Book Read Free

Cross Climax II

Page 12

by Tiana Laveen

  “I bet she’s very easy on the eyes,” his father laughed.

  “Yes, she is, Dad, but she’s a very good person,” Arashi added.

  Arashi spoke to his parents a bit more then got off the phone.

  He saw a new email and clicked on it.

  To: Arashi Takahashi

  From: Angel Grace

  Date: November 21

  Hi Arashi,

  I’m looking forward to coming home tomorrow. I hope you’re well. I enjoyed our chit-chat earlier today. I’m exhausted.

  I thought I’d shoot you an email before retiring for the night.

  I’ve attached something for you until I get home. Hugs and kisses.

  - Angel

  Arashi opened the attachment. It was a picture Angel had taken of herself in the mirror with her camera. Arashi’s mouth began to salivate. She had nothing on but a bra and panties. He blew up the picture on his computer to three hundred percent.

  He slowly scanned it, looking it up and down, reviewing it. He could see her dark chocolate chip Hershey nipples through the sheer bra. Her stomach was taut. Despite her slender build, she had rounded hips that added to her allure and femininity. He looked at the matching pink, sheer panties and fantasized about what was in them. He began to breathe heavier. He instant messaged her on his computer hoping she was still awake.

  Arashi: Angel, are you awake?

  He waited. Just as he was about to log off he saw: A.G.: Hi honey! I thought you were asleep.

  Arashi: No. I saw your pic.

  A.G.: LOL How do you like it?

  Arashi: My pants look like a circus tent.

  A.G.: LOL! You’re so silly.

  Arashi: I miss you. I wish I could kiss you right now.

  A.G.: I miss you 2. You want to play a game?

  Arashi: Like checkers?

  A.G.: No, like have computer sex. :P

  Arashi: We haven’t even had real sex yet. LOL

  A.G.: I know. I thought it might be fun since we miss 1another. That’s OK.

  Arashi: No. I’ll do it.

  A.G.: K. You want me to start?

  Arashi: OK.

  Arashi kept her picture up but reduced it to one hundred percent. He leaned back in his chair.

  A.G.: First, I lay you down and kiss u from ur head 2 ur feet.

  Then I move back up to your face and kiss your lips. K. Ur move.

  Arashi: I kiss you back. I put my tongue in your mouth, then I take your clothes off.

  A.G.: I take your clothes off 2.

  Arashi: While you’re leaning over me, I suck your pretty little nipples and rub your butt.

  A.G.: LOL, ur cute with this.

  Arashi: Yeah, I’m having a hard time really getting into it.

  Can I call you and we finish on the phone?”

  A.G.: Ok. Call my cell, not the hotel number.

  Arashi: OK.

  Arashi logged off and immediately called her.

  “Hi, Baby,” Arashi said breathlessly as he lay on top of his bed.

  “You’ve never called me ‘Baby’ before. That’s hilarious,”

  Angel laughed.

  “I guess there’s a first for everything. I think because I speak to people in person about sensitive topics, it’s easier for me to do this on the phone. It’s more personable that way. It felt awkward speaking over the computer.”

  “OK, no problem. Where were we?” Angel asked.

  “Are you alone?” Arashi questioned, concerned about privacy.

  “Yes, of course,” Angel answered as she climbed into the Queen-sized bed of her hotel room.

  “OK, I’m kissing your nipples and sucking them until they’re hot and taut. I lightly bite one then lick down to your stomach.”

  “Yeah!” Angel erupted into laughter. “You’re definitely more comfortable on the phone!”

  “I turn you over so you’re on the bed and I’m over you. I continue to lick your stomach and circle your navel with my tongue. I then open your legs and start licking your clitoris and labia.”

  Angel laughed to herself and thought, “Only Arashi would use the proper biological terminology versus slang.”

  “I keep licking and sucking your clitoris until you get wetter and wetter. I put my index finger inside you and move it around.

  I keep licking you faster and faster.” Angel started to get turned on. She slid her panties to the side and put her own finger inside herself as Arashi spoke. Arashi heard her breathing increase.

  “Are you – are you masturbating?” he asked. Angel was silent and quickly removed her finger from herself.

  “Yes.” Arashi reached into his pants and removed his penis.

  Angel asked, “Are you?”

  “Not yet, but I will.” Angel slipped her finger back inside herself.

  Arashi continued, “I lick you faster and faster until you’re super-wet and ready for me.” Arashi hears Angel’s very faint moaning. He becomes aroused and takes it as a hint to continue.

  “I kiss you all over. I rub your shoulders. Your body’s so perfect.

  I put my penis inside you. We’re having intercourse now.”

  Arashi begins to rub his thumb back and forth over his penis. He leans over to his nightstand, pulls out a travel-size tube of lotion and rubs some of it on his penis.

  “Are you still there, Arashi?” Angel breathed into the phone deeply.

  “Yes, Baby, I’m here. I was just getting something. Sorry.”

  “I can take it from here,” she suggested.

  “OK.” Arashi put his earpiece on so both his hands could be free.

  “You’re inside me, going deeper and deeper. You make my back arch. You’re going in and out of my wet, slippery pussy. I ask you to do it harder as I wrap my long chocolate legs around your back.” Arashi’s heart was beating a mile a minute. His hand began to move rapidly on his member as Angel continued to speak.

  “You go harder and faster, riding me, not letting go. I hug you around your neck, and we kiss over and over again. I tell you I’m going to climax.” Angel moved her finger in and out of herself, slicking over her hand. Arashi took his turn.

  “I tell you I want to see you orgasm. I want to see the face you make as I give you maximum pleasure. You orgasm for me.

  You cum for me. Cum for me, Angel,” Arashi breathed hurriedly into the phone.

  Listening to Angel’s breathing increase, he asked her, “Is your finger inside of your vagina, Angel?”

  “Yesss,” she purred.

  “Good, Honey. I want you to climax on the phone for me. I want to hear you cum. I’ll let you hear me too. I’ll hold it until you do. I miss you so much, Baby. From the first time I laid eyes on you, I wanted to kiss you. Since I met you my life has forever changed. I want to make love to you.” Arashi tilted his head back as his orgasm drew closer.

  “Arashi, I’m getting ready,” Angel loudly sighed.

  “Yes, Baby. Climax for me. Let it go. I’m inside you. We’re making sweet love. Cum for me, Baby,” Arashi urged her onward. He heard her shriek. It was followed by panting, whimpering, and then slow, heavy breathing.

  “Angel, I’m about to cum.” She heard a deep throaty moan.

  The earpiece seemed to get muffled and clear again. He was moving a lot, causing the sound to fade in and out.

  “You OK, Arashi?” Angel asked quietly after waiting a few seconds.

  “Uh huh,” he finally said, breathless. “Hold on a sec. I need to clean this up.” Angel burst out laughing. She waited for a couple of minutes.

  “OK, I’m back. Whoa!” Arashi laughed as he slid on a fresh pair of pajama pants. “I wasn’t expecting that this evening!

  You’re full of surprises, Angel.”

  “So are you. I didn’t think you’d be able to get into it, but you did pretty good!” Angel laughed.

  “OK, let me ask you a question, and please don’t be insulted.

  Have you done this often?”

  “Yes, yes I have,” Angel ans
wered matter-of-factly. “I find it a way to gauge a man I’m interested in, as far as what he may be like in bed, for real.”

  “Well, Angel, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I don’t think someone’s verbal prowess and imagination necessarily means they’re primed properly to perform to your liking sexually. I think it would only mean that their carnal thoughts and capability to turn you on linguistically is top-notch. This isn’t to say that someone with a vivid imagination can’t back it up. It’s just to say that one doesn’t necessarily equate to the other. I fully understand sex is cerebral for women. I’ve studied and understand that implicitly; however, skill is also required to get you all the way there, so keep that in mind please,” Arashi laughed to himself.

  “Well, I guess I’ve been put in my place!” Angel giggled.

  “All I’m saying is, should we ever get to the level of consummating our relationship, don’t be surprised or alarmed if what occurred here doesn’t touch the surface of what would happen in real life. I don’t play Pretend well. I’m a realist. This was difficult for me actually, but I did enjoy it.”

  “Is that because you were out of your comfort zone?” Angel questioned.

  “No, it’s because it’s not something that I’d necessarily believe would turn me on. It did this time, not because of what it was, but whom it was with.” There was a long pause.

  “So, you’re saying that should I allow you into my bed, you’d exceed my expectations?” Angel asked with a sly smile on her face.

  “I’m simply saying that it’ll be different than this phone sex session we just shared. I’m a pleaser as it pertains to sex, and I pretty much do what’s required to ensure that my partner is satisfied. Off the topic, I’d like to ask you what your Thanksgiving plans are?” Arashi reached over to his nightstand and put on his reading glasses as he glanced over some notes he jotted down at work earlier in the day.

  “I was planning on going back to the Bronx. Why?”

  “I don’t want you to change your plans unless you wish to, but I wanted you to meet my parents.” Angel became quiet and reflective.

  “This is a big deal,” she thought to herself. “He wants to take me home to Mama! This is serious!”

  “Um – OK – well, I’m sure I could work something out,” she finally said. Arashi smiled.

  “OK, I’m going to let you go. I know you have a long day ahead of you,” Arashi said as he removed his glasses and turned the light off by his bed.

  “Yeah. Hey, Arashi,” Angel said with slight hesitation.


  “I want to tell you that I really care about you. I’m glad we met, and you’re – you’re a really great person. I’m having a good time with you. I must confess that I didn’t really think much would come of this when we first met, but I’m pleasantly surprised that you’re truly a shocker, in a good way,” Angel confessed.

  “Thank you, Angel. I’m sure that was hard for you to say. I notice you use humor to deflect emotions. I never mentioned it because no one wants to date a man that’s using his formal education to learn about them, but it was just an observation. I really care about you as well.

  I’m very happy we met, and I want much more for us. I want, well, at the risk of sounding corny – I want you to be my girlfriend. We haven’t discussed what our relationship is, how it’s defined, or anything like that. I don’t need titles, but I do need some understanding as to what your expectations are and where you stand as it pertains to us.” Arashi waited.

  “Arashi, I feel on the spot.” Angel squirmed in her bed uncomfortably.

  “That wasn’t my intention. I suppose I’ll let you retire for the night, and we can discuss this at another time. No rush.”

  “No, we need to talk about it now,” Angel sighed. “I didn’t expect to like you as much as I do. It’s difficult for me. I have to be honest as well. My students and some of my co-workers are really laying into me about our relationship. Usually I don’t care what others think of me, but because I need their respect so I can get my job done, it’s making things – well, difficult.” Arashi was unnerved by this information.

  “Why are they making things difficult for you?” he asked in a low voice.

  “You know why,” Angel sighed.

  “Oh, I see. Well, how do you feel about that? Do you believe you can continue on? Do we need to take a break?” Arashi’s heart was breaking, but he remained calm.

  “I can’t let them dictate my love life. I’m just saying it’s been difficult.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner? We could have dealt with it together. You’ve had the burden all by yourself.

  Angel, I wouldn’t want to put you in a precarious situation. I do care about you deeply, but I never want you to feel as if you have to choose.”

  “Arashi, you’re saying all the right things, but how do you really feel? I’m not one of your patients where no matter what they say, you have to keep your cool . If you’re upset, tell me.”

  Angel bit her bottom lip waiting for a response.

  “How do I feel?” Arashi repeated.

  “Yes,” Angel answered.

  “Honestly? I’m upset. My feelings are hurt. I haven’t given any attention to anyone that gave us second glances on our many dates. Yes, I saw it, but what I felt for you surpassed what a stranger felt for us.” Angel loved how poetic Arashi’s honesty always was, but his response hit a nerve that caused feelings of shame and embarrassment.

  “Angel, I could never let the opinions of another, stranger or not, affect how I treat you. I understand that not everyone’s going to accept our relationship. I understand that. I do. I suppose I just don’t care,” Arashi added.

  “I wish I had your strength,” Angel said. “I pretend that I do, but inside I don’t.”

  “Well, lean on me, and let me carry you when you’re not strong,” Arashi said.

  “Just like the song, huh?” Angel smiled.

  “Just like the song,” Arashi reassured.

  * * *


  “I can’t believe I’m going to meet your parents!” Angel said giddily as she climbed into Arashi’s car. Arashi put her luggage in the back and got inside. She adjusted her burnt orange, V-neck sweater to show less cleavage. She had on a pair of black slacks and ankle-high, black boots.

  “Boy, it’s cold out there!” he said as he turned up the heat.

  “It’s about an hour’s drive so do you have everything you need?

  You want something to drink?” Arashi asked.

  “Two hours isn’t that bad. I’ll be fine,” assured Angel.

  “Do you need to use the bathroom again before we leave?”

  Arashi asked.

  “I’m fine, Arashi!” Angel laughed. “You’re something else.

  Let’s just go. I’m super-excited.

  Who all’s going to be there?”

  “My parents, my sister, my brother, some cousins – a lot of people.”

  “Oh, my goodness. I hope I don’t pass out from anxiety,”

  Angel laughed.

  “If you can handle sold-out arenas when you dance, this should be a piece of cake. I’m the eldest child so they’re going to want me to introduce and serve.” Arashi pulled away from the curb.

  “Introduce and serve? I don’t understand.”

  “I have to serve my grandparents. They live with my parents.

  I have to introduce you to all of the elders individually.” Arashi stopped at a red light.

  “Oh, I see,” Angel said as she pulled out her cell phone and checked her text messages. On the way they listened to music and quizzed each other random trivia.

  “OK, name all the Smurfs!” Angel blurted.

  “What? OK, give me a minute to think,” laughed Arashi.

  “Papa Smurf, Lazy Smurf, Handy Smurf, Brainy Smurf, Clumsy Smurf, Tailor Smurf, Farmer Smurf, Dreamy Smurf , Harmony Smurf , Painter Smurf, Hefty Smurf, Vanity Smurf, Jokey Smurf, Smurfette�
��. There were more I think, but I can’t remember.”

  Arashi said in frustration.

  “Wow, you did great! You remembered more than I did!”

  Angel said, impressed.

  “OK, we’re five minutes away,” Arashi said as he exited the expressway.

  “OK, I’m ready!” Angel smiled, looking at him. Arashi took her hand and kissed it as he pulled up to the house.

  “Oh, my goodness. Look at all these cars! You really do have a big family.”

  “I know. My sister and her husband are here, and my brother brought his girlfriend. Some of what they’re saying, especially my grandparents, you won’t understand. My grandparents speak very limited English. My parents are very fluent with English, however, so whatever you say, they’ll most likely understand.”

  Arashi got out of the car and grabbed Angel’s bag, then his own.

  “How long have your parents been in the United States?”

  Angel asked curiously as she reapplied her lipstick.

  “My mom, since she was seven. My dad, since he was twelve.

  Ironically, my dad’s English is a bit better than my mother’s, but they both do very well. You should be fine.” Arashi kissed Angel as they walked up the sidewalk. The front door was slightly ajar. Arashi walked inside and saw everyone standing around talking, laughing, and drinking.

  “Arashi!” He heard his name being said from various directions.

  “Konnichi wa! (Hello!)” Arashi hugged his mother. Her hair was cut in a short, salt-and-pepper pageboy. She had on a green sweater, jeans, and a hefty diamond ring.

  “Ogenki desu ka? (How are you?)” his mother asked.

  “Genki desu! (I’m fine!)” responded Arashi.

  “Mom, this is Angel.” Angel extended her hand.

  “Hello, Mrs. Takahashi. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Arashi’s mother’s face lost its color.

  “Oh – yes – nice to meet you too, Angel. Arashi has told us a lot about you.” She shook her hand. Arashi took notice of his mother’s rigid response.

  “Angel, have a seat, Sweetheart. I’ll be right back,” Arashi said. Angel nodded and sat down at the large dinner table.


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