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Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)

Page 14

by Allison Smith

  “Stop staring,” she snapped, her eyes never leaving the book in her hands.

  “But I like what I see,” Adam said. He was trapped in a Catch-22. She was only there to keep him from getting distracted from his work, but how could he even begin to concentrate when all he thought about was taking her right there on the oak table. Leaning forward, he reached to pull her book away. “How about a little break?”

  “No.” Her words were sharp as she slapped at his hands. “You know you don’t get that until our work is done.”

  Adam laughed. “I wasn’t talking about that,” he mocked. “Just a break. Come on, if I stare at this computer any longer, I’ll go cross-eyed.”

  “Liar. You’ve been staring at me this whole time.” The disapproval in her voice was betrayed by the smile on her face. “You know, you’ll never become a … whatever it is you plan on doing with your business degree if you’re always looking for distractions. How about thirty more minutes?”

  She was always pushing him to work for just a few more minutes. Maybe that’s why he liked her so much. Every other woman he was ever with would break to his will with one crack of that Beaumont smile. Not Clara. She challenged him. Anyone else could say those words and he would brush it off. When Clara said it, he actually wanted to give in. That, and he loved their teasing banter. She was clever in ways he never imagined.

  But today his mind was everywhere else but homework. Ignoring her suggestion about working longer, he said, “I’ll take over the family name.”

  “Huh?” The look on her face screamed confusion. They were clearly on different pages.

  “That’s what I’m going to do with my business degree,” he said. Clara set her book to the side. A small, victorious smile crossed Adam’s lips. “Our family owns a lot more than the college. We have partnerships with other companies, most of which are in Benson. We also have investments and own a good number of stocks. And one day it will be up to me to keep it all going.”

  “Wow. Does that mean you’ll be the dean one day?” It sounded like a tease, but there was a spark of interest in her brown eyes.

  “No. Not if I don’t want to. Some Beaumonts took a more passive role on the Board of Education. I probably will too.”

  Clara leaned forward, resting her chin in her palm. “How come?”

  Adam resisted the urge to pull her across the table and into his lap. Instead, he replied, “Not my thing. My great grandfather founded the college because he loved education. When my grandmother took over, she hired someone to be the dean.”

  “And then she fell in love with him,” Clara finished.

  It was Adam’s turn to be interested. His eyes narrowed as he teased, “Looking up my family history?”

  “No!” Her cheeks flushed. “Well … kind of. But that was before I met you. Of course, I’m going to check out the history of the college I’m attending.”

  Her voice was defensive which only made Adam laugh harder. “What else do you know?”

  “Just that after your father graduated, he taught here before taking over as dean when your grandpa passed,” she replied, her cheeks suddenly turning a darker shade.

  Adam nodded, amused. “My mother taught here too.” Suddenly, the distant memories came soaring back, stories about his parents he hadn’t thought about in years. A brief frown wrinkled his features before he broke out in laugher.

  Clara jumped at the abrupt sound. “What’s so funny?”

  “She was his T.A. during his first year teaching. That’s when they fell in love.” He made a mental note to give his mother hell about it later. “They didn’t get married until after she graduated. Had me about ten months later.”

  “Jeez, is this school some kind of matchmaking service for your family?”

  Adam was caught off guard, almost falling out of his chair with laughter. He’d never saw it like that, but she had a point. The last few generations of Beaumonts found their other half here. It was probably because they spent so much time on campus. He thought about his family. Each marrying someone they hired. What was with his family going after what they shouldn’t have?

  Smiling, he said, “Well, sweetheart, if I were you, I’d be careful. You might end up with a Beaumont.”

  Her face flushed scarlet. “We are not together.”

  Despite the rumors flooding the campus, Clara refused to acknowledge they were the University’s hottest couple. At least he didn’t have to lie to his mother. Sure there were some technicalities there, but if Clara was denying all titles than who could argue differently?

  His mother taught him long ago that wherever a Beaumont went, gossip would follow. So who would Angela Beaumont believe? The rumors she taught her son to ignore? Or Clara, the girl with an honorable reputation and full scholarship for being an exceptional student? Rumors didn’t stand a chance.

  It should have been music to his ears, but for some reason, it wasn’t. For someone who was adamant in letting him know she wasn’t like the others he’d been with, she didn’t push a relationship like Adam had expected. He’d never wanted a relationship before. Clara knew that. Hell, everyone who attended the university knew that. So why did it bother him so much when Clara said the exact words he loved hearing every female say?

  He tried to hide the irritation in his tone as he said, “I know. But you could always fall for one of my cousins.”

  Clara looked surprised. “You have cousins here?”

  “Yeah, two. One is getting his masters and the other will be here next year. Want me to set you up?”

  “No. I don’t need you to play wingman.” Clara’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. “So how come I’ve never met them?”

  A smug smile filled his face as he replied, “Because we’re not together.”

  He meant it as a snide remark, but something flashed in Clara’s gorgeous brown eyes that sent all of Adam’s blood flowing south. Maybe it was the way he’d echoed her previous words. Maybe it was the challenge he presented. Whatever the reason, Adam couldn’t tear his eyes away from the hunger in her stare.

  She wasn’t just the woman to take home to mom. She was a temptress and a lady. A woman who was sweet one moment and untamed the next.

  Maybe that’s why Adam was becoming so addicted to this vixen. His mind replayed the memory from last night when she masterfully turned an innocent joke about good hygiene into a steamy bubble bath built for two. He was hard just thinking about the feel of her soft skin lathered in soap. Teasing her with more than the top of the line jets. Always so responsive to his touch.

  Damn her.

  “So,” Adam began, deepening his voice to call the little temptress forward. “How about that break?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The memory of Adam teasing her in the beautiful library of his home was stuck on repeat. Clara didn’t know how long she sat staring at the same page of her favorite book. Luckily, Rose was too distracted with an assignment to notice.

  Let go, Adam’s whispered words still echoed in her ear. Like a moth to a flame, she had obeyed, letting Adam pull her to him right there on his chair. She wasn’t sure if she would ever tire of feeling his skin against hers. She loved his touch, teasing her, taunting her, lifting her to the table. She felt like a wild woman with nothing but the sea of books to hear her lose herself to him. Clara’s mind was ready to drift further into her little fantasy when obnoxious pounding sounded from the door.

  “Hold your horses!” Rose yelled as she pushed away from her desk and bounced to the door. “I swear, if you break our door down I’ll—”

  Her threat was interrupted as Luke swept her up into a long kiss.

  “Or you’ll what?” Luke countered, pulling away.

  Clara could feel her heart beginning to race as she watched Adam slip past the couple who bickered over Rose’s toughness.

  “What are you doing here?” Clara asked, praying he couldn’t read where her naughty thoughts had been. Eyeing him
carefully, she knew the boys were up to something. Maybe it was the mischievous look on their faces or the little pink striped bag in Adam’s grasp. Either way, they weren’t to be trusted.

  Adam fell to her side. His arm rested on the back of the futon, trapping her between his hip and the pink material. “We’ve decided to kidnap you.”

  “You know, you’re not supposed to tip off your victims. Gives them a chance to run.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried.” The heat in his bluish eyes made every inch of her skin tingle.

  Adam wasted no time in pulling her lips to his. Her fingers trailed along the edge of his jaw. He’d shaved today, but Clara could feel the subtle prickle of hairs growing in. She loved the scratch of his stubble that lingered long after the kiss ended. Tonight was no different. The kiss lasted no more than a few seconds, and yet it held the power to send all her nerves humming. Damn. The man had a dangerous way of making Clara feel alive.

  “Alright, love birds,” Luke interrupted. “Are we going out or what?”

  Rose sounded panicked as she asked, “Out? But I have to finish my assignment.”

  As the grand debate began over whether or not Rose needed a break, Clara’s thoughts shifted to Luke’s words. Love birds? No.

  No, no, no.

  She would never call what they had love. One day she would find that guy she was meant to love, but Adam wasn’t it. Everyone knew that. He was bound for either many wives or many affairs. Probably both.

  But Clara wouldn’t allow herself to fall for him that way. She wouldn’t even allow Adam to say they were together. She knew it was foolish, but if she took the title away than she could at least remind her heart that there was nothing to cry over when everything came crashing down. Clara needed some fun in her life and that’s all Adam was, lots and lots of fun.

  “Fine.” Rose relented. “We’ll go to the party. But I don’t have anything green to wear for St. Patty’s.”

  “I do!” Clara jumped from the futon and rushed to her side of the closet. It was a rare moment that Rose didn’t have the perfect outfit and Clara did. She wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity. Reaching for the green dress, she said, “It’s actually Harper’s. She forgot it when she came to visit, but I know she wouldn’t mind.”

  Rose held the dress up for inspection. “It’s perfect. But are you sure you don’t want to wear it?”

  “Positive.” Clara smiled. After the last fight Adam got into, she had no plans to wear anything that showed off her legs.

  “Great,” Luke said. “We’ll be down at my dorm. You have thirty minutes or we’re dragging you out as is.”

  Rose playfully swiped at him, but he pulled her into a goodbye kiss with ease. Adam chose that moment to slip the little pink bag into Clara’s hands.

  “I got you something,” he whispered. “Maybe I’ll even get to see it tonight.”

  With a quick wink, he was out the door with Luke trailing behind. Clara didn’t dare to look in the bag with Rose there. Knowing Adam, it was bound to be something she wouldn’t want to broadcast, even to her friend.

  “Looks like we’re going out,” Rose said with a smile.

  Without discussion, they blasted their radio and searched their closets for the right accessories. Clara escaped to the bathroom to open her gift. Her face flushed scarlet as she held up the lingerie. Red lace.

  Should have known, she laughed to herself. Feeling bold, she accepted Adam’s challenge and slipped into his little gift. But she wasn’t going to make it easy for him. If he wanted her, he would have to go through more than her dark jeans and modest green top.

  * * *

  Clara and Rose danced their way through the sea of green bodies that filled the party home. Reaching the guys, Clara beamed as she accepted another drink from Adam. She was pacing herself. Tonight was about having fun.

  “I don’t like you cooped up,” Adam had teased when they left the dorms hours ago. He was right. The last few weeks she and Rose had locked themselves away. Midterms were around the corner and two of her professors were giving exams right before spring break.

  Clara didn’t want to admit it, but she was nervous. The year was flying by too fast. She still wasn’t sure which direction her life was headed. With her smarts, the possibilities were virtually endless, but she had yet to find her niche in life. At least not one that would help her father pull out of the financial slump they faced. But with Adam she felt free from all of that.

  “What?” he asked when he realized Clara was still smiling up at him.

  She shook her head, still beaming. “Just admiring you.”

  “Oh yeah?” Placing his hand on Clara’s hip, he backed them into the crowd of dancing drunks. It felt so natural. And watching him attempt to sing the words like a pop queen sent her into a fit of giggles.

  The attraction between them was unlike any other. He made her feel strong. Carefree. Wild, even. Under his gaze, she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world, and that was more addictive than any buzz.

  Pushing him away, Clara danced out of his embrace, enjoying the faux pout on his face. Raising her eyebrow, she shook her empty cup at him. Another contagious smile flashed on her face as Adam mouthed the words, “Hurry back” and continued to shake his ass like a pop star. Rose and Luke broke their own embrace to join Adam’s private dance party.

  Clara laughed her way to the keg. Distracted by her good mood, Clara didn’t realize Luke had joined her, two cups in hand.

  “Is he always that silly in public?” Clara asked, glancing over at Adam who spun Rose in a circle.

  Luke chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. “Sometimes. Depends on who he’s with.”

  The knowing look in Luke’s brown eyes had Clara holding her breath. “Don’t read too much into it,” she warned. “We’re not dating.”

  “Uh-huh.” Luke’s eyebrow rose in challenge. Reaching to fill Clara’s cup, he replied, “Well, you two not dating is the happiest I’ve seen him in a long time.”

  Clara almost snorted. A spoiled heir with virtually no rules to live by and this was the happiest he’d been? “I doubt it.”

  Luke glanced around the room before leaning in to hand her back her cup. “There’s a lot you still don’t know about him. Things he doesn’t like to talk about.”

  Well, that sparked her interest.

  Staying on his heels, she asked, “Like what?”

  The speed at which he stopped and turned almost had Clara crashing into his chest. “Look, I shouldn’t have said anything, but you needed to know that this isn’t just some fling. Even if he says differently.”

  “Yeah right,” she scoffed. “Everyone knows—”

  “They don’t know shit. They don’t know who he was before all this,” he replied. His voice trailed off as he turned to rejoin their group. She swore she heard him mutter, “Before Vivian,” but with the pounding bass, it was hard to be sure.

  The moment Clara was within reach, Adam pulled her back into a dance. Luke’s words spun around her head. She didn’t want them there. She just wanted to have fun, but the curiosity was killing her. She wanted to know this man Luke spoke of with such certainty.

  “Ready to get out of here?” Adam whispered in her ear, sending wonderful chills down her spine.

  They were just the words she wanted to hear. All it took was one nod and he whisked them both out of the party. She tried to keep the upper hand, but his constant teasing on the mile walk back to his home was making it extremely difficult.

  Everyone had a past. She knew that. What she didn’t realize was just how much she wanted to know about Adam’s. That was until Luke brought it up. But how was she supposed to get him to open up without ruining the moment? She knew he was more apt to talk after a few drinks, but she didn’t want to say the wrong thing and make him shut down on her.

  There was so much she did not know about him. It was her own fault. When they were alone, their mouths were doing anything but
talking. Now she wanted both. Especially when he was kissing her before they even made it in the door. The house was empty, but that didn’t mean she wanted to do things right there in the foyer.

  Breaking out of the kiss, Clara spotted the open door to the billiard room. An idea sparked in the back of her mind. It was worth a shot. If she wanted him to talk, she would have to keep him happy, and right now, every gorgeous inch of him was ready to burst with happiness.

  Calling her seductress forward, she slipped out of his arms.

  “How about a game?” she said as she sashayed towards the room. She tried her best to appear sexy. Seductive. She sent out a silent prayer, hoping she didn’t look foolish in her attempt. Keeping her head high, she glided forward and listened for his heavy footsteps to follow.

  Chapter Eighteen

  There was a moment of mixed curiosity and desire that washed over Adam as he watched Clara walk towards the room. Something ignited the temptress in her and Adam was definitely interested in finding out what was going on in that beautiful head of hers. Closing the door behind him, Adam turned just as Clara sauntered back with two pool sticks.

  Enjoying the switch in power, he asked, “What are the stakes?”

  “I want to get to know you better.” With a casual shrug, she asked, “How about we play for questions? Sink a shot, ask a question.”

  He eyed her carefully, not trusting her intentions. She wants to talk? Why? He thought his intentions were pretty clear in the foyer. He was ready to object when her free hand slid down his chest and over the front of his jeans.

  With the skill of a veteran charmer, Clara shamelessly added, “Oh, and there are no rules about distractions.”

  Never had he been so interested in a game of pool. Even when he had big money riding on the table. Racking the balls, he lifted the triangle and asked, “Ladies first?”


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