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The Immortal Affliction

Page 5

by M. K. Dawn

  Diego’s jaw snapped closed.

  “Much better.”

  Samantha waited for Diego to argue, but he kept his mouth shut. “Interesting.”

  Leo shrugged. “As the leader, I control the wolves in my pack. Simple as that.”

  “And Ethan?” His role in all of this kept getting sidestepped and she needed to know why. “What does he have to do with you being here?”

  “Don’t tell her anything, Leo.” Adren headed back into the kitchen. “Not worth the breath.”

  “Are you going to shut up, or do I need to force it on you like your idiot friend here?”

  Adren mimicked turning a lock in front of his lips.

  “Good.” Leo turned his attention back to Samantha. “The pack I command was Ethan’s father’s pack. Ethan has decided to fight me for it.”

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  “Part of a pack leader's responsibility is to protect its wolves against predators—vampires namely. For some reason, Ethan has a soft spot for you. Which I’ll use to my advantage.”

  Samantha tapped her foot. “If you haven’t noticed, Ethan hasn’t exactly been popping in.”

  Leo grinned. “He will if he thinks you're in danger. And when he does, it will prove he is not fit to lead. It will nullify his claim and I will remain pack leader.”

  “You’re doing all of this so you don’t have to face him?” Samantha laughed, taunting him. “I thought werewolves were supposed to be fearless?”

  Diego charged towards her, but Leo grabbed him before he could pounce. “What are you doing? She’s goading us, you idiot.”

  Adren seized Diego’s collar and shoved him back. “Dumbass.”

  Diego scrambled to his feet and bolted out the door, flipping them off.

  “Leo, man,” Adren glanced outside, “Ethan’s not coming.”

  “Of course he’s not.” How many times did Samantha have to tell them? “He doesn’t care about me.”

  “I doubt that.” Leo’s eyes darted to Adren. “It’s time we put it to the test.”


  A piercing scream broke through the night. Ethan slowed to a jog a few miles outside Tito’s compound, trying to pinpoint which direction it had come from.

  He had taken up running a few weeks ago to exude the excess energy the wolf gene created. Most nights it was quiet; the wildlife that usually came to life hid when he grew close. His wolf form made him a top predator and every animal within a ten-mile radius could sense it.

  Another scream echoed among the trees. This time he recognized the voice. “Samantha?”

  He darted off towards the cottage, reaching it in record speed.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He leaped over the fence, charging towards the wolf, Adren, who had Samantha pinned to the ground.

  Leo jumped in front of him. “Well, lookie who decided to show up. Here to rescue the helpless vampire? What would the other wolves think?”

  Ethan’s jaw clenched. “Is that what this is about? Trying to prove I have a soft spot for vampires?”

  “That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?”

  This game Leo was playing grew older by the minute. “I heard a scream, I came to investigate. That’s all there is to it.”

  Leo smirked. “Then walk away. Let us do what werewolves do when a vampire is present.”

  “And what’s that?” Ethan had to keep him talking; give himself a chance to figure out how to get Samantha out of this.

  “Drink her blood, enhance our immortality.” Leo’s eyes glowed a bright silver—a sign he was about to shift.

  “What would Tito think?” Ethan shuffled over a few inches, trying to get a better look at Samantha. As scared as she must have been in that moment, he had to give her credit; it didn’t show. Instead, she set her face into a scowl, fingers clawing the ground as if she were daring the wolf to take a bite.

  “Fuck Tito,” Leo spat. “He doesn’t make the rules for my pack.”

  He was a stubborn son of a bitch. “You’d risk pissing off the other pack leaders just to stick it to me? Why not just wait a few days until the challenge, since you’re so certain you’ll win?”

  “It’s not about the challenge, it’s about proving you don’t belong here. That you’re a traitor to our race.”

  Anger pulsed through Ethan's veins. “How the hell am I a traitor when I’ve only been—known about—werewolves for a few weeks?”

  “Prove it.” Leo glanced over his shoulder. “Let us take her blood.”

  “It's okay, Ethan.” Samantha bared her fangs. “Leave. I can take care of myself.”

  “What’s it going to be, pup?” Leo taunted. “Wolves or vampires?”

  It was a test. They wouldn’t hurt her—he was almost certain. Ethan turned his back on them and started for the gate. “Do what you’ve got to do. Face the pack leaders' wrath. I want no part.”

  “Have it your way. Arden.”

  Samantha's scream combined with the ripping of flesh was all it took for Ethan to lose control. He spun around and transformed into an ash gray wolf, sprinting past Leo and knocking Arden away.

  “That’s what I thought!” Leo roared.

  Samantha was on her feet and had Diego in her grasp before anyone could react. “Call me a stupid bitch again.” She sunk her fangs into his neck and jerked her head in one fluid motion. Diego fell to the ground lifeless, his throat ripped out.

  Arden knocked Ethan off him and transformed into his human self, running towards his fallen comrade. “No! What have you done?”

  Samantha wiped the blood from her chin. “You broke into my house and attacked me!”

  “You will pay for this with your life.” Leo leaped into the air and hit the ground as a wolf.

  Ethan positioned himself between Samantha and Leo. She might have been able to take down Diego in human form, but wolf strength was unmeasurable.

  Move. Leo growled, the words filtering through Ethan’s head. A life for a life.

  No. Ethan rounded his shoulders, the hair on his body standing on end. Back down.

  Leo stalked forward and paused for a brief second at the command. It didn’t last long, but Ethan understood the implication. The pack leader in Ethan was showing its dominance and Leo was trying to resist.

  I will kill you to get to her without hesitation, Leo's voice boomed in Ethan’s mind. Is she worth it?

  Back down, Ethan repeated.

  Leo's body jerked. No.

  A low growl slipped past Ethan's teeth. Last chance.

  For you. Leo charged, ramming his head into Ethan's ribs.

  Ethan sucked in a breath, but didn't move. They snapped and bit at each other, ripping through flesh and shattering bones. Their massive bodies slammed against one another, neither holding back. Ethan didn't know where Samantha and Arden had gone, but after what she’d done to Diego, he knew she could take care of herself.

  Leo snarled and got hold of the back of Ethan's neck, sinking his teeth into his throat.

  Ethan kicked his haunches, trying to knock him off.


  Ethan felt some of his command lessen. Leo was staking his claim as pack leader and winning. There was no doubt Leo was stronger. He had years of experience in this form.

  Ethan’s legs trembled. If he hit the ground and Leo got him on his back, it would be over. They would exile him just as he’d found his place in the world.

  “Finish him!” Arden yelled.

  Last chance, pup, Leo snarled. What’s it going to be? Surrender and maybe I’ll show mercy. Continue and I will snap your neck.

  Leo might have been the stronger of the two, but Ethan was smarter. There was only one way to defeat him and he would have to be quick to get the upper hand.

  Ethan let his legs crumple beneath him. Mercy.

  Leo laughed, loosening his grip on Ethan’s scruff. Too easy.

  It was the opening he’d been waiting for. Ethan threw back his head, slamming his
skull into Leo’s snout.

  Leo howled. Stunned and disoriented, Ethan saw his opportunity to attack. He lunged, knocking Leo on his back and clamping down on his neck.

  Desperate to break free, Leo thrashed, but Ethan didn’t relent.

  “Enough!” A powerful voice bellowed.

  Ethan’s eyes darted towards the main house, his grip on Leo’s neck tightening.

  Tito stood at the edge of the porch, his expression tight. “Let him go, Calaway.”

  He released Leo’s neck and reverted to his human form, muscles sore from the fight.

  Leo shifted a second later, his neck bruised and skin bloody.

  “What happened here?” Ethan followed Tito’s gaze.

  Samantha stood behind them, her clothes soaked with blood and face savage. “They broke in and attacked me. I defended myself.”

  “She killed Diego.” Adren pointed to the fallen wolf. “Ripped his throat out.”

  Tito looked between them and then to Leo. “Is it true? Did you and your wolves start this?”

  Leo threw back his shoulders. “To prove a point.”

  “Which is…?” Tito’s gaze flicked upward.

  “That Calaway has a soft spot for vampires and is unfit to lead a pack.”

  Tito clenched his jaw. “Get back to the house. All of you.”

  Adren didn’t hesitate, sprinting past Tito and rushing towards the main house. Leo glared at Ethan as they lumbered side by side. As they passed Tito, he held out his hand, halting them. “The pack leaders are meeting tomorrow at eight a.m. You will both be there, and we’ll put this little misunderstanding to rest.”

  Both nodded and continued inside.

  “As for you,” Tito addressed Samantha and Ethan paused to listen, “I’ll send someone to clean this up. This will all be over soon. You have my word.”


  Ethan lay in bed waiting for the sun to rise. It had been one of the longest nights of his life. He couldn’t sleep—too pumped up on adrenaline from his fight with Leo—and couldn’t relax because he was anxious about the outcome of the meeting.

  Watching the seconds tick by on the clock, Ethan tried to come up with a valid reason why he’d stepped in and put a vampire’s life before a wolf’s.

  In his heart, he knew the answer: as much as the wolf in him tried to forget, he still cared for Samantha.

  Then there was Darrien. He had risked his life to save Ethan and Evie from the synthetic blood center and Ethan had just left him in a cell somewhere to rot. What the hell kind of friend did that? He was an asshole, plain and simple.

  He forced himself out of bed and into the bathroom for a shower. The scalding water did little to ease his guilty conscience, but it was enough to wash away the outward signs. He was about to walk into a wolf’s den and would in no way give them a reason to see him as anything other than loyal.

  Ethan threw on some clothes and headed downstairs into the formal dining room for the pack leader meeting. He was a few minutes early, but the five pack leaders were already there, their second in commands accompanying them.

  “You showed up.” Ethan didn’t need to turn around; he recognized Leo’s voice. “Thought for sure you’d make a run for it.”

  The last thing Ethan wanted was to pick up where they’d left off last night. He rotated around, a tight smile pulling at his lips. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

  “Not disappointed at all. I can’t wait to see you exiled.”

  Tito called the room to order. “You two—Leo, Calaway—front and center. Let’s settle this so we can all get on with our lives.”

  Leo skirted past Ethan, knocking his shoulder into him. They took their places at the front of the room, the pack leaders sitting on either side of the rectangular table and leaving the head of the table open.

  “Now,” Tito began, “yesterday. Explain.”

  Ethan narrowed his eyes at Leo. “Yes, please. Explain.”

  Leo let out a slow breath. “Me and two of my guys broke into the female vampire’s house—prison—whatever you want to call it.”

  Tito leaned back in his chair. “You did this even though I had given strict orders to leave her alone?”

  “We weren’t going to hurt her.” Leo shuffled from foot to foot. “We wanted to scare her… so Ethan would come to her defense. And he did.”

  “Ethan,” Tito looked to him, “you have a history with the vampires. This one carried your child. But they are our enemies and we must defend ourselves against them at all costs. Putting their wellbeing before that of our own is unacceptable.”

  He curled his fingers into tight fists. “I was just following orders.”

  Tito looked less than impressed. “There is also a matter of the murder of one of our own.”

  “Unjustified murder.” Leo scowled.

  Ethan whipped his head in his direction. “Are you shitting me? You broke into her house. When I arrived, Adren had her pinned to the ground in wolf form while you threatened to take her blood.”

  “Adren—not Diego, who was off to the side minding his own damn business.”

  Ethan wanted to smack that grin right off Leo’s smug face, but he was better than that. Or so he kept trying to tell himself. Instead of engaging with Leo, he turned his attention back to the pack leaders. “Believe whatever you want. About the incident last night; about me and where my loyalties lie. Tito gave an order, I made sure they upheld it. End of story.”

  Leo opened his mouth to argue as Tito held up a hand to stop him. “We will decide the fate of the vampire after we put the other issue to rest.”

  Ethan cocked his head. “What other issue would that be?”

  “The rightful pack leader of Bloodrose.”

  “What?” Leo’s eyes widened. “The challenge is still a few days away.”

  “From what I saw,” Tito’s eyes shifted between the two men, “the issue was decided last night.”

  Leo shook his head. “No. That’s not possible.”

  “Ethan, if you would please command Leo to do something—anything—so we can move on to more pressing matters?”

  “Um…” Ethan hesitated, not at all prepared. “Leo, take a seat.”

  Leo puffed out his chest. “See? Nothing.”

  Tito rolled his neck. “Like you mean it, Calaway.”

  “I said sit,” Ethan barked.

  Leo’s entire body twitched until he could no longer fight the control Ethan’s command had over him and he sank into the nearest chair.

  “Very well.” Tito shuffled the stack of papers in front of him, seemingly uninterested in the entire ordeal. “Ethan, you must select a second in command. Leo, you are exiled. Get the hell off my property.”

  Ethan saw the desperation in Leo’s eyes as he headed for the door. How many years had the man spent with their pack? How much had he sacrificed because Ethan staked claim as pack leader? He thought back to Tony; how he so willingly offered to help Ethan when Evie went missing. If Leo had even an ounce of his brother’s integrity… “Wait.”

  The room fell silent as Leo paused and turned around. “What do you want, Calaway? If you’re looking for some pointers, you’re asking the wrong person.”

  He would have to change his attitude if this would work. “For my second in command, I choose Leo.”

  The room erupted in laughter like it was the funniest damn thing they had ever heard.

  Leo’s eyes narrowed. “What are you playing at, Calaway?”

  The laughter died down, allowing Ethan to speak. “I assume my second in command needs to be the strongest, bravest of the pack. Loyal and ready to replace me at a moment’s notice without hesitation. You’ve proven you are all those things and more. It seems like the logical choice.”

  Dylan, a scruffy wolf with a thick black beard, turned to Tito. “Is that allowed?”

  Tito shuffled the papers in front of him. “It’s unheard of, but as pack leader, Ethan has every right to do with his wolves as he pleases. If that means putt
ing his trust in a man who tried to kill him, what the fuck do I care. Leo, if you’re staying, take a seat. Both of you. We have more important matters to discuss.”

  Leo’s eyes darted to Ethan before he reluctantly took a seat.

  Ethan slid into the chair beside him and forced a smile. “Thank y—”

  “Don’t,” Leo cut him off. “If this is a revenge scheme, I will rip out your heart, so help me God.”

  Though the disdain in Leo’s eyes was unnerving, Ethan was determined to make things right. “This is a peace offering. Take it or leave it; the choice is yours. Tony was a good man and he lost his life helping me. It would be shitty of me to turn my back on his brother when his only offense was trying to protect our pack.”

  Leo let out a weighted breath and some of the anger in his eyes faded.

  It was a start. One Ethan hoped he could build on.


  Darrien slumped against the cell door, clinging to the distant sound of footsteps sloshing along the murky grounds. The rain had started a few hours ago, just as he’d settled in to get some much-needed sleep. A once soothing noise, the rain had kept him awake; the drops reminding him of blood leaking from a freshly opened wound.

  He did his best to ignore it but failed in a matter of minutes. His need for blood was too intense. Even after his transformation, when the bloodlust had been overpowering and he had to force himself to hold back, it had only been for a few days at a time. Going any longer made the need unbearable to the point of losing control. That was the last thing a vampire in hiding needed. To lose control meant being discovered. Which was why so many vampires lost their lives before the Great Reveal. That, and the Council’s brutal reign. Even back then they ruled without mercy; the punishment for disobedience was severe and almost always execution.

  Darrien pushed away the memories, not wanting to go down that road again. Not when he was already so close to the edge of insanity. Instead, he focused on the stalled footsteps and whispered voices at the end of the hall. The person had food—not blood, but under-cooked, bloody meat. His canines lengthened and he closed his eyes, relishing the thought of blood.


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