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Surviving Page 40

by Ahren Sanders

  “It pains me to say this but due to the information turned over, I did an electronic sweep of all employee equipment last night. I didn’t want to believe it, but one of our own was the source.”

  There’s a collective gasp around the room, and I tried hard to hold my poker face but I caved. I look straight at Amber, and she’s pasty white. But instead of looking at me she’s staring at Kelly.

  “I want to take this opportunity to tell you all together that we will be taking appropriate, legal actions against those involved, and we will most likely be in the news this coming week. Be prepared to call your clients and reassure them of our commitment to their success. If they have concerns about their contracts, set up a meeting with me. Charlie will be handling my schedule. I’ll make time for anyone. In the meantime, any files you have on Sayge need to be turned over to Jay within the hour. If you have questions, we can talk individually. Now you can go.” His voice was authoritative, and everyone gets up to leave the room.

  Amber and Kelly are the last to leave and before they can get out the door, Charlie grabs both their arms and flings them back.

  “Nu-uh bitches. Sit your asses back down.”

  “What the hell? You can’t touch me like that!” Kelly screams in her face.

  Blake stepped up without saying anything, and she coils back.

  “Yes the fuck I can. You both need to know we’re onto you.”

  “Charlie, let me handle this.” Mike interrupts. “Amber, you need to sit back down. Kelly, I think you should too. The next few minutes are going to be very important for you in determining the legal actions Raven chooses to make against you. Your charade is over.”

  Both girls look at each other and sit.

  We all wait in silence until Amber finally breaks. “She made me do it! At first it was harmless stuff trying to make Rave look bad for Sayge’s image. We figured they would ask Raven to step back and then it would eventually lead to trouble in their relationship.”

  “Shut up, bitch!” Kelly yells at Amber.

  “Blake, will you please call the officer in to escort Kelly to another room? It may be better to hear this from them individually.”

  Blake opens the door and tells waiting officer what is going on and where to go. Once we are alone Amber starts talking.

  “When I started, Kelly was nice to me. She told me what happened in Vegas. She acted sincere, and I was dumb enough to believe that Raven was a lying bitch. She wanted her old job back so she could prove to Mike she was good enough to be a representative. Her goal was to land Sayge. So one night while drunk we came up with a plan. Charlie left her phone on the desk one day, and she got into her pictures and forwarded a photo of Raven with another man. We didn’t know it was Finn, but it looked romantic enough to cause problems. So we set up a fake account and sent it to the website. When that didn’t work, she became determined. She had friends send messages to the Facebook page. I tried to back away from her, but she blackmailed me that she would go to Mike and tell him it was all me.”

  She starts crying and looks straight at me. “I really needed this job. I thought if I could get a few more pictures she would leave me alone. She gave me some sort of device that scrambled our tablets together, and I had access to all your pictures on your iPad. Then at the launch party she got close enough to you that the scrambler worked on your phone and text messages. But nothing seemed to work for her. You were becoming more and more popular, and Sayge was climbing the charts. She decided to step up her plan, and I had no choice but to go along. After the SCENE article came out and then when your identity was released, you were a fucking celebrity. She flipped. She found Andy and the Music City Enquirer, and we met with him one night. It took a few dates with me and then a night together and then we hung a carrot in his face. The biggest chance in his career so far–to take down the local golden girl. I provided him with Christie, Sami, and Raine’s name for sources. He did extensive research, and we both confirmed the details from his interviews. He knew where we worked, and Sayge was our client. When he tried to call here for fact checking, she acted as Mike’s assistant to say “no comment” but spoke off the record. He used the information and wrote the article on fake information we gave him. Then we disappeared on him. When the article came out, he called us several times once the lawsuit was filed. I felt terrible, but I was in so deep. Then I was working so closely with you any personal information could be linked back to me. When Finn found the virus in your computer and phone, we no longer had access to anything personal.”

  “Andy mentioned that you may have something else planned. Now’s the time to fucking tell us.” Declan practically growls.

  “I’m not sure of all the details, but something about messing with some tour dates to make Raven look incompetent. She’s been talking to the tour organizers secretly acting as Raven’s assistant. She’s trying to make it where you have to fire Raven in the middle of the summer, and someone else has to take over.”

  “This bitch is whacked! Does she really think there’s anything that would make me fire my wife? What about you? Are you whacked? Besides Raven, do you have any idea what you did to Andy’s career? He is fucking broke with no job in sight, and drinking himself to oblivion. You and your goddamned partner almost ruined a man. Not to mention you’re a fucking whore!” Declan screams at her.

  I touch his arm, trying to calm him down. The only sounds in the room are Amber’s cries. Everyone is looking at me, but I can’t think if anything I want to say to her. There are a thousand words on the tip of my tongue but how can I follow up with Declan calling her a whore. The words hang in the air, and she has no defense.

  “Amber, you’ll need to tell all this information to the officers in a bit. You are officially fired, and I doubt you will ever get a job in PR again. Raven, do you want to press charges?”

  “Mike, I need to think about it. I don’t want any bad publicity for MJ right before we leave for tour.”

  He nods and I get up to leave. I look at the woman I thought was my friend, and she’s still crying.

  “You know Mike, even though Andy’s article hurt me, he took the appropriate measures to verify his story. He’s a victim too. He may be a good candidate for Amber’s replacement. His actions were at least an indication of his drive and ambition.”

  Amber’s face falls with my words. Mike will probably never talk to Andy again, but the implication is there.

  “Charlie, will you, please relay a message to Kelly for me?” I say so everyone can hear me. “Declan and I both warned her not to fuck with us while we were in Vegas. She had fair warning. There’s a good chance she’ll never get a job in the music industry in this town again. Also, as soon as I get to my laptop, I’ll update each of our media sites with the news that we found the source of the slanderous article and Amber and Kelly’s names will be available to the public.”

  More sobs fill the room, but I walk out without another look.

  Chapter 56

  New York City

  Arriving in New York four days early was turned out to be a great idea. Since this was the kick off city, there were endless meetings. Performers had their own sets of meetings with sound techs and lighting crews. I was busy meeting with other band managers, safety committees, PR reps and the event organizers. I stayed quiet most of the time because I could already tell the people that were assholes. I made a point to have a meeting with the guys each night with updates and news on any changes.

  Declan and I had little time to spend around the city, but we did sneak away one day. I shopped a little, and he complained about not having any more room for my shit on the bus, but shut up when I took him into La Perla. Once I picked the lingerie I would wear tomorrow night under my dress for the kickoff concert, he forced me into a cab back to the hotel.

  Sayge is the fourth band in tonight’s lineup. We’re escorted to a private area where the other bands are. Declan and the guys introduce me to a few of the bands they’ve met this week. He holds me close

and links our fingers. It doesn’t go unnoticed that he spins my wedding rings around my finger. Since this is my first time behind the stage at a truly organized concert where Sayge is an act, I’m not sure what to expect. Declan told me it’s a totally different experience than last summer because it was a regional tour playing small venues.

  A few of the pretentious assholes I met this week are standing around in a circle in the back. I point them out to Declan, and he rolls his eyes. A few minutes later one of them comes over and starts fawning over Sayge. She gives me a death glare until Declan raises my fingers to his lips and kisses my rings. Her face drains of color, and she leaves us alone.

  An hour before it’s time to hit the stage, I guide them back to a table and review everything one more time. Once they finish the last autograph they are free until we meet at the bus tomorrow morning. I reiterate the time several times for Nate and Cooper’s sake. I’d hate to have to bust their balls the first city of our trip.

  The stage crew starts running around us setting up so I give them each a hug and wish them luck.

  Declan pulls me to the side “You don’t leave this side stage Raven. I want to see you at all times. Until I can let everyone know you’re mine, I need to know you’re safe.”


  “No arguments. You may be our Manager, but right now you are my wife, and I’m telling you to stay in my sight. I promise to get better throughout the summer.”

  “Okay, honey. In your sight.”

  “Good, now come here and hop up.” He lifts me up, and my legs wrap around his waist. He claims my mouth in a hungry, passionate kiss. We don’t break apart for several minutes. He sets me back down and joins the others to storm the stage at the same time.

  I feel the stares around me and try to control my blushing. Declan winks at me knowing exactly what he did. This was the first of many times he would publically claim me in a crowd.

  I text the merchandise contact I have to make sure she has enough stuff and run through my mental checklist. Then I get a beer and watch the crowd go wild as Sayge takes the stage. Like always, my heart surges with pride and my eyes fill with tears. For almost two hours I sing along, dance, and cheer. A few people I’ve met this week crowd around to watch, as well.

  The sun has set when Sayge finishes, and when the lights dim to indicate the end of the set, the screams are deafening. Declan removes his guitar and hands it to Blake, waves to the crowd, and stalks to me. When he’s close enough, I launch into his arms. His body is soaked in sweat, and he makes a point to rub his drenched forehead down my neck and shoulders. Threading my fingers through his hair, I pull him back for another searing kiss.

  The other guys join us off stage with their faces glowing.

  “Fuck yeah, we just played Central Motherfucking Park!” Cooper screams, jumping around and hitting the others on the back.

  A crowd forms around us and congratulates the band while the crew prepares for the next group. We go to the interview area, and I stand back and watch them interact with the crowds. Even with a wedding band on his finger, Declan still has girls shoving notes in his hands and pockets.

  After they’re done, Nate pulls us all into a group hug and declares it’s time to party. My plans were to go back to the hotel after the concert, but I was swept up in the excitement and partied in New York City until dawn. Then I crawled onto our bus and slept for an entire day.


  I wake up feeling watched.

  “You watching me sleep again, creeper?”

  “You’re so peaceful when you sleep. I’ll never get tired of watching you.”

  “So why do you look sad?”

  “I had a revelation this morning that I don’t like. We’re living on a bus with three other guys almost full time. I’m not able to wake up to you naked lying on my chest every day. We have very little privacy.”

  “Baby, half of the tour, we’ve got our own hotel room. And the guys gave us the bedroom.”

  “But what about the other half? It’s no surprise I like sex, but with you, I love sex. I like to touch you, taste you, fuck you, and make love to you anytime I want.”

  “With everything else we have to think about, you’re worried about sex?”

  “Yeah, aren’t you?”

  “Um, no! Right now my plate is full, with making sure you guys are ready for your shows, interviews, and appearances. I’m a little jaded and don’t know who I can trust, so I haven’t made any new friends yet. We’ve been on the road for one week, and you’ve done three shows. So far about a thousand girls have slipped their number in your hands and last night I’m pretty sure I almost walked in on Nate getting a blow job. I haven’t had time to worry about sex.”

  “Sounds like your priorities aren’t right.”


  “Sparkle, we’re newlyweds, sex is important. So I’ll worry about it for both of us.”

  “We have all morning, why are we talking about it instead of actually doing it?”

  “Because my manager scheduled me to call into a radio show in thirty minutes. Then when that’s done I’d like to walk around Philadelphia for a while, get a decent lunch and hang out with just us.”

  “Okay, but we need to talk about your interview. Jay told me the news broke about Amber and Kelly and their scheme. If these guys have done any research at all, they’ll know about it. My dad formally withdrew his lawsuit against MCE and the truth is out. How much do you want to tell them?”

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you join me? We can talk to them together. You can decide what we answer and don’t. Since we don’t have a PR rep anymore, you’re in charge.”

  “I’ll sit with you and help guide your answers, but I’m not sure I want to talk. Besides, they don’t want to talk to me, they want Declan Collins.”

  “Baby, you’re not fooling me. I know how many requests for interviews you’ve turned down. I respect your privacy, but today I think it’s important that we address whatever they ask.”

  I think about it for a second and agree with him. “Okay, I’ll let Jay and the other guys know. And then for the next two nights, we have a hotel room.”

  “There is a God. Thank you!”

  “Dec, for the next thirteen weeks, this is our life so let’s enjoy as much as we can.”

  He kisses me deeply until my phone beeps to let us know it’s time for the interview.

  Chapter 57


  We get to Chicago in two days, and I’m ecstatic. Charlie, Abbi, and Ella are flying in. It’s been seven weeks since I saw them, and we have the whole weekend. I’ve met two or three other women on this tour that seem pretty cool. They’re also wives of musicians, so it’s nice to have them to talk to. We often get together on one of the busses a few nights a week for wine and gossip. It’s usually after a show when we push the guys to go hang out and blow off some of their energy. We’ve even started a little book club to discuss what’s hot in the romance genre right now.

  We’ve been to so many cities since we left New York, I can’t keep up. My job is demanding as Sayge grows. “Surviving” has spent the last eight weeks at number one and Jay pushed two more releases out. Surprisingly, I’ve been accepted by the fan base and been included on several interviews and guest appearances. So far the road hasn’t been too bad. As I promised Declan, every few nights we stay in a hotel, so we have our privacy. I make a point to get groceries delivered to us when needed. I cook for the guys at least three times a week and we sit together and talk about everything but music. To me, it helps us decompress.

  A few weeks back, I got hit with one of my migraines and Declan flipped. He must have called my mom a dozen times the first day and only left me to go onstage. There’s a medical provider that travels with the tour, and he made the woman sit with me the two hours he was gone. It must have really freaked out all the guys because for those two days didn’t make a sound on our bus and Cooper took over my phone and computer to make sure things were ru
nning smoothly. By the third day, when I woke up feeling better, the bus was clean, stocked, and Declan had meals prepared for when I was hungry again.

  But things went back to normal shortly after that, and I was once again surrounded by a bus of rock stars and their craziness. That’s why I am so excited to have my friends here soon. Abbi, Ella, and I are taking a day to shop for bridal dresses. Charlie wants to stay with Blake.

  The day they arrive, I arrange for a car to bring them to the arena. I’ve packed our bags because we are all staying at the Four Seasons, and I planned for a spa day Sunday before they leave. As soon as they step out of the car, I run over screaming like a school girl. We all embrace and jump around causing a scene. Declan is not far behind me with a very eager Blake. We unload their bags to our bus, and I walk them around to introduce them to the other bands.

  After a few hours of walking around, we go to the hotel to get ready for tonight. We have plans to go out after the concert. I get ready with them and make sure to have room service bring us bottles of wine. I’ve taken care of everything tonight for Sayge so I can cut loose. Besides, Jay is here, if anything needs taking care of, he can handle it.

  While we’re getting dressed, I fill them all in on the music Declan has been writing and the studio I secured in October for them to record. Mike is working with me and Knight’s Dream’s Manager to put together a tour next year. I’m concerned the music won’t be ready, but he has a plan to release the next album while they’re on the road.

  Charlie tells me that Amber and Kelly both moved out of Nashville. We didn’t press any charges, but the damage was still done. While I didn’t follow through on my threat to expose them, my friends did. And Mike ended up doing a candid interview with Andy to help restore his reputation. Charlie is now Mike’s assistant and is working with new artists closely.


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