Book Read Free

Till the Last Breath

Page 23

by Alvin Atwater

  She gave me a look, a knowing look. One that spoke volumes of a man getting caught snooping his nose in places that he’s better off not knowing.

  Karma sighed, dropping the subject—because she let me walk away. The few servants in the lobby were wide-eyed. They walked over to their master.

  “Are you well, Mistress Karma?” a butler said.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Karma said. “Just a little hiccup on the mission. Please get our guests some drinks. Nice wine should do. We’ve got one hell of a discussion to go over.” I slightly shook my head in annoyance at Layla and Devante’s fascination over the nightwings. Humans and their angel fascinations. Never ceased to annoy me. They often forgot that angels were more than messengers. Piss them off and you’ll find a blade in your neck. Where did that phrase, “she’s like an angel,” come from anyway? You mean she’s like a deadly warrior? Metal.

  I walked over to Amelia.

  “Let’s talk in private,” I said. She nodded then followed me outside and around the corner. There was a solid gold bench near a smaller statue of her narcissistic sister, so we sat.

  I let out a breath then confessed. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  Amelia blinked then placed a caressing hand on my face, eyeing me with a gaze that I couldn’t turn away from.

  “No one’s perfect,” she said. “In fact, it’s a relief to hear you share a weakness. You’re strong for keeping it so… nonchalant.”

  “I don’t know about that,” I said softly. “I feel like shit. I truly do. My shitty idea almost got everyone killed. Sometimes the army carry out orders to eliminate threats, rather than capture. My site could’ve been seen as a ploy for vengeance. I…I…” I took a deep breath and let it out. “I brought everyone in on my selfish gambit without even thinking that any god there could simply one-shot them. I know what it’s like to burn in Hell. That’s not something I’d wish on anyone who put their trust me. It’s…fucked up to...take them on a raid where they could lose their souls at any moment. What the fuck was I thinking? I…just don’t know anymore, Amelia.” My eyes were on the ground. I wasn’t the self-pitying type, but what I did was truly fucked up. I even considered using Ruin, untested as it was. Amelia stood and then hugged my face to her chest.

  “No one could’ve predicted these events,” she said. “The heist was supposed to be a quick in and a quick out. Take this as a lesson, learn from it. Besides, your friends felt your heart when you pledged to vow for them. To protect them. They would’ve no doubt fought at your side if it came to it. You’ve earned their loyalty. Return it to them with strength. Learn from this, Epex.” She pulled me back to grab my eye contact. “Your quick thinking, even if it was a gamble, saved us all the headache.”


  “Essence is a mysterious thing,” Amelia said. “I was only amazed that your circle could negate powerful holds around us, so quickly, and maintain that protection for so long.”

  I snorted. “We were fucking lucky, that’s all.”

  “I wonder.”

  I stood up and gave my goddess a quick kiss. “Alright, I’m done moping around. Let’s go back before the others start to think we’re doing more than talking around this corner.”

  Amelia laughed. “Let them think.”

  Elly, Layla, and Devante’s suspicious eyes and mischievous grins were all over us as we returned.

  “What are you three hyped up on?” I said, attempting to the dismiss any jokes that was surely to come.

  “Well, you’re not as macho as Sin after an afternoon quickie,” Devante said.

  I sighed.

  “Which leads you to the conclusion that there was no afternoon quickie.”

  “Maybe he’s better at hiding it,” Layla said then gave me a zap-poke in the shoulder.

  I rubbed the spot.

  “Can you turn off your powers please. They sting like a—”

  “Alright, let’s go to the dining room,” Karma announced. “Have some wine. We need to discuss this ordeal and what to do next. Can’t let this whole library thing just slip us by.”

  “You’re not serving us poisoned wine, are you?” Devante said, his voice joking, but with a tiny placate of seriousness in it.

  Sure, we teamed up with the goddess. Her political plans were made known, but it still didn’t erase the time that she attacked Middleburg. She couldn’t expect to regain trust. None of my friends knew about the softness of the Venus clan. Even if they did, they’d probably have a hard time believing that Karma belonged in it.

  “That’s a childish way to treat a guess,” Karma said then winked. “You do know that I’m an all-powerful goddess. If I wanted you dead for some reason, I could blink and you’d be dead. Now come along, no need to get full of yourself, mortal. Take my hospitality and think of me as an ally, not the sour impression I gave you from before. I won’t apologize for it either.”

  I lightly laughed.

  “That because she already di—”

  Karma covered my mouth with both of her hands. “

  Let’s go, stud or I’ll lock on the third floor and give all of my servants the day off. Ever heard two nightwings go all out?”

  I raised my hands in surrender.

  “Alright, alright, Mistress Narcissist. Let’s go.”

  “What’s on the third floor?” Elly asked.

  “You’re better off not knowing,” I said then hurried forward to walk beside Amelia. I would not to be the one to explain that shit. They’d look at me like some kind of pervert—it’d take forever to restore what little reputation I gained.

  As we discussed and debated and discussed and fucking debating for who knows how long, Karma’s servants served us wine and a lot of dishes that smelled really good. Meats, rice dishes, cheeses, fruits, and all kinds of shit. It reminded me that I briefly ate a little like this a long time ago. A time that I wouldn’t return to, as it simply lay lost to me underneath a sea of memories.

  The discussion of plans carried on to the point my mind started to wonder. From the large window in Karma’s luxurious dining room, I noticed that the sun was began to set. It shined an amazing touch of red, like the skin of a strawberry.

  I don’t know how so, but I heard a brief whisper from Sin to Devante.

  “We’ve got to check out this third floor later. I’m curious.”

  Devante responded with a grin and nod. Yeah, not getting involved. Maybe they’ll catch more than an eyeful—who knew what the nightwings actually did and with who or what.

  I hoped whatever they saw would teach the perverted idiots to avoid exploring a narcissistic goddess’s palace without caution.

  After dinner, Karma offered a stay, which Amelia and I rejected. No point in lingering here for the night. We did stick around longer to explore the town and for the humans, the palace.

  Devante and Sin didn’t mention a word about the third floor, but from their faces, I could tell they went up there. The duo had no idea what to think. It’s not something you see in real life. Knowing them, they probably wanted to join. Or even worse, one of the nightwing girls would’ve seduced them, holding up our departure.

  When we said our goodbyes to Karma, we ascended back to Middleburg. Amelia and I parted ways with the others to check up on her friends.

  After telling the tale, they were surprisingly grateful to not be a part of that, but also a little jealous. Amelia and I left a half hour later, walking home, rather than ascending. A late summer breeze blew across my face. If I wasn’t mistaking, I lost June and July, maybe even more.

  “Amelia, when will the university classes start?”

  “You’ve still got a month,” she said. “Classes start September first.”

  That night, after training with Mom on mastering state three and controlling state four, I was whisked to the dream world, where an unexpected visitor awaited. Elly.

  Chapter Forty-four

  “How and why are you invading my dreams?” I said. Elly shrugged.

bsp; “It’s been a while since I dove into the dream world,” she said. “Sometimes I forget I’m a succubus.” She patted my shoulder. “So it’s true. You’re actually here.”

  “Well, the shell is still in the real world, but yes, I’m essentially here.”

  “Where’s the goddess?” Elly said, giving me a look of confusion.

  “Beats me,” I said. “Not everyone accesses the dream world the same way. And how did you get here, to where I’m at?”

  “Sensed you out and teleported here,” she said. “Easy peezy.”

  “Succubus powers.” I said. “Well…” I looked around. Rainbows, smiling sun, and fairies. “This place isn’t my choosing.”

  Elly snorted.

  “I wonder.”

  “Please don’t,” I said. “And…I’m pretty sure if they’d take kindly to a succubus entering the dream world, let alone their domain.”

  “Fuck ‘em,” Elly said then grabbed my hand. “I’ll take you to my dream world house. We need to chat about today’s events.”

  I nodded and allowed her to teleport me away. We appeared in an empty house with dim lightning. No…we were in a bedroom of a mansion. The succubus laid back on a large king-sized bed. “So do you have any idea why the army was sent of all things to investigate us? Seriously, what the fuck?

  I shrugged then sat in a nearby chair.

  “This whole thing has turned out to be a bigger cluster fuck than I originally planned but we weren’t seen by the army. They sensed an out of place gathering of presences at the apartment but that’s it. I think.”

  Elly rolled her eyes. “So much for Mother Nature’s hiding. Bunch of prissy fucks. How many libraries do you have in that city?”

  I blinked.

  “You know what…there’s only one…called the Great Library. A few small ones, but the Great one seems like the ideal place to have secret passages.” I nodded to myself. “Fuck, with Paradise Realm on possible high alert, this wouldn’t work. I doubt Mother Nature’s going to—” The succubus suddenly pulled me on top of her. I shot the bold succubus a blank glare. “You know this isn’t going to happen. And casting emotion won’t work here.”

  “It’s not real,” Elly said, “so why not?”

  “Because of the principal.”

  “Correct answer,” Elly said. She kissed me or at least tried, but I was too quick at moving. “Why not set aside the principal. Enjoy the dream.”

  I pulled away.

  “You’re not good at this seduction thing for a succubus. Besides, this is like one of those, ‘what could possibly go wrong,’ situations. No thanks, I’d like to continue to look Amelia in the eyes.”

  Elly stared at the ceiling.

  “You really do love her.”

  “Couldn’t be more obvious,” I said as sat back in the chair.

  “It’s not fair.”

  I shrugged.

  “I’m not an ideal boyfriend anyway. I’m…a fucking mess. I don’t show it, but…”

  “Epex, we have more in common than you think,” she said. “I’ve been wanting to steal you from that goddess for a while now. You’re wasted on her.”

  I snorted then looked at the floor.

  “I don’t know what to say to that. It’s just…when everyone wanted nothing but my blood, Amelia was the only one that reached out, pulled me from a bottomless hole, even was patient enough to deal with me. Healed so much damage. We’ve known each other since childhood, though…And she hasn’t changed a bit. She gives me the feeling of being at home, but more. Back then, I thought of her as more annoying than desiring. Nice but annoying.” I shook my head. “Look, I’m not into throwing sob stories on people—I don’t feel like I’m in a position to be rejecting anyone. But…I’ll burn in Hell first before betraying Amelia.”

  I looked at Elly and then widened my eyes. Tears. Tears from this woman of all people. I didn’t know how to react.

  She suddenly nodded as if in resolve.

  “My…feelings won’t just go away but I’m no homewrecker. At least I’ll pull it together, do my best not to be one. Just glad you’re blunt and honest, not one of those indecisive types.” She stood up and wiped her eyes. “So, figure out a plan of action to get us to that Great Library. And…if you want, I’ll help. I know this sounds pathetic, especially for a succubus, but just being near you is good enough for me.” I started to say something but she interrupted. “I’ll get over this fucking teenage girl fantasy of mine eventually, so don’t worry about me. Let’s stop this corruption so that the bastards could finally leave you alone. Maybe if I…help you, I’ll figure out what I want.” When I stood, Elly caught me in a sudden hug. “When…you came back, I wanted to be the one hugging you…In place of that annoying goddess.” I hugged her back. A feeling of awkwardness grazed between us when we let go.

  “I’ll always be here for you,” I said.

  “I know you will,” the succubus replied then started toward the door. “Just…continue to be kind to her. Or I’ll rip your junk off and shove it down your throat.”

  I nodded with laughter. She laughed too before the dream ended.

  I woke up to warm green eyes and a smile to start the morning off on the right foot. After a six-mile run, which Amelia insisted on—because I sure didn’t feel it within me—we had a small breakfast.

  “I’m going to come up with a new plan,” I told the goddess. “The library they mentioned—I think it’s the Great Library.”

  “It’s good to see your spirits return,” Amelia said. “May I ask what sparked the change.”

  “You know the answer,” I said. Before the goddess could protest, I continued. “We may be a little late though at spying in on whatever the douche nuggets were planning. But the library’s all we have to go on.”

  “Do you want to try again, today?” Amelia said, surprise in her voice.

  “Damn right,” I said. “We’re just there to take a peek and nothing else.”

  “Then let’s go, just you and I,” Amelia said.

  “No…they already know I’m going to try again,” I said. “And they’ll want in. So, I’m going to come up with a plan, an escape route if needed, and we’ll get it right.”

  Amelia nodded lightly. “You start thinking. I’ll contact everyone. My sister too.”

  Chapter Forty-five

  Outside of Secure Corps, I searched the eyes of my friends, but found no doubt in them. Simply resolution. We went over the plan one last time, phased out any assumed errors, revamped and revamped.

  After we felt satisfied, Karma opened a rift which displayed the outside of the Great Library.

  “Can you get us inside?” I said.

  “No... something is wrong,” the goddess replied. “Something is very wrong.”

  That’s when we sat two gods, I believe from the mercury clan clash against…someone. That being—I felt nothingness from him, a void so empty of feelings, an unreadable vibe.

  He wore a hooded red cloak. In his hand, he carried a sword made of something familiar. I closed my eyes and focused on the sword. The immensity of it hit me like a truck—I nearly fell backward. That sword, if I could call it that, was a tear. It took one swing to cut two full-blooded gods into two. Dead. I turned to Karma to see her pale, eyes widened, trembling.

  “It’s just not possible,” she whispered, over and over again, at least seven times before I yelled.

  “Karma, what the fuck is going on?”

  She jolted then closed the rift. “He...that’s…it’s just not possible.” She reopened the rift again. The red cloaked figure was now standing in front of a group of bowing gods wearing animal masks. He looked as if he was saying something. I put two and two together: they were in front of the Great Library.

  The bowing gods were probably among the ones we heard talking, which meant the whole ordeal revolved around that cloaked person. A figure who just killed two gods in Paradise Realm. From the looks on everyone’s faces, the reality of things started to set in.
  “Karma, please tell us what’s going on?” I said, our gazes locked.

  “That’s the Red Dragon.” She dropped to her knees. “How…how is he.” A look of resolve appeared on her face. “I cannot let any of you go.” She shut the rift. “We’ve been betrayed. Foolish gods have awoken what could be the death of all of us—”

  Amelia shifted to her divine state. “Mother is there—I’m going to her.”

  “Shit, Amelia, don’t,” I said too late.

  My goddess ascended. I shook my head and spat.

  “Karma, are you able to detect any signs of Conus or Hialucus.”

  She nodded as she unfolded her wings to ascend.

  “I think your father is mobilizing what’s left of the army.”

  “You mean the red cloak guy took out the army?” I said. “Don’t feed me impossible bullshit, we don’t have time for it.”

  “Have you not heard of the Red Dragon?” Karma said. “The true first of the Fallen. And a bitter enemy of the King. I do not have time to explain—that silly girl will end up getting herself killed if I don’t go.”

  “Let’s go togeth—”

  The goddess launched into the air and vanished, ignoring me. And honestly, who could blame her. Her family was in danger. I froze…mine too. And Amelia…

  I turned to my friends.

  “Don’t even think about leaving us out of this,” Amony said. “I know of the Red Dragon. He won’t be just a threat to that realm but this one and the next too.”

  “Who the hell is he?” I said. “And why…why isn’t he goo? Conus should be dancing on his skull right now.”

  “You know the answer to that,” Amony said. “Now are we going to stop your goddess from doing something stupid or what? The one who is also known as the beast walks among your home world.”

  “I’m not sure if I have the power to ascend everyone,” I said.

  “I can help,” Layla said. “We’ll have to hold hands. You start the ascension, Amony, Devante, and I could power the bugger. Just trust us.”

  “Fuck it, let’s go,” I said.


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