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Unexpected Treasure - With TOC -Final -

Page 6

by Melody Anne

  “Haley, I was just kidding. You have to learn the difference between a joke and the intent to harm another person. I wasn’t making fun of you,” he said as he caught up to her at the door and gripped her arm.

  A sensual fire shot down her arm from the touch of his firm grasp on her bare skin. Her legs felt weak and she was afraid to look up into his eyes. This wasn’t what she wanted. She didn’t want to feel an overwhelming sense of desire for a man she needed only as a teacher.

  “Haley.” The deep tone of his voice sent butterflies to her stomach. She needed to regroup. Subduing the strange feelings as forcefully as she could, Haley squared her shoulders and lifted her head, crooking the corner of her mouth and gazing at him with total disregard.

  “You didn’t hurt my feelings, Crew. I’m just done for the night. We can begin my transformation tomorrow.” She was quite proud of her performance.

  She knew as he gripped both her arms and pulled her close to him, though, that she hadn’t fooled him. Still, she didn’t reveal the effect he was having on her. That would be giving up too much, and she couldn’t let the tables turn completely in his favor. She had pride, and she’d sunk as low as she was willing to allow herself.

  “Mmm, Haley. The more I think about this, the more I am liking it. Can you feel the sparks?”

  “What sparks?” she bluffed.

  “You don’t have to say it out loud. I can see the fire in your eyes, and I can feel your thighs quivering.”

  “Let go,” she demanded, enraged that she was exposing so much of herself and her feelings to him when all she wanted was to run and hide. After all, that’s what she was best at doing.

  Crew held her for just a moment longer — just long enough to let her know he was stronger, could take what her eyes were offering him — then, he finally released his grip.

  Haley wanted to bolt, run to her room, lock the door, and then slide down it and fold into herself. She wanted to do what she’d always done. But, wasn’t this her seduction makeover? Wasn’t it time for her to be that wanton woman she’d fashioned in her brain?

  Before she could talk herself out of it, Haley reached up and grabbed his neck, pulling his head down to hers. She gloried in the shocked look in his eyes just before their lips connected.

  “Lesson One: Take What You Want,” she whispered. As his lips touched hers and his tongue quickly demanded entrance, Haley was nearly knocked flat. She was grateful there was a door behind her, because she had to lean against it as heat pooled deep within her.

  Her mind blanked while her body flamed and their tongues danced back and forth between them. It was the steamiest kiss she’d ever shared — not that she’d shared many. Two, in fact, before this one.

  When her brain started to completely short-circuit, she knew it was time to pull back. With extreme reluctance she broke the connection of their lips, with her tongue automatically emerging one last time to lick his flavor from her mouth.

  “Well, that wasn’t unpleasant,” she said with a laugh that was far too breathy, and not as casual as she’d intended. If only she could clear the fog from her dazed brain, she could think enough to turn and leave the room. Eventually she got her feet to cooperate.

  “Oh, no,” Crew said with a huge smile as his hands shot around her and grabbed her from behind. “Lesson Two: When You Play with Fire, You Get Burned.”

  Before Haley could reply, he pulled her tightly against his body, the rock-hard evidence of his arousal pressing into her stomach as he leaned down and began kissing her again as if they’d never paused.

  Taking a step back, he pressed her against his door, then moved his hands down the curve of her backside as he lifted her off her feet so he could press his straining manhood against her heat.

  His mouth ravished hers, showing no mercy as he stole the air right from her lungs, and sizzled her skin. She forgot why she needed to stay in control, forgot everything as he continued taking her deeper and deeper into the throes of passion.

  Had she known years earlier how explosive a kiss could be, she wouldn’t have remained a virgin, wouldn’t have let her grandparents’ constant voice in her head keep her from enjoying something so amazing.

  For the first time ever, she was alive, wanting only to sink further and further into sensation, to feel the passion he was so easily igniting. She pressed against him, her hands fisting in his hair as she silently begged him to continue —never, ever to stop filling her with the magical emotions she was losing herself in.

  When a low growl rumbled deep in his chest, a feeling of power surged through Haley at her beginner’s luck. She’d turned this man into an animal bent only on fulfilling his needs. She’d brought this handsome, powerful playboy to a state of no return.

  When his mouth softened on hers, she wanted to scream out in passion. When he pulled back, sliding his tongue across her bottom lip before pulling all the way back and setting her on her feet, she felt disoriented, not even sure if she could stand.

  “Do you still think there are no sparks, Haley?” he asked, his voice drifting over her as his breath warmed her neck. She thought she felt the barest of kisses, but then he pulled back so she was looking into his eyes.

  Haley didn’t know how to respond. Should she be flippant? Laugh it off? Or should she just run away until she figured it out?


  “I’ve had better,” she finally managed to reply, her voice not particularly thick and uneven. He narrowed his eyes before he leaned into her for the briefest of moments, showing her again what their kisses had done to him — how hard he was.

  “I somehow don’t think so,” he answered confidently. “Go get some rest. You will need it,” were his last words before he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the door so he could open it. “Would you like me to escort you upstairs?”

  The knowing tone of his voice had her back straightening. “I’m capable of reaching it safely in your well-secured resort,” she said, acting casually as she stepped through the door. “Sweet dreams,” she threw over her shoulder as her gaze slid down his body and landed pointedly on his bulging pants.

  The curse word that followed her down the hall lifted her spirits.


  She now knew what it was like to feel power in the arms of a man. As Haley made her way dreamily up the elevator and let herself into her suite, she didn’t even realize she hadn’t once thought about Walker, the man she…wanted.

  Chapter Eight

  Two months earlier

  Joseph and George pulled up to the Storm Corporate offices and looked at each other. The building was sleek and modern, not overly large, but charming and well-built; it fit in nicely with the busy business district.

  Large glass panels reflected the sun, announcing its presence among the other structures around it. The brothers made their way inside and nodded with appreciation at the appealingly cut gray marble. The silver and black color scheme and modern decor of the building’s interior welcomed visitors but filled them with awe at the same time.

  “It seems our brother has true Anderson blood running through his veins. He has good taste.”

  “He certainly does. Now remember, we don’t want to overwhelm him,” Joseph reminded George.

  “I think he’s going to be quite shocked when he faces us, Joseph. There’s no getting past the good looks that run in our blood,” George joked.

  “Well, when you’re right, you are right,” Joseph said with a wink.

  They approached the front desk, where a pretty young secretary looked up with a professional smile before her expression froze and she did a double take. It was almost comical to see her eyes flash between George and Joseph’s faces.

  “Um…how…how can I help you?” she stuttered as she tried to gather her wits.

  “We’re here to see Richard Storm.”

  “Do you…um…have an appointment?”

  “No, darling, we don’t, but I think he’ll want to meet with us,” Joseph said as he leaned
forward and gave her his most appealing smile. He was a master negotiator, after all.

  “He doesn’t normally see people without an appointment,” she answered, still a bit shell-shocked.

  “I think he’ll make an exception. Just let him know it’s relatives of his,” George told her with a wink.

  The woman fumbled for the phone and pressed a button. She leaned away, speaking quietly, but the two men were both sure she was saying something like Richard’s look-alikes are here. They’d had a few hours to process the possibility of having a brother. The rest of the world was in for a big shock.

  “His executive secretary said to come on up. He’s on the twelfth floor. She’ll see you there,” the woman said and handed them both an elevator pass.

  After thanking her, the two headed straight but not swiftly to the elevator. Neither of them would admit to the nervous butterflies dancing around in their stomachs, but they pressed the button for the twelfth floor in silence and just stared at the metal doors.

  They got the same reaction from the woman behind another efficient modern desk when they introduced themselves as Joseph and George Anderson.

  “What is your business with Mr. Storm?” She was keeping it together a bit more than the first woman, but they could see that she couldn’t stop looking at them both with a wary and assessing eye.

  “It’s private family business, ma’am,” George calmly stated.

  After a moment on the phone, she hung up and faced them. “Follow me, please.” Neither of them was surprised. They weren’t used to being denied anything they wanted, so they’d have been more shocked had they not gotten in.

  When the secretary knocked on a door, a voice called out telling them to enter. The man had his back to them as he looked out his window at the picturesque view of the Sound. Both Joseph and George had spent a lot of their own time in a similar position in front of their office windows.

  The woman left the room, though they could see her reluctance and the curiosity in her eyes as she casually departed. They noticed that she left the door open. Joseph also noticed the guard not far away, prepared to rush forward in an instant if he was needed.

  When Richard Storm turned around with an indulgent smile on his face as if he were about to appease a couple of batty old men, it didn’t take long for his jaw to slacken as he stared at the two strangers.

  “Hello Richard. This is my brother, George, and I’m Joseph. We believe we have a lot to talk about,” said Joseph as he approached the man he had no doubt was his brother.

  After a moment’s pause, Richard pulled himself together and held out a hand. “Have we met before?”

  “No. Trust me, we’d all remember,” George cut in as he took the man’s hand next. “We believe we’re related, though.” There was no need to beat around the bush. They’d already lost sixty-plus years.

  “I can see why you’d think so. How do you know about me? I have been careful over the years to stay out of the media. Who are you?” As if he were unable to stand anymore, he moved to a seating area in the corner of his spacious office and sank down into a chair.

  The Anderson brothers joined Richard. “Let me explain…” George said.

  Joseph pulled out the documents they’d brought and George told Richard what they’d put together that afternoon, with Joseph filling in any gaps. Richard said nothing at all. After half an hour, the three men sat there just staring at each other.

  “This can’t be. My parents…they were good people,” Richard finally choked out as he looked at the compelling evidence before him.

  “We can always get blood tests,” Joseph said, firmly but gently. “I think that would be a good idea, but it’s like looking in a mirror to be staring at you. You can see the picture of our father here. We take most after him.”

  “My father was Thomas Storm no matter what a blood test says,” Richard said automatically.

  “Yes, he raised you and obviously loved you, but I believe you are our brother. I believe our mother and father never knew you existed.” Joseph said the words in the kindest way he could, but Richard had to know the truth. They couldn’t possibly lose any more time.

  “I just don’t understand. If this is true, maybe your parents didn’t want three children. Maybe they’d made a deal with my parents…” The man was reaching for straws, not wanting to believe his parent would be capable of kidnapping.

  “That is something we will never know, Richard, and it’s something we don’t have to know. Your parents obviously loved you, as ours loved us. We just want you to be a part of our lives if you’re our brother. Family is very important to us,” George said as he leaned forward.

  “I don’t know what to say. I need some time. I will send for blood tests right away, though. I have never been a man to hide from the truth, and if you are my brothers, I would very much like to know about you and your families.”

  “That goes the same for us, Brother. I don’t know what made you decide to move back to Seattle, but we are grateful it happened,” George said with a big smile.

  The men chatted for a few minutes more before Joseph and George left.

  They took the blood tests the next day and, with the help of their wealth and influence, had their answer by that afternoon. Richard Storm was indeed their brother, with identical DNA. That didn’t answer the question of how he’d been separated from them at birth, whether Richard’s adoptive parents had taken him, or whether their biological parents had given him up, but Joseph and George knew their parents — knew they would never part with one of their own.

  They didn’t need to repeat that to Richard, however. The past couldn’t be changed, and all they could do from this moment on was to get to know one another, become the family they should have been all along. It might be a long journey, but family bonds were hard to break, and determination was in the Anderson blood.

  The hearts of all three men raced as they considered the prospect of learning about each other and their thriving families.

  Chapter Nine

  Crew sat back and finished his cigar while he waited for his body to return to normal. Haley Sutherland might have thought she needed training on how to become the perfect seductress, but if the way she’d kissed was any indication, she was miles ahead of any woman he could think of off the top of his head.

  Damn, his body was on fire, and he didn’t see it returning to a functioning state any time soon. She’d set his world spinning, and he suspected it wasn’t going to stop until he taught her a few horizontal lessons.

  The smile spreading across his lips caused faint crow’s-feet to crinkle at the corners of his eyes. He would bet his resort that she was fire beneath the sheets. All of that repressed energy would explode as he sank deep within her heat.

  He groaned. Those thoughts hadn’t helped at all — his erection was now pulsing painfully in his pants. He desperately needed something, anything as a distraction.

  As if on cue, his telephone rang and he picked up without thinking.

  “Crew Storm.”

  “I’m heading down there soon, and I have company.”

  “Dad?” The brisk excitement in his father’s tone surprised him. He couldn’t remember hearing him so elated, not in years, at least.

  “Of course, it’s your father. Who else?” he asked sourly.

  “Sorry. What’s going on?”

  “You remember when I called you a couple of months ago about those two men stopping by my office?”

  “Vaguely. You said they might be relatives of ours or something.” Crew had been tied up in last-minute preparations for the resort. He could barely remember the conversation.

  “Well, they are related. That’s all I’m going to say until we get there. I want you to see for yourself. I will tell you that I’ve gotten to know them and they are good men — very good men. I think you will like them. I think they may even rival us in large families,” he said with a sly chuckle.

  “Sounds good, Father. It’s nice for you to find s
ome long-lost relatives. But I thought your adoption records were sealed. Are you sure you want to open all of that up?”

  “I’m absolutely sure, son,” he answered.

  “That’s good.” Crew didn’t know what else to say.

  “How did your grand opening go? I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve achieved.”

  “It went even better than I’d hoped. A lot has changed since you were here six months ago. I will miss this place…” he sighed as he looked around his office. The more he thought about it, the more he didn’t want to let her go. Still, he was sure his attachment would fade as the excitement of new beginnings wore off.

  “You don’t have to, Crew. I know I told you that was the deal — that you all make a profit selling the businesses — but I think you’ve learned what I wanted you to. I’m very proud of you. In the end you have to choose if you want to settle in one place, or if you’ve found your passion and want to do it again and again with new projects.”

  The sudden choking in his father’s voice came through the telephone line loud and clear. Crew didn’t know what to say. In all his life, he’d never heard his father cry. It just didn’t happen.

  Crew quickly changed the subject. “Give me the dates you’re coming down so I can make sure to have our best rooms available for you.”

  “We’ll need three rooms, and any will do. The point is to see you, not to vacation,” Richard said, then he promised to give his son a heads up when he knew a more exact time of his arrival.

  “Three rooms? I’ll have to check, but I save a block for emergencies, so I think we’ll be fine.” He paused for a moment. It needed to be said, but it was hard for him to get the words to come out. “Dad, you did a good thing — a really good thing.”

  Crew wasn’t going to elaborate. His father had a big enough head already. When Richard was silent for several seconds, Crew thought they might have lost the connection. Then, he realized that his dad was just trying to regain his composure.


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