The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set
Page 33
Gabe moved onto the bed quickly, and was lying next to her, staring intently down into her beauty. Josef undressed quickly and joined them, lying on the other side of the slight, little Witch.
“Dear God, she did it, she got rid of her father! I hope she can now get rid of that fear, Jo, it’s no life for her with that inside her,” Gabe said while running a finger down one side of her face, the skin so soft and warm.
“I think she will be fine. We will let her rest for a day or two and then get back to Vegas. I want her to see a doctor, as soon as we are back.”
“A doctor? What for?” Gabe asked quickly.
“I think maybe you are going to be a father, Wolf.”
Josef saw his friend nodding. “I was wondering, she’s not had a period, but I was scared to think about it, in case she saw my thoughts. The last thing I wanted was for her to be distracted. Fuck! Do you really think so?” Gabe looked down again at their mate, and one of his hands snaked down to cradle her belly, gently caressing it.
“Oh, I think so, she was sick also, but covered it well and did not tell us.” The Vampire saw the smile on Gabe’s face.
“Shit, that would mean we’re going to be a proper family, Jo, a family.” The awe in his voice was pretty damn clear and Josef nodded.
“I know, but I do not want to say anything to her, just yet. We will wait until we are back in Vegas, she has gone through a lot. She does not need added stress about a possible pregnancy at the moment.”
“Okay, Jo, okay.” Gabe’s voice was low and when Josef looked over, he saw his eyes close, sleep taking him over to join their mate.
He lay next to the two, or possibly three, beings in the entire world that he cared about and felt the happiest he had in his entire, long, long life.
Chapter 21
Peri woke feeling refreshed and with such a feeling of relief. Her father was gone. Gabe was fine, life couldn’t be better. Her insides didn’t feel like they usually did, fear gnawing away at her, she felt happy and relaxed and had a newfound confidence inside her. Confidence in her unique power as a Witch, one that took the fear away, one that had her knowing she could cope with just about anything.
She stretched her arms above her head and moved her eyes, finding her Vampire next to her and staring into her face. “Morning,” she mumbled, and the smile she got in return was startling, changing his features, making him so bloody handsome it must be illegal.
“Good morning, my mate, how do you feel?” He asked, even though he had glimpsed inside her awakening brain.
“I’m good, really good. How are the men? Donovan’s men? Are they alright?” She asked quietly, realizing that Gabe was still asleep next to her.
“They are on the mend, they will be a hundred percent soon, do not worry, apart from Sam, and I am sure Donovan has already carried out a burial,” he replied quietly.
“Oh, I’m sorry Josef, Sam got killed because of me.” Her voice hitched as she remembered the sight from the previous night and the smell of the burning flesh.
“No, Peri, not because of you, because of your father. You should not take on his guilt, little Witch.”
“I know. It’s just sad knowing he’s gone, I didn’t really know him, but I’m still sad.” Peri tried hard to push the previous evening from her mind, put it behind her. She wanted to focus on her future with her men at her side – something she never thought she would have.
“Come here.” Josef pulled her closer and then leaned forward and took her mouth in a hard kiss, full of want and need.
She returned the kiss with fervor and things progressed quickly, very quickly, soon he was on top of her, thrusting in hard and fast before moving to her neck to feed.
The feelings were exquisite, and she was moaning loudly, all pretense at keeping quiet for Gabe to sleep on were gone, she couldn’t help herself. Then she felt them, another set of hands on her body, rubbing, caressing, tweaking, giving her pleasure like none other. Two mates at once, together, bringing her to great heights that left her a shivering pool of emotion and feelings.
As Josef snarled in release, she smiled up into his handsome face, and he took her mouth again, with a fierceness that was a little scary. She could feel his emotions, the love he had for her, so vast, so great, and she knew it scared him.
Gabe was now taking part fully, and as her Vampire pulled out, her Wolf turned her over, pulled her up onto her knees and entered her hard from behind. Josef lay with his head underneath hers, pulling her down to continue kissing her, as Gabe was mounting her from the rear.
She felt her Wolf move over her back, an arm looped around her waist, holding her in place, his canines scratching her and then he bit down, marking her once more as his. She squirmed underneath him, her release so near, he thrust harder, and she was encompassed by an orgasm that had her screaming into her Vampire’s mouth, as her Wolf’s seed erupted deep inside her.
It took her several minutes to come back down from her climax, Gabe at her side now, and she lying between her two men.
Life couldn’t get much better than this, she thought.
Gabe’s phone interrupted their after-sex cuddles, and she groaned, as he moved off the bed, grabbing the phone and sitting back down next to her. A frown came over his face, as he looked at the number before sliding the screen to answer the call.
“Yeah, Gabe here,” he said, still with the frown.
She saw the frown deepen, as he listened to the caller and Josef sat up straight, watching and now listening to the call, but he had missed the first part.
“A mate? You have a mate? When the hell did that happen? Oh, well, all the best with that, really, I mean it. Josef and I have a mate now, too, yeah she’s fucking awesome, a powerful Witch, would you believe it?! So I take it you’re not calling to give me the news about your mate?” Gabe smiled down into her face, as he listened to the caller, then his face went hard, rock hard.
“What?! You’re sure...fuck. So I take it you’re phoning for some help? Of course I’ll help man, you should know that. Tell me what you need, okay, we’re not in town, so it’ll take me at least two and half hours before I can get back to you, is that okay? Right, I’m on it. Take care and keep her safe. See you soon.” Gabe hung up and frowned some more.
“What is wrong, Wolf?” Josef asked, as he had missed some parts of the conversation.
“It’s Kyle, he needs our help,” Gabe said.
“Well, we better get going then, hadn’t we?” Josef said, as he got up from the bed.
“Who’s Kyle?” Peri asked, and wondering what kind of help he needed.
“Kyle? He’s a Vampire and a friend, well sort of, anyway he needs our help. His mate’s in danger,” Gabe said, as he started throwing clothes into his suitcase that he had taken from the wardrobe.
“Okay, well, I guess we go help Kyle,” she said, as she joined her men.
Both turned to look at her, at first frowning, then a huge smile on Gabe’s face and a small smile on Josef’s.
“Yes, I guess we do,” Josef said.
The acolyte had watched everything that had happened. That bitch was stronger than they had thought. He saw it all clearly through their Leader’s eyes, saw all of their men butchered.
As he saw it all, he saw Persephone use her magic against the Leader, saw the lightning bolt advance a second too late for the Leader to either move or counteract it.
He knew, as he saw it, that their Leader would be dead, nobody could survive that attack. He dropped to his knees in despair, explaining to the other man with him what had happened. Their men dead, their Leader dead, Persephone still alive!
He stood up with a steely look to the man with him. “Come on, we’ll take the SUV, you drive. I’m the Leader now. From now on, you and everyone else will do as I say, or else.”
He pushed himself up and into the rear of the vehicle, where the Leader sat, as
the man he had just snapped at got in to drive. He knew there would be no argument, everyone knew who he was and what he was capable of. It would make for an easy transition.
A smile came over his face, as he thought on what had happened, only a brief thought for the death of the man who had previously sat in the rear of the SUV. He would take over, the ‘family’ was now his to control. Now they would do his bidding, all of them, including those nubile young girls.
He would have some fun with them, reorganize things to his way, then he would get to work on his goal.
Find and destroy Persephone!
His smile broadened at the thought of bringing devastation down onto that bitch’s world.
He had foreseen it many times, though keeping it to himself. After all, it was HIS destiny.
The Witch, The Wolf
and The Vampire
Book 3
A K Michaels
© 2013 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved
This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
I would like to dedicate this book to some very special people. My girls on my Street Team. For their support and unending work that they do to help me. This book is dedicated to each and every one of you.
Chapter 1
Peri came awake quickly, torn from her sleep by loud banging and shouting. Her arms flew to either side...her mates were not in bed with her. She jumped out of bed, moving to the bedroom door, seeing Gabe flying back up the hallway from Josef’s old bedroom stark naked and with another naked male running after him.
What on earth was going on and who the hell was that naked man?
She rubbed at her eyes as she tried to hear what Josef and Donovan were saying, then she heard a female squeal. Turning her head, she saw a woman in a man’s baggy t-shirt coming from the hallway, a robe in her hands. Who was she?
She watched as the woman made her way to the other naked man and handed him the robe, all the while watching Gabe carefully. Peri looked at her Wolf and smiled. He was obviously upset, as his canines had descended, his skin rippling...his Wolf wanted out. She guessed the woman had never seen this before.
She moved back into the bedroom and spied a pair of Gabe’s jeans tossed carelessly on the floor. She got them quickly and brought them to him, placing a hand on his bare back to get his attention. He turned his head slightly and she saw his eyes had a slight change to them, too.
He must be very upset at being so close to a full transformation.
“You’re naked,” she said as she held out the jeans.
“Baby, what’s your point?” he asked cheekily as he took the jeans and held them in his hands, not moving to put them on.
“We appear to have guests.” She motioned with her head to the woman standing near Josef and the other man.
“Ah, yeah, sorry,” he quipped back while pulling the jeans on, even if his tone showed no signs of apology.
Once his jeans were on, they both turned to Josef and his Head of Security, Donovan. They noticed the Vampire’s tousled look, his clothes dirty, and a few tears evident in his black suit. His anger and upset was very clear for them to see.
She listened as she heard him tell her Vampire about an attack on the security detail – one dead?! No, that had to be wrong. She took a step closer, wondering if she misheard.
Josef was now nodding his head, and she saw he had that cold look on his face, the one that told her he was angry.
“Okay, I’m going down with you to double check. I can assure you I’ll be able to tell if he is in the area. I think we may need some magic to discern if he comes near again, though. Peri, can you put a robe on and come with me please?”
She nodded once, moving back to the bedroom, grabbing a big fluffy robe instead of her usual thin satin one. As she came back through she saw the worry on the other woman’s face, and she could clearly sense this was a human, the man a Vampire.
Kyle and Sabrina! That must be who they were. It was Kyle, a friend of Gabe’s that had called her Wolf asking for help with someone that was after his mate, Sabrina. At Kyle's request, Peri, Gabe, and Josef had checked out Kyle and Sabrina's house. Josef had easily gained access into the property and Gabe had scented 'Vampire' all over the place.
Kyle had been under the illusion it was a human that was the threat, so Gabe called and broke the news to him. Especially as Josef could sense the Vamp and said he was old and powerful, and as soon as he had, he had whisked Peri back here to make sure she was safe.
Seemed as if things had taken a turn for the worse, what with all that was going on now. Again she looked over at the woman, Sabrina, and gave a shy smile. Sabrina smiled back, even though it was very clear she was scared.
Gabe followed them out, she should’ve known he wouldn’t let her go anywhere without him at her back. She moved her arm behind her body, her hand seeking his. He found it an instant later and held onto it tightly as they walked to the elevator.
She could hear Sabrina talking now, asking her mate what the hell was going on.
They all got into the elevator and Gabe kept hold of her hand as it descended. She was curious about why Josef had brought her, could she help in some way? She hoped so.
The doors pinged open, and the first thing Peri saw was the broken body of a Vampire laying on the ground, surrounded by blood. She inhaled sharply, upset at one of their men being killed in such a fashion. It looked as if the man had suffered greatly before dying.
“How is he dead?” she whispered, knowing Vamps could recover from most injuries.
“I don’t know, Miss, I think maybe his heart has been destroyed, though I have no idea how,” Donovan replied. She heard the anger and upset in his voice.
“I do,” Josef said as he looked dispassionately at the broken body.
“His heart has indeed been destroyed – in fact, just about everything in his body has been decimated. This Vampire is definitely as strong as Kyle, maybe more so. We need to take extra caution to ensure safety for everyone concerned. I don’t want to lose any more men, and I’m damn sure not going to let anything happen to Kyle’s mate.”
Peri saw the glint in his eyes as he spoke, and she hoped the Vampire responsible stayed away, for his own sake. She knew, without a shadow of doubt, her man would kill him and not think twice about it.
“How can I help?” she asked and saw the iciness leave his eyes slightly as he turned to face her.
“Can you firstly use your powers and feel him, sense him? If so, then we can discuss the second.” He smiled down at her face.
She nodded her head as she closed her eyes and let loose some of her power.
Sending it outwards gently, feeling everything and anything that had been in the area recently. Even so far as the tomcat that had padded through the area earlier in its search for a female in heat some miles away. She smiled as she sensed the cat’s excitement as it made its way toward the scent that was drawing it closer and closer.
Then she felt it, sensed it, smelt it...corruption on a level she didn’t know existed. Even her sick father hadn’t been as bad as this. Jesus H Christ, this Vampire was depraved to such an extent it must encompass his entire being.
She almost gagged and then released her senses, not wanting to be sullied by the putridity left in its wake. She opened her eyes and nodded once, still shocked at what she had felt.
“I assume you felt him?” Peri nodded again. “Good, do you think you can place a spell – or spells – firstly to alert Donovan if he comes near again and to alert me? I would dearly love to meet this man and deal with him myself. Then I would like you to place a shield around Sabrina and Kyle. Not for protection per se, I would prefer if you could hide them from him. So when the time comes, we can leave with them fo
r the airport, and not have him know. Is that possible, Peri? Can you do that?” Josef asked with a very, very small smile.
“Yes, to both. Just to let you know – the alert – if he comes anywhere near, you will get a tingle on your skin. It may be one place like the hands or back of the neck, but it could also be all over. The more you feel it the closer he is. The tingle will be like mini-pins and needles, but not enough to cause pain or disable you in any way. I can also do the shield, but I need to be closer to them to do it properly. So, I’ll do the alert now and we’ll do the other when we go back upstairs.”
“Good,” was all Josef said.
She tugged her hand. “I need both hands, Gabe,” she half-laughed as he still wouldn’t let go. Reluctantly he released her hand and took a step back, giving her plenty of room to work.
The other two did the same. Knowing how powerful she was, they didn’t want to get in the way of one of her spells.
She closed her eyes and centered herself, drawing power inside slowly. Soon she had more than enough power and energy and she started to chant in her head, having realized a while ago that she was so powerful she didn’t even have to say the spell words aloud, as most Witches needed to. The spell was a fairly simple one and she anchored it to Josef and Donovan before releasing it.
In her mind’s eye, she saw the spell start to envelop the area around them and push outwards, going for quite a few blocks before filtering out. She smiled, opening her eyes, reaching for Gabe’s hand once more.
“All done, for several blocks and it’s anchored to you two. Next time he won’t surprise anyone.” She said this to Donovan, knowing he had been upset at being caught off guard.
“I sensed him, guys, and he is one sick puppy. Even my dear old father wasn’t as bad as him.”
Gabe wasn’t happy, her father had been one bad shit, and if she was making that kind of comparison, then this Vamp was real bad news. His eyes found Josef’s and his friend inclined his head, letting him know he would never allow the Vampire anywhere near their mate.