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Surviving Page 41

by Ahren Sanders

  Abbi and Ella both are staying busy, and Ella will graduate this December two weeks after Abbi gets married. Will has actually asked Ella to move in with him. She hasn’t said yes, but I know she will.

  When we’re dressed and ready, I call for a car. There’s a knock at the door, and when I open it, there’s a very large and scary man looking at me.

  “Mrs. Collins?”

  “Yes,” Abbi, Ella and I say at the same time.

  “Mrs. Declan Collins?” he clarifies.

  “That’s me.” I wave.

  “I’m Jose, I’ll be accompanying you tonight.”

  Fucking Declan! This has his name written all over it. We grab our things and follow Jose to the waiting car.

  There’s champagne in the ice bucket and a note addressed to me when we get in.

  Sparkle, you didn’t think I’d let you go out on the town without me did you? Don’t be mad, Jose comes recommended from your dad. I’ll see you when you get to the arena, but be warned, I have one of your sundresses if I need to change you. I love you.

  “Only my brother can put that look on your face.” Ella says as she fills our glasses.

  “He knows how excited I am you girls are here, but he’s still possessive as shit.”

  “Doubt that will change in the next seventy years.”

  I laugh with them and think in the back of my mind how right they are. We pull up to the arena and go through security with Jose close. Fans scream my name, but he puts his hand on my back and leads me to the building where Declan is waiting with a scowl on his face. No doubt he’s going to try and make me change.


  “Please tell me I don’t have to go home. This is heaven.” Ella sighs against the pedicure chair.

  “You could always stay and live with me on a bus with gross boys and no Will Turner.”

  “Nah, I’ll go back, but this is luxury.”

  I know what she means. We got shitfaced on Friday night and went dress shopping hungover yesterday. Abbi ended up finding her gown, and we found our dresses. As soon as we purchased the dresses and made plans to ship them to Nashville, we went straight back to the hotel. I had more room service delivered, and we relaxed in front of the TV. We went to the arena for the second night’s show but spent most of the time in Sayge’s backroom hanging out. Declan laughed at us repeatedly reliving stories from the night before. We went back to the hotel after Sayge performed, and Declan put me in a hot bath. I fell asleep on his chest, and he had to carry me to bed.

  This morning I still felt like ass, but a massage, manicure, and now pedicure was helping me. I’m laying back in the chair about to doze off again, when Abbi’s voice stirs me.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “What are you and Declan going to do when the tour is over?”

  “Didn’t I tell you about my graduation present? He’s taking me to Napa Valley for two weeks–alone.”

  “Wow. That sounds awesome. You deserve it after being with these guys for so long.”

  “It hasn’t been that bad. We’ve only had to turn our radio on a couple of times during the night when Nate and Cooper brought girls back to the bus. We only have few weeks left. I hate to admit it, but this job has been great. I’m not sure anyone else would take it as seriously as me. I’m completely invested in Sayge’s success, and I’ve found people will take advantage of them if I’m not involved.”

  “Well, they’re lucky to have you. Have you spoken to any of the other guys lately?”

  Something in Abbi’s tone makes me nervous. She and Ella exchange a look that makes me uncomfortable.

  “I talk to Robbie all the time. I spoke to Finn and Tripp last week. As for the others, I get regular updates through y’all. Why?”


  “What’s up guys?”

  “Jimi and I had dinner the other night with Finn.” Abbi says nervously.

  “That’s great.”

  “He, um, he had a date. He’s seeing someone.”

  They both watch me for a reaction, but I can’t give them one. I’m shocked by why he didn’t tell me, but not for the reasons they think. “That’s great, what was she like?”

  “She was like you, but with red hair and older.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “She’s sweet and pretty and full of spark. She was a little goofy but funny too. She’s in the fashion industry and dresses fantastic. She was easy to talk to and personable.”

  “That’s great. I hope I get to meet her.”

  “You’re okay with that?”

  “Abbi, I’m married to your brother. I never talked about what happened in Paris because it’s private, but I want Finn to be happy. Don’t let your imaginations get away with you. Finn sent me back to Declan, and he and I have talked about it. Now, if you told me she was like that tramp Mandy, I would fly home with you and kick his ass myself.”

  “Good, because he looked happy.”

  “Great. Now we have a new girl to break in. I was wondering when we would get the chance. It seems like Ember is broken in seeing that she and my mom have lunch once a week, and she’s practically living with Robbie.”

  Their faces relax, and I wonder how they expected me to react. Then I pull out my phone and send Finn a text telling him to make time for me later to talk. Apparently he needs to fill me in on his new woman.

  We spend the next few hours enjoying ourselves before they have to leave for the airport. Charlie is an emotional mess and Blake doesn’t seem much better. When we say goodbye, I tear up as well. Seven more weeks and we’ll be home.

  Chapter 58

  I’m Late


  What the hell is wrong with her, this is the fifth day in a row Raven’s been sick. I talked to the medic on the tour, but she wants us to see a doctor in Houston. Raven wants to wait until next week when we close the tour and get home to Nashville. She’s convinced that she has food poisoning from a few days ago, but I keep telling her no one else is sick. I have a theory but now I have to figure out how to talk to Raven without her freaking out.

  We have a hotel room for the next two nights, and then we start our last week on the road. There are four stops between Houston and Nashville and I can’t fucking wait that long. Raven comes out of the bathroom looking pale and slim. She’s lost too much weight this summer. I open my arms for her, and she crawls into me.

  “Baby, there’s no easy way to say this but when was your last period?”

  She looks at me funny then lays down on my chest, “Four weeks ago when your sisters left.”

  I think back and in my bastard mind I try and remember a time when we couldn’t have sex. Nope, wasn’t that week.

  “Babe, you sure?”

  “Yes, Declan, I’m pretty sure. I’m the one who has to deal with it.”

  “I’m not trying to sound like an idiot, but I’m pretty sure you didn’t have your period that week. Do you have a calendar?”

  “Dec, what are you getting at?’

  “I think you may be pregnant.”

  Her face pales even more, and she sucks in a breath. “No, I remember buying tampons when we were in St. Louis after Chicago.”

  I wait for her to think through it.

  “Oh my God, I never started did I? I just got prepared. Holy shit, Declan! When was the last time I had a period?”

  “Shhh, calm down.”

  “No! Find my phone! I need a calendar now!”

  I move from under her and get her phone out of her purse. She snatches it from me and starts looking. Her hand starts to shake, and tears fall from her eyes.

  “DECLAN! I’m late! Like really late! “

  “Calm down, how late are we talking?”

  “Like Bonnaroo, nine weeks ago late! How did I miss this? I’m on the pill!”

  “Sparkle, we need to get to a doctor.”

  “No, I need to go buy a test. How close is the nearest drug store?”

  “You are going to stay in bed, I’ll go
get it.”

  “You can’t! People are watching your every move. I can’t have it in the news before we even know. I need a disguise.”

  “First off, you’re not leaving this bed. Trust me to handle this. I’ll be back soon.”

  She nods and her eyes are filled with more tears. I’m not sure how to read her emotions, but she doesn’t say anything else when I leave the room. I go straight to my guys’ room and hope they have something for me to disguise myself. My heart is racing in the best way possible.



  Late! How did I not realize it? Oh yeah, because I’m in love! I’m in love with my husband, in love with my job, in love with Sayge and their success. I’ve been totally consumed with everything else.

  I pick up my phone to call–who? Who do I call to say I may be pregnant? All I want is my husband. He’ll want this right? He wanted me pregnant within six months–he said so himself.

  The only things I can think of while I wait is to research. I Google as much as I can and by the time Declan returns I’m hysterical. He’s not going to be happy.

  He takes the plastic bag to the bathroom and comes back to hold me. “Babe, what happened?”

  “Long story short, I freaked.”

  He picks me up and takes me to the counter in the bathroom. When he sets me down, he kisses me soft and sweet and holds me close.

  “There are a couple in here,” he motions to the bag. “You pick, I’m right here with you.”

  “Sweetheart, I can take it from here. Wait for me on the bed.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I can’t pee in front of you.”

  “You have two minutes and then we wait together.” He kisses me again. “And Ravenel James Collins, I really hope it’s positive.” He steps through the door, and I start crying again. Fucking Declan!

  Once I’m done I open the door and tackle Declan on the bed. He holds me close, and I situate myself on top of him. Even as nervous as I am, he turns me on. What the hell is wrong with me? We’re about to have a life changing moment, and I’m horny. He smiles against my lips but keeps kissing me until an alarm buzzes.

  “I gave it five minutes. Knew the test needed three.”

  “You ready for the answer?”

  “Yes, but there’s only one answer I want.” He squeezes me tightly.

  “Declan, how can you be so sure? The tour, the recording, next year?”

  “Fucking A’ are we going through this again?”

  I shake my head and roll off him. He follows me to the bathroom and pulls me against him when I pick up the test.


  Our eyes connect in the mirror, and we both have unshed tears shining.

  “We’re going to have a baby.” I whisper.

  “Yes, we are.”

  “We’re going to be parents.”

  “Umm-hmm,” he nuzzles his face in my neck. His arms circle my waist, his fingertip’s rub against the bare skin of my stomach. I turn into him.

  “Declan, I’m freaking out a little here. Aren’t you?”

  “Nope. I’m enjoying the moment.” He continues rubbing lightly on my abdomen.

  Tears fall down my cheeks when our eyes connect. His face is full of love and happiness. I lean up and place my lips against his. He pulls me close and deepens our kiss. Like normal, sparks fly between us with passion and desire. He moves us out of the small bathroom space and walks us to the bed, never breaking our kiss. He lays me down and breaks away. We’re both panting and staring into each other’s eyes. His composure calms me. I’m no longer freaking out. I lift up to kiss him again when there’s a banging at the door. We both look at the door in confusion.

  “Fucking hell.” Declan says as he unclasps my legs around his waist and adjusts himself in his shorts. He looks through the peep hole and rolls his eyes at me. “I’m sorry, I’ll try to get rid of them.”

  He opens the door and Blake, Cooper, and Nate walk in locking eyes with me. They all have worried expressions.

  “Well?” Blake asks Declan.

  “Guys, I told you I’d call you later. Now’s not a good time.”

  “Bullshit! You think we’re just going to wait around?”

  “What are y’all talking about?” I ask.

  Declan actually looks scared before he answers me. “Um, I asked for help getting your tests. We had to provide a distraction.”

  All four guys are watching me waiting for my reaction. I don’t hesitate, even though it hasn’t completely sunk it yet I smile at them. “How do you guys feel about being uncles?”

  The looks on their faces is priceless, and I giggle. Then I’m tackled on the bed in hugs and kisses. I forgot I’m in my pajamas, but Declan obviously doesn’t when he starts throwing them off of me and hands me one of his shirts.

  “This is fucking crazy! A fucking baby? Dec man, how’d this happen?” Blake says.

  “I’m pretty sure you know how babies are made dumbass.”

  Nate, Cooper, and I listen to them banter back and forth a few minutes smiling. When they finally shut up, all eyes come back to me.

  “Guys, I really want to see a doctor and get some answers before we tell everyone else. Please keep it quiet until then. Blake, especially you. If Charlie knows, everyone will know.”

  They agree and get up to leave. I’ve got some calls to make and hopefully an appointment to make.

  I call my doctor’s office in Nashville and talk to the nurse. She does some research and calls me back with a name of a local doctor they recommend until I can get home. When I call, they understand the urgency and the confidentiality and make an appointment for tomorrow morning. Declan and I spend the rest of the day on the internet looking at baby websites and writing down our questions. When we leave for the concert, I can’t hide my excitement for tomorrow.


  The office is full when we arrive, but we get a room right away. The nurse comes in and takes my vitals, draws blood, and then leads me to the bathroom so I can give a urine sample. After about ten minutes, she comes back in and confirms I am indeed pregnant. She hands me a sheet and asks me to undress from the waist down and sit on the exam table.

  Declan is smiling wider than I’ve ever seen him before. I guess the medical confirmation of the pregnancy sinks in. He pulls a chair up next to me and holds my hand.

  I’m relieved the doctor is a woman. She introduces herself as Dr. Johns, and she explains she has been an OB for twenty years. We explain our situation, and she promises to get her files to my doctor in Nashville. We talk about my morning sickness and other symptoms.

  She gives us her complete attention and we suspect, I may have gotten pregnant around the time I had my migraine the first few weeks of the tour. Apparently the medicine counteracted the effectiveness of my pill. I share my concerns about drinking and eating unhealthy, but she assures me we can check the health of the baby with the ultrasound today. Declan goes into his uber protective mode asking about how much sleep I need, my diet, exercise routines, and anything else that he can think of. She calls the nurse in and asks her to pull some pamphlets for us to use as a guide until I get back to Nashville.

  Declan starts to fidget in the chair and looks uncomfortable. His eyes plead with mine, and I know what he wants me to ask.

  “Dr. Johns, what about sex?”

  “Sex is perfectly safe during the whole pregnancy unless there are complications. Your baby is basically cocooned in your body so penetration will not harm it.”

  I’m satisfied with the answer, but Declan nudges my arm. I look at him with wide eyes, but he mouths ‘please.’

  “One more question.” She looks at me with no expression on her face. I’m actually embarrassed now. “Um, let’s say hypothetically your husband is huge and has his penis pierced?”

  Declan can’t hide his amusement and drops his head to the table by my hip. Dr. Johns grins slightly but remains professional.

  “Hypothetically, it is still safe. Li
ke I said unless there are complications, sex is safe.”

  Heat hits my face, and I look at the ceiling.

  “If there are no more questions, let’s take a look. Lay back for me. Since we’re not exactly sure how far along you are, I’m going to do and transvaginal ultrasound today. We can get measurements, hear the heartbeat, and take pictures.”

  She squeezes some gel on the end of a wand-like instrument with a rubber sheath over it. Declan’s eyes are huge and he starts to say something, but I shake my head. She moves the screen and inserts the wand in me. The room fills with a squeal and what sounds like the beat of a drum. It’s constant and soothing, and when I look at Dr. Johns she smiles slightly. She taps some buttons and then speaks.

  “That sound is the heartbeat. You may realize it is a steady constant. This worried me at first until I saw why.”

  We both tense up, and Declan inches as close to me as he can.

  “Is there a problem?” he asks.

  “Not at all, the beat is constant because there are two of them. Congratulations, you’re having twins.”

  Shock, surprise and fear all hit me at once. My eyes are glued to the two dots she is pointing to on the screen. Tears pour out of my eyes as love fills my heart. Nothing could have prepared me for this moment. Two babies.

  Declan’s hand goes to my stomach and rubs gently. He watches the screen as Dr. Johns takes measurements and pictures print. When she removes the wand Declan scoots me over and gets on the table with me. He holds me close and doesn’t say anything or a few moments.

  “Raven, I’d say you’re eight to nine weeks along. I’m going to give you a prescription for prenatal vitamins and an iron supplement. Your blood work showed low iron, which is common with twins. You are a very healthy young lady, but I’d like to see you gain a few pounds. Get plenty of rest and make an appointment to see your OB/GYN as soon as you can.”

  We shake her hand, and she leaves us alone. I roll over as much as I can on the tiny table and look at Declan’s face.

  “Sweetie, you okay?”

  “Fucking thrilled.”


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