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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

Page 12

by Peyton Banks

  “You don’t?”

  He shook his head. He had no idea if his confession would help her decision, but he needed to make it. She needed to know all the options before she chose.

  “I don’t want to share you. I don’t want you to sleep with another vampire. Or another person at all. I want you all to myself.”

  “If I don’t sleep with anyone else, I have to find a new source of income.”

  “I can help. Pay for school. Pull some strings.” He spread his arms wide. “Whatever you need.”

  “I’ve been supporting my mother. I have to figure out how to make that continue to happen.”

  “I can do that. I can set up a trust. It will put a certain amount into her account weekly, monthly, whatever you want.”

  She canted her head. “Even if I decide to become a werewolf, you still feel this way?”

  He nodded succinctly. “Absolutely. I love you, Kiara.”

  Her eyes widened. “Whoa. I didn’t see that coming.”

  He chuckled. “I’d wager you didn’t see anything about this trip coming.”

  “That’s true.” She smiled. It wavered, but it was still a smile. “The best part was sleeping with you. I mean actually, literally sleeping with you.”

  “Even better than the sex?”

  “I like to think they go hand in hand.”

  He placed his hands on her arms again. “They do. If you want them to.”

  She covered his hands with her own. “I want them to.”

  He squeezed.

  “And I want you to turn me.”

  He felt his own eyes widen. “You’ve decided already?”

  She nodded.

  “Are you sure? Renaldo is a great maker. He’s always treated me right, for as long as I’ve known him.”

  She shook her head. “I want you.”

  “If we do this, you’re stuck with me forever, you know.”

  “Good. Since I’m in love with you, that’s a fair deal.”

  He stared into her eyes for a long moment and then pulled her to him, hugging her tightly despite her shoulder and his sensitive skin. He couldn’t wait for them to start the next chapter of their lives together. The one that would last forever.

  “Okay, first, we have a decision to make.”

  “Another?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Do we make love again before or after I turn you?”

  * * *


  About the Author

  Tami Lund is an author, a wine drinker, an award winner, and a lover of romance. She writes happily ever afters, one book at a time. You should sign up for her newsletter for updates, sales, free reads, and a regular dose of her quirky sense of humor:

  * * *

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  Power Play



  There is one thing I’m good at—my job.

  * * *

  I don’t do relationships and I definitely shouldn’t do the boss’s son. We need to end it, keep things professional.

  * * *

  But how can we when his every move is a power play.


  The bass from the music thumps hard, sending vibrations through the glass in front of me. I’m on my third drink and pretty damn close to ordering another one. The girls were supposed to meet me here, to be my sounding board for the bogus day I had. But Aileen got stuck in the office, and Katheryn had an emergency.

  So here I am, alone with pent up frustration over the shit my boss pulled this afternoon. I’ve worked my ass off to make it to Senior Vice President of my department. One would think that comes with a certain level of trust and privilege.

  But instead of building my team how I see fit, I’ll be forced to work with my boss’s son. Honestly, I don’t know what pisses me off more. The fact I’m stuck with an employee I don’t want—one I probably can never fire even if he’s the worst at his job—or that I don’t have a father to drop me into a high-level position. It’s my department, and my boss should have consulted with me first.

  I try to wave down the bartender, my shoulders slumping when my attempt goes unnoticed. I push out a sigh but keep my sights trained on him, determined to grab the man’s attention.

  An arm snakes onto the liquor-stained countertop, and my eyes immediately fall to the full tattooed sleeve adorning it. With my interest now sparked, I trace the black lines, following them up to a muscular bicep and firm chest.

  “Oh, my,” I whisper as I take in the man who’s planted himself on the stool next to me.

  I won’t even fuss about the fact there is plenty of space at the bar, yet he’s chosen to prop up here. I won’t say I’m mad about it either.

  It would be a lie—a big, bold-faced lie.

  It may just be the alcohol talking here, but this man is too damn fine for his own good. Not to mention he’s wearing my favorite cologne, Gucci Men’s. Sucking in a breath, I lean against the counter, slipping a finger between the locs at the nape of my neck while trying desperately to get a better glimpse of his face.

  Not that it matters. My body seems to like him already, even if all I’ve managed to see is a side view. With my brows raised, I admire how his beard blends into his low-cut fade—a style I love on a dark-skinned man. As I continue to look him over, I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, not paying attention to anything else.

  “I take it you like what you see?” he says, without a glance in my direction.

  My body pulses in reaction to the deep baritone coming from him—and I mean every nook and cranny. I cross my legs to combat the tingling sensation in my center and let my mouth turn up at the corners.

  The bartender stops in front of us, placing a round for us both on two napkins. I glance at it, somewhat shocked.

  “I saw you having a hard time getting his attention.”

  My grin widens and I nod, impressed. Frankly, I hadn’t thought the stranger noticed me, plus I was so busy eye-fucking him that I didn’t see him place the order.

  “Thank you.” I bring the cocktail to my lips and take a long sip.

  He turns, flashing me a million-dollar smile. My sex throbs again, forcing me to swallow the air that traps itself in my throat.

  “I’m Kareem.” He holds out a hand.

  I flick my gaze to it before slowly placing my hand in his palm. “Thank you for the drink, Kareem. I’m Rylan.”

  “Pretty name for a beautiful woman.”

  I swear if he keeps smiling at me like that, I’m going to do something I may regret in the morning.

  “So, are you going to answer my question?” He takes a big gulp of the amber liquid in his glass.

  “Huh?” I crane my neck, unsure of what question he asked. Yep, this liquor is going to get me in trouble tonight. Between his scent, and the rasp in his tone, I’ve already forgotten his name.

  “You like what you see? It seemed like you were undressing me with your eyes.”

  My breath lodges in my throat again, and I choke on the sip I just took. Kareem—okay, I didn’t forget his name—reacts quickly and pats my back. His touch on my bare skin sends chills down my spine, and I wish I’d not left my blazer at the office.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he says with a wide grin.

  I wet my lips, and dart my eyes back up to his. Words don’t form right away, because for the first time in—well, ever—I’m speechless. “You’re cocky,” I blurt out after a brief pause.

  “Nah.” He sets his glass down and scoots closer to me. “I just know when there’s an attraction brewing.”

  For a moment, I stare at him, then follow his lead, closing the last bit of distance between us. “Is there?” I smugly question.

  My hand goes to my hip as we stare into each other’s eyes. We stay this way for a long moment, as if we’re challenging each other to be the first to cave.

  I win.

  Kareem pushes out a deep breath around the la
ugh he’s trying hard to hide by turning his head.

  “What brings you here alone? By the number of drinks you’ve had, I’d say a man has pissed you off.”

  My brows raise, and I tilt my head at this statement. “Very observant. But yes, I have a sexist asshole for a boss. Why are you here alone?”

  “Ooo, he must have struck a pretty big nerve,” he says, then answers my question. “I’m new in town and don’t know anyone. Well, I hope that changes tonight.” Kareem’s eyes travel the length of my frame.

  I don’t know what overcomes me. I certainly didn’t come here to hook up with someone, but Kareem changes things. Now I’m contemplating crossing that bridge.

  Is that his angle—picking up a pissed off and lonely woman at the bar? Does batting those thick eyelashes and flashing that yes, I’ll have your babies smile always get him what he wants.


  Alcohol, him, and the wrenching desire to do dirty, dirty things is a potent combination. So, I’ll leave. Yep, that’s it, or I’ll definitely make bad decisions tonight.

  I thank him for the drink and close out my tab. I’ve been here long enough, and if I stay any longer, I’ll need help to stand. After paying and tipping, I stand and pass him a polite smile and turn on my heel for the exit. Kareem grabs my wrist, gently twirling me to face him again.

  My chest crashes with his as his hand snakes around me and rests at the small of my back. The fluttering of my heart has to be noticeable to him because I hear every beat in the hollows of my ears. Our mouths are so close I smell the whiskey on his breath.

  “Come home with me. Allow me to work out whatever frustration you’re feeling right now,” Kareem says while licking his lips and gazing into my eyes.

  Unable to respond with words, I fight through a gasp. Maybe he’s right? It’s been a while since I’ve had that kind of pleasure in my life. I press my lips together and nod at his invitation. Kareem grins, and I can’t help the surge of arousal flooding my veins when he does.

  God, I’m going to regret this, I think to myself.

  “Do you need to say goodbye to anyone?”

  I shake my head.

  Kareem’s gaze drops to my collarbone, where he runs the back of his hand along my neck’s curvature. “All right, let’s go.”

  Before I can answer, he leans in, taking my face between his palms and devouring my mouth with his. A soft moan sneaks out of me, and he smiles against my lips. We separate only long enough for him to take my hand and pull me toward the exit. I keep up with his strides, working to settle the excitement building in my gut. Or is it my nerves? Either way, I make a mental note to ping my location to my friends.


  If I’d known I’d get this lucky, I would have moved to town ages ago. I watched Rylan from across the lounge, desperately wanting to talk to her but unsure if she’d be interested. She seemed to be in deep thought, and her body language screamed tense. But when she failed to get the bartender’s attention, I saw that as my shot, and I’m glad I took it.

  The Uber pulls up just in time, and I hold the door open for her. I slide in next, wanting to kiss again, but not like this. I’ll have my time to cherish her beautiful plump lips, and besides, once I start, I won’t be able to stop.

  And even though we just met, I’m stingy with the things I want, so I’ll be damned if this random-ass driver gets a free show. Plus, the way she carries herself, with her head held high and the stylish, yet sophisticated clothing she wears, tells me she’s too classy for that. But I make no mistake in reading the lust behind her eyes. Rylan may be a lady, but there’s undoubtedly a side many don’t see often.

  We arrive in front of my building in downtown Atlanta, and I waste no time rushing us to the front entrance and over to the elevator. Rylan skips alongside me to keep up with my long strides. She’s a petite woman, the top of her head stopping just under my chin. I love my women short. There’s nothing sexier to me than looking down into her eyes.

  The moment we’re safe behind the walls of my one-bedroom condo, I get to work. We don’t even make it all the way in before I pull her flush to me and press her back against the door. My hands roam her body as her arms wrap around my neck.

  I slip my tongue into her mouth, and she tugs on it, moaning at the same time. I can taste the drink she had tonight, and it’s intoxicating. I watch as Rylan yanks her camisole from her skirt, and I bite down on my bottom lip in anticipation. Soon I follow her lead of undressing and toe off my shoes.

  When my eyes meet hers again, all I find in them are lust and a dangerous determination. She pushes off the door and places her palm to my throbbing heart. Rylan steps forward, guiding me backward until we reach my living room. I stop moving, pulling her by the waist to me again.

  “Mm,” she whimpers when I flick the tip of my tongue across her lips.

  “Take off your shirt,” I demand and pad backward until my calves reach the couch.

  Rylan’s breasts heave, but she doesn’t take to my instructions right away. It’s almost like she’s unsure if she wants to, as if she’s fighting for dominance. We didn’t talk much before ending up here, but considering what had her riled up in the first place, I gather she’s used to being in charge.

  Not tonight, though.

  “Now,” I add, my tone low but stern.

  She swallows, and my dick twitches at the way her throat bobs when she does. I unbuckle my pants, letting them drop to the floor before grabbing my shaft through my boxer briefs. She finally does as told, and lifts the shirt over her head. At the same time, I follow suit and remove my designer t-shirt. Her breathing is a labored mess when she makes eye contact with my bare chest.

  I observe her as she traces the tattoo on my arm with her gaze, trailing it up to my bicep and along my right pec. Rylan’s shoulders shudder when she looks at me, and I swear all I want to do is fuck her right where she stands. To hell with patience, I want to have her, I need her, and I can tell she needs me too. But, I won’t do it, I want her to beg for my dick.

  The glow of the moonlight shines in through the large windows, cascading over her flawless light brown skin. It’s something about how the light hits the curves of her body and the flow of her long dreadlocks. She wears the top up in a bun, keeping it out of her face, while the back hangs free. Her full lips swell from our kisses, and the red lipstick she wore is now smeared. I wish she could see what I see.

  “Come here.” I lower myself on the sofa, scooting until I am comfortable.

  Rylan inches closer, her hips swaying from left to right, taunting me. She’s in between my legs, looking down at me. I rub along her thighs until my hands disappear under the fabric of her skirt. Slipping my fingers past the hem of her panties, I squeeze her ass cheeks, massaging them, and loving how soft her skin is against my touch.

  I remove her underwear then dig a condom from my pants. I sit back, running my gaze along her body again. I fall into the cushion of my couch while I roll the rubber over my meat.

  I sit, my arms stretched out at my side. “Sit,” I order.

  No sooner than I finish, she’s already straddling my lap, but she doesn’t take her seat just yet. Instead, she hovers in place, her hot center teasingly brushing against my tip. My lungs pump on overdrive, as I practice restraint not to slam her down and fill her up.

  Rylan places a palm against my neck, bringing my eyes to hers. We stare for a second too long before she finally kisses me. Next, her hand goes between us, and she wraps her fingers around my dick. My head falls back as she squeezes, and when the warmth of her body floods my lap, my mouth gapes open.

  We kiss some more, losing ourselves in each other. Two strangers, but with a connection that feels like it’s been around a lifetime. She lets loose before my eyes, and I watch all the tension she had earlier fade away with every stroke into her body.

  I always know when a connection is brewing, and no one can tell me we don’t have it.


  I drop my keys on my
desk before pulling my phone from the side pocket on my purse. It’s Monday, and even though I’ve had my morning coffee, it’s still feeling like the Monday-ist, Monday ever.

  Usually, I’m ready to start the week. I love my job and everything that comes with it. It took me years to get here, to prove myself and secure my position. But instead of the usual pep in my step, I’ve dreaded this day all weekend. Today I meet my new employee, the kid I never wanted to hire.

  Honestly, I don’t know what annoys me more. Is it that my boss is pretty much saying he doesn’t trust me to do what he hired me to do? Does he think that I need a man to hold my hand along the way? Or is it because I had no say in the matter?

  This is my department, my team, and I should decide who I work with. We didn’t even need a new team member. Everything was smooth. But Mr. Bass, CEO of Bass Marketing, feels numbers and logic mean nothing when it regards his kid. Why should we follow procedures? Nepotism is a real bitch, one that will haunt me from here on out.

  I inhale deeply and release my breath to settle my nerves. The last thing I want is to allow my disdain for my boss’s decision to overshadow my ability to do my job. It may not be my choice, but this is what I’ve got. I don’t have to like it, or him. I’ll just get through the day, then the next week. Before long, he’ll blend into the background.

  When I glance down at my phone, I raise my brows in surprise. I let myself go this weekend, and went to different lengths to remedy the frustration I felt when I got the news. Being pissed off with Mr. Bass, coupled with over two years of no sexual relief—alcohol was not enough. Aileen always talks about needing something stiffer than vodka to unwind. She was right, and that’s precisely what I got.


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