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A Little Girl in Old Washington

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by Amanda M. Douglas



  Annis ran and threw her arms around her mother's neck and kissed herfervently.

  "Are you glad to come here and do you like them all?" she asked whenshe found her breath. "And it is so queer, with all the black peopleand the great house and--and everything!"

  "It is a little strange. You will like it better by and by," glancingtenderly down in her child's eyes.

  "And you--must you be mother to _all_ the children? Am I never to haveyou any more?"

  "You have me now. Yes, you will always have me. Don't you remember youused to wish for a sister like Sallie Reed? Her mother loved all thechildren."

  "But she had them when they were cunning little babies," was thedecisive reply.

  "Dear,"--her mother knelt down and put her arms around the child,--"itis this way. We have come to this lovely home which is to be ours, andall the pleasant things a good friend can give--a kindly, generousfriend. I used to feel anxious and worried about your future. Therewas no good school. The life was very narrow. And if I had been takenaway----"

  "But they never would let the Indians take you. Oh, mother dear!" witha fervent embrace. She had not meant that, but she would not give theother explanation.

  "And all these children are going to share their father's love withyou. He will give you this beautiful home, clothe you, educate you, andhe puts me in the place of their dear mother who is dead. He is goingto care for me and keep me from toil and sorrows and perplexities. Whenyou are older you will understand better. I hope you will try to lovethem all, and this good dear friend who will be a father to you."

  "But I shall love you the best."

  "Yes, dear," with a proud certainty.

  "And you will love me better than anyone else?" and Annis clasped hermother with a child's unreasoning exclusiveness.

  "Yes, dear."

  A merry voice went lilting through the hall. Jaqueline paused a momentat the door. She was in her pretty green riding habit, and her strawhat had a bunch of iridescent cock's-plumes. She held her riding whipin one gloved hand, and she really was a picture good to look at.

  "Oh, are you ready?" Mrs. Mason asked.

  "Yes, and the carriage has come, but father is still down at thestables. Rene doesn't want to go, from some queer freak, and Pattydoes. I don't believe father would mind--would you?"

  "Why, of course not," in a cordial tone.

  "Rene is queer sometimes." Jaqueline studied Annis, and smiled in anodd fashion, for Varina had just declared she "wouldn't go anywherewith that new girl, and that she did not mean to like her, for afterall she was not a real sister, and they had done very well without anymother, and she just wished father had not brought her home."

  "It's the big carriage," said Patty, "and I could go if Rene did notwant to. I hate to stay home all alone."

  Jaqueline understood that this would be the easiest way of settling thematter, for Varina had a streak of obstinacy that was conquered soonestby "giving her her head," as Phillis said.

  "Never mind about the box," as one of the men had come in with hatchetand hammer. "I won't unpack it this morning," began Mrs. Mason."Is Patricia getting ready?" She tied Annis' hat in a big bow underher chin, and then putting on her own they walked downstairs whileJaqueline went for Patty. Varina was nowhere to be seen.

  Mrs. Mason had hardly noted her new home in the dusk of the evening,except to be aware that it was very large. The broad veranda was likea hall. Four fluted columns ran up to the second-story windows, withvines trained on trelliswork in between. The house had but two stories,and an extensive observatory on the top that really was a delightfulroom during the spring and autumn. A lawn filled with clumps ofshrubbery and well-grown trees stretched down to the road, the drivewinding around in a half-curve. From the front there was nothing to marthe handsome outlook where the ground lay in a line of curves to thePotomac. The stables, the workshops, and the negro quarters were cutoff by a tall, thick hedge.

  Mr. Mason came around the corner of the house. Jaqueline was feedingHero lumps of sugar, to the amazement of Annis. Patty flew across theveranda in a whirl, and her father merely nodded to her explanationsas they were put on the back seat. Jaqueline waved her hand, and Herostarted off at a sharp canter.

  Patty could not keep still very long, and began to question Annis as towhat the Kentucky home was like, and if she was glad or sorry to leaveit. There had been only Seth Bowers, who worked the farm, and an Indianwoman to help about the house, but just across a little yard space theBrowns had lived, and beyond were the stockade and the blockhouse. Thenthe log houses were ranged around.

  "But were you not afraid?" asked Patty. "Suppose the Indians had come?"

  "All the Indians about were friendly. We were not afraid of them."

  "But what did you spend your time at--if you didn't go to school?"

  "Mother taught me. Sally Brown came in when she wasn't too busy, and westudied. Mrs. Brown spun and knit, and Adam Dodge had a loom where hewove cloth. Oh, there were a great many things!"

  "A hard life it was for you," and Mr. Mason glanced at his wife'scountenance, which had fallen into thoughtful lines.

  "There have been many pioneers," she returned with a half-smile."Virginia is full of their graves. And the northern coasts. Our peoplewere wiser. They chose a less rigorous clime."

  "True. The story North and South is full of romance. But, then, whatcountry is not? The old Romans colonized, sometimes very cruelly,tearing people from their homes. We came of our free will, except suchas were redemptioners."

  "And slaves," in a low tone.

  "That is a serious question," and the squire's rugged brows knit."That they are better off is beyond cavil. In their own land theyfight and destroy each other, make slaves, and many tribes are no doubtcannibals. The President has always considered it bad for the country.But we have needed labor. And in Bible times men were permitted toenslave other nations. The dominant race gets the upper hand, and itis right that knowledge and improvement should have a chance againstignorance and degeneracy. But this is a somber talk for such a fairday. Look! Over yonder is the Capital."

  She saw the gleam of the white buildings, and here and there animposing mansion. It was in truth a magnificent day; the balmy breathof forests and the coolness of the river tempering the heat. In andout by dainty edges fringed with grasses, some standing sentinel-like,some dallying coquettishly with the breeze, flowed the broad river.There were innumerable little islets of rank greenness looking asif they were set asail on its bosom, and here and there a spike ofblossom. All this great marsh the hand of man and the wit of his brainwere to transform into one of the great cities of the world beforethe century ended. Long, straight barren places were to be beautifulstreets, but now they were gray and dreary in the sunshine. She likedthe woods better, the winding road that now was in a dense shade fromthe overarching trees, and now came out to broad spaces of sunshine.Squirrels chattered and ran about, whisking their feathery tails likea fan; bird notes, clear and sweet, dying to most exquisite softness,made melody in the air; bees hummed and crooned, secure of theirhidden sweets. Patricia Mason drank it all in with a great feeling ofgladness. It was so unlike the primeval solitudes where the few clungtogether, when the darkness fell, with a nameless terror, or listenedto the great shivering woods, wondering if an enemy lay in ambush.God had watched over her and her child and raised up kindly friends,and had now given her home and rest--and, yes, love. How could shedo otherwise than love this large-hearted, generous man! And she musttrain Annis to pay him something more than mere respect.

  The pretty young rider put her horse through his various paces. Now andthen she was lost to sight by some turn in the road, then she waitedwith a laughing face and paced demurely alongside of the carriage,chatting gayly with her father or Patricia. She was not quite at homeyet with her new mother.

  The day grew warmer. They drew up in a densely shaded place.

  "Let us get out and rest," said the squi
re. "There are some fruit anda little luncheon, for we shall be late at the Pineries. It is too warmto drive fast. But it will be delightful coming back after sundown."

  Jaqueline slipped off her horse. Patricia sprang out with the lithenessof a kitten. But the squire took Annis in his arms and as he stood herdown, kissed her, which brought a quick blush to her cheek.

  They found a fallen tree and a great flat rock that looked as if Naturehad set her table for travelers coming by. They spread out theirlunch. The girls had the ready hunger of youth. Annis went round byher mother. It was all so new and strange. She could not feel afraid ofthis second father, and yet she did grudge his claim upon her mother alittle, the mother who was now in a rather gay conversation with thetwo young girls. Jaqueline _was_ amusing in her descriptions of thePineries, and though her father checked her rattling tongue now andthen, she did not greatly heed it. Aunt Catharine had been rather freein her strictures on people and events, and the family at the Pinerieshad not escaped.

  Then they resumed their journey, and the road grew wilder. Washingtonand Georgetown were left behind, the houses were less frequent, but theriver still ran along by their sides, and now and then a boat of somekind passed them. Then they came to a clearing and a great stretch oftobacco plantations, a winding drive through giant pines that rustledlike a river hurrying over a rocky bed. In the midst of a woods, itseemed, so close were the trees, with a fine open space in the front,stood the mansion.

  On the wide porch sat an elderly man with flowing silvery hair,inclined to curl at the ends, but not fastened in the fashion of theday. His frame was large, but one could see there had been a gradualshrinking of the flesh, for his face and his long thin hands were muchwrinkled. Still, there was a tint of pink in his cheeks, and his eyeswere very blue, rather piercing.

  "Randolph Mason!" he exclaimed, standing his big volume down on theporch floor and taking the flight of steps deliberately. "This isindeed a surprise! You have been a great truant, and I hope your questwas satisfactory. When did you return? We have heard nothing for atleast a fortnight. Your mother was wondering----"

  "Last night. I spent a few days in Baltimore. And I have brought homea new wife, so we came at once to pay our respects to my mother."

  "Jack, summon Madam and Marian. Allow me to give you congratulation,"and he held out his hand to Mrs. Mason with impressive dignity."You will have a good husband, madam, though we have for some timeconsidered him proof against woman's charms. But we all succumbsooner or later. I was quite a bachelor when Mrs. Mason conquered me.Jaqueline, how do you do? And, Patricia? Why----"

  He stared at Annis.

  "This is my new little daughter Annis Bouvier. We have not had time tochange her name yet. I found Mrs. Bouvier without much difficulty, andpersuaded her to return to her relatives at Baltimore, and to the smallfortune awaiting her. There I suddenly was seized with a new mind andpersuaded her to marry me."

  Squire Mason laughed with a kind of boyish gayety. Mr. Floyd lookedscrutinizingly at the two girls, as if wondering how they hadtaken this unexpected new mother. But the brilliant faces showed nodisapprobation.

  They had reached the porch, and the master rang his bell loudly forsome servants and began to berate them all for a lazy, worthless lot,pushing chairs hither and thither and inviting the guests to be seated,and in the midst of the confusion a dignified woman crossed the roomand came out to them.

  Even now Madam Floyd, halfway between sixty and seventy, was a fine,imposing woman, stately and rather stout. Her petticoat of embroideredsatin was displayed by the skirt of her gown being drawn aside andedged with lace that made cascades of the creamy stuff as she walked.Her sleeves came to the elbows and her round arms were white and plump,and the bit of neck left by the stomacher of lace showed scarcely anysign of age. On her head was a large turban-like cap of fine sheermuslin much affected by the elderly woman of that time.

  She was of course surprised at her son's marriage, and said rathersharply that "it might have been done with less haste," but to thenew wife--"You will find men have not over-much consideration. And Isuppose it was a matter of satisfaction to leave that wild land behindyou and return to the home of your childhood? But you found manychanges, doubtless. You were of the Moore branch, I believe, kin to myson's first wife?"

  Jaqueline and Patty had gone to hunt up Marian. Dolly had gone off inthe mountains visiting. So Madam had the guest to herself, and betweenthem they picked out all the descent of the family from the coming ofLord de la Ware down to the present time. Even the Huguenot Bouvier wasnot wanting in good birth, so that matter was satisfactorily settled.Then Madam bethought herself that the travelers must have gone withoutdinner, and ordered a table set out on the porch, with cold chicken,tempting slices of fresh bread, and wine, and gave charges for a hightea at an early hour, since the guests had not come to stay.

  Mr. Floyd and his stepson were already deep in politics and growingquite heated. The country was all astir, as in the autumn there wouldbe a Presidential election.

  "There will be no chance for the Federals," said the elder man sharply."The President will have things all his own way and put in his man,who, if he shilly-shallies, as they have been doing, will give Englandanother chance. She beats us out of everything, you may as well admit.And this embargo hasn't hurt her, and it will not. There will be noFrench to call upon this time for help. And you mark my words, weshall go back like whipped hounds! I knew the Colonies never could hangtogether. The East wants one thing, the middle States another; and theydemand the freedom of coming in and regulating our affairs. No, therewill never be a settled peace until England has really conquered us andput us back in our proper place."

  Squire Mason laughed. "That will never be. We have had too long ataste of freedom, of ruling ourselves. And if we could not be conqueredbefore, it would be the wildest folly to attempt it now. Besides, shehas her hands full."

  "She and the other nations will join to finish that upstart Napoleon.And the country will be foolish enough to just throw itself at her,and she won't take that! Two kings can't govern a country, and we havea dozen different kings, with their panaceas, and they have broughtthe country to the verge of ruin. Washington had some wisdom, I willadmit, and Adams some sense, but since then, with this half-infidelwho believes in every man having his own religion, and no state churchto rally about, and considers that one man has just as much rights asanother, and that drivel that all men are born free and equal! They arenot, I tell you. And I believe in a state church and the power to makeit respected."

  "Don't get so excited, father," admonished his wife. "Come, Randolph,have a bite of something and a glass of wine. You must be halffamished, Mrs. Patricia--the name come in very handy, you see. And thelittle girl. Annis is quite out of the family lines. I don't rememberhearing it. It has a Puritan sound. I think myself it is a shame theworld should be so mixed up on religion. There is but one Bible, andthere should be but one way, and the scoffers and unbelievers be set bythemselves."

  "Where are the girls?" asked their father.

  "They have looked up Marian, I dare say; and she has Sukey Martinand two of the maids taking apart gowns and fashioning them over inmodern style. A friend sent Jane some patterns from Philadelphia, andshe passed them on. Did you see much that was new in Baltimore, MadamPatricia? Though this flightiness of dressing is much to be deprecated,and fills the minds of young people with vanity. But Jane has insistedthat Marian shall come and make her a long visit this winter. They areto get in their new house in September. I do hope son Jettson is notgoing on too fast."

  "He may as well make the money as anyone," subjoined grandfather."The quicker they build up the quagmire the better it will be for thepermanency of the Capital. And if some time those canting Puritanswant a separate government of their own, they can take New York orPhiladelphia for their center."

  "They are improving rapidly," said the squire. "It will be a fine city.Daniel Carroll's mansion is an ornament, and the Van Ness house isplanned for much g
ayety and large companies. And there are many othersin process of erection."

  Annis sat beside her mother and thought of the talk with which the daybegan. If she had to take sides it would be that of her new father, whowas smiling and good-humored and did not bring his fist down on thetable or the edge of the chair with such a thump that it frightenedyou. She did not like the grandfather, she decided. Yet he was ahandsome old man, with his ruffled shirt front, his flowered waistcoat,his velvet smallclothes, with silver buckles in a bow just below hisknee and others set with brilliants on his shoes.

  The ladies discussed the bringing up and the education of girls. Theywere to be good housewives, trained in all useful arts, and their chiefbusiness in life was to make good marriages. And Madam Floyd admittedthat she had sent Dolly away because there was an undesirable in theneighborhood, a young Mr. Sears who had been abroad and who playedhigh and drank more than was seemly--a degenerate son of a good family.Dolly was very light and trifling.

  "Catharine was a very good, steady girl, but her lover, a most worthyyoung man, died, and she lost all heart for gayety. And when I marriedMr. Floyd"--she bent her head over and spoke in a lower tone--"Ithought he had some feeling--men are given to jealousy, you know, andas Catharine was fond of staying with her brother, and the new familyincreased so rapidly that somehow we were weaned away. I was almoststruck dumb when she came and told me about her marriage--a settledold maid such as she was! However, I hope it is for the best, and thatreally made it necessary for Randolph to marry."

  The men had gone at politics again.

  "Marian and Dolly were too young to go and look after such a family,even if their father would have spared them. And I think my son hasmade a wise choice, though I can't tell you how surprised I was, withno notice beforehand."

  "It was very sudden. I could not have done it with--with a stranger,"and Patricia colored. "I had been very fond of my cousin. And Mr. Masonwas so kind, so thoughtful----"

  "He and Catharine hardly seem like my children," and their mother gavea faint smile. "I have been Mr. Floyd's wife twenty-five years."

  Mrs. Floyd summoned a servant presently and said she would show hernew daughter the house, so they left the men to their pipes and theirdisputes. The old house had been built long ago and had many rarebelongings, for one ancestor had been a seafaring man and brought homeno end of curiosities. The wide hall went straight through the middle,but the kitchens were not detached. There were a great storeroomand linen press and bedding chests crowded to the brim. Drawers weresweet with napery laid in lavender and rose leaves. The very air wasdelicious with old-time fragrance.

  "In the new countries one has little time to lay up stores," Madamsaid, "and I suppose there are no instructed maids. It is the storyof Jamestown and the eastern Colonies over again. But we have beencivilized this many a year, and kept in touch with the mother countryas well, though I am not so sure that we would be better off underher government. My forebears made a brave struggle, and I would nothave it go for nothing. But one finds it idle work contradicting one'shusband," and she smiled faintly. "There are ways to get along morepeaceably. Though it seems as if we may all go to pieces yet."

  She opened the next door, where three slaves were spinning piles ofcarded wool for winter wear, and the hum of the wheels had the rush ofwater over gentle descents. Then they went up another broad staircaseto the sleeping chambers.

  "My daughters will have a good outfit," she said proudly. "Jane is anotable housekeeper and the others are being trained. A woman needs toknow all suitable things."

  The sound of girls' voices and merry laughs reached them, and MadamFloyd frowned sharply. They inspected the sleeping chambers, where mostof the furniture was massive and dark with age, in vivid contrast towhite hangings and blue-and-white spreads.

  When they went down to the drawing room Madam Floyd sent a servantrather sharply for her daughter. A young girl of nineteen or so enteredwith a somewhat demure aspect.

  "You seem to have forgotten your duty to your brother's wife, Marian! Iam ashamed of you, since you knew she was here! Your head is so filledup with finery there is no room for manners," the mother exclaimedshortly.

  "I am sorry. I thought you and my father would want them both awhile." She held out her hand to Patricia and gave her a welcome andgood-wishes.

  "And now order the tea at once. Randolph thinks he cannot remain allnight, and it is a long ride home. But it will be much pleasanter thanthe journey hither."

  When they went out on the porch--where most of the time was spent inthe warm weather--they found the men had gone to inspect the crops andthe stock.

  "You will find Randolph rather easy-going," Madam Floyd said to her newdaughter. "And the children have grown quite lawless this year, thoughI cannot say Catharine kept them with a firm hand. Those two have theirfather's ways in a great measure. I hope you will not find it too hard,Mistress Patricia, and in any perplexity I will try to give you goodcounsel. I hope we shall be the best of friends."

  "I am thankful for your kindliness toward me," returned thedaughter-in-law. "I feel quite alone in the world. So many of theBaltimore cousins are dead. And I lost my own mother when I was soyoung."

  "The little girl seems a nice quiet child," the elder said presently."Girls are more manageable when they are small, but troublesome enoughwhen the time of lovers begins."

  Annis sat on the step watching the great peacock strutting about andthe meek peahens seemingly lost in admiration of their lord's grandeur.

  Then there was a bountiful supper and a fine ride home in the moonlightand the deliciously fragrant air. Annis leaned down on her new sister'sshoulder and fell asleep.


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