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The Demigoddess, the Witch, and the Cheerleader

Page 2

by Hayden Archer

  “I feel like Valerie might need a little assistance,” Venus said.

  “You mean you’re sending me to the mortal world?” Alexis asked.

  The transformation on her face was immediate and astonishing. She went from her shoulders drooping, her head down, her eyes lowered, as though she was expecting some sort of horrible punishment, to looking up with her eyes wide, a smile on her face, and her hands clasped together in front of her. All in the span of a few seconds.

  It looked like somebody was very excited at the prospect of heading to the mortal world for a little while. Come to think of it, judging from the enthusiastic way she’d thrown herself into her role as a party girl when she was still doing my training perhaps going the mortal world was less of a punishment and more of a fun expedition for her after all.

  “Oh yes,” Venus said. “There are going to be all sorts of nasty creatures going after Valerie here. She’s already been the target of a succubus, and she’s currently being chased by a group of humans who have been hit with a zombie charm from a woman who has less than perfect control over some ancient magic. And I anticipate that will be the least nasty of the things going after her in the next few weeks.”

  Once again the transformation was hilarious and immediate. With every new thing that Venus, that my mother, rattled off Alexis seemed to grow more and more terrified. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth was working silently. Apparently the idea of getting hit by a succubus was terrifying enough, but as Venus mentioned the witch and ended with the tidbit about how I was in danger from far more than that, she looked like she was quaking in her shoes. She looked like she wanted to turn and run, as though she was in danger of suddenly getting very ill.

  “Not so excited about going to the mortal world now, are we?” Venus asked.

  “I’ll go wherever I’m needed, goddess,” Alexis said.

  Venus smiled. “I thought you’d say that.”

  She turned to me and her smile turned to a look that I could only describe as pity. And maybe just a hint of amusement.

  “I’m afraid that means it’s time,” she said.

  I took a deep breath. I’d been afraid she was going to say something like that. And yet… I had to admit that there was a part of me that was excited at the prospect of going back. There was a part of me that was ready to take on whatever Professor Jones was going to throw at me. For the first time since I’d first found the medallion and grown this improbable thing between my legs I was starting to feel like I had a fighting chance. There was something about being reassured by a goddess that made everything seem like it was going to be all right.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I said.

  “Hold on a second,” Alexis said.

  “Are you sure?” Venus asked.

  “Not like I have much of a choice,” I said.

  “Can we at least talk about this first maybe?” Alexis asked.

  “In that case it’s time for you to go back,” Venus said. “Best of luck to you, my daughter.”

  “Thanks mom,” I said.

  Venus raised her hands and then I started to feel lightheaded in much the same way as I had earlier when I was on the stairs and the world went all screwy. I felt the same familiar tingle on my arms as the hair stood on end as though there was some sort of static electricity running across my body, and then there was a bright flash of light and I was falling forward towards the stairs.

  Great. I thought she’d said something about how I wouldn’t necessarily be transported back to exactly the spot where I started, and yet here I was lucky enough to get transported straight back to the middle of my fall.

  No, that just wasn’t going to do. After all, I did have the powers of a goddess. A goddess wouldn’t take an unceremonious spill on a staircase like this.

  My hand shot out and I caught myself on the edge of the stairs. I heard a crunch as my hand made contact with the step. I looked down and was surprised to see that the stone step had indentations on it where my hand made contact. And some of the stone was flaking and crumbling away under my hand.

  Okay, so that was definitely new.

  “Valerie! What the hell are you doing?”

  I followed the sound of the scream to the top of the stairs where they curved around to go up to the second floor. Cara stood there staring down at me, worry plain on her face, and she was looking behind me as well. I turned and saw the same group of four students, three girls and one guy, moving towards me. They even had their arms outstretched like a classic zombie movie.

  Well, we couldn’t have that. So Professor Jones thought she could use magic? She thought that she was tough? Time to show her what it meant to go against a demigoddess who just realized that she was a hell of a lot more powerful than originally assumed.


  I held out my hand and my power sprang forth without thought this time. I didn’t even need to wait until I was aroused. It just sprang to life, and lashed out towards the four people approaching me. I could sense the power flying out from my body, slamming against the four of them, and each of them stumbled back as though they’ve been hit by a physical blow. In addition to falling back, a purple sparkly hazy mist flew out behind them, and then a moment later that mist disappeared as though blowing away on some unseen wind.

  I grinned. Yeah, time to have some fun.

  “Where is Professor Jones?” I asked.

  Only it didn’t look like any of the people who’d been coming for me were in any sort of state to answer a question. Two of the girls were making out with one another against the wall, and the guy was busy kissing his way down the front of the third girl who was moaning enthusiastically.

  All three of them were completely and utterly preoccupied with one another, completely and utterly preoccupied with lust coursing through their bodies. My power was still connected to them, and the only thing I could sense from them was a singular and overwhelming urge to fuck.

  Okay, so maybe I hit them a little hard. My bad. I was still getting used to this power, after all.

  “Holy shit,” I heard of from beside me.

  I turned and smiled at Alexis who was staring with open astonishment at the four people who were now sinking down to the ground. Yeah, so I definitely just created the beginnings of a half decent orgy right here in the stairwell. Something told me that wasn’t the first time something like that was going to happen before I found Professor Jones.

  “Occupational hazard, apparently,” I said.

  “But you just hit four people! That’s impossible!”

  I smiled. “I’m just getting started.”

  I felt the medallion pulsing in between my cleavage. And that was fine with me. I was going to need every ounce of help I could get from the thing before this was over. Sure it didn’t seem like Professor Jones was very good at this whole ancient magic thing, sure it seemed like I could overtake her with sheer brute force, but at the same time she had more experience than I did. That had to count for something. I always hated it in books and movies when somebody who just discovered some new magic power was able to instantly and easily defeat anyone else who’d been using that magic for years, no matter how powerful the person who just did the discovering was.

  No, it would definitely pay to proceed with caution.

  I took a step towards the door, but a voice from behind me stopped me.

  “Watch out!”

  I whirled around, but I only had time for impressions. Somebody in a tank top and shorts coming at me. Brunette. Then a flash of red. The brunette in that tank top who’d been trying to bum rush me we went flying back in the opposite direction. Then Felicia was standing in front of me in her own tank top and short shorts, her chest heaving in a most delicious way that made it clear she wasn’t wearing a bra, and looking at me with a wry smile.

  “I knew you’d get in trouble without me,” she said.

  I shrugged and grinned. Felicia looked over my shoulder and down at the four people who were writhing on the floor. I turned
and looked myself. At this point clothes were starting to come off, and they were going from the makings of a half decent orgy to one hellacious orgy very quickly. I grimaced as I thought of trying to have sex on that hard dirty floor.

  “I see you’ve been at work here,” Felicia said.

  I looked over her shoulder to the girl who was moaning on the floor, clutching at her midsection. It didn’t look like she was seriously hurt, but still, it couldn’t have been much fun to get smacked by a demigoddess like that.

  “I think my way is a lot more humane than yours,” I said with a smile.

  Felicia shrugged. “We work with the tools we have. Now we need to get the hell out of here. I understand there’s a crazy sorceress somewhere on the premises.”

  “I’m not sure if I’d call her a crazy sorceress. More like a second rate bargain-basement witch playing with powers she doesn’t understand,” I said.

  “Either way, we need to get the hell out of here,” Felicia said.

  “I’m with the redhead,” Alexis said.

  Felicia seemed to notice Alexis standing there for the first time. She was no longer in her robes. Instead she wore the same clubbing outfit she’d had on earlier. The same outfit I’d had so much fun getting her out of. I smiled thinking back to that experience.

  “Who’s she?” Felicia asked.

  “Long story,” I said. “I’ll tell you later.”

  “Whatever,” Felicia said. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Only I didn’t turn and follow her to the exit. Sure, I could’ve gotten out of there. But I just wouldn’t feel right leaving an entire class under Professor Jones’ thrall. Plus, at this point I had a real ax to grind with the bitch. I was going to show her what it meant to mess with me. What it meant to mess with the daughter of a goddess.

  I started up the stairs. I had a pretty good idea of where she’d be waiting for me.

  “Um, Valerie?” Felicia said.

  “You’re going the wrong way, Valerie!” Alexis said.

  “No I’m not,” I said.

  Cara was staring at me wide-eyed as I stalked up the stairs. I was a new woman, and it looked like she was seeing me in a completely new light as I brushed past her. She didn’t make any move to follow me, and I couldn’t say that I blame her. I glanced down the stairs as I rounded on my way up to the second floor. Felicia was following with Alexis close behind her.

  Cara looked to them, back to me, and she hesitated as though she was trying to decide whether or not she should follow. I could understand where she was coming from. On the one hand there were crazy people throughout the building looking for us, but on the other hand it seemed like even crazier things seemed to happen wherever I was.

  “Stay right here Cara,” I said. “You should be okay as long as I’m not with you.”

  Tension seemed to drain out of her shoulders as I reassured her that she could stay put. That she’d be safe as long as she wasn’t around me.

  “Valerie!” Felicia said. “What do you think you’re doing? You can’t take on a sorceress!”

  “Watch me,” I said.

  I threw the doors to the second floor open and stepped into the hall. Just as I expected, there were several classmates waiting on either end of the hall. They turned and blinked in surprise as I stepped out of the stairwell. Obviously they weren’t expecting me to return to the belly of the beast so quickly, to voluntarily put myself closer to Professor Jones and her crazy magic.

  They only hesitated for an instant though. Then they were running down the hall towards me, yelling at the top of their lungs. I closed my eyes, smiled, and reached out to either end of the hallway with my power. I felt seven of them on either side, and then I could also feel Felicia and Alexis as they came through the stairs. And a third. I smiled. Apparently Cara decided it was safer close to me after all.

  I only brushed across Felicia. I still had our promise to each other to keep in mind, and I didn’t bother with Alexis or Cara. Instead I pushed out in both directions with my power and felt it slam against the seven people running towards us. I opened my eyes and looked at my handiwork. Again they were all on the floor, writhing in a pile of bodies grinding against one another. Only I didn’t stop to look at what was happening this time. I just watched them long enough to see the pinkish sparkling mist of Professor Jones’ magic flying out from their bodies and blowing away on that nonexistent wind.

  Good. Hopefully she felt every one of those. Hopefully she was quaking in her high heels in the classroom I was about to enter.

  Speaking of entering the classroom, I decided to do it with a little bit of style. I started down the hallway, careful to step around the writhing bodies there, and turned to make sure Felicia, Cara, and Alexis were following me. Not that I particularly cared whether or not they followed me, but I figured they’d be safer if they stayed close by.

  I reached the door to the classroom. Closed. Instead of reaching out to turn the doorknob the old-fashioned way, I reached out with my power and felt along the door. It was similar to what I’d felt in the Hall of the Gods, but also different somehow. It felt firmer, more substantial, more real. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to affect things as easily here, but I figured I’d try. So I pushed out again, and I was gratified to see not only did the door fly open, but it flew open with so much power that it ripped off the hinges and went flying to the back of the room where it slammed against the stadium seats along the back end of the lecture hall.

  I smiled. That was fun. I stepped into the classroom confident, poised, and turned to regard Professor Jones with a raised eyebrow.

  Only Professor Jones wasn’t looking at me. No, she was staring intently at the door that had just gone flying across the room. She had a sickly look on her face, her body drained of all color, and I could only imagine what was going through her mind. Yeah, she bit off a bit more than she could chew.

  She turned and opened her mouth to say something, but I didn’t give her a chance. I lashed out with my power again and slammed into her with everything that I had.

  Only this time it was like hitting a brick wall. No, hitting the brick wall would have been a more pleasant experience. This was like slamming full speed into a wall with no seatbelt on. It hurt, and I almost went tumbling back, though I did manage to maintain my composure.

  I was pleased to see Professor Jones did take a couple of stumbling steps back, but there weren’t the telltale signs of her magic leaving her body. Come to think of it, since she was the one casting the spell I wasn’t sure if it would even work that way. So I reached out and brushed against her with my power more subtly this time.

  She slapped around her body as though she was being annoyed by a buzzing fly, but I persisted. There was a something odd around her. She had the same feeling as the others who were under the sway of her spell, the same feeling I got from that pink sparkling mist, only it felt much more powerful with her. As though it was going to take a lot more than just lashing out with my power to separate her from her magic.

  “You aren’t going to stop me,” she said.

  I watched her closely. Her breath was coming in ragged gasps. I could feel a mixture of confusion and lust broiling in her mind. Okay, so maybe I hadn’t hit her hard enough to dislodge whatever magic she was using, but apparently the side effect of my little love power was doing its work on her regardless. I could see all of the classic signs already. Even as she was telling me I wouldn’t be able to defeat her she was looking me up and down in the same way that Stacy had. In the same way that Kirsten had. The same as Cara, Felicia, Alexis.

  I smiled. Okay, so I wasn’t powerful enough to get rid of her little magic spell when I was working on my own. So what did I do? Time to recharge of the old batteries a bit by getting turned on. Really turned on. And as I looked at her, saw her checking me out, I realized that I had the perfect candidate right here in the room with me.

  I was the very picture of confidence as I walked across the room. Professor Jones ba
cked up until she was against the desk, but I didn’t let up. I moved forward until I was pressing against her, my arms to either side of her on the desk as I moved in my face mere inches from hers.

  “I can’t stop you, huh?”

  “You…” Professor Jones shook her head as though she was trying to clear something away. I knew exactly what was going on, but I wasn’t going to let up. I pressed out with my power again, only this time I kept it up in a steady push instead of the strong single blast that I’d used before. Her mouth opened wide, although she didn’t have that slack-jawed stare that I’d seen with others when I used my power on them.

  Still, I could tell she was starting to give in to her lust. It was odd, but I could feel that there was already an attraction there even without my power. It was as though what I did only amplified existing feelings. I didn’t think it’d work on someone who wasn’t attracted to someone at all. Still, it was working on Professor Jones which was all I cared about in the moment.

  “Why aren’t you stopping me?” I asked.


  “You don’t want to?”


  I didn’t know what was going to come after that, but I figured I wasn’t going to give her a chance to finish the sentence regardless. It was time for action. Not time for talking. So I took action. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers, and I felt her sigh and melt against me as I pressed my rock hard cock in between her legs.

  She scooted back until she was sitting on the edge of the desk, and I continued pressing my cock into her, grinding against her, grinding against her pussy, as my lips pressed against hers.

  I looked over my shoulder to where Cara, Alexis, and the Felicia were staring at me, wide-eyed. I gestured for them to come over and join me.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Professor Jones asked, her head darting back and forth between the four of us, her eyes wide, but at the same time her mouth hanging open as she took a deep gasping breaths. I could feel from my connection that she was far more turned on than worried.


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