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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

Page 61

by Peyton Banks

  We’re just getting back into my car when she stiffens and stares at a spot across the city square from where we’re standing. I reach for my weapon, ready to draw it to protect her, and I scan the area to look for the danger but see nothing.

  “I thought I saw him, but then he was gone. It may have been my imagination. I never thought I’d ever get away from him, and now I have, it’s almost scarier than when I was with him. At least before, I knew where he’d be and what to expect. Now I’m free, and everything is alien and unfamiliar. I’m fucking scared, Derrick,” she admits, still staring at the same spot, but with less intensity and worry knitting her brows together.

  I wrap an arm around her shoulder and guide her toward where I’m parked. On reaching my car, I help her into the front passenger seat before climbing in behind the wheel and firing up the ignition.

  “You’re safe with me, Miss Castillo. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “You can call me Aura. It only seems fair since I can call you Derrick.”

  Aura smiles at me, and although it’s not a full smile, it’s brighter than any I’ve previously seen on her. It warms my soul, knowing I’m the one to have earned that from her. I stifle the urge to be the one to attempt to unearth more of her smiles, and focus on the job at hand, protecting Aura from her asshole ex until he’s locked inside his very own prison cell.



  My body aches, and I know I’ll be bruised and sore tomorrow. Of all the things I might have expected to experience when growing up, this wasn’t it. The taste of blood in my mouth makes my stomach clench, and I hold back the nausea threatening to make me sick. If I vomit it’ll only make things worse. The callous voice shouting at my cowering body serves to let me know how weak and pathetic I am. The hands that pull my hair and drag me to the floor should be the ones that care for me, but instead they beat me and mark my body with their hatred.

  My ‘uncle’ has always hated me. He’s not a relative. I only call his wife ‘Aunt’ because of how close she is with my mom. I’ve never understood what it is about me he detests so much, but he mocks me for my skin color and for my father, and he hurts me when no one is looking. It slices me to my very soul.

  Everyone’s blinded by his charm, by the cool and friendly face he wears when around anyone other than me. Sometimes he arranges little outings for just the two of us so he can abuse me without watchful eyes.

  Several years of Physical and mental abuse pass, and when I’m seventeen he finally takes it too far. He tries to hurt me in a way he’s never done before, and even as he attempts to touch me while simultaneously belittling me, something inside me snaps. I’m not a little kid anymore he can beat up or put down, and I strike him back. I make him feel the hurt he’s spent years inflicting on me. I hit him, making him pay for every time he’s ever laid his hands on me.

  He tries to have me arrested for assault, but when the truth comes out, he goes to prison and I get off because my actions were in self-defense.

  That was when I promised myself I’d never let anyone hurt me like that again, and I’d do everything I could to stop anyone else suffering the same pain and humiliation. No one deserves to be hurt or made to feel unworthy to satisfy the sick urges of monsters. Rotten people who cause harm to others don’t deserve to taste freedom, only the stagnant air of a cold prison cell.

  It’s now two days after my visit with Aura, and I’m sitting at my desk filing paperwork, having checked in with Nicholas on her case. He was swift to take the lead once he understood why I’d stepped back to assist him instead. For me it’s gotten personal, and I’m way too invested to be able to judge clearly the way forward. Besides, as the more senior of the two of us, it’s my job to delegate sometimes.

  Bringing up the details on the murder-suicide that occurred a few weeks ago, I begin typing up my report. A young woman tortured and killed her brother’s girlfriend after he’d slipped into a coma and died, having come off his motorbike. Something hadn’t added up with the girlfriend’s story about the circumstances around her boyfriend’s accident. The bike he was riding had undergone its yearly service two days prior to his accident and everything was functioning properly. But it was only after his girlfriend had been found dead in her home along with his sister that we received the coroner's report. It stated that many of his injuries were not consistent with a motorcycle accident, they were older.

  I’d been heading over to the property to question the girlfriend again because her alibi didn’t check out. I’d barely reached the end of the street to bring her in for questioning when there was a call on the radio asking for assistance to her address. A neighbor had reported the sound of a gunshot coming from the property. By time I’d pulled up and had gone inside, she was dead and the boyfriend’s sister had committed suicide. The amount of blood and water surrounding them, not to mention the array of tools and other items used as instruments of torture will haunt me forever.

  I’m finalizing my report when my phone rings and an unknown number flashes across the screen. Without hesitating, I answer it. “Officer Brandon, who’s calling?”

  “Derrick? It’s me, Aura. Can you come and get me? It’s David, h-he’s found me. He’s left a note in Hena’s mailbox.”

  “What does it say?”

  Her voice shakes as she reads it out to me, and the words make me both furious and sick to my stomach.

  “Stay inside and lock the door. We’re on our way. Don’t open it for anyone other than me or Hena,” I order, hoping that the bastard left the area after his little delivery.

  Assholes like him shouldn’t be allowed out on bail. Everyone knows what’s likely to happen when they do.

  “Okay,” she answers, her voice still shaking as she hangs up.

  I turn to my partner. “Nicholas, Smythe has made contact with Aura. He’s left a note. We need to fetch it and get it bagged, tagged, and sent to forensics. Let’s see if we can catch the bastard while we’re there. We can nail him for violating his court order.”



  I’m trembling with fear the whole time I’m waiting for Derrick to get here. I did as he said and locked the door, and I’ve already called Hena at her place of work to let her know where I’m going. David wants me, not her, so she should be safe, which is something I won’t be if David catches up to me. The envelope was sitting on the kitchen table when I came down for breakfast. Hena must have brought it in with the rest of the mail. It’s not addressed, but I suppose he could have delivered it last night while we were sleeping.

  I’m not sure how he found me, but I’m also not surprised he did. David is resourceful when he wants something. I just wish it wasn’t me he wanted. His familiar handwriting on the envelope was enough to tell me who the letter was from. I didn’t want to know what it said. I wanted whatever apology or threat he made to stay unread. When I opened it, my stomach revolted and I ran to the toilet, hearing in my mind the threats and hatred spewing from the page as though he’d whispered them in my ear himself. If I hadn’t known this note would be something the police could use against him, I’d have shredded it in Hena’s blender immediately.

  I wish this could all be over so I can be free of the cage David has trapped me in, and I can finally move out of the darkness into the light. I feel as though I’ll be blinded by it when I do escape. It doesn’t take long before I hear the sound of a car braking, and I stealthily peek through the blinds covering the living room window. Seeing that it’s a police car, I feel as though I can finally relax, and my heart stops trying to escape my chest. When I see Derrick get out of the car, followed almost simultaneously by his partner my heart does a funny jolt in my chest.

  Derrick is in his police uniform, and the sunlight glints off the black shades he’s wearing as well as the badge affixed to the breast pocket of his shirt. His skin is darker than mine, and I can't help the fleeting fantasy of wondering how his would look next to my lighter tone. Heat rises in my cheeks; I feel
like a creeper standing here staring at him through a crack in the blinds, thinking of something other than the reason he’s here. His confidence in himself sends a small surge of jealousy through me, even as I admire him. I wish I could feel so comfortable in my own skin.

  It’s been so long since I noticed anyone other than David, and without him towering over me constantly, I’m finally beginning to regain the parts of myself I’d thought I’d lost forever. It’s then I realize, Derrick makes me feel safer than I’ve felt in a long time. Even with the threat of David looming, Derrick’s been able to offer me a sense of security.

  They briefly move out of my line of sight, and even though I’m expecting them, when the doorbell rings, it still manages to make me jump. Living for so long in fear has my nerves shot.

  Re-summoning the feeling of safety I’d just been experiencing, I walk across the living room, enter the hallway, and head to the front door. Unlocking it, I open the door and am greeted by the serious faces of Derrick and his partner. Letting them into the house, I lead them through to the kitchen where I gesture for them to take a seat. Neither of them do.

  “”Miss Castillo, I’m Officer Nicholas Holloway, I’m Officer Brandon’s partner and I’m the one who is now handling your case as I’m sure Derrick has already told you. He’s informed me you called him about a note you’ve received from Mr. Smythe. May I see it please?”

  Nodding, I grab it from the countertop where I left it next to the kettle. I hand it over to Officer Holloway. “Here. I recognized his handwriting on the envelope. It’s, um, it’s not addressed. It just has my name on it. No one apart from Hena and my boss knows I’m here, and they wouldn’t tell anyone. I’m still on sick leave until I’ve recovered enough to return to work.”

  Derrick nods at his partner. Officer Holloway opens the letter carefully, and setting the envelope aside, he angles the paper so they can both see the words David decided were meant for me. After they’ve finished reading, they exchange a loaded glance, and I can see the fury in the tightness of Derrick’s lips and the tension in his shoulders.

  “It’s bad enough knowing he’s out on bail after what he did, but now he’s stalking me as well as threatening me. I just want him gone. I’m sick of feeling so helpless and afraid,” My voice cracks on the last words, and I turn my head so they can’t see the tears forming in my eyes.

  “My offer still stands if you want to come and stay with me, Aura,” Derrick says, his warm, calm voice washes over me, wrapping around me like a blanket.

  “Okay,” I agree, and he looks at me in surprise. I’m guessing he wasn’t expecting me to accept, and truthfully, I’m surprised at myself for agreeing to go with him. I can’t stay here, though.

  “Okay” he mimics, “I still have a few hours left of my shift and we need to get this note processed and sent to forensics to see what they can find. I’ll call you when I get off. Will you be okay until then? Don’t open any doors, or answer calls from him or any unknown numbers,” he warns, and I nod. He smiles at me. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  They let themselves out, taking the letter with them, but I stay seated at the kitchen table long after they’ve left the house with a small smile on my face. It’s the first one I’ve truly felt since I was freed from David’s tyranny. I need to pack my things, not that I have much as I haven’t gone back to the apartment of hell to collect anything. Hena went there while I was in the hospital to grab some of my clothes and a few family photos I wanted.

  A knock at the front door startles me from my musings, and I frown. By the time I get there and peer through the peephole, whoever it was has already gone, but I notice the flag for the mailbox has been raised. It must have been a delivery, and they left it in the box when no one answered. I let out a half-hearted chuckle at my continued jumpiness. When will I be able to breathe again without feeling smothered?

  Shrugging, I check the lock and head back to the kitchen to get a drink before I pack my things. A thunderous bang reaches my ears, coming from the front door, and I yelp in shock. I curse myself for making a noise and then again when I remember I’ve left my phone in the living room. To reach it, I’d have to enter the hallway leading to the front door, and Hena doesn’t have a landline I can use. I’ve no way of calling for help.

  “Aura, I know you’re in there you little bitch. Didn’t I warn you what would happen if you called the cops on me?” David’s falsely calm voice reaches my ears, but I can hear the barely restrained anger that always precedes an outburst, and I shake with terror, momentarily frozen to the spot.

  I can hear him getting closer, and deciding not to wait for him to find me here, I quickly make for the downstairs bathroom that’s at the rear end of the kitchen. I dart inside, closing the door as quietly as possible, and I fumble with the bolt before managing to lock it. He’ll find me, he always does, and he’s already angry because I’ve spoken to the police. He was furious before when he had no reason, now I’ve given him several.



  It feels like I’ve been hiding in this little room for hours, when in reality it’s probably only been maybe ten or fifteen minutes. I can’t hear David in the room beyond, and I’m wondering if it’s worth risking an attempt to escape from the house. I decide doing something is better than remaining in here like a sitting duck, waiting for him to find me. At least if I try, I may be in with a chance. I shove down the niggling voice that sounds like him, telling me I’ll never make it.

  I take a deep breath and brace myself to run. As quietly as I can, I slide the bolt back across and open the door. A scream is ripped violently from my chest when I see David standing on the other side, signature maniacal smirk firmly in place.

  “I was wondering when you’d come out. Why would I waste energy searching the rest of the house or breaking down the door? I knew exactly where you were and that you’d eventually try to run. You always do. Always so predictable.” David sounds calm, but with him, the calmer he seems, the more rage he’s containing. I know I’m about to get a front row seat to one of his outbursts.

  He reaches for me, and I take an automatic step back, but I’m trapped, the same as I’ve always been. I’ll never escape him, no matter how far I run. A part of me wants to give up, but there’s another braver part of me that wants to go down fighting; I just need to dig deep and unearth the courage and strength I’ve long thought dead and buried.

  “No, David. Stop. I don’t want to be with you anymore. Leave this house, and leave me alone.”

  Anger flashes in his eyes, and his lips thin. I make a break for it, trying to run past him but he catches me easily, swinging me back around and into the wall. As my back connects, I gasp in pain, closing my eyes and gritting my teeth to try and bear it. His hand slaps me hard across my face, knocking me off balance, and I stumble sideways away from him. I can taste blood in my mouth from where my cheek hit my teeth. If I can hold on long enough, I can get out of here. I just need to get around him.

  “You’re not going anywhere Aura. How many times am I gonna have to remind you who you belong to, huh? Did you forget the little promise I made to you when you tried to leave before? Am I gonna have to pay your family a visit, or are you gonna start behaving?” he sneers, fisting me by the hair and dragging me upright to face him.

  “Fuck you, David,” I bite out, spitting the blood in his face.

  “Bitch. I’ll make you pay for disrespecting me, but first you’re gonna call your little cop friends and tell them you’re no longer pressing charges. They won’t push if you don’t,” he growls, getting in my face. “Then after that you’re gonna spend the rest of the night making it up to me.”

  “I’m not going to do as you say. You put me in the hospital. How could I ever forgive you? Why would I take you back after that?” I hiss, bringing my knee up to slam into his balls.

  David lets out a yell and throws me across the room in retaliation. I hit the floor, landing on my injured wrist, and everything goes white as bli
nding pain shoots up my arm. When my vision clears, he’s hovering above me with an even uglier look on his face…menace is radiating from him. I sit up and scoot backward, crying at the pressure the movement is putting on my already injured wrist and hand, but desperation is winning. My bones will heal, but I don’t think I’ll survive another attack from David, and I doubt I’ll be lucky enough to have Derrick arrive in time to save my life again.

  He advances on me, and I kick the chair in his direction, but he shoves it aside, unhampered by my miserable attempt to keep him away from me. As quickly as possible, I scramble to my feet and run out into the hallway. The front door is open with the lock hanging broken from it, swaying in the stiff breeze coming through the open doorway.

  I barely make it to the threshold when he wraps his arms around me, and dragging me back inside, he forces me up against the wall. I can’t breathe, and the strain on my ribs from him pinning me makes every breath feel as though I’m being stabbed. He presses the length of his body up against mine, and I cringe as his warm breath blows in my ear.

  “I’ve missed you, Aura. Why don’t I show you how much?”

  I let out a strangled sob that’s cut off when he squashes me harder against the wall. I’ve lost. He’s going to destroy me, and this time I know I won’t survive. When I feel David’s hands on my hips, roaming my body, viciously pinching every soft and fleshy part of me he can reach, I haven’t even got the strength to beg him to stop anymore.


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