The Virgin's Contract

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The Virgin's Contract Page 131

by Angela Blake

  So that was the accent he had detected earlier. It made him homesick to hear his accent, and he wondered how he hadn’t seen it before. Anyone who is familiar with Scotland would know that the journalist in front of him is a pure Scots woman with her fiery red hair and freckles. He supposed it was considered by some to be a stereotype, but it was still true.

  “Aye, a fellow Scot, I see,” he titled his head in acknowledgement thinking that he was suddenly going to enjoy seducing her so much more. He could tell that she was shy, and a bit inexperienced around men who were forward, but he could easily overcome that.

  He knew exactly how to get under her skin.

  He gave her a pleasant smile as he gestured towards the notebook. “So what other questions do you have?”

  “What? Oh, right, yeah. Was it a big adjustment for you moving from Scotland to America?”

  “Well, it was at first. America is a far cry from Scotland, but I think I’m adjusting just fine. Everyone has been so warm and inviting.”

  He watched as she swallowed.

  So she had understood his dirty reference. Not so innocent after all. There was a dirty mind underneath that exterior, he could tell, and he wanted to unwrap it like one unwraps a Christmas gift.

  “It’s great that they were so accommodating, and were you worried about being the only Scot on the team?”

  “I’m not the only non-American on this team, so that definitely helped.”

  “I assume you’re referring your teammate Lucas Ramirez, the Spaniard?”

  “That’s right.”

  “So you two are close? Best mates you would say?” She chewed on her bottom lip as she jotted down notes in cursive handwriting.

  David watched her lips wondering how they’d feel on his, or how they’d feel nibbling on his ear. He’d bet she was a good kisser. He could see she gave whatever she was doing 100%, and he wondered if that translated to the bedroom as well.

  He was hoping he’d find out soon.

  “Yeah, best mates.” He grinned at the use of the term ‘mate’ but shrugged it off. He ran his hands through his hair causing little rivulets of water to cascade down his face and all the way down his chest.

  The redheaded journalist watched in silent fascination as the water trailed down his chest, drawing attention to the smooth hair on his stomach and disappearing behind the towel that barely covered his lower half because of his Scottish genes. Scottish men were usually big in size, so most men’s clothes didn’t do him very well, and towels were no exception.

  But that also meant he was well endowed in other places. Something the women he was with often commented on.

  “Like what you see?” he asked casually as he watched her freeze like a deer caught in the headlights. She flushed down to her roots, making her face turn a cute shade of red that David found strangely attractive. He wasn’t usually a fan of blushing since it always felt fake to him, but for some reason, on her it looked very sexy.

  She cleared her throat and gave him a weak smile. “Anyway,” she pointedly ignored his question as she straightened her back and attempted to look serious by pursing her lips. “It says here your parents are half and half.”

  “On my mother’s side, she had a little bit of American and German blood, but my dad was a pure Scot.”

  “That explains your name. It’s purely American.”

  “My mother swore that if my dad named me Hamish or Fergus, she’d whack him over the head with a frying pan and never again let him into her bed.”

  A snort escaped her lips as she chuckled quietly to herself. “Your mum sounds like quite the character.”

  David scratched his chin thoughtfully as he smiled to himself over a private memory. “She is.”

  “They both still live in Scotland?”

  “Of course. They’ve got highlander blood in their veins which means Scotland will always call out to them.”

  The redhead dropped her pen, and as she bent over to pick it up, David got a glimpse of her breasts. She was wearing a lacy red bra with black trimmings, and he pictured flinging that bra off and burying himself in between her breasts.

  He felt himself harden, and he shifted so she wouldn’t notice.

  He didn’t want her to know just yet because if she did, it would just ruin the foreplay. He liked to take his time with women, but damn if the sight of her on her knees on the floor looking for the pen didn’t make him think of all sort of dirty things he wanted to do to her, and have her do to him.

  He saw the pen near his foot and tried to bend over to pick it up, but he knew that if he did, the towel would fall off, and he’d be left exposed. He normally wouldn’t mind, but he had a feeling if that happened now, she’d scurry off in fear.

  He had to get her to relax first.

  “It’s over here,” he said gruffly as he tried to think of other thoughts, non-sexual thoughts to get his hard on to be less prominent.

  She crawled towards him and grabbed the pen. When she looked up at him, she accidentally got a peek up his towel, and she turned a deep shade of red and hastened backwards.

  “Well, um, I, um,” she leapt to her feet and keep a few feet between them as she let her hair curtain her face. She pulled on the edge of her shirt to try to get her body temperature to go down. “Bit hot in here, isn’t it?”

  “Scorching,” he agreed mildly. She gave him a look that let him know she knew exactly what he was talking about.

  She wiped her palms on the edge of her pants and took off her glasses. She used the edge of her shirt to clean them, and when she looked back up, he was startled once again by the color of her eyes. He couldn’t decide if she looked sexier with or without the glasses.

  Chapter 4

  “What about family Mr. Westley, we spoke about your parents. Any siblings?”

  “It’s David,” he said in exasperation. “And I’ve got two. A brother, and a sister. My sister is younger, she’s a teacher back in Scotland, and my brother is a year older than I am, he works somewhere in the Middle East as an archaeologist.”

  “All three of you are as diverse as they get,” she commented as one hand toyed with a loose strand of hair. She twirled it around her finger. “A lot of our readers sent in this question, and sometimes we have to oblige and keep the masses happy, so you’ll forgive me if this question is too personal.” She grimaced and hesitated before she scrunched up her nose. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  David gave her a half smile. “No girlfriend, no.”

  “Really? That’s surprising.” She tilted her head. “Boyfriend then?”

  David nearly choked on his own saliva as he guffawed and began slapping his leg. If she knew what was going through his brain right now, and pretty much every moment since she walked in, she would not have asked that question. “Not that there’s anything wrong with liking guys, but I really don’t. I like women, warm, soft, nice smelling, subtle, voluptuous, spry women.”

  “Why don’t you have a girlfriend then?”

  He took a step closer, so she was forced to take a step backwards till her back hit the lockers. She stared at him, lust and desire battling with confusion in her gray eyes. His mouth dropped to her lips. “I like to sample different flavors.”

  “Women aren’t ice cream, you know,” she pointed out.

  “True,” he agreed. “But they are so much better. Women are something you should really take your time exploring, each one of them is different, even if outwardly they look the same, but mannerisms and such, they’re very different. They even smell different.”

  He reached out to touch her shoulder, and he placed one hand there, slowly as light as a feather. He waited to see if she would push his hand off or shove him away, to let him know that she didn’t want him because he might be insanely attracted to her right now, but he would never force himself on a woman.

  She tensed for a minute before her muscles quivered and relaxed. She sighed deeply. “And you know all this
because you’re a womanizer.” It was more of a statement than a question, but David frowned as he began to rub her shoulders slightly causing a ripple of goosebumps to break out across her collarbone.

  “Womanizer has such negative connotations; no I prefer the term well versed in women.”

  She laughed, a deep throaty chuckle. “That’s a rather long term that refers to the same thing.”

  David stopped rubbing her shoulders, and he could see the disappointment flicker in her eyes, but she tried to hide it by giving him a small smile. “It’s really not the same thing.”

  “Would you care to elaborate on that Mr. Westley?”

  He gave her a pleasant smile as his fingers went back to deftly massaging her shoulders. His finger inched its way underneath her shirt till it came into contact with her skin, and once again he waited to see if she would push him off.

  One again she didn’t. He made eye contact with her silently asking her if this was okay. She gave him a small imperceptible nod, where if not for her slight quiver he wouldn’t have been able to tell she was nervous at all.

  “Womanizers go through women like it’s a sale or something. I really don’t have a better way to describe it. They don’t appreciate the process, the subtle art of seduction, and they definitely don’t appreciate the wide array of women available, and how each and every one of them is different enough to be enjoyed separately.”

  “That sounds like utter bullshit,” she challenged.

  One eyebrow went up in amusement as a laugh escaped his lips. “Well, well, well look who has a fire within them. I knew it was lurking somewhere behind those sexy librarian glasses, and those intelligent gray eyes.”

  She straightened her spine as she tried not to react to his finger on her bra strap. “Mr. Westley, are you trying to seduce me?”

  David’s finger dipped over the swell of her breast causing her breath to hitch in her throat. “Trying would imply that there is a percentage of failure involved. I don’t try Ms.” David paused as he gave her a rueful smile. “I’m half naked, soon to be fully naked, and you will be too, so don’t you think it’s better we were acquainted with each other on a first name basis?”

  The redhead raised an eyebrow. “What on earth makes you think that I will be fully naked? Mr. Westley, I am a professional journalist.”

  “Of course, you are, I never meant to imply otherwise, but given that there is nobody else here, and it’s just you and me, and I want nothing more than to thrust into you so hard, you won’t be able to stand, don’t you think it would be a shame not to indulge?”

  Her face turned a crimson red as her mouth opened and closed like a fish gaping. David waited patiently for her to make up her mind as he held himself as still as a statue.

  “It’s Coira,” she said finally. “But I really don’t think we should.”

  “Coira.” The name rolled off his tongue, and it triggered something in his mind, but he pushed it to the back of his head. “Why do you think we shouldn’t?”

  “It’s called professional integrity. What kind of journalist would I be if I slept with the person I’m interviewing?”

  “You can easily separate the two. I’m the person you happen to be interviewing yes, but I’m also the person you’re wildly attracted to, and I can tell that you want to jump my bones.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  He leaned closer and nuzzled her neck and began to kiss it gently causing her to lean into him and begin to take heavy breaths. He pressed his lips over her pressure point. “This is what makes me think that,” He murmured against her skin. “If you didn’t want me as badly as I want you or more than then your heart wouldn’t be racing a million miles a minute right now.”

  “I suppose so,” she conceded as she swallowed heavily.

  He lowered her shirt on the left side and began to kiss her collarbone as he lowered her bra strap.

  “It still doesn’t make it right,” she choked out, her voice tinged with barely concealed lust and desire.

  “Right and wrong is relative, don’t you think? Why should something that feels so good” His finger slipped inside her bra and flicked her nipple. She jerked at his touch, and he could smell her arousal making him instantly hard again.

  “Be wrong?” he finished as he lowered the other side of her shirt and the other bra strap.

  “I see your point,” she panted finally as she pressed herself closer to him. He kicked her legs open and stood between them letting his bugle press against her center.

  Her widened in surprise as she gazed at him from behind her glasses. He reached over and carefully removed her glasses and placed them in her bag. “Wouldn’t want those sexy glasses of yours to break.”

  “No, we definitely wouldn’t want that,” she agreed as he slipped her shirt off. He threw it somewhere in the room and paused to admire her creamy complexion. Her breasts were just as he imagined, better even, not too big and not too small, just the right size.

  He reached behind her back and undid the bra straps, so that her breasts sprang free. She blushed as her arms automatically went up to cover her breasts. He gently disentangled her hands. “Don’t do that. They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

  Coira gave him an amused smile. “Sure you aren’t just saying that to get me to give in faster?”

  David looked at her for a moment, studying her seriously. “I don’t do that, Coira. I’m not that type of guy, I say what I think, if I think that a woman is sexy, I’ll say it, if I think she’s hot I’ll say it, but I rarely ever use the term beautiful, and I think you are. So just enjoy this moment and stop trying to overthink it, okay?”

  “I’ll try,” she offered as she let her arms hang limply at her side.

  “Let’s see if we can get a bit more enthusiasm here,” he teased as he began to kiss her breasts softly at first but then more urgently. Coira arched her back as she pushed her body forward allowing him better access. Her hands came up to tangle themselves around his neck as she spread her legs even further. The towel on his waist fell in a heap on the floor, he licked it aside, and as he stood there in all his naked glory, Coira flushed as she stared at him in wonder. He could tell that hot-blooded desire course through her veins, it was written all over her face, and he couldn’t wait to see how much more she would reveal as the night went on.

  He rocked his hips once just to see her reaction, and her reaction was to wrap one leg around his waist to give him better access. He grunted as he held himself back knowing that he needed to make her just a bit more pliable, so they could both fully enjoy it.

  He went back to lavishing her breasts with attention as he began to gently bite on the nipple, twisting it around his mouth and licking it till she was practically groaning with pleasure.

  He did the same to the other breast till they were both standing fully erect. He reached down and rubbed her over her pants surprised to find that they were slightly wet.

  She was really something else.

  Most women didn’t get turned on that easily. He was definitely going to enjoy this. He kept one hand on the front of her pants unmoving as the other danced across her back tracing random patterns lightly till he could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand. He moved his hand down till it was resting just above her ass. His fingers deftly slid in until he was cupping her firm, smooth ass, and for a second he lost all self-control and just growled.

  She felt so good. Just as smooth and as firm as he had predicted, and voluptuous in all the right places. He could feel her muscles tense as he moved his fingers up and down her ass. In one swift movement, he managed to hoist her up. She was momentarily surprised until she managed to wrap both legs around his waist and steady herself. He made sure she leaned most of her weight against the lockers, so that she wouldn’t fall. He kept one hand braced on the locker door, and the other reached down to rub her over the top of her pants once again.

  Her hips bucked involuntarily, but i
nstead of feeling shy, she had her eyes closed and was reacting based on pure instinct.

  It was absolutely erotic to watch.

  He began to finger her on top of the pants, and she made a sound in the back of her throat that he guessed was signaling her impatience. She began running her hands up and down his back, clawing in impatience as she pushed him closer, both of their bodies needing the friction.

  She unhooked one hand and huffed in annoyance as she grabbed his hand and not so gently shoved it inside her pants. He pressed his lips to hers and smiled as she began to move her hips. He deepened the kiss until she finally opened his mouth and let him in.

  Their tongues began a battle for dominance. Neither of them willing to give up just yet till finally he began to move one finger. She bit down on his bottom lip hard, so he began to move two fingers slowly just on top of her panties.

  He knew what she wanted. She wanted skin on skin contact, but he wasn’t going to give her that just yet.

  As he began to move his fingers in a thrusting motion, her hips began to push against his fingers desperately seeking contact. She tore her lips away from his and threw her head back and moaned. David leaned forward and captured her lips with his swallowing back her moan as he kissed her tightly with his lips closed. She bit down on his lip causing his mouth to fly open in surprise.

  David’s fingers inched close to the edge of her panties before they finally slipped in and found what they were looking for. All at once Coira stilled and thrummed with a barely concealed energy.

  One finger connected with her bundle of nerves and began to slowly move in and out. Soon a second finger joined as Coira began to pant and squirm in anticipation.

  She surprised him by reaching down and cupping him in the palm of her hand. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as his fingers stilled. She began stroking him up and down causing David to grunt as he leaned his forehead against hers.

  She stopped after a while, and David’s eyes flew open as his fingers went back to what they were doing earlier.

  They were interrupted by the shrill ringing over her phone, and both of their eyes snapped to the phone.


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