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Till the Last Breath

Page 19

by Alvin Atwater

He blurred in front of Mother Nature and with one touch, incased her into a huge block of ice. The horrified look on her face sprung me into motion—I turned on a full state three and jumped back from the Drifter. He smiled, eyes on me. “You know you fucked up, didn’t you? Now you’re going to pay for it.”

  I barely blocked his fist—it came at me too fast. Frost began to grow on my arms. I pulled away from contact with the devil and launched a firebomb at him. In retrospect, that was probably the dumbest thing I could’ve done.

  Fortunately, Drifter snuffed it out with a wave of his hand. His red aura retracted from the room and shaped into…a fucking Chinese dragon. I took the time to see Amelia pounding at the block of ice that contained her mother. She stopped when all of her bashing and powers were useless. The rapid change into her divine state shook the warehouse. Glass that made up cubicles shattered. Winds stirred. Devante hurled lightning at the Drifter, but with a single finger, the CEO caught then redirected it at me. Oh shit—shit I wasn’t ready for that.

  It fucking hurt, a lot. The force punched me back at least five yards, then I felt the cool feeling of my face scrapping against concrete floors. I blacked out for maybe five minutes.

  A new note to self: do not ever piss off Devante.

  I forced myself to get up but when I finally righted myself, the scene of everyone getting their asses handed to them greeted me.

  The Drifter laughed a cruel laugh. It was the laugh of a boss firing an idiot employee.

  “I only used the tear once. Froze that bitch solid and she’s going to stay like that.”

  That didn’t bode well to me. If he decided to use the tear again, combined with his ice powers, we’d be stuck, for good. He’d make sure of it. So what’s stopping him for using the damn thing again.

  I almost smacked myself. Limitations.

  He probably had a waiting time before he could try again. Amelia or I would most likely be his targets. He could simply try and kill us all but not without cost.

  I stood up, aimed my hand at the ceiling, and shot six firebombs. When the explosions set off, the roof’s makeup simply turned into ash. Sunlight beamed on us. I took it in. Heavenly-light burst from around me and turned into fire.

  Why it did this, I just didn’t know. I quick-ascended next to the block of ice while all eyes were on me. The Drifter caught on to what I planned to do.

  He blurred over to me and we engaged. Each hit he connected to me left behind frost and ice. It melted a half second later.

  Damn for that ice to leave impressions on my fire—I needed to deal with the situation quickly and before he used that tear again. If either Amelia or I got the freeze treatment, this operation was done. No ifs ands or buts about it. The Drifter suddenly blasted me with some kind of power—a mix of heat and force. He loomed over me as I lied on my back, groaning, fires snuffed out.

  The grin curled across his face.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have our next icicle volunteer.”

  He reached for me. I braced for it, but just before hope could be lost, time and space distorted around him. The Drifted could not understand the magical prism he was trapped in. He could get himself out, but using that tear would mean he’d have to recharge it all over it again.

  I smiled at him. He looked PISSED. So red, maybe purple with anger, his head looked like it would explode at any time. I quick-ascended over to Mother Nature’s ice and covered it with essence-infused flames that instantly melted it. The air suddenly crackled with power as Mother Nature bared her teeth at the Drifter who dared made a mockery of her. The pressure of her divine state was so great that my friends and I dropped to our knees. What’s that old saying? Mother Nature’s the great equalizer and you can’t get away from it.

  For the first time in my life, I witnessed a god’s most powerful fire. Heavenfire. Extremely bright, gold on the top, silver in the center, blue on the bottom. Why didn’t those colors surprise me? Golden heavenly-light, silver-heavenly light, and that strange blue that the elite six assholes used. I’d learn the meaning later…that is if I muster the will to care.

  The fire blast beamed at the Drifter. He probably attempted to use the tear for some kind of shield, but not even that would work. Heavenfire is like a cheat code. I mean hellfire is cheating too but nothing burns worse than heavenfire. It’s true deletion. The pain would follow the soul. Not sure if it deletes it too. If I was capable of using the fire, my life would be so much easier. So, so much easier. It may be exclusive to the primals, but nobody knew for sure. The training for it is just too secretive. And it really only worked on dark beings, not gods.

  The pressure in the air lifted as Mother Nature calmed down. The tear, somehow unharmed, clicked to the ground on top of a thick pile of soot. She walked over, picked it up, and pocketed it. When she turned to me, there was a gleam in her eyes.

  “So, can I wed you and my daughter right now? Here’s the metaphorical ring.”

  I sighed then laid back. A wave of healing blasted through the air before I could collapse of exhaustion. To think we were almost fucked. The Drifter will probably be bragging about how he froze Mother Nature while chained to the depths. His demon buddies wouldn’t let his heavenfire scars go unnoticed though.

  “Does that mean I proved myself?” I said as I stood.

  “You did more than that,” she said. “You discovered a weakness of the tear. The moment I saw your timing, your urgency, I figured it out.”

  I turned to Amony.

  “Sure hope you didn’t have plans with the tear because you’re not getting it from that goddess.”

  Amony walked over, bowed to Mother Nature, then spoke.

  “Sin and I were planning to destroy it. Destroy them all, really just to spite anyone who wanted them.” I didn’t react to her leaving out Ghost. “Putting them in your hands, my lady, is even better.”

  “Pssh, suck-up,” I said. Mother Nature looked amused.

  “Do not speak ill of my loyal servant,” Mother Nature said, letting me feel the full effect of her playful dramatics. I almost said a really inappropriate sarcastic remark, but thought better of it. Heavenfire is a good motivator.

  “Let’s do a sweep of the building and get the fuck out of here,” I said, not caring if I offended Amelia’s mother with my language. I walked over to Layla. “Thank you, for eh…saving my ass back there. This is like the third time?”

  She blushed, caught off guard by my uncharacteristic politeness. Well, she better not get used to it.

  “Do you accept me as one of you,” she said, twirling her hair with one finger.

  “Well, duh,” I said. “You kick ass. I mean, you’re almost as badass as Amelia.”

  Elly shot me a narrowed glare.

  “Stop flirting, you two-timing fuck before your goddess wifey rips off your sack and shoves it down your throat.”

  I grinned. “Love you too.” I shook my head. “Let’s split into teams. Amelia and I will hit the top floor. Devante and Lay—”

  “I don’t think so,” Layla said. “You know this goes wrong in the movies. I’m not dying while you two are having sex on the top floor.”

  Devante laughed.

  “She’s got a point, Fred. You and Daphne over there will be our one-hit killers. Now let’s go.”

  Due to not splitting up, it took us about forty-five minutes to search all six floors. There were straggler demons of course. We took them out without letting Mother Nature lift a finger. I almost took the red sword out of the pocket dimension but remembered it wasn’t mine.

  What if Mother Nature wanted me to return it back to Daniel’s clan. Yeah, fuck that. It was mine now and I had plans for it. Plans to make Ruin stronger than ever.

  After the sweep finished, we said our farewells to Mother Nature. She reminded us of the two-day ordeal. When she left, Devante whispered to Sin and me.

  “Damn! She’s on a level of hot that no one can beat.”

  Sin laughed, but cut it short when the girls took one
look this way.

  He whispered jokingly, “dude, you’re not using Amelia to get to her mom. I don’t blame you if you do.”

  I didn’t get to respond to that because Amelia appeared beside me, placing her hand in mine—making sure we held hands like a proper couple in front of all of them.

  “I know you guys have your debriefing and what not, but I’m going to take him away for a bit,” Amelia said.

  “Ah. Well, too bad,” Sin said, “we were going to get beers afterwards too.”

  I shot him a glare. Sin only grinned.

  “You’re a dick, my friend,” I said.

  He laughed.

  “And what would you do without me.”

  Amelia and I waved them off then ascended back to our apartment. First thing we did was shower. Sweat and bits of demon gore is no fun. Also, sore muscles.

  “Your mother is just too much,” I said as I plopped onto the couch to relax, dressed in simple boxer shorts and a t-shirt. “I’m just glad she didn’t zap me.”

  “Mother loves you too much to do that,” Amelia said, flopping on top of me, stretching in her nightgown.

  “Well, that’s one person of your family that doesn’t mind me,” I said. “But…maybe I was stupid to suggest getting help from your sister.”

  “She’ll help,” Amelia assured. “You won’t get any more schem—” She paused. “Epex, you naughty boy.” She said it in the tone Bugs Bunny uses when he’s doing one of his crossdressing pranks. I sighed, irritated at the unstoppable boner that interrupted our conversation. Oh well, tonight will be relief night.

  That night wasn’t relief night. Amelia basically slept on top of me. She didn’t even let me escape to the bathroom without going with me—sleepily claiming that she had to go next. I couldn’t use my phone or tablet to access certain websites Devante told me about because health nut Amelia didn’t like electronics on at night.

  I waited until I heard her soft breathing then slowly pushed her to the side. Amelia woke up.

  “Just go to sleep,” she said. “We’ve got a long day at Karma’s tomorrow.”

  I frowned. She beamed at me then crawled nuzzled her head into my chest. “You’re doing this to yourself. All you have to do is say the word.”

  I sighed, resigned, then turned over to go to sleep. Dammit, I missed out on beers.

  End of part three…

  Interlude 7

  Amelia gazed at Epex. Her love’s restlessness bothered her and she knew it was her fault. The goddess valued virtue, valued the teachings of Paradise Realm, the teachers of her mother and father.

  Yet, inside, she hurt. She hurt because she hurt him. She too wanted Epex, wanted to blossom as one, to relieve him as funny as that sounded, but…she couldn’t shake off her ideal of a first time being special. She couldn’t quite depart thoughts of the first time shining as a beacon of life. Her little one. Their little one.

  Epex thought too much like a human. He believed himself to be a part of what they called, time. Amelia would have to show him, to constantly remind the demigod that age and time did not apply to them.

  Sure, a heavenly-being’s body grew up to a human’s mid-twenties, maybe early thirties and forties but after one became an adult, that was it. Adult deity. This is why she and Epex…were the only heavenly-beings that celebrate birthdays. A fun tradition that she and her love agreed to do when they were children.

  Amelia placed her hand on Epex’s cheek, admiring the handsome young man, caressing his jaw line, observing his muscular frame. He looked at her with intoxicating eyes of endless blue. She wasn’t sure if she’d maintain control much longer. Holding back didn’t seem fair to him. And it definitely wasn’t in an immortal’s nature.

  Amelia needed to talk with someone about this. Someone who had real relationship experience. Her friends maybe? No, they wouldn’t be able to express ideas from an immortal’s point of view. She didn’t want to discuss it with friends from Paradise Realm. Not at a time like this—because if they turned out to be daring like Anna, she’d cast them out of her life. Selina was simply out of the question. Amelia couldn’t imagine the absurd suggestions she’d get from the drunk. That left Misty, another old friend.

  “You never told me why misthangers are in Paradise Realm,” Epex suddenly said. Amelia strained not to just jump him, throwing away any virtues. The dense man had no idea of the effect he had on her. He didn’t know she was smitten.

  Even when they were kids, she didn’t let go of the childish notation of their grand reunion. Apart of her didn’t want him to take the throne. Epex planned to one day get she and him a house—refusing Amelia’s offer to just use Venus family funds to simply buy it. She wouldn’t get in the way of his goals. However, she knew she also couldn’t interfere with his destiny. Amelia desperately hoped that politics wouldn’t get in the way of their relationship. She refused to wait beyond the eight years she already had.

  “Fine, but you better not fall asleep,” she said, cuddling closer to Epex, melting into his warm blue eyes. He resembled a Native American with his dark tan skin and soft black hair.

  “As if I can fall asleep with you practically on top of me,” he retorted playfully. Amelia snorted.

  “I know what you’re trying to do.” She grinned. “Not on my watch.”

  “No idea what you’re talking about,” Epex lied. Amelia sighed.

  “You already know that the misthangers reside in the realm of mist,” she said, changing the subject.

  “Yep, your queen friend, transported there before Michael could give her the axe,” Epex said.

  “There was a contract in the making for many many years between the King and Misty’s great grandmother, the first misthanger queen. They proved themselves pure enough to join the King’s pact and benefit from his protection. That also meant keeping Fallen and Pantheons out of their realm. You know human history. The Pantheons got their flavors all over it. Without supreme protection, the realm of mist was as just begging to be conquered, whether by Pantheons, Fallen, mythicals, or even beings from other universes. That’s why the old misthanger queen petitioned to the King. The King gave them protection even while the contracts were in the making. He required acknowledge by every ruler of the universes, every clan leader—no one would be snubbing their noses at the misthangers.”

  “But why serve hunters?”

  “The King sort of equated lesser misthangers with angels. He gave them access to heavenly-light and….what’s the old term for power…oh yeah, essence. It was actually Paradise Realm that reached out to the realm of mist and offered jobs. Not all of them accepted the offers as you can see, Misty’s guards being just a mere example of that. This whole ordeal occurred a few weeks after your banishment.”

  “So…should we consider misthangers heavenly-beings?” Epex said. “I mean if we get all technical and shit.”

  Amelia rolled her eyes.

  “Heavenly-beings consist of any one among the King’s contract, receives his protection, and utilizes heavenly-light. The Valkyries were once outsiders too before entering the pact, tired of being abused by Pantheon law.”

  “That’s news to me,” Epex said, “but I suppose it makes sense to why they were even present at out big-time trials. Any other beings we’ve contracted with?”

  Amelia lightly shrugged.

  “You’d have to ask the King. There could be millions of contracts from many universes.” Amelia tapped Epex’s nose before changing the subject. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

  “Ask away,” Epex replied. “As long as it’s not about making a baby.”

  Amelia glared, but then allowed her expression to soften. While being unfair to him like this, the least she could do is not give him any attitude. She didn’t let the fact that Epex respected her virtues go unnoticed. But he was still a man. Half human. What if his eyes began to wonder? She shoved that thought away. Epex wasn’t a womanizer, not a sexist, nor objectified women. She made a mental note not to le
t that moment of weakness or insecurity slip into her mind again.

  “What do you think of that distorter?” Amelia said.

  “A pain in the ass,” Epex replied without missing a beat.

  “No, beyond that,” Amelia continued. “How long do you think she’ll go unnoticed by an angel of vengeance.”

  Amelia felt Epex stiffen. He just acknowledged the human, just opened a path to friendship. There would be nothing he could do if an angel of vengeance targeted her. They were agents of the King that went after anyone who greatly disturbed space and time, and threatened to damage nature. Amelia once heard the group was formed due to sorcerers attempting to dominate the world centuries ago. She was pretty sure Epex warned his sorcerer friend not to go overboard and attract attention. Every sorcerer probably knew that rule and abusing their powers would result in a visit from the agent of the King. No one wanted that.

  “I don’t know if she’s apart of some clan or pack, whatever, that may or may not have warned her, but, I’ll do so, just in case,” Epex assured.

  “Good,” Amelia said. “Mother brought it up too.”

  “Your mother could just smite her and been done with it,” Epex joked

  “Mother’s not cruel,” Amelia defended.

  Epex gave her a look. Amelia laughed. “Okay, when she’s not angry. She wanted to leave it up to us.” Epex nodded. Amelia yawned. “Can we go to bed now? We’ve got a long day tomorrow at my sister’s.”

  Interlude 8

  Somewhere in Paradise Ream…

  A small of group of hooded red-robed figures at a table. A glowing white orb hovered over it. Their faces were masked with various animal patterns and designs.

  Someone else entered, dressed in a purple robe, a blood red dragon mask covering his face. This being didn’t sit.

  The other masked figures stopped with their hushed conversation, sensing his mood. The lead let out a vibe of the upmost satisfaction behind his mask. He nodded at the others.

  “Everything went better than my predictions,” he said, his voice not his own. Modulated. Anyone here would remain anonymous, unable to be discovered. Without traces, accents, backgrounds, or personalities.


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