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Gentle Chains (The Eleyi Saga Book 1)

Page 22

by Nazarea Andrews

  Chapter 26


  “I KNOW, DADDY. I understand. I’ll be home soon.” Sadi glares at her commlink as the Senator starts berating her again. Finally, she holds the device out to Brando. “He wants you.”

  The bodyguard doesn’t say anything as he turns and walks away, listening to whatever the Senator is bitching about. I frankly don’t care. But I reach for Sadi’s mind anyway. -Why is he upset?-

  -Because in less than a month I managed to get kicked off Cenktari. And we’re headed to the blood sport Capitol of the galaxy.-

  I shrug. -What’s the worst he can do?-

  She swivels in her chair to gape at me. Beside her, Tin glances briefly at us, but doesn’t interfere. Smart man. -The worst? Cut me off, I suppose. Although, he would never do that. His constituents adore me. He could always confine me to New Earth. Don’t think he wouldn’t do the same or worse to you. He was threatening to send you back to Eleyiar.-

  -That is hardly a threat,- I observe and she snorts.

  -It is if he does it before we find Chosi’le. The Pente will never allow you to buy her. For that matter, they may not allow me to.-

  Fury simmers in my veins but I take a deep breath, pushing it away. -I’m not worried. They’ll sell her, or I’ll burn the jakta to the ground. I don’t care who or what is destroyed as long as I get my sister back.-

  She’s staring at me, and I can feel the revulsion and confusion in her. I don’t point out that I am what circumstance has made me. That I was never violent on Eleyiar, or before being Taken. Sadi would find no comfort in that thought.

  Brando comes back to the Leen’s bridge, and hands Sadi her commlink. I watch, amused at how he carefully avoids touching her. “Your father is unhappy, Sadiene.”

  She shrugs, though I can feel the tension rolling off her. “I need to find his sister, Brando. I promised.”

  Unable to help myself, I touch the blank wall that is Brando’s mind and whisper, -Think of it as a kind of duty. Maybe that will help.-

  He flinches. “Fine. But Tinex and I will be with you at all times on-planet, and I reserve the right to hire more security if I think it’s needed.”

  “I don’t want more security,” she snaps. “I don’t want the new security I have.”

  It’s a well-aimed blow, and on the heels of mine, Brando stiffens and glares at both of us. “And I want the full truth. Is the romance between you and the Eleyi more than a public show?”

  She smiles, a cold, impersonal smile that hints at nothing she feels. “That is not your business. Your only concern is my safety—and Juhan does nothing to jeopardize that.”

  He doesn’t react to her words outwardly, but I feel the whiplash of pain that he struggles to suppress. And then it’s gone, and he nods with respect. “Fine, Ms. Renult. What are your plans?”

  She swivels to look at Tin, and he clears his throat. “We hacked the Yalten Queen’s records and found a name.”

  Brando frowns. “How do you know who the queen is?”

  “It’s Xtenanya,” Sadi says, and I feel the disgust in her, the sharp surprise from Brando as he processes this.

  When he finally speaks, his voice is controlled, vicious with barely leashed anger. “You bought a slave from Xtenayna? Sadi, what the fuck?”

  She meets his gaze, defiant. I touch Tin’s mind. -Why does it matter? What is so horrible about Xtenanya?-

  He flicks a glance at me, unnoticed by the others. -It was never proven, but Brando always believed she was behind the kidnapping.-

  My blood freezes at that, and I close my eyes, briefly. -Why did you go to her?-

  -Sadi’s choice. She’s known for discretion, and we needed that.- He shrugs. -Hell, because she knew if Brando ever found out, he’d be furious. Looks like she was right.-

  “I should drag you back to New Earth and your father,” Brando says. His expression is tight, and I’d be amused at the situation, if I weren’t so irritated we were still arguing instead of finding Chosi.

  “You’re welcome to try,” Sadi snaps, twisting to the controls, “but explaining this to Daddy isn’t something you want to do, is it? Tinex allowed me to go. You hired Tin and gave him control of my security.”

  He’s silent, and I feel the frustration boiling in him, feel the angry glare directed at me for a heartbeat before he snarls, “Plot your course, Sadi, before I change my mind.”

  To her credit, she doesn’t gloat. “Leen, plot a course for Pente,” she orders, adjusting something on the panel.

  “We will need fuel and provisions,” the ship says calmly.

  Sadi mutters something under her breath, and the ship chirps, “Does not compute.”

  “Fine. Take us to the nearest IPS planet. We’ll resupply. From there, plot to Pente.”

  The ship is silent for a long moment and then a brightly lit path through the starry space shines on the screen. “Course set. We will arrive in forty-three hours.”

  “Thank you,” Tin murmurs to the ship’s AI.

  Sadi looks at me, eyebrow raised. “We’re on our way, Juhan. Are you happy?”

  I stand and turn away—I’m deliberately being disrespectful. I wonder when Tin or Brando will have enough, who will pull me back into line and make me obey my owner.

  I wonder if Sadi will allow it.

  A part of me—a part that is growing louder every day—hates forcing this. I straighten, and as I stalk to the cargo hold, I throw the thought over my shoulder. -I won’t be happy, Sadi, until I have my sister.-

  The planet looms brilliant and large in the Leen’s view finder, a shimmering sphere of silver and teal.

  “The closest IPS planet,” Brando says, his voice flat. “You didn’t think to specify any further than that? Maybe to a non-hostile planet?”

  Sadi frowns. “It belongs to the IPS. How hostile can they be?”

  We all stare at her until the Leen answers, “Renlarte are known through the IPS for their fierceness, the disinclination to accept visitors on their home world, and their undefeated military. Secondarily, they are known for the small psychic abilities in their young.” Sadi colors a little, toying with a bracelet.

  I pause at the computer’s words.

  The Renlarte are hostile—very much so. No one has ever enslaved a Renlarte for an ability they were born with. Because the first time Others landed their space craft on Renlarte, every person on it was slaughtered. All but the two children of the captain, who were sent back to the IPS with orders never to invade their atmosphere again.

  They didn’t.

  “We could go to another planet. The ship has enough fuel to get us to Ecklon 2,” Tin says.

  “How long would that take?” I murmur

  “Forty hours,” the Leen answers without pause. Sadi glances up at me, and I can see her thinking.

  “No. We’re here. We’ll follow their laws and we’ll leave,” she says finally, turning back to her control panel. “Tin, open a line of communication.”

  Brando is quiet, but I can feel Tin’s worry as he keys up a vidcomm link.

  The Renlarte who answers is briskly efficient. “State your name and reason for entering our atmosphere.”

  Sadi doesn’t point out that we haven’t, actually. She smiles brightly at the pale-faced Other, and says, “Sadi Renult of New Earth.” She pauses, almost as if waiting.

  “Reason for coming to Renlarte, Ms. Renult?” the alien says, its voice even.

  “To resupply my ship, and purchase fuel.”

  The alien looks over something—I’d bet my freedom it is a summary of Sadi and her craft. “Declare all persons with you,” it says.

  Her eyes flick to me, and she licks her lips, a wash of nerves hitting me. “Juhan’tr of Eleyiar, my bodyguards Tin Watson and Brando Miltar, both of New Earth.”

  The elongated androgynous white face frowns, its eyes suddenly cold and angry. “You bring a slave? We permit no slaves on Renlarte,” it says.

  “He isn’t a slave,” she counters. “
He’s my consort.”

  The Renlarte pauses, and I feel a delicate tickle in the recesses of my mind. Then it’s gone. “You and your ship are permitted for a twelve hour cycle,” the Renlarte says. “Please open your ship systems to receive coordinates.”

  Sadi keys a command in, and the Leen announces, almost proudly, “Route accepted. Arrival in one hour.”

  “Be warned: violence is not tolerated on Renlarte,” the alien says, his tone severe. The statement is so laughable I think we all do well by our lack of reaction. “Leash your bodyguards, Renult. Your father’s name will not protect them if they break our peace.”

  She nods, and the display comm blinks to black.

  “Sadi, this is a bad idea,” Tin says in the silence.

  “Shut up, Tinex. It’s the best option we have. It won’t be difficult for you two to behave, will it?”

  Brando eyes her, amusement flickering in his eyes for a moment before it’s gone. “What of the Eleyi? He’s a slave, whatever you tell them. And if the Renlarte look closely at us, they’ll find it in his mind.”

  “Why would they?” she asks.

  Brando smiles. “That you’re Senator Harvine’s daughter could have something to do with it. They might not care much for politics, but they still answer to the IPS and they won’t want to antagonize your father.”

  She nibbles her lip and looks at me. -Can you do this?-

  I nod. -I need the hour.-

  In my tiny bunk, I sit with my legs crossed under me. It is so easy to let myself get caught in the waves of anger coursing through me. Benlet’le did not tell me, when he was mentoring me, how potent anger could be, once I gave in to the lure. I take a deep breath, and force my wings to relax, lie flat on my back, my muscles to unclench, slowly relaxing each part of my body until I slump on the bed. My back aches. The anger has left me strung so tightly, it hurts to relax. I close my eyes, slip deeper within myself, until there is nothing but my mind, empty and waiting, and the blank space around me, devoid of the sparkling stars that are my people. The Renlarte psychics gleam, a muted jeweled light, concentrated in a single area of the planet. It is slightly to our left as the Leen approaches the space port we have been sent to.

  I gather all my anger, all my fury at Sadi and my slavery, my regrets surrounding Chosi, all the bitterness and rage, and wrap it tightly in a tiny ball, tucking it so deep behind my mental walls it should never be found. I’m strong enough that the Renlarte should never be able to touch that thought, not buried deep in my mind.

  As I sit back, surveying my mind absent of the anger, it occurs to me: I could leave it there. I could leave the anger and Chosi’le, the truth behind everything where it is hidden. Sadi flashes in my mind, and it startles me to realize I could be happy with her, if I set aside my anger.

  A few deep breaths pull me back to myself, and I feel lighter as I stand.

  “Sadi would like you to dress,” the Leen states and I nod.

  I shower and let the ship dry me, stepping back into the tiny cubicle to find a set of clothes: a pair of tan synthetic linen pants, and a cream tunic that hangs open.

  Sadi is waiting, wearing a loose, flowing cream dress that brushes the tops of her knees. She glances back at Brando and arches an eyebrow. “Ready?”

  Brando pauses, studying me, and then pulls out a laser blade and hands it to me. Conscious of Sadi’s curious gaze, I crouch, tucking it into my boot before I straighten and give them a tight smile. Brando nods at Sadi. “We’re ready.”

  She rolls her eyes, but I can feel the anxiety crackling off her psyche like lightning. I reach for her, twisting my fingers with hers as the Leen’s bay doors slide open and we walk down the ramp together.

  The Leen is the only ship without Renlarte markings, and I wonder how many Others are on-planet right now. Then a group of Renlarte jogs up to us and I focus on them. The Renlarte are vaguely humanoid, with elongated, sexless features, stocky bodies and sharp, bony ridges on their arms. The ones approaching us are military, identical in their sleek gray uniforms. It’s a small unit—five—all carrying long staffs, short, curved swords hanging from their belts.

  Soldiers. Low ranking ones, from the simple knots in their hair. All have the milk-white skin, long, straight, black hair, and the androgynous features that make it impossible to tell their sex.

  One steps away from the other four, and I glance at its hair. Slightly higher rank. “Welcome to Renlarte. We will be your escort for the duration of your stay. If you could tell us what you need, we will see to it that it is delivered.”

  Sadi gives them a small smile. “There is no need for an escort. I have personal security.”

  The Renlarte speaks, its voice slightly amused. “You misunderstand, ma’am. All Others are escorted.”


  Its smile turns dangerous, and Brando shifts silently behind me. “We haven’t forgotten the intent behind the IPS when they first landed on Renlarte.”

  “That’s enough,” a piping voice says. The solider immediately steps back, turning and bowing to the Renlarte child approaching.

  There is something unnerving about him, something in his aura that sets me on edge. He is young enough that his features have not smoothed out into the sexless expression of an adult, his hair long and pulled back in extravagant braids spilling over each other. And his mind—it’s like a vast pit, a strength that takes my breath away.

  -Be careful. It’s one of the three Consuls. They rule here and answer to no one but the Prime Director,- Sadi says silently, flicking a glance at me.

  The boy looks to be maybe thirteen, the age Renlarte psychic ability peaks. All of his attention is focused on us, ignoring the soldiers he strides through. A Renlarte haj glides behind him, a quiet shadowy assassin. It’s said that a haj does not enter a room without knowing ten ways to kill the people inside it.

  I wonder how it would kill me.

  “He won’t,” the boy says, giving me a half smile. “The assassin guild is very good at what they do, but are not often called to actually kill.”

  The haj doesn’t blink, does not acknowledge the Consul has spoken at all, but I feel his ripple of exasperated affection. The Consul cocks his head at us. “The Prime Director is curious about you, Sadi Renult. And your Eleyi.” Sadi smiles, all innocent ignorance, and the child Consul snaps, “I am not here for your games, Renult. I don’t give a damn who your father is or what influence he carries in the Senate halls. Here, I am law. My sisters and me. You will answer us, or we will pull your mind apart until we find what we want.”

  Brando tenses, and I feel his intent a heartbeat before he can move. I step up, sliding in front of him. “Are threats really necessary? Sadi and I will be happy to answer any question you’d like to ask,” I say, and attention slides to me. I push at Brando’s mind and he relaxes a little.

  The boy smiles, even while I feel Sadi’s surge of anger. “Good. Then you will join my sisters and me for the evening meal.” He turns to leave and pauses, looking back at us. “Just you and Sadi. Leave the guards behind. No one will harm you in our home, but if we are displeased, they will be wasted lives. So come without them and do not displease us.”

  As the Consul leaves, shadowed by his haj, the soldiers flow forward. “If you will follow us? You have little time before we must escort you to the Consul.”

  Sadi looks blankly at the solider, until I nudge her gently, wrapping her fingers with my own. -It will be okay, Sadi.-

  She nods at the soldiers, and they fall in around us, leading the way out of the empty hangar. -We shouldn’t have come here. I screwed up.-

  I don’t say anything, don’t agree, because what good will that do? -Can you keep it together until we’re off-planet?- I ask.

  She nods once more, squares her shoulders and picks up her pace, dragging me along until we are almost even with the soldiers.

  “Do you think we should flaunt my name?” Sadi asks, toying with the dresses she has flung on her bed. Brando sits in the doorway
, his eyes closed, practically vibrating with tension as she worries over what to wear.

  “It can’t hurt,” I say, and he snorts.

  Sadi reaches for a plum sheath, hesitates, and I sigh. At this rate, the Consuls will be in the dessert course when we arrive.

  I pull a shimmering lilac dress from the pile and thrust it at her. “This. It’s pretty. Maybe it will distract the Consuls from the fact that they want to kill us.”

  She glances at the dress, then at me, and nods. Ducks into her bathroom to change. Brando stands, watching me. “You won’t let anything happen to her?”

  “Of course not.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him I won’t let Sadi die before I find Chosi—but I swallow it. She’s supposed to be buried.

  It startles a laugh from him and he nods. “Hurry, Sadi; that haj is making Tin nervous,” he calls.

  I feel a spike of indignation from Tin as Sadi steps out of the bathroom. She takes a deep breath and nods. –Let’s go,- she says.

  The haj is waiting and as we step off the Leen, it turns silently. I feel her curiosity, the spark of defiance that makes her want to turn back around, board the Leen, and take to the stars. She would have already, but the Consul was a step ahead of us—they wouldn’t give us provisions or fuel until after the dinner. The soldiers took us around the city, watching as we gathered what we needed for a trip through deep space, and then calmly confiscated it all.

  -We have to go,- I tell her and tuck her hand in the crook of my arm as her assent washes over me.

  We follow the haj through the quiet streets to a small, unassuming house. Two Renlarte are leaning against a nearby doorframe, but I can feel their eyes on me as we enter the small house.

  An older Renlarte is standing in the kitchen, and despite the fact that it is putting the finishing touches on some kind of roasted bird, its sharp eyes skim us, assessing quickly before it turns back to its task.

  A girl, younger than the Consul who greeted us this morning, wanders into the hall carrying a tablet. She brushes a wisp of hair from where it has escaped her knots, and offers a quick smile. “You’re here. Excellent. I saw you would be a few minutes late, so I had dinner delayed. Please, come in.”


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