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Scorpio Triumph [Dray Prescot #43]

Page 21

by Alan Burt Akers


  Gal-ag-Foroming: teacher of Ra-Lu-Quonling. SIV

  Galfarn, Arngalf: a legendary warrior who was tested by the god Schnurrdun the All-seeing.

  Gandil the Mak: a crony of Strom Hangol, a beetle-browed fellow with black hair and a bad skin, who habitually carried sword and axe. Killed by Prescot. SRB

  Garrus: vessel on which Prescot took passage downriver from Ternantung. SIV

  garsun: flour made from the roots of the gola-gola plant.

  Gdoinya: sister bird to the Gdoinye.

  Gdoinyi: the Gdoinye and Gdoinya.

  Ge-Fu-Schian: a Trylon, original employer of Wa-Te. SDR

  Ghat Gate: a gate in Taranjin.

  Gilium: paradise in the religion of Tsung-Tan.

  glahber: a “poor devil.”

  Glarkie Dunes: one of the names given to the desert to the east of She of the Sundering.

  Gleek Frankai: the Great Salt Desert in southern Loh.

  Glima: a Gon girl who escaped from the Shanks with Prescot and his friends. SAB

  Glinting Charm, River of: river running through the town of Changwutung.

  Glitch Riders: a nation of nomads living to the north of the Farang Parang.

  gola-gola: a plant whose massive roots are ground to yield flour.

  gorse: a type of bush.

  Goyt, by: oath used by Grodnims.

  Great Salt Desert: desert found in the southern part of Loh, also called the Gleek Frankai. SRB

  Grotal the Reducer: a Grodnim deity.

  Guishsmot: home town of Walfger Olipen.

  Gurong: a Deldar in the caravan of Vad Leotes. SRB


  ham Thanstrer, Hamish ham Thanstrer: Kapt of the Hamalian air fleet sent to fight the Shank occupiers of Tarankar.

  Hamparz, Sternum: Ship Hikdar of Dovad Daisy. SAB

  Hangol ham Finral, Strom: cadade of Vad Leotes’ guard, a Hamalian, adherent of Lem, who took an intense dislike to Prescot. SRB

  Hanjhin: oasis to the west of Orphasmot.

  Hanshar, Ortyg: the chief priest of Makilorn. SAS

  “Happy the Day of the Shearing": a Lohvian song.

  Hargon, San: one of Strom Hangols’ cronies. Had Tuong Mishuro killed, and was killed in turn by Prescot. SRB

  Havil Resplendent: Hamalese airship sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB

  Havil Resurgent: Hamalese airship sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB

  Heart: oft-used Lohvian term for the Chunkrah's Eye.

  “Her Hair as Red as the Robin's Breast": an old Lohvian song.

  “Hesink": expression meaning “de trop", “too much.”

  Hiclantung: Lohvian city, home of Queen Satra.

  Hien-Mi, San Nalgre: one of the Queen of Makilorn's Repositers. SAS

  ham Hilzim, Harulf: Vad of Quinvarn, Fleet Admiral of the Hamalese fleet sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB, STR

  Hinjanchung: a town on the River of Glinting Charm.

  Hirrume Warrior: Hamalese airship sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB

  Hlo-Hli: god of the old Lohvian Empire.

  Hoban the Brows: varterist aboard Dovad Daisy. SAB

  Holi and Hola: most common Lohvian name for the twin moons of Kregen.

  Holomin, Chan: Strom of Wioldrin, encountered by Prescot in the underground maze beneath the City of Eternal Twilight.

  ham Homath, Nath: Hikdar in the Hamalese fleet sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB

  Hondar the Frogan: ship Deldar of Dovad Daisy. SAB

  Horvil ham Verherne: Hamalian mercenary in the army of Na-Si-Fantong. STR

  Hosifi: see Shiang, Hosifi.

  Houdondrin: a country in Loh.

  Hsienu, Nath: also called Nath the Bollard, master of the vessel Garrus; addicted to Jikalla. SIV

  H'siung Garden: a restaurant at the Springs of Benga Annorpha.

  Huang: a contestant for the Annorpha Aigrette. SAS

  ham Hurlving, Hargon: a Kapt, temporary commander of the Hamalian fleet in Loh. STR

  Hwang: one of two guards who watched Prescot fall from the sky into a carp pond. SIV

  Hwang, Pling-Fe-: noble of Tsungfaril whose newborn baby was supposed to receive the spirit of the assassinated Queen. SAS

  HwangTei: jewelsmith whose daughter Cheryl eloped with Naghan the Cheerful.

  Hwangin: king of Hiclantung. STR

  hyrzim: one of two styles of scabbard for a Krozair longsword, highly decorated.

  Hytak: race of diffs each having two arms, two legs, and a sinuous tail to which an edged blade is often strapped. The backbone of many armies and many mercenary bands, hytakim are valued as fighting men and women. Their armor and weapons are maintained in impeccable condition.


  Ib, Path of the: one of the paths of Alternative Magic, in which the tenth corner is of special significance.

  Ibdrin: spirit-land, where the souls or spirits of murdered or violently-killed people are believed to cluster, waiting for vengeance

  Inglewong, Lady Floria: companion to Trylon Nanji Tawang. SRB, SAS

  Inky: Valkan boy with whom Prescot flew a kite. SRB

  Ishti!: a Shank war cry.

  “It's no good crying after you've upset the calsany.": No use crying over spilled milk.

  Ivory Lorn: an abandoned city in the Farang Parang.

  Iwanhan, San: philosopher who suffered at the hands of well-intentioned torturers.


  The Jeweled Crook: a lodging house in Larishsmot, where Prescot stayed when he was paralyzed. SRB

  Jimjim the Randell: a slave in Shank-occupied Taranjin. SIV


  Kadar the Hammer: alias used by Prescot in Loh. STR

  Kang the Hook: a fisherman of Makilorn. SRB

  kaogoinye: an assassin working at the behest of the Everoinye.

  Kaopan: in the religion of Tsung-Tan, a ceremony to ensure that a dead paol-ur-bliem will not be reincarnated.

  Kaour: death-dealer.

  Kei-Wo the Dipensis: a thief of Makilorn. SAS

  Kendur: name used for the Emperor by the Emperor's Sword Watch.

  khan: a silver coin of Tsungfaril.

  Kirsty: cousin to Leone, later Queen of Makfaril. SAS

  Koo, Kling: a woman of Makilorn.

  Koskei of the Daggered Tail, by: a Kataki oath.

  krad: patriotic bronze coin minted by the Presidio of Vallia in the Times of Troubles and which forms the main part of the Vallian Freedom Army's wages.

  kreektizz: a type of ferocious beast.

  kregoinya: a female agent of the Star Lords.

  Kronenvar: land neighboring Shirrendrin.

  krosturr: one of two styles of scabbard for a Krozair longsword, plain and unadorned.

  Kuong Vang Talin: Trylon of Taranik, recently come of age. SRB, SAS, SAB

  Kwang: a bandit who attacked Prescot's caravan in southern Loh. SRB


  laiker: Lohvian variety of shortsword.

  Languin: see Nuong-Hi.

  Lanlo the Plump: a follower of the New Empire of Loh in Shamfrin, husband of Milly. SDR

  Lao-Chan the Staver: bowright in Taranjin who was killed for making defective bows. SIV

  lap-lap: a thigh-length wrap-around garment.

  Larghos: bosun of Garrus. SIV

  Larghos Jankwa ti Fakwald: cadet aboard Vendayha Lady. STR

  Larghos the Lame, Kapt: a soldier poet killed in an ambush 1500 years ago.

  Larghos the Throstle: a member of the band of Nath the Ron and Layla, with a fine singing voice. SIV

  Larghos the Trevoilyan: a Hikdar aboard Shankjid. SAB

  Larishsmot: town at the eastern end of the Old Lorn trail.

  Larrigen: see Parfang.

  Lavonth: predatory beast, about the size of a greyhound, a pelt patterned in zigzag of tawny and umbre.

  Laygon Fariang: a lord with a stutter who traveled with Mevancy in the Farang Parang. SAB

  Layla na Borrakesh, Kovneva: fought against the Shanks in Tara
nkar. SIV

  Leone: Queen of Tsungfaril, paol-ur-bliem, assassinated in her bath. SAS

  Leone: female companion of Wink, paol-ur-bliem, one of three heirs to the throne of Makfaril. SAS

  Leotes: see li Ningwan, Leotes.

  by Lhun: an oath used by Mul-lu-Manting.

  Licria: Princess Majestrix of Walfarg, frozen for hundreds of years in the underground Realm of the Drums by a magic spell until released by Prescot.

  lictrix: a saddle animal native to Loh, related to the sectrix.

  Lin: one of two guards who watched Prescot fall from the sky into a carp pond. SIV

  Lindy-ma-Sendiyin: a follower of the New Empire of Loh in Shamfrin. SDR

  Lingli, Mistress: puncture lady who attended to Wink when he was stabbed by a thief. SAS

  Lingloh, by: an oath used by Whonbim.

  Lingshi: mistress of the Jeweled Crook. SRB

  Lisa the Forthright: leader of the Pilgrims.

  lisehn: variety of tree from which the fine Vallian bowstaves are built.

  Llodi the Voice: a guard in the retinue of Vad Leotes, known for his singing voice and splendid fissured nose. SRB

  Loctrux: a deity worshipped in Tsungfaril before the advent of Tsung-Tan.

  Lohrhiang: a priest of Tsung-Tan who conquered the followers of Loctrux.

  Lola the Assandra: a follower of the New Empire of Loh in Shamfrin. SDR

  Loptyg the Muncible: serving in the Emperor's Sword Watch. SIV

  Luan-Chi the Flexible: Thanko thief recruited by Prescot in Taranjin to assist in sabotage. SIV

  Lulli Quincy: proprietress of a lodging house in Makilorn. SRB

  Lunky: apprentice to Tuong Mishuro, later succeeding him as a dikaster. SRB, SAS

  Lurgan the Vandour: Hytak crossbowman in the retinue of Vad Gochert. SDR

  Lush Bonhomie: a tavern in Makilorn where Prescot foiled a theft. SAS

  Luxurious Rest, Chambers of: suite in the palace of Makilorn, the old Chemzite Chambers.

  Luz: Lohvian name for the red sun of Kregen.

  lynxor: Lohvian term for lord.

  lynxora: Lohvian term for lady.

  lynxter: variety of sword used in Loh.


  Magor: swamp-dwelling crocodilian predatory beast, red-eyed. It is not known whether they are intelligent.

  Makilorn: city of roughly a hundred thousand inhabitants in Tsungfaril.

  Mangarl the Sofirst: a swod aboard Shankjid. SAB

  Margon the Ron: a zhanpaktun traveling in the caravan of Trylon Kuong. SRB

  Mar-Win-Naltong: Wizard of Loh in the retinue of Queen Satra. STR

  Meimgarum: oasis city on the eastern side of the Gleek Frankai. SRB

  Mellow Moonlights: one of the many Kregen expressions for “Good evening.”

  Merkaller: a manufacturer of first-class carriages.

  Merle: a member of the Sisters of Voxyra. SAB

  Merlee: a Witch of the Demaskar Persuasion, beloved of Vad Gochert. SDR

  Mevancy nal Chardaz, Lady: a kregoinya who befriended and looked after Prescot when he was paralyzed. SRB, SAS, SAB

  “The Milkmaid's Song": a Lohvian song.

  Milly: a follower of the New Empire of Loh in Shamfrin, older sister of Tilly. SDR

  ming: a gold piece in southern Loh.

  “The Miscil Returned": a little ditty about the farmer who paid ten gold pieces for a slave and married her and demanded the gold back from her owner as her dowry.

  Mishuro, San Tuong: a dikaster, assassinated by Pulvia. SRB

  Moggers: nickname of Moglin the Flatch.

  Moglin the Flatch: a Fristle member of the band of Nath the Ron and Layla. SIV

  Mother Molly's: lodging house where Prescot and Quonling stayed in Hinjanchung.

  Mul-lu-Manting: a Witch of Loh who publicly advocated the re-establishment of the Empire. SIV

  mytzer: a draft beast.


  Nafren: son of Lady Thynzi. STR

  Na-Ku, Sandar: a Pachak warrior aboard Shankjid. SAB

  Na-Si-Fantong: wizard of Loh seeking the jewels of the Skantiklar. SAS

  Nafty: giggle-prone assistant hired by Mevancy. SRB

  Naghan: a bandit who attacked Prescot's caravan in southern Loh. SRB

  Naghan the Bristle: Brokelsh mercenary in the army of Na-Si-Fantong. STR

  Naghan the Cheerful: eloped with the jewelsmith Hwang Tei's daughter Cheryl against his wishes and was miraculously saved by rain.

  Naghan the Chik: a thief of Makilorn. SAS

  Naghan the Hammer: former assistant to Shan-lao Ortyghan. SIV

  Naghan the Marbut: a slave overseer for the Shanks in Taranjin. SIV

  Naghan the Omurdour: cousin of Nath Hsienu, suspected to have been killed or captured by Shanks.

  Nalgre the Erkensator: crewman of Shankjid. SAB

  Nalgre the Foot: soldier in the army of Na-Si-Fantong. STR

  Nalgre the Frunicator: one of Strom Hangol's cronies, killed by Prescot. SRB

  Nalgre Hien-Mi, San: one of the Queen of Makilorn's Repositers. SAS

  Nalgre ti Mailinsmot: a messenger in the retinue of Vad Gochert. STR

  Nalgre ti Mornlad: a cadet aboard Dovad Daisy. SAB

  Nalgre V'ron'v: Ensign with the Vallian fleet in Loh. STR

  Nan-ni-Oboling: a follower of the New Empire of Loh in Shamfrin. SDR

  Nardi's Wenyellow: a famous vintage of Wenhartdrin.

  Nath the Burly: a member of 1ESW. STR

  Nath the Dorvenfull: the archer of 1EZB.

  Nath Fernon: Rapa mercenary in the army of Na-Si-Fantong. STR

  Nath the Graintjid: legendary warrior slain by Arngalf Galfarn.

  Nath ham Homath: Hikdar in the Hamalese fleet sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB

  Nath the Horizons: traveled with Mevancy in the Farang Parang. SAB

  Nath Hsienu: also called Nath the Bollard, master of the vessel Garrus; addicted to Jikalla. SIV

  NathIngling: Hamalian mercenary in the army of Na-Si-Fantong.

  Nath the Jarvis: an inhabitant of Tuansmot. STR

  Nath the Lump: a guard in the employ of Tuong Mishuro. SRB

  Nath the Ready: alias used by Ra-Lu-Quonling. SIV

  Nath the Ron: Kov of Borrakesh, leader of a band rivaling that of Layla na Borrakesh. SIV

  Nath the Rumpador: apim whom Prescot recruited in Taranjin to resist the Shank occupation. SIV

  Nath the Thirsty, Strom: Prescot's fellow captive of the People of the Drums. SDR

  Nath the Tumbs: a member of 1ESW. STR

  Nath the Twist: alias used by Prescot at the Springs of Benga Annorpha.

  Nath the Uttarler, San: chief Repositer of the Queen of Makilorn. SAS

  Nath the Veins: a Deldar aboard Shankjid. SAB

  Nath ti Zanda: alias used by Nath Wa-Te. SDR

  Newsat, Naghan ham: Strom of Livhavil, affianced to Rangicha Taranta, an adherent of Lem. SAB

  N'gil: a leechlike creature attending Carazaar, appearing to be the repulsive product of miscegenation between apim and Shank. SAB

  nik-armorer: assistant armorer.

  Nik-Whonban: a country in Loh.

  Nikki the Lame: lookout at Clovangjin. SIV

  Niliin: a wine from down the River of Drifting Leaves.

  Ningwan, Leotes li: Vad of Sabiling, in whose retinue Prescot and Mevancy traveled for a while in Southern Loh. SRB

  Nissa: handmaiden of Delia.

  Nol the Arm: a Deldar in 1ESW, eaten by a flitchlak. SAB

  Nola: a follower of the New Empire of Loh in Shamfrin. SDR

  Noring the Ovoinach: Kanzai Warrior Brother encountered by Prescot and Mul-lu-Manting. SDR

  Notesov: a country of Loh.

  noumjiksirn: the Kregen form of a wake, a serious yet carousing way of remembering fallen comrades.

  Nuong-Hi: family in Ankharum who sell animals, carts, and carriages to travelers arriving from across the Gleek Frankai. SRB

  Nuong-Hi, Languin: see Nuong-Hi.


  Oglin Vandar: a swod aboard Shankjid. SAB

  “Oh for the Sword of my Lover": a sad little ditty filled with long cadences and the drawn out vowels of sadness.

  Old Lorn Trail: trail running from Larishsmot to Makilorn.

  Olipen: a merchant from Guishsmot.

  Oneness, River of: river running south through Ankharum.

  Onso the Gnat: a companion slave to Prescot in the Shank armory.

  Orgren Fernon: Rapa mercenary in the army of Na-Si-Fantong. STR

  Orlon Farantino: known as the Rekarder, a Khibil retainer of Layla na Borrakesh. SIV

  Ornol Skobog: an old kampeon in the Emperor's Yellow Jackets. SIV

  Ornol Wanlicheng: a wandering scholar, an adherent of Alternative Magic. SIV

  Orphasmot: town located a few days’ ride to the west of Makilorn, site of the Springs of Benga Annorpha.

  Ortyg Hanshar: chief priest of Makilorn. SAS

  Ortyghan the Dagger: a Fristle member of 1ESW, prone to strapping a dagger to his tail. SAB


  Palandi the Iarvin: Khibil who designed an incendiary device for burning a Shank warehouse in Taranjin. SIV

  Paline Asatha: Jiktar Vuvushi wounded by Shanks. SAB

  Pancheen Gate: a gate in the walls of Makilorn.

  Pandarun: Caravan master of Vad Leotes. SRB

  Paol-ur-bliem: the Accursed of Tsung-Tan.

  Paramdan: homeplace of Ornol Wanlicheng.

  Parfang, Listi and Larrigen: a newlywed couple of Makilorn.

  Pathfinders: also called Pilgrims or Wayfarers, adherents of Alternative Magic.

  peaker: a dagger with grooves for poison.

  Phar-Si-Wyrnon: Wizard of Loh in Hyrklana who offered aid to Spikatur Hunting Sword, erstwhile master of Na-Si-Fantong. STR

  Pigeon: Prescot's nickname for Mevancy.

  Pilgrims: also called Wayfarers or Pathfinders, adherents of Alternative Magic.

  Pimpim: a thick green wine from Chem, cloying as syrup.

  Ping: a thief of Makilorn, a runt of a fellow with a yellow-scarred jaw and bad teeth. SAS

  Pling-Fe-Hwang: a noble lord whose baby was supposed to receive the soul of the assassinated Queen of Makilorn. SAS

  punklingling: a melodious musical instrument.

  Pondo: surly assistant hired by Mevancy. SRB

  Pondro the Pin: bosun of the vessel Quaynt's Fortune. SIV

  Pontior: a man saved by Mevancy for the Star Lords.

  Porstheimer: manufacturer of first-class carriages.

  Prang: companion of Wink. SAS

  Pride of Hanitcha: Hamalese airship sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB


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