The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set
Page 26
“Dear God!” Peri exclaimed, her eyes drawn to the magnificent beast in front of her. The Wolf was enormous and had a fur that was similar to Gabe’s dark blonde hair, though a little darker with some spots of white on its paws. She had never seen anything so beautiful in her entire life.
Slowly, she pulled away from her Vampire and moved towards the animal in front. It stayed very still, as if knowing she would possibly be anxious. As she drew ever closer, the massive head moved to the side, as if assessing her and then his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth.
She got her first glimpse of the teeth that were inside that mouth, and she couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips. Those teeth were like none she had ever seen before, large, sharp, so deadly. She realized that her Wolf was immensely powerful and lethal.
One of her hands moved of its own accord and reached out, the Wolf taking a step forward and lowering his head, so she could stroke it. As her hand felt the soft, thick fur, the animal made a noise deep down inside, a little like a whine, but more of a noise of what she could only describe as happiness.
She laughed, loudly, and her other hand came forward so that her hands grasped the Wolf on either side of its head, giving it a shake, as she did so. “You are a glorious creature, Gabe, and look how large you are! I’m sure you could carry me on your back, if you wanted!”
As soon as the words left her mouth, she could clearly see in her mind the Wolf running wild with her on his back. The sight was one that had her wishing it was a reality.
“He could indeed, Peri. Do you want to try?” Josef asked, now standing beside her.
“What? Really? Won’t I hurt him? He’s a Wolf, not a horse.” Peri wasn’t sure of the physical attributes of Wolves, but she was sure they weren’t made to carry folks on their backs. Then again, she had never seen an animal as big as this one.
Peri wasn’t small or tall, at just under five feet six, but this animal came to almost her chest, he was that large. She looked him over again, taking in the large powerful muscles that rippled underneath the fur, saw the immense strength in the hindquarters that followed all the way through the animal. Maybe he could carry her on his back. This day was getting very surreal.
Gabe’s Wolf whined and nudged her with its head and then moved closer, brushing gently against her, so as not to knock her to the ground. Peri realized he wanted her to get on his back and she smiled at Josef, who moved quickly and picked her up, placing her on the middle of the animal and waiting until she got her balance.
“I’ll need to hold on, you sure I won’t hurt him?” she asked, as she held tightly to the immensely thick fur.
“No, you won’t hurt him.” Josef half-chuckled and thought this was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. His little Witch sitting on the back of his dear friend. A small smile even made it onto his face.
“Go, Gabe!” Josef shouted and Peri had to hang on tight, as the Wolf started to move.
Slow at first, as if allowing Peri to find her balance, and then the Wolf took off. Faster and faster he ran. Peri’s hair was flying out behind her and she couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up from her throat.
This was out of this world, she thought, as they flew over the ground, and she didn’t think she had ever been happier. Here on the ranch with her two men and riding the back of a freaking Wolf! What more could she ask for?
The Wolf carried on for some distance before finally turning around and heading back to where Peri thought Josef was. She wasn’t sure, as they were so far out she could no longer see her Vampire, but she had no doubt he would still be there, waiting on them to come back.
She was right, she even saw a smile on his face, as they drew nearer. A smile that was echoed on her own features as Gabe’s Wolf lost speed until it was only a slow walk. As they stopped in front of Josef, he moved forward and helped Peri down from the beast’s back.
“Oh my God! That was amazing!” Peri was almost shouting in her excitement and as she turned, she saw Gabe back in human form with a huge smile on his face.
“Did you like him?” he asked, and Peri ran and jumped up into his arms, and she realized he was still naked.
“Did I like him? Christ, Gabe, your Wolf is awesome! I LOVE him!” Peri placed a kiss on his lips, one that had him returning it with passion, until Josef coughed and Gabe broke contact, reluctantly. Gabe walked over and got dressed quickly, still with a huge smile on his face.
“I think we should go and unpack, eat, and then discuss what you have planned for our little Witch’s training,” he said. Gabe nodded his head slowly.
He would much rather have taken Peri back to the bedroom for other reasons.
Peri was still smiling, as they walked back to the house, playing the scene over and over in her head. She had ridden a bloody Wolf! Horse riding didn’t seem so scary after all.
They entered the house and Josef led the way upstairs, along a hallway, and into a very large room at the end. It was just as plush as their room back in Vegas and had a very large attached bathroom with a whirlpool bath, a very big whirlpool bath. One that Peri was sure would fit all three.
“It hasn’t in the past, but I think it will now,” Josef replied to her thoughts. She blushed slightly, as she realized he knew exactly where her thoughts had taken her.
“I’m sure it will,” was all she managed before getting to the task at hand.
All three moved around in the room, placing their clothes and things in the large separate dressing area, and soon it was done. Peri’s stomach rumbled and her men heard it clearly, the sound making both of them feel more at ease. Her appetite seemed to have come back and that was a good thing. She could sense this from them and she marveled again at how she was now connected to them both.
“Food will be served shortly,” Josef said, as they made their way back downstairs, taking a left at the bottom and on towards a large dining area with a door leading to a large kitchen. As she saw it, she wondered why had Josef bothered with such a lavish kitchen? After all, he didn’t actually eat food.
Josef again answered Peri’s thought. “Gabe does and we sometimes have buyers staying, they come to view the stock we have before making a decision. The price of our horses is very high, so buyers like to see them first sometimes, so that means entertaining them here.”
“How much?” she asked, wondering what one of those highly strung animals would go for.
“It varies, but it is always in the six figure range, sometimes higher.”
“For a horse?!” she exclaimed and both Gabe and Josef laughed.
“Yes, for a horse,” her Vampire replied, as they sat down at the large dining table.
She noticed that it was all set up with cutlery and napkins and wondered who did that. She couldn’t even imagine Finbar in a kitchen, far less cooking or preparing a table.
Before her Vampire could answer her thoughts, a small lady walked through, a large smile on her face. “Hello, hello, Mister Josef and Mister Gabe! It’s so nice to have you back again, you’ve been away too long!”
The woman was smiling widely at the men. At that moment the woman saw Peri and stopped dead, her eyes widening, and an even larger smile coming across her face.
“And who is this?!” she asked and Gabe chuckled.
“Margaret, this is Peri, she’s a Witch, and she’s also our mate,” Gabe answered.
The lady’s face now looked confused. “Mate? Both of you?!” she asked in a high-pitched voice and Peri blushed, knowing how strange this all was, even to her.
“Yes, Margaret, to us both,” Josef answered, and his tone was one that told the woman not to query any more, which Peri was very relieved at. She knew it was rare and strange, and she still felt a little odd herself about it all, she didn’t need anyone else making her feel even weirder about it.
“Good, good! It’s about time you two settled down,” Margaret said, and set about putting
plates on the table at two settings.
“That is not how we sit, Margaret. Peri is at the head of the table and Gabe and I are at her sides.” Josef moved one of the plates and cutlery. Once again the woman’s eyes widened, but she said nothing and only nodded her head, for a moment.
“Quite right, too, Peri! You start off as you want to go on. Keeping these two in line.” Margaret smiled at her, and she could see the kindness in her eyes, she thought she was going to like this little lady.
Josef pulled her chair out and she sat down, her men joining her on either side of the table. Margaret brought out a large platter of food and Peri’s eyes were wide at the amount, surely they didn’t expect her to eat all that? However, the lady continued to chatter, as she went about placing it on the table.
“Mister Gabe, I take it your appetite hasn’t left you?” she said with a cheeky grin. Gabe shook his head and chuckled, as he started to load up his plate.
Thank goodness, Peri was relieved that this was meant, mostly, for Gabe. She took some food onto her own plate and started to eat, as Josef poured some wine then sat back to watch her.
“So who’s that?” she asked between mouthfuls.
“That, my dear, is Margaret! Afraid she comes with the ranch, she lives with Finbar...”
“What? That cheery lady lives with Finbar? That’s...oh, I don’t know...just a bit strange, thinking of those two together. I mean, she’s tiny, he’s huge, she’s cheery and he’s well...not so cheery.”
Gabe laughed, nearly choking himself in the process. When he got himself under control, he tried to speak, coughed some more then managed it. “I know, but Finbar isn’t like that with her, when you see them together, I think you’ll be surprised,” he managed to get out before he had to take a drink to stop from coughing again.
“Gabe is right, Finbar is not so...gruff...with her, as he is with everyone else,” Josef explained. She couldn’t wait to see this, that grumpy bear with that little lady. Maybe her circumstances weren’t so odd after all.
“Gabe, do you have your training schedule ready for Peri?” Josef asked, and Peri saw Gabe smiling.
“Yup, all taken care of, Jo. I’ll start with trying to build up her stamina and then go onto strength, but we’ve both seen her doing her training, so I don’t think we’ll have a problem,” Gabe advised before going back to his food.
“Good, and as you say, she trains quite hard as it is, so with some good food and the appropriate rest, I am sure she will be fighting fit in no time. The most important part is the training Liam will be doing.”
“Where is Liam?” she asked, and at that Margaret answered, hearing the question, as she brought in some homemade cookies.
“He’s resting, says he’s going to need his strength for tomorrow. He’s already had something to eat. Here, try some of my cookies,” she said, as she placed the plate in front of Peri.
The smell wafting up was delicious, and she picked one up, it was still warm. A warm, homemade cookie. Peri didn’t think she had ever had one before and as she took a bite, she almost moaned. The taste was divine and it melted in her mouth as she chewed. Before she even finished the first she had reached for another and ate that, too.
“Those are wonderful, I’ve never tasted anything so good!” she said, as she finished. Margaret smiled at the same time a small blush came across her cheeks.
“Oh, I’m glad you like them. If you want any, just come on through, I’ve always got some in a tub, or in the oven.” Still with the smile on her face, she cleared the table and disappeared back through into the kitchen.
“That’s where she got her nickname from, we sometimes call her Cookie,” Gabe said, as he snatched a couple more.
Peri laughed. “Oh, doesn't she mind?”
“No, I'm pretty sure she kinda likes it, plus she is the cook, too, so a few of the hands call her it. But she’s always baking cookies, so it kinda stuck.” Gabe finished off the last of the cookies on the table.
“I have some work to do, so I will leave you two for a bit. I will see you later for the evening meal.” Josef got up, leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek then walked out.
“Why don’t I show you how to play some of the games I like, in the lounge with the big screen?” Gabe said with a smile, and she smiled back.
“I’d like that,” she said, so that’s what they did.
The next few hours flew by, as they had fun playing a host of different games. She particularly liked the ‘shoot ‘em up’ ones that Gabe had. Before she knew it Josef was there saying the evening meal was ready.
Liam joined them. They had a nice meal and chatted about various things, as if nobody wanted to mention the reason they were all there. Peri was grateful, she had enough to contend with just now. Daiki’s death was still clear in her mind, and she was still grieving for her friend.
Sometimes it hit her in her chest, and she found it hard to breathe, then anger would engulf her, and she couldn’t wait to meet with her father. She realized her mind had wandered, when she felt a hand on top of hers, looking down and then up, she realized that Josef was staring intently at her.
“I’m fine,” she said to the question in his eyes, he nodded once and gave her a small smile.
They stayed at the dining table for a long time after the meal, Gabe telling some very naughty jokes, which had tears rolling down her face from laughter. Even Liam seemed to have relaxed a bit and joined in, though it looked as if Josef had heard them all before and only had small smiles on his face at certain points.
Liam finally made a move and stood up. “I’m going to bed, see you tomorrow,” he said, as he left the room.
“I think we should go to bed, too, tomorrow is the start of your training, little Witch,” Josef said, as he stood and took her hand.
“Okay,” she said and followed her Vampire, her Wolf at her back.
The next hour was spent with her men lavishing love on her, as she lay like putty in their arms. The sensations they elicited in her body had her moaning loudly and wishing for it never to end, as both of them took her to highs she had only ever dreamed about.
Once more they made love to her together, with her on top of her Wolf and her Vampire at her back. She had a fleeting thought of ‘surely this is wrong’ as her Vampire’s hardness entered her tight ass while her Wolf thrust up into her wet sheath. As the pleasure engulfed her, the only thought she had was ‘this is so right’, and she cried one name after the other, as all three reached their climax almost together.
Her Vampire leaned over and his fangs pierced her neck, feeding from her vein...bringing her to another mind-shattering release. As he withdrew his canines from her flesh, she felt as if she were a puppet with its strings cut, lying atop the hard body of her Wolf.
Slowly Josef moved from her body and stood at the side of the bed before lifting her up and carrying her gently to the shower, where Gabe joined them. They lathered her skin and cleaned every part of her body before wrapping her in a large towel and placing her in the middle of the bed.
Once dried, they joined her, and she cuddled into Josef with Gabe at her back, holding her tight, as she fell into a very deep sleep.
Chapter 15
As the morning sun streaked through the large window, Peri came awake and realized she was alone. She felt the bed on either side of her and it was cold. The guys must have gotten up ages ago, so she pulled herself up and went for a quick shower.
She dressed in some training clothes and sneakers and made her way downstairs. As she neared the bottom of the stairs, she smelled food and heard voices. Making her way towards both, she could hear talking. “We need to ask her. Shit, we should’ve thought on this before now.” That was Gabe’s voice, and she wondered what he was talking about.
“I know, we have been remiss, we will talk to her later.” That was Josef. What were they going on about? She carried on and found her men sitting at the
table, Gabe with an empty plate in front of him.
“Margaret,” Josef said loudly. As Peri took her seat, the woman appeared with a plate, which had an omelet with wholemeal toast, fresh orange juice in her other hand.
“A good breakfast to start the day, you’re going to need it,” Gabe said with a serious look on his face.
It wasn’t something she saw very often, her Wolf being the cheeky, funny one of the two men, but he looked serious now, and she wondered what he had planned for her. She soon found out and all thoughts of the conversation she had heard flew from her mind.
After she had eaten, he took her outside and started her training. Running to start, then some physical exercises, like squats, lunges, then boxing, which she loved, then he made her go through her own regime. The one Daiki had helped her to perfect. She did this as if on autopilot with Gabe watching closely, still with a serious expression on his face.
They did all of this on the grounds at the side of the house, and on more than one occasion, she saw men stopping to watch. She was too breathless to ask who they were, though. Gabe was working her hard and taking his job of getting her fit and strong very seriously, indeed.
A slow jog, then walk, finished off their training. She was soaked with sweat, her hair a mess, as it fell out of the elastic band she had placed it in first thing.
“Good job,” her Wolf said, as they made their way back inside. Seeing a clock, she realized they had been at it for over three hours.
“I need a shower,” she said, and her Wolf gave her a very cheeky grin.
“Me too,” he said, as he swatted her behind, and she ran up the stairs.
They showered together, one thing led to another and before she knew it, they were making love in the huge cubicle. Gabe holding her up with her legs around his waist and her back against the tiles. For a moment she wondered where Josef was, usually it was the three of them together, but as Gabe’s tongue invaded her mouth all thoughts left her mind, as she fell over into her own arousal.