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Page 29

by Ahren Sanders

  The pride inside is larger than anything I’ve ever felt. Then I remember where we’ll be this weekend when it’s time to celebrate and tears fill my eyes.

  “Sparkle, what’s this?” He wipes my cheeks.

  “We won’t be here this weekend to celebrate with the band. This is huge! This is a first, and we’ll be in Florida.”

  “You’re kidding right?”

  “No! I want to be here with our friends.”

  “We’ll be back on Sunday night to celebrate. This weekend is huge too.”

  When he looks at me, his smile melts my heart. He’s making me number one. With another milestone in the rise of Sayge on the horizon, Declan puts me first.

  Chapter 40

  Amelia Island

  “Seventy five degrees and sunny in February? That’s awesome!” I look through my sundresses.

  “Yep, and pack a suit. The pool is heated.”

  I pile our clothes in a suitcase together since we’re only going to be gone three days. Our flight leaves early tomorrow morning and Declan is trying to help me, but he is really making me crazy. He seems to forget this is like a work trip. We’re not going on a weekend getaway. We have appointments and tastings and all thing’s wedding filling up our days.

  We have a room booked in the resort hotel, but the event planner is going to show us several condo’s available for the wedding weekend.

  “Declan, do you have your birth certificate?” I ask as I pack mine in my wedding folder.

  “I think I have a copy in the guest room, why?”

  “We need it for our wedding license. We’re going to get them tomorrow afternoon.”

  “On it, what else do we need?”

  I point to my list on the bed and continue packing. Once I’m satisfied we have everything we need, I look over my folder and double check my notes. My mom came over the last two nights to help me with my list. She and I were able to narrow down most of the decoration decisions with the brochure. While I worked with my mom, Declan locked himself in our room and wouldn’t tell me what he was working on except it was a surprise.

  We had no other incidents this week after Monday. My dad talked to the Dean, and he was having the school’s Communications Director put together a mass email to all students. Apparently there were several other instances that questioned the Vanderbilt safety and security practices.

  Robbie and Will followed me the last two days around school but didn’t make themselves known. Nothing suspicious happened, so they told my dad it looked like an isolated incident. Robbie talked to Brent about keeping an eye on me, and I saw Finn more on campus than usual. I knew he did this on purpose.

  Tomorrow’s a lecture day, so I have Mari sending me the notes. I worked really hard to make sure when we left at four thirty for the airport, wedding planning was the priority.


  We have an excellent driver on our ride from the airport to Amelia Island Plantation. His name is Chris, and he is a local. He also offers to be our driver this afternoon into the town of Fernandina to get our wedding license and show us around. I mention to him we want to look at restaurants for our rehearsal dinner. He promises to get a list of ideas from the concierge and take us by the places this afternoon.

  While we sat in the line to go through the security gate, I took in the surroundings. It’s beautiful. Huge oak trees canopied over us with ponds and fountains outlining the road. When we pull up to the Omni, my eyes fill with tears. Even though we’re still in the car, I see the sand dunes and deep blue ocean through the lobby doors. Declan has to nudge me to get me to step out when the bellhop opens the door.

  “Welcome to the Omni at Amelia Island Plantation, ma’am.”

  My first impression is this is perfect. Declan and I follow the gentleman to the reception desk where we have an early check in. Once we have our key cards, Chris walks us over to the concierge to introduce us and tell her what we are here for. She promises to get a list of restaurants, and we make plans to meet back in the lobby in an hour.

  Our luggage is already in our room when we walk in, and there’s a beautiful fruit basket on the coffee table. We have a small balcony that looks out over the ocean. Declan opens the doors, and the smell of salt air fills our room immediately. His smile mirrors my own. He tugs me to him and kisses me deeply. My legs go weak, and I hold onto his shoulders for support.

  I move to pull his shirt over his head when there’s a knock at the door. Declan sighs against my mouth and arranges his shirt. I answer the door to a very perky lady wearing a blue business suit and nametag. I recognized her name as the lady I spoke to on the phone a few weeks ago.

  “Miss Hayes? I’m Laurie your wedding and event coordinator.” She reaches her hand out to me.

  “Hi Laurie, call me Raven. This is my fiancé Declan Collins.” I motion to him behind me. He reaches to shake her hand, and I watch her blush slightly. I don’t blame her, even after waking up at the crack of dawn and traveling the last three hours, he looks delicious.

  “Reception told me you arrived. I’m glad our welcome basket was here. I know we are not scheduled to meet until tomorrow, but I wanted to introduce myself and let you know I can be available today for anything you need.”

  “Thanks, Laurie, but we’ve made some plans today.” She looks disappointed but nods her head.

  My phone rings from my purse and I go to get it waving to her goodbye. I watch her hand Declan her business card in case we need anything.

  “Hi, Mama, you’re up early.” I greet my mom, knowing she is dying to know what we think so far.

  “I couldn’t sleep thinking about your morning. Tell me about it so far.”

  I can’t hide my excitement, and I fill her in on everything. Declan unloads our suitcase while I talk. He finally motions to his watch, and I tell her goodbye. Before we leave the room I snap a quick shot of the view from our balcony and sen to her.

  Chris is waiting for us in the lobby. Instead of riding in the transportation van from earlier, he guides us to a black Escalade. He proceeds to give us a tour of the island and tells us the history. When we get into Fernandina, it reminds me somewhat of Franklin except with an old world Floridian appeal.

  Our first stop is the Historical Court House where we have to wait almost an hour to get our marriage license. As soon as the court clerk tells us it is valid for the next sixty days, Declan grins and wiggles his eyebrows at me. I shake my head and laugh at him. We meet Chris out front and follow him to a waterfront restaurant.

  We walk around the shops a bit before we start looking at the restaurants the concierge put together for us. We find two that we like that have availability for the night we want. I exchange numbers with the managers and promise to have an answer within a few days.

  Since we have crossed off most of the items on my list for the day, we take the scenic route home to see a little more of the local area. As we’re rounding a corner, I’m not paying attention to the guys’ conversation but hear Declan ask Chris to ‘pull in’.

  I look out the door and realize we are driving up to another resort. I don’t see any signs but recognize the emblem on the lobby doors and entrance rug. We are at the Ritz Carlton. Declan squeezes my hand and then jumps out and runs into the reception area. A few minutes later, he returns with some paperwork and a huge grin.

  “What did you do?” I ask suspiciously.

  “I booked us a room for our wedding night.”

  “Why’d you do that? We get a complimentary night at the hotel.”

  “You think after all we’ve been through and the time I’ve waited for you, that I am spending the night in the hotel with our parents? Better yet, where our fucking friends can pound on our door at three am? Nope, not gonna happen. I’m taking you away as soon as the reception is over.”

  I don’t say anything because he’s right. Our friends will have separate accommodations, but our parents, the Blacks, and a few other guests are staying in the hotel.

  He grabs my hand
as my phone rings with Robbie’s ringtone. Before I even get a proper hello, he interrupts.

  “RJ, what are the sleeping arrangements for the wedding weekend?”

  “Well hello to you too. I’m not sure how we’ll work it out yet. Why?”

  “If it’s alright with you I want to invite a guest and I think she would be more comfortable if we stayed with you and Declan.”

  “Oh really, why is that? Who would you like to invite?” I hope I’m right in my guess, but I want to make him sweat. “Robbie, this is my wedding that we have to move because of all the shit going on in Nashville. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to invite someone outside of our inner circle that we can trust.”

  It’s quiet for a few seconds, and I wait for him to confirm what I want to hear.

  “For fuck’s sake! It’s Ember, okay? I want to ask Ember. I think she’s proven she can be trusted.”

  Declan hears him through the phone and starts laughing. I giggle softly until Robbie gets irritated enough and threatens to hang up.

  “Of course, you can invite her. I would love for her to be there. How’d this happen?”

  “I’m not sure. We’ve talked a few times since I went to the shop the night that reporter was there. I took her to dinner last night, and she’s a really cool chick. She’s smart and sweet and can be funny when she’s not so nervous. I think it would be fun to invite her.”

  “Robbie, I think it’s wonderful but this can be a rowdy bunch. You sure?”

  “Yeah, make sure we are in the condo with y’all. I think she’ll feel a lot more comfortable with you close.”

  “You got it. Does this mean I can count on you to help get the tuxes back to Clyde’s after the wedding?”

  “Yeah, Baby Girl, it’ll be taken care of.”

  We talk for a few more minutes until I have to go because we are back at the hotel. Chris wishes us luck and tells us he will be our driver back to the airport on Sunday. We walk through the lobby and go to the outside bar overlooking the ocean.

  Declan and I walk around the pool, gazebo, and oceanfront area, and I make mental notes for tomorrow. We agree to get room service for dinner once we watch the sun completely set behind the ocean.

  I call my mom when we get to the room and fill her in on the day. Declan goes to the patio and calls his dad to discuss the rehearsal dinner location and menu. We have the waiter set up our dinner on the balcony and watch all the activity below. There’s a small dance area with a musician singing and playing the piano. Couples are gathered at the bar enjoying the warm night air. I know without even meeting with Laurie, we’ve made the right choice.



  Is that my fucking phone? Who in the hell would call me this late–or is it early? What the fuck time is it? Raven starts moving against me, so I jump up to find my phone before it wakes her up.

  I don’t even look at the caller ID before I hiss. “It better be a fucking emergency, or I’m going to kill whoever this is!” I tiptoe into the bathroom.

  “Chill man, it’s me!” a very drunk Cooper slurs.

  “You do know it’s like the middle of the night, right? I’m in Florida with Raven planning our wedding. What do you need?”

  “Man, we did it! We fuckin’ did it! NUMBER FUCKING THIRTY-ONE! It’s official.”

  My heart stammers in my chest. He’s right, we did it. We made a name for ourselves. Now it’s up to us to show the world what our music and sound are about. I want to shout along with him.

  “Wow, man, that’s fucking awesome. I take it you’re celebrating?”

  “Shit, yeah! We all are. I think Nate’s in the back with a Bunny, and when I hang up with you, I’ve got a set of twins waiting on me. One is rubbing my dick right now. Charlie and Blake disappeared a bit ago. Wish you were here man.”

  “Me too, brother, but I’ll be back tomorrow night. Plan something for us. Preferably without the girls that rub on your dick. I don’t want to see that shit.”

  “I wouldn’t either if I could sink it into a woman like Raven–”

  “Watch it, dipshit. Drunk or not, don’t even go there.”

  “Sorry, forgot about the whole pussy whipped thing. Go back to bed, call me tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know.”

  “Appreciate it. See you tomorrow.”

  We hang up, and I walk out to see Raven sitting up in bed with the light on. She smiles at me. I crawl in next to her and take her face in my hands.

  “Number thirty-one baby! We did it!”

  She beams with pride and tears slide down her cheeks. I wipe them off, and she pulls my hips flush to hers.

  “I heard something about rubbing dicks. I can only assume everyone is getting laid tonight. I don’t want you to feel left out.”

  My breath hitches in my throat as soon as her nails scratch my throbbing dick. I don’t speak as she covers my mouth with hers and pulls my pants down. She rolls us, so she’s on top and lowers herself down my body. She takes her time kissing, biting, and licking every bit of exposed skin. By the time her warm breath hits my dick, I can come on demand.

  She takes her time but finally sucks my tip in her mouth. My hands go to her scalp and fist her hair trying to tell her how amazing it feels. She sucks me all the way into her mouth until I hit the back of her throat. I’m surprised when she stops and slides her tongue up my shaft and pulls her mouth away.

  I’m about to protest when she gives me the sexiest look I’ve ever seen and lowers down again. She wraps her hand around my throbbing dick blowing on it as she goes even lower. I buck up and scream when she sucks my balls into her mouth. It’s fucking amazing. The way she uses her lips, tongue, and teeth to massage them is controlling me. It’s been a long time since I came from just a hand job, but that’s exactly what she’s doing to me.

  I try to hold back, wanting this to last a lot longer. She moves and raises her hips a little. When she moans against me, I realize she is touching herself. Holy fuck! I explode feeling the warm sticky liquid hit my thigh, stomach and sheets. My world is literally spinning as I try to catch my breath. The warmth of her mouth and body moves away, but I am still throbbing. My mind is filled with thoughts of her touching herself.

  “Congratulations, honey.” She says in a raspy voice crawling up my body.

  As soon as I can move, I roll her over and slide into her. No matter how long it takes, I am primed. I’m not going to be satisfied until I make her world spin, as well.

  Chapter 41

  These Decisions are Important


  Laurie is waiting for us under the veranda with three mugs of coffee. She has a table set up with her laptop and several catalogues. At this point, I’m glad my mom and I are so organized because we can knock out most of the searching when I tell her what I want. She smiles at both of us when we walk up.

  I wince when I sit down. My entire lower body is sore. Declan got creative last night and for the first time, took me from behind. I thought it was hot–he said he hated it. When I questioned him, he said he preferred to see my face when he was inside me. When we finally went to sleep, I was sore, sated, and extremely well fucked.

  I make notes as she talks to us about our options. We were able to narrow down ceremony and reception site easily. If it seems like rain, we will make a wedding day decision to move inside. Being that our wedding is so small, it is an easy solution.

  Declan steps away a few times to take calls until I finally take his phone away. He pushed for this goddammit, so he’s going to participate. These decisions are important! The flowers and foliage are easy since I have my colors already. I explain that I have my own photographer flying in with us, and we go over notes about picture spots around the island.

  My mom calls in the middle of us reviewing my notes, and I put her on speaker. Big mistake!

  “Ravenel James! Why didn’t you tell me about Sayge! I heard from Robbie, and my phone is blowing up. Top 40, Raven, this is huge!”

  Declan start
s laughing, and I immediately put the phone to my ear. People sitting around us look but thankfully don’t show signs of recognition. I talk to my mom softly for a few minutes and tell her I’ll call her this afternoon when I have all the details ironed out. I text my brother quickly ‘code 311–get her under control.’

  When we start going over the menu, we choose a few things to try at lunch. We gather our notes and Laurie takes us to a golf cart to show us the best spots for pictures. I’ve never been a golf girl, but I fall in love with a spot located on a fairway green. She takes notes for my photographer and promises to have a detailed list for him. We pull up to a rustic looking area with the most beautiful view I have ever seen. The oak trees are full of Spanish moss, and the marsh is in the background swaying in the breeze.

  I grab my phone and have Laurie take several pictures of us against the backdrop hoping one will turn out perfect. We drive around for another hour looking at spots and condo options before we finally head back to the hotel for lunch. We go to a private room where we sample several dishes and decide on our buffet. When it comes time to taste cakes, I’m about to bust a gut. I have Declan taste and give me his top two. Then I make the decision.

  I confirm with Laurie that I can send packages down before the wedding, and she will hold them until I arrive. She looks heartbroken when Declan tells her we will be spending our wedding night at the Ritz but reluctantly agrees to comp my parents’ room for the night. We are almost done when he wants to talk about security.

  We tell her a little about our story and Sayge’s recent success. She stares at him starry eyed until he pulls me into his lap. Then she pops back to professional mode and assures us our wedding will not be leaked, and the plantation security will be on hand in case needed. She recommends we pull the reception into a ballroom if worried about hotel spectators, but we decline. As long as no one knows who we are, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  Once everything is finalized, and I give her the deposit, we are done. Declan wants to go to the pool, but I suggest a walk on the beach.


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