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A New Game

Page 10

by Linda L Barton

  “You don’t need to thank me because you have always been an important part of my life. I only wish I had listened to you from the beginning. Maybe things would be…,” Tom was unable to finish the words.

  John smiled, letting Tom know he understood. “Hey, we need to make sure Mac gets to the airport on time for her flight home. I have faith she will be the one to bring Erebus down, and I look forward to the telephone call announcing the wonderful news!”

  Mac and Tom stood, and said their goodbyes, but Dr. Jenkins stayed seated with John. “I’m going to stay here and have a little talk with John. Thank you for coming and shedding light on this whole thing. I also look forward to a call with the good news. I wish you a safe flight, Detective Mackey. It was an honor to meet you.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Jenkins for allowing me this time with John,” she smiled, and then followed Tom out of the door.


  Mac and Tom walked outside into the crisp morning air. “I bet you’ll be glad to get back home and out of this weather,” Tom laughed as he watched her button her jacket.

  “I also want to thank you for coming here. Your visit has been a blessing to learn that John told us the truth. I want you to keep in touch, and if I can help in any way, please feel free to ask, okay?”

  “I will. Do you think he’ll be okay now?” Mac hated to see John in that place because of Erebus.

  “I think so. You know, I have not seen him this alert in a long time. You have been a great help to him. For so long, he was convinced it was all in his mind, but I think he’ll be able to come to grips with things and begin to heal.” Tom knew John still had a way to go in his healing process, but for the first time, he felt things might make a turn for the good.

  “I’m glad. Well, I need to get going, or I’ll miss my flight. Thank you for everything, and I’ll keep in touch, I promise,” Mac opened her car door and slid inside, but before she closed the door, she turned and looked at Tom.

  “Oh yeah, tell John the next time you see him that I plan on upsetting Erebus’ little game as much as I can. I plan to show him how it feels for a change,” she laughed. As Mac was backing out of the parking space, she noticed a lone figure looking out of one of the windows. She squinted for a better look and realized it was John. She gave a little wave and was pleased when he returned it.

  “Don’t worry about me, John. I’m ready for any crap he has in store for me now!”

  Chapter 9

  Mac was glad the flight back was quiet as most people would not be leaving their friends and families until the weekend. She was able to get a flight straight through so she would arrive in Houston early. She was tired but glad she had learned the truth of Erebus.

  As she relaxed with her eyes closed, she went over what John had said, “I’m sure he’s set up cameras and microphones in your house.”

  Crap, is that true? However, no sooner had the thought entered her mind than she knew the truth. That is the only way he can see what I’m doing! She also knew she would need to check her car for any devices as well.

  By the time, the plane landed in Houston; Mac had worked out a game plan to take down Erebus.


  The sun was low in the evening sky when the plane landed in Houston. She had waited for most of the people to disembark the plane before she retrieved her carry-on bag from the overhead storage compartment. She had no desire to go home, so she decided to take Rick up on his invitation. Besides, she knew the girls would be happy to see her, and she could use the time with them because they always knew how to make her laugh and forget her problems.

  It surprised her at the short time it took to get her luggage and pick up her car from the parking garage. Mac knew they had more than likely eaten their dinner, so she pulled into a Fast Food restaurant to buy a hamburger and soda before she went to their house.

  When Mac pulled on the street to Rick’s house, she saw him in his driveway working on Sharon’s car. She had to laugh to herself because she knew Rick was no mechanic, and she knew he would be cussing and complaining because he had to work on the car.

  She parked in front of the house just in time to hear Rick yelling, “Damn it, why can’t she remember to have this thing checked out like I’ve told her to! Now I need to get a new belt, shit!”

  “Hey, what’s wrong? Did she break something again?” Mac laughed, seeing the frustrated look on his face when he popped out from under the hood of the car.

  “Mac, you’re back! Why didn’t you let me know you were back in town?” He reached for a rag and wiped his hands.

  “I thought I would surprise you and drop by for a visit,” she smiled nervously. “I have a favor to ask. I was wondering if I can stay here a couple of days until I get something taken care of at my place.”

  “Stay here, sure you can, but what’s going on?” He could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong.

  Mac knew that this was not the place to explain everything that she had learned the past couple of days. “I heard you say something about you needed to buy a new belt for the car. How about I go along, and I’ll tell you everything, okay?”

  Rick looked at Mac and wondered what else she had learned from John Cooper. “Okay, come on, we’ll take my truck. You wouldn’t want me in your car right now anyway,” he laughed. “Jump in the truck, and I’ll go inside and tell Sharon I’m going to the parts store.”

  “You’re right. I think it’s best we take your crappy ol’ truck because you’re a greasy mess,” she laughed as she pushed the door lock button on her key remote.


  On the drive to the parts store, Mac filled Rick in on what she had learned from John. “Mac, what do you plan to do?”

  “I’m not sure, but I can’t go home until I know if he has bugged the place. I had hoped I could stay at your place until then,” She looked at him while fidgeting with her car keys.

  “Sure, of course, you can. Sharon and the girls would love to have you there.” Rick parked the truck and got out to go inside the parts store. “I’ll be right back.”

  Mac was glad that Rick was there to help because she knew she could never do this alone. She had leaned back and closed her eyes, waiting for Rick when her cell phone began to ring. Crap, it must be him, “Hello.”

  “Good evening, Lucinda. How was your Thanksgiving holiday?”

  “It was fine,” she held her breath, waiting to see if he knew she was home.

  “Did you have a pleasant flight?” he fought to remain calm. He was surprised at how she was able to get under his skin.

  “Yes, it was fine, but I’m glad to be back in Texas where it’s warm.” Okay, he knows I’m back. Let’s see what else he knows.

  “Well, I’m surprised you didn’t go home. Don’t you need to unpack and get ready for work?”

  Okay, he knows I’m not at home. Now let’s see if he knows where I am. It thrilled her to be the one in control for a change. “No, I took up some friends on their invitation to spend the rest of the weekend with them. I didn’t feel like being alone, so I came over here. Why? That isn’t breaking the rules, is it?”

  The silence went on for several moments until he finally spoke, “No, it doesn’t break the rules. Have fun with your friends, but I want to remind you that little Joey still wishes to go home to his parents,” he said with a sharp tone in his voice.

  I have unnerved him, good! “I know he does and I plan to make sure he gets home soon. Goodnight, Erebus,” she hung up before he could say anything else. “Take that you asshole! How does it feel to be hung up on for a change?”

  Rick walked up to the truck and looked inside to see Mac laughing. He opened the door and got in, “What’s so funny?”

  Mac was laughing so hard; she could barely talk. “Erebus is. He just called and was fishing for information. He knew I had flown in, but that I haven’t gone home yet. I don’t think he knows where I am, though. I do know one thing for sure; he’s pissed! I could tell by the sound of his voice
and for a change, I got to be the one to hang up on him!”

  Rick looked at Mac, not sure if she had done the right thing. “Are you sure you should get him pissed? Aren’t you worried that he may do something rash?”

  His words slammed into her mind, “Crap, you’re right! I need to be careful about how I handle him. Shit, I hope I haven’t screwed up and caused him to do something horrible to Joey. It just felt right to have the upper hand for once.”

  Rick started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot. “Can you contact him?”

  “No, every time he calls my cell phone shows no calls received. I don’t know how he does it, but there’s no record of any of the calls he has made to me.” She looked at the call record on her cell phone. “Yep, no inbound call. I sure wish I knew how he did that.”

  “Damn, that guy’s good. No wonder he’s been able to play his games, and not get caught.” Rick wondered if she would be able to stop Erebus without something terrible happening to her. “Mac, do you think he’d try to hurt you if things don’t go his way?”

  She had thought for a moment before she answered him. “I don’t think so. I believe he has other plans for me as he did for John. This guy fancies himself a master of his game, and he believes the people, or pieces as he refers to them to be inferior to him. To hurt me would be too easy. If he’s to stay true to his game, he will do everything he can to destroy me, but not kill me. He wants to make me give up on everything I hold precious in life so that he will be victorious.”

  “Damn it, I’m scared, aren’t you?” Rick felt the fear building inside him at the thought of what Erebus was capable of doing.

  “Of course, but I can’t let him continue with his games. If I don’t stop him, he will just move on to destroy the next person that catches his attention. I can’t let that happen, Rick.”

  She knew it would be difficult to trap Erebus, but she had to try. She knew that she would never live with the knowledge that he had gotten away to play his game again.

  Nothing more was said until they got back to Rick’s house. He pulled into the driveway and turned off the truck then paused a moment before she spoke, “We need to figure out how to check for any cameras that may be at my place without alerting him. Do you have any ideas?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. He believes you are staying with friends for the weekend, so that gives us some time. I’m sure all the cameras run off the electricity. Therefore, if we were to have the power cut off to the apartment, we should be able to get in and run a sweep without alerting him.”

  Mac was not sure if this plan was a good idea, but she knew that they had no other option. She opened her door and walked to the front of the truck.

  Rick joined her. “Well, it’s too late to do anything today. Let’s go inside and forget about all of this until tomorrow. I know the girls will be thrilled to see you,” Rick grinned.

  To be honest, Rick was glad she was staying at his place because he knew once they removed the cameras all hell would break loose.


  “Mac, you came to see us!” The squeals of delight from the three girls were music to Mac’s ears. She loved Rick’s daughters, the same as if they were her own.

  “Rick, why didn’t you tell me Mac would be here this evening? We would have held off dinner until she got here. Are you hungry? It’s nothing fancy, just leftovers,” Sharon smiled.

  “No, thank you, I’m all right. I had a hamburger on my way from the airport,” Mac answered before she caught herself. Damn it, now she’s going to want to know where I’ve been!

  “Airport, where did you go?” Sharon had thought it was sad how Mac had no family to spend the Holidays with, so this news pleased her.

  Mac hated to lie to Sharon, but she had no choice, “I visited some old friends. My best friend from high school moved to Philadelphia a few years ago, and she wanted me to come see her new baby.”

  “Oh, how wonderful! Do you have any pictures of the baby? Is it a girl or boy?” Sharon was excited at the idea of a new baby. She and Rick had been discussing the idea of trying one more time for a son, so the thought of a sweet, little baby thrilled her.

  Crap, you sure did put your foot in it now! Mac struggled to think of what to say next. “It’s a little girl, and her name is Elizabeth. I don’t have any pictures with me; I need to get them developed,” Mac prayed this would suffice.

  “Sharon leave her alone; she’s tired from the long flight. I’m sure once she gets the photos developed you’ll be the first one to see them,” Rick nervously laughed while he looked at Mac, hoping Sharon would drop the subject.

  “All right, I’ll leave her alone about the pictures, but I want you to tell me all about your trip.” Sharon grabbed Mac by the arm and pulled her towards the living room.

  Mac looked at Rick, not sure of what to say. Telling Sharon about Erebus was out of the question, so how was she going to get herself out of this mess.

  “Why don’t you leave her alone? I’m sure she’s tired and wants to relax. I need to get her luggage and bring it in then maybe she’d like to take a shower and relax some before you start cross-examining her,” Rick said in a firm voice. “I need your keys, Mac.”

  She reached into her pocket and tossed her key chain to Rick.

  “Okay, I’ll leave her alone, but only until she gets settled in for the evening. Come on, I’ll take you to the guestroom while Rick goes out to get your luggage,” Sharon giggled while she led Mac down the hallway to the guest room.

  Mac was glad to have this time alone. Rick had brought in her luggage, so she took this time to sit in the room and gather her thoughts. She had a difficult time believing what she learned from her meeting with John. She prayed there were no cameras hidden in her apartment, but she knew she was only fooling herself. She was about to take her pajamas out of her suitcase and get in the shower when she heard a knock on the door.

  “Mac, when will you be done?” Rebecca, the oldest of Rick and Sharon’s daughters, asked as the other two giggled in the background.

  “I’ll come out as soon as I’m done with my shower, okay,” Mac laughed. She knew the girls were as excited to see her as she was to see them.

  “Okay, but hurry up because mommy says we have to go to bed soon,” Ashley, the middle daughter, whined.

  “I want to play with you, so hurry up,” Amanda, who everyone called Mandy, and the youngest, giggled as she tapped on the door.

  “Okay, you girls wait for me in the living room. Now go on so I can take my shower!” Mac laughed at the giggles from the girls as they ran down the hall.

  The shower was warm and felt good on her body. She did not know how she would get into her apartment without alerting Erebus she was there, but she knew she had to try.

  He must have cameras and microphones in my apartment because that is the only way he could see what I’m doing. The thought of him watching her while she slept, ate her meals, and got dressed for work sent chills throughout her body.

  Her mind wandered back to her conversation with John, and she wondered how long Erebus would take to set up each of his opponents and how long had he been watching her? She also wondered how much did he know about her past, and why she was chosen over someone else?

  All these questions swarmed around in her mind, and she worried what his plans were for her. She only prayed she could stay one-step ahead of him and save the little Joey, as well as herself.

  Mac stepped out of the shower and dried herself with the towel Sharon had left in the bathroom for her. She stood in front of the mirror brushing her hair when a thought came to her. Green eyes, what is his fascination with green eyes?

  She had heard of how serial killers would always have something special that would draw them to their victims, but Erebus was not your average serial killer. From what John had told her, he did not kill for the mere joy of killing. He killed because it was a necessary part of his game.

  What was it John said he would call his victims; piece
s? Every step in his game he referred to as a move. What is he doing; playing an elaborate chess game?

  “Oh well, there’s nothing I can do about it tonight and I have three precious little girls out there waiting to visit with me,” Mac laughed.

  She walked into the living room to find Rick on the floor with the three little girls involved in a big tickle war with their laughter filling the room.

  “Come over here and sit next to me,” Sharon laughed as she patted her hand on the sofa next to her. “You’re missing a great battle. The girls have him pinned, and he can’t get away!”

  Mac sat on the sofa when the girls noticed her and jumped up screaming, “Get her, get her!”

  Before Mac knew it, she was covered with three giggling little girls. “Oh my goodness, I’m being attacked by the tickle monsters. Help me, please!” Mac laughed while they held her down, tickling her.

  “Sorry, but you’re on your own,” Rick grinned.

  Sharon tried not to laugh, but she knew the girls were getting out of control. “Okay girls, it’s time to calm down and give everyone a break. I’m sure Mac is tired from her long day. She doesn’t need you girls attacking her.”

  “Ah, Mommy, we’re just having fun,” Ashley whined.

  “Yeah, we’re happy to see her and want to play,” Rebecca added.

  Amanda had ignored her mother and was still tickling Mac. “Mandy, I told you to stop, now leave Mac alone!” Sharon pulled a protesting Mandy off Mac and held her on her lap.

  This, of course, did not set well with Mandy because she was not finished playing yet.

  “Mommy, you’re no fun,” she pouted with her arms crossed over her chest, and her bottom lip jutted out in protest.

  “I know you want to play, but you girls have to do as your mommy tells you. I’ll be here for a couple of days, so we’ll have plenty of time to play, I promise,” Mac hoped this would make them feel better.

  She loved all three of them and knew she ought to visit them more often, but it always seemed that work got in the way. Or, you always let work get in the way; she thought to herself.


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