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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

Page 57

by Peyton Banks

  Jogging through the Cochran Shoals trail that banks off the Chattahoochee River, I take in the picturesque marshes and flowered fields. It’s hot and sweat has already started to soak through my tee shirt. September in Atlanta was at an all-time high of ninety degrees, and yet, I enjoyed feeling the dirt trail beneath my feet. The surgeon had warned me to cut my usual running five miles to three, until I got back the full strength from my injury.

  I would follow the doctor’s orders down to the letter, even though the warm air brushing against my sweaty face made me want to push harder, past the burn in my legs. I hadn’t even made the two mile mark. The drive of succeeding invigorated me to get to the end of my three miles.

  At the two point five mark, my eyes strayed to the jogger in front of me. I was fast approaching her to the right, when my eyes attached themselves to a pert, bubble butt, encased in a pair of navy spandex leggings and a matching crisscrossed sports top.

  “Coming through,” I warned her, just as I came up to her side. The woman’s head turned towards me. She stumbled and I gasped, “Jada!” I grabbed her arm, to halt her fall.

  “Joshua!” Jada said softly, as her warm brown eyes collided with mine. She tried to take a step back but my grip tightened on her arms, as my hungry gaze drank her in like an alcoholic,

  “I never expected to see you here. When did you take up jogging?” I asked her, knowing that she was never into sports or fitness like I was, and that’s what I loved about her. Everything about Jada was naturally beautiful, and soft. My cock strained in my jogging pants, at the thought of how her curvy body used to feel in my arms.

  I silently thanked the good Lord that I ran into her. I’d only been home for a week, but I was going to look for her. I already knew she must have known I was back, by the way her eyes kept darting away from mine.

  “Ah, welcome back, and I took up jogging about a month ago, when I found I had an addiction to chocolate mint ice cream,” Jada panted and licked her plump, nude lips.

  My cock lengthened even more, as I tracked the swipe of her pink tongue against her bottom lip. The temperature of the sun wasn’t the only thing causing me to sweat.

  “Do you really mean that? And you look beautiful. You always have just the way you are,” I replied, as I pulled her off the trail to let two joggers by.

  Jada’s gaze meets mine and she brushes a stray piece of hair that escaped her ponytail from the side of her face.

  “Do I mean what?”

  “Are you glad I’m back?”

  “I said welcome back,” a frown mars between her brows with her words. “And don’t let me stop your run. I think I’m going to just walk back the rest of the way.”

  I grinned. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  Jada’s eyes trail down to the grip I still have on her arm. “Can you please let me go?”

  No! my mind screamed out but I drop her arm instantly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

  “It’s okay. I just need to go now,” she said and started to walk away.

  “Wait!” I called out. I glance up at the clear blue sky, struggling with what to say to Jada. I had allowed her to push me away when I was a kid, but I’ll be damned if I let her walk away from me again.

  My gaze fell back to her beautiful face and I can’t tear my eyes away. Fuck. She’s sexy as hell. The shirt she’s wearing displays the swell of her voluptuous breasts, the sleeveless tank clings to them, and the brownness of her skin looks warm and vibrant.

  While I’m checking Jada out, I don’t miss the way her gaze slowly rakes over my body. Her eyes widen, when she gazes at my crotch area and spies the bulge that’s hidden beneath. I grin and arch my brow, when her gaze once again meets mine.

  “Can I take you out to dinner tonight?” I asked her.

  My breath becomes lodged in my throat, as I wait for Jada’s answer.


  My head jerks up to meet Joshua’s dark brown eyes. I can’t help but to lose myself in his mesmerizing stare.

  “Please say yes,” he pleaded, as my heartbeat slammed against my chest.

  Joshua was back and standing in front of me looking more masculine and handsome than he ever had. Television, nor the sports magazines, did him justice. My sex clenched because of the sexy as sin man standing before me.

  “I can’t—don’t ask me to be around you right now. I just—”

  “Jada, I—”

  “Why did you come back here, Joshua? Isn’t this town too small for a big time gamer like you?”

  “I’m retired. I don’t know if you heard but I got hurt and was forced to end my career.”

  My lips turned down in a frown, as I looked up into his handsome face.

  “I’m sorry. Are you okay now?” I asked him.

  “I’m fine. It’s just so great to see you, Jada. I—”

  “You can answer my earlier question. I asked what are you doing back in Atlanta?” I held my breath, as old hurts began to penetrate my being. It didn’t matter how handsome and sexy Joshua was, he had destroyed me.

  A frown formed between his thick brows. “I know that I hurt you in the past, but I never set out to do so. You got to believe me, sweetheart.”

  I was not going to let Joshua know how much his presence or sweet endearments were affecting me. Seeing Joshua here today makes me feel defenseless against my treacherous heart... because I know deep down, my love for him was still buried inside my heart and soul.

  “I’m so sorry for any pain I ever caused you,” Joshua said.

  I shook my head from side to side, in denial of his words. I could not let Joshua hurt me again. My mind screamed for me to run away but my heart kept me rooted to the spot.

  I wished my heart would stop slamming erratically against my chest. My nails dig into the palms of my hands. The love we had when we were younger had been destroyed and ripped apart in an instance. How could I ever forget?

  “It’s been so long. We don’t have anything to talk about,” I said, hoping that he would walk away because obviously, I could not.

  Joshua’s deep brown eyes stayed glued to mine. The longer his gaze held mine, the more antsy I became. My nipples hardened beneath my top and I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Will you give me another chance?” he finally asked.

  “A chance for what? A chance to break my heart again?”

  “No. I would never do that to you again,” Joshua said, in a voice filled with emotion. “Do you have any idea how much I have suffered for hurting you?” Joshua’s eyebrows furrowed, then released. “I haven’t been the same since you broke off all contact with me. Can you ever trust me again Jada?”

  My lips stretched into a tight line. “Do you expect me to trust you just like that?” I asked, making a snapping sound with my fingers.

  Joshua kept staring at me, as though he could will me to trust his words. His deep brown eyes were intense, as he held my gaze. I glanced down at my sneakers to break the contact, because his gaze was causing all kinds of emotions to stir within my soul.

  “Jada, look at me.” His voice held a pleading tone. My head lifted and my eyes once again made contact with his.

  I forced myself to really assess him in great detail. The features of his face showed his sincerity, and so did his body language. Joshua’s shoulders were hunched, as though he were carrying so much remorse.

  The aroma of his cologne and sweat flirted with my senses. The pure male essence of Joshua already had my panties saturated with need, and I fought to stop myself from flinging myself into his arms.

  In the past, I always prided myself on practicing restraint and keeping my emotions under control. That is, until it came to Joshua Perry. It had always been that way, even all those years ago.

  One minute I was trying to force words from my lips on why I couldn’t be around Joshua, and the next instance, I was in his muscular arms as he pulled me further from the jogger’s trail. In a heartbeat, his arm wraps around my waist, and I’m drawn to the side
of the trail.

  A shiver runs through my body, as our gazes linger on one another. Heat is building between us, as all the memories collide through me of how much I loved Joshua and how good we used to be together. The remembrance of him being my best friend and remembering that he was the one that taught me to breathe again after the loss of my mom.

  My breathing grew heavy and labored as Joshua’s head bends, and his hand cupped my cheek. As if led by instinct, I close my eyes and sigh, just as his warm lip meshes with mine. My hands automatically lifted and circled his thick corded neck.

  Only one touch of Joshua’s lips and I felt like I was home again. His arms tightened around my waistline, as he pulled me closer to his hard, sinewy frame.

  Our tongues meet and glide against each other. Joshua grunts and the guttural noise hits me straight between my thighs. It had been close to six months since I last had casual sex. I didn’t do long relationships anymore. None of my relationships since Joshua lasted. It worked for me, and I saw no reason to change it. I wasn’t a slut by any means. I didn’t have sex with every man I dated.

  “I really missed you, Jada, and I need you to know I never got over you,” Joshua murmured against my lips.

  I tried to pull away, but Joshua deepened the kiss. I returned the kiss and luxuriated in the feel of his tongue intermingling with mine. Joshua’s hands slid down and squeezed my ass, pressing me closer to feel the hard outline of his dick.

  By the time the kiss ended, our chests were heaving more than any exercise could cause.

  “I will ask you again. Will you let me take you out to dinner?”

  “Yes,” I answered breathlessly, feeling dazed and not from the heat.

  Joshua's dark brown gaze dropped to my mouth once again, before slowly returning to look at me.

  “Good, because I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I lost you once before, and nothing on this earth will keep me from reclaiming what has always been mine. That is a promise.”

  On the way home, I started to get anxious as I thought about Joshua picking me up from my apartment. We had exchanged phone numbers once he walked me back to my car after he had kissed me senseless at the park. That kiss set off all kinds of emotions within me. The familiarity of his lips, and his touch came back to me with a rush of memories, and I knew in that moment I was completely lost.

  The deep, claw foot tub called to me as I prepared for my date with Joshua. I enjoyed being surrounded by the vanilla bean scented bubbles, as I lay in the warm water. I closed my eyes, as images of Joshua flitted behind my closed lids. Damn, he had gotten even sexier over the years. Seeing him on television and in magazines didn’t prepare me for seeing him up close and personal in the flesh. I’m not going to lie; that man had me turned on by just looking at him. I remembered Joshua’s every caress and how his thick, soft lips felt against my own. I nibbled at my bottom lip, then ran my tongue across it, thinking about how making love with Joshua felt all those years ago. No other man had made me feel the level of desire I felt for him in the past.

  My clit throbbed at the memories, my finger found my clit, and I began to rub. I released a moan as my pussy began to ignite and flood with passion.

  “Oh, Joshua!” I cried out, just as I delved a finger deep in my core. An orgasm sparked to life and carried me into a moment of bliss.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes and gave my head a shake. I still had it bad for Joshua, realizing that if he tried to take me to bed after our date, I would let him. There is no need for me to lie to myself.

  I finished washing and got out of the bathtub, dried off with a big fluffy towel, and rubbed shea butter lotion all over my body. It caused my brown skin to glow with radiance. I picked up the floral-scented perfume bottle and sprayed at my wrist, neckline, and behind my knees before walking to my bedroom to get dressed. I chose to wear my black halter dress with a deep V-neck. The clingy material slid across my every curve like a gentle caress. I glanced at myself in the mirror behind my bedroom door and gave myself a once over before styling my hair and added hooped earrings to my earlobes. I stepped into a black pair of open-toed heels, and my look was completed.

  Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door. A knot of apprehension formed in my throat, as I walked over to open the front door.

  “Good evening, beautiful,” Joshua said, as his hot gaze caressed slowly over my body, when he picked me up for our date. A shiver zinged through my frame from his intense stare, the way Joshua appeared to examine every inch of me, caused wetness to gather between my thighs—his gaze slowly traveled over my bare shoulders, my wide hips, and my bare legs. The mid-knee length dress I had on left plenty for his view. An arched grin settled on his mouth as his dark brown, intense stare met mine.

  “Jada, you are more beautiful now than you were as a teen,” Joshua’s deep sexy voice washed over me, causing me to shudder.

  My nipples pebbled against the clingy material of the halter dress I wore. My tongue swiped against my bottom lip and I glanced down at my black, strapped sandaled heels.

  Why was Joshua having this effect on me? I thought I was over him—but who am I kidding? I had never stopped thinking about him or forgot the feelings he aroused in me in the past, the feelings he provoked in me still.

  “Thank you,” I replied softly, forcing my gaze to meet his.

  “You smell good too,” he added, leaning in toward me. His move brought him closer and I took in his clean, citrus, woodsy scent. I wanted to press my face against his broad chest and inhale more of his sexy, clean scent but I didn’t.

  “Ah, thanks,” I said, feeling a flush rise to my cheeks. “Did you want to come in for a drink or something?”

  “No, I have reservations at the Courtyard Marriot.”

  “Alright,” I nodded and grabbed my keys and purse, and made sure I locked up tight before we made it out to Joshua’s SUV.

  Forty-five minutes later, we were sitting in the dimly lit restaurant. I had ordered my favorite lasagna with a side salad. Joshua ordered a large T-bone steak, baked potato, and mixed steamed vegetables.

  We ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes, before Joshua set his fork aside and glanced into my eyes.

  “I have missed you so much, Jada. It pained me that you never accepted my calls over the years. Can you ever forgive me for one stupid mistake? I get it, I got drunk and passed out, but I swear to you that I don’t remember having sex with that girl.”

  I gave Joshua a hard look. I could see that his words were sincere. “Tell me the truth. Did you ever get with Destiny after that night?”

  “No. Why would you think that I would purposefully hurt you in that way? I didn’t remember having sex with that girl the first time. I sure as hell wouldn’t have sought her out to do so.”

  I blew out a breath of relief. “I should have listened to you back then. I was just so angry at the thought of you making love to anyone else besides me. You were my first everything Joshua, and—”

  “I love you still. You had my heart way back then, Jada. You have it now.”

  “What about the other women in your life? Over the years I’ve seen you in the news and in the media going through a different woman every other week. I just don’t see—”

  “Don’t believe everything you read, Jada. I admit that there have been other women in and out of my life, but not as many as you think. Some images you saw were for publicity. No other woman ever had my heart.”

  My food was long forgotten, as I gazed into Joshua’s eyes. I wanted to jump across the table and throw myself into his arms. It had been so long since I allowed myself to be loved and to love a man. I had a few casual encounters over the years but I never allowed myself to love anyone in the way I loved Joshua. Even now, I craved his touch unlike any other. Could I let Joshua back into my heart? Absolutely. Because the truth of the matter was he had never left.

  “You never answered my question,” Joshua said later that night, after he drove me home and walked me to my door.
“Can you forgive me? Will you give me your heart, Jada?”

  “Yes,” I nodded, with tears brimming my eyes. “I forgive you, and I will give you my heart.”

  “You won’t regret it. I promise you,” Joshua vowed, as he proceeded to kiss me senseless.



  The tantalizing aroma of fresh donuts and cupcakes met my nostrils, as I entered my best friend’s Sweet Shop. Asia loved to bake and I was so proud of her for following her dream of owning her own business.

  It was a sin the way my mouth watered and the way my belly grumbled whenever I came here. Even though I knew I didn’t need the extra calories from the assortments of sweets displayed behind the cast, I knew I would buy at least a half a dozen of donuts or cupcakes before I left.

  I needed something sweet to calm my nerves after the date with Joshua last night. For starters, he’d reentered my world like a whirlwind, and my emotions were all over the place. How could we have been out of each other’s lives for so long, but after one kiss it felt like time and distance had just slipped away?

  “Hi, Jada,” Tina, the pretty college student, said behind the counter. Tina was only one of the many students that worked for my friend during the summer months and part time during the rest of the school year. “What will it be today? Donuts or cupcakes?”

  “Actually, I’m here to talk to Asia. But I promise to grab something before I go.”

  “I recommend the dark chocolate with raspberry filling,” Tina said.

  “Great, then fix me up six to go,” I replied, just as Asia stepped through the swinging doors that led to the kitchen. A big smile spread across her ebony face, when her eyes latched onto mine.


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