gerhart would take offense at the earl’s absence. After all, he’d had no advance warning of Gerhart’s arrival and was expected back by evening. Surely whatever business Gerhart had with the earl could wait until supper.

  “Follow me. I am Mistress Hanchaw, housekeeper for Lord Windermere.” She wrinkled her nose most unpleasantly and looked Bridget over.

  “Madam,” Kit said as they crossed to yet another staircase, “do you have a gardener about? Is there someone here familiar with healing plants and herbs?”

  “What ails her?” the housekeeper asked, clearly disturbed at having to welcome a sick person to the castle, even if she was with a party of the king’s men. “Not the morbid sore throat or con—”

  “Merely a cold in the chest. I’ll require—”

  “Pray, who are you? I was told to expect the King’s emissary, escorting Lady Kathryn Somers and...” She narrowed her dark brown eyes as she looked Kit over more closely. Kit saw the woman grimace over her attire. She quietly thanked the saints that, at least for now, her face was clean.

  “You are speaking to Lady Kathryn, Mistress.” Nicholas spoke for her.

  “There’s no time for idle chatter now,” Kit said exasperated. “Please bring the gardener round, or just have him send me cowslip petals and leaves, and iris root if he has any. Whatever he has for fever would be good...”

  The housekeeper looked more closely, and quite disapprovingly at Kit now. “But my lady—”

  “Please do as I say. My cousin is very ill, and I must get her settled and see to her well-being.” Moving quickly down a dark hall, the group finally reached the chamber that Kit was to share with Bridget. Mistress Hanchaw pointed out the rooms across the corridor which Gerhart and Nicholas would share, then turned back to open the door to Kit’s chamber.

  It was dark and gloomy, with shuttered windows, thus the only light in the room emanated from two candelabra on the chest, which Nicholas and the housekeeper proceeded to light. Gerhart lay Bridget gently on the thick velvet coverlet of the bed which was also heavily laden with dark velvet curtains. Her wheeze was worse now, between bouts of coughing spells, and Kit was anxious to do something for her. She placed cushions under Bridget’s back to prop her up and ease her breathing.

  “I think she should have starwort and yarrow, myself,” the housekeeper announced after Bridget quieted for a moment.

  “Madam, the request was clear, was it not?” The impatience and hostility in Gerhart’s tone was unmistakable now. Kit was thankful that he intervened again, since his intimidating tone had an immediate effect on the woman. The housekeeper turned and left quickly. When she was gone, Kit wondered anew what it was about the place that made Gerhart so antagonistic. While she had already noticed he didn’t possess the most affable of temperaments, she had yet to see him behave unjustly.

  “My thanks, sir,” she said to him.

  He barely nodded, acknowledging her thanks. There was a disturbing depth, an almost haunted look, in his eyes.

  “The nurse is your cousin?” he asked, and Kit’s fleeting impression of a man tormented disintegrated with his words. In his place was a powerful man, coolly controlled.

  “Well, yes. Distant, though. She is...a gentlewoman.” Her voice faltered as the full effect of his altered gaze slammed through her. She glanced down at his lips as he spoke and recalled the heat and taste of his mouth. His presence suddenly flustered her. He was so very appealing, and he had come to Bridget’s aid with such ease. “She is mother’s second cousin. A Cochran of County Louth...”

  “Hold,” he raised a hand to stop her. “I daresay I know more of your family than I could ever wish to.”

  Nicholas saw the flash of anger in Kathryn’s eyes. “Can you manage on your own now, Lady Kathryn?” he quickly interjected.

  Kit damned Wolf silently for making her feel like a child and turned to speak to Nicholas. “Yes. Of course.”

  “Then until later, my lady...” Nicholas left her with Bridget to go seek out his own quarters. Wolf was already gone.

  The gardener came up along with the local priest who dabbled in herbology. The two decided on a decoction of iris root and willow bark, which they gave Bridget along with several of Father Fowler’s best blessings and prayers for a speedy recovery. Since their prescription did not differ much from what Kit had planned to give Bridget, she allowed them to proceed without interference. Who could tell? Perhaps the priest’s prayers would do her more go
od than the medicinal powders.

  The two men had scarcely left when servants arrived with buckets of hot water which they poured into a stout wooden tub. The younger one, a dark-haired girl, added wood to the fire and fanned it, bringing up a cozy flame.

  “’Tis a mite cold,” she said, glancing over at Bridget, asleep in the big bed. “We’ll keep it nice ’n toasty for the lady there... get the damp out.”

  “Thank you.” Kit took off her hat and began to loosen her hair from its long, confining braid.

  “There’s a special banquet planned for this evenin‘, milady,” the dark-haired girl said. “I doubt Mistress Hanchaw could be bothered to tell—”

  “Maggie!” the older girl cried. “‘Twill never do for ye to be tellin’ tales about the mistress. Of course she was goin’ to tell the lady.”

  Maggie snorted.

  “Well, she was, I tell ye.”

  “Annie, you know as well as I, nothin’ that wily witch likes better than to watch a sweet lady squirm.” Maggie poured a pail of hot water into the tub. “Remember how she baited Lady Clarisse—”

  “Hold yer tongue, ye fool! Or yer blathering’ll get you set out but good! And me as well!”

  “As I was sayin‘, milady.” Maggie turned back to Kit with great dignity, ignoring the other girl. “There’s to be a grand celebration tonight for the beginning of the fair. It opens tomorrow in Windermere town, and all the barons and squires from hereabouts will be attending. All their ladies, too, so you’ll want to be at your best.”

  Annie started to gather up the linens they were meant to deliver to the other Windermere guests. “Tall Lawrence will fetch ye for supper—”

  “’Tis a shame about your eye,” Maggie said, lingering, studying Kit’s face. “All green and yellow now. No way to conceal it, I don’t suppose...”

  Kit shook her head and sent the maids on their way with assurances that she could manage her bath alone. There were certainly more pressing matters for them to attend to, if there were guests at the castle.


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