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Dark Fates (A Paranormal Anthology)

Page 31

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  Tyler grunted, and she could tell he didn’t find blood-covered women as arousing as Sargon. She traced her fingertips over Tyler’s chest, the taste of his essence still tempting on her tongue. “I actually went after Sargon, certain he was another of Arcadia’s henchmen. Imagine my surprise when I found myself flat on my back, with his fangs buried in my neck.”

  “I couldn’t stand the stink of Arcadia’s madness on her,” Sargon said in a low voice as he began to stroke her foot, his touch as familiar as her own. Even now, after all these years, she never failed to be surprised at how hands that knew eons of violence were so gentle when they touched her. “I knew beneath the corruption, beneath his efforts to make her as insane as he was, there was a strong woman worth saving.”

  Affection filled her, and she shared a long look with Sargon, the wisdom of his years calming her. Tyler stroked her arm, bringing her attention back to him. “How did he change you?”

  She flushed, stuffed with Tyler’s blood and unable to help her reaction. “Through lots and lots of blood exchanges and sex.”

  “Lots,” Sargon said with a leering grin.

  “Shut up,” she muttered and kicked at her Maker while the men laughed. “I was just glad it didn’t hurt like my first transformation.”

  “Arcadia hurt you by denying you enough blood to get through it properly. Your vampiric essence tortured you with a pain in an effort to get you to feed,” Sargon said in a patient voice. “A normal transformation takes two weeks. Your transformation took two years because Arcadia strung it out in hopes of breaking your mind. But you, my beautiful child, were too strong for that.”

  A chill ran through her, and Tyler gathered her into his arms. She sank into his warmth, allowing him to carry the weight of her soul for a moment. To her surprise Sargon curled behind her, sandwiching her between two deliciously virile males. If Tyler smelled like heat and sunshine, Sargon was a cool spring night breeze, scenting of moonlight and new growth. She inhaled both of them, her own earthy spice mixing with theirs.

  Looking into Tyler’s face, she studied his expression, noting the serious tilt to his lips and the way he watched her so closely, so carefully. He looked at her like she was someone special, and she tried to put into her gaze her need for him. If what Sargon and hundreds of others had told her over the years was true, and she could offer Tyler a pain-free transformation, then that changed things immensely. Her heart sped up, and she studied the man watching her with such warmth. She almost felt like Tyler was the one who was hundreds of years older because there was a wisdom to him that most mortals, hell, most immortals, didn’t possess. Then again most vampires had been made during the prime of their life, at least physically. If she transformed Tyler, he would have the wisdom of his years to bring with him in addition to a fantastic body and a face that she could stare at forever.

  Stroking her still-mortal lover’s lips with her fingertips, she whispered, “Tyler, do you want to become a vampire? To never know the sun again, to lose any chance at having another child of your own? You will outlive your friends, your family, everyone that you care about. It is a heavy burden and not one to be approached lightly.”

  Tyler gave her a small smile. “Little girl, I’ve spent the past five weeks making sure this is what I want. If you turn me, in a couple months I’ll sell my company and retire off into the sunset, never to be seen again with enough money to get all three of us through eternity. Sargon has already set me up with his banker and begun to move my assets around.”

  She shook her head then pushed at Sargon, as he chose that moment to run his big lion fangs over her throat. Damn that felt good. He knew just how to touch her to drive her insane. Worried that Tyler would be mad at Sargon’s familiar touch, she bit her lip and waited for Tyler to say something, but he only groaned and pressed his pelvis against hers, his thick cock leaving a trail of precum on her belly.

  “If you wish to turn him,” Sargon murmured against her throat, “I will help you feed him. My blood is strong enough to keep him from suffering.”

  She laughed softly. “Why do I get the feeling you just want to make Tyler moan your name?”

  The soft brush of his chuckle caressed her skin, and she sighed as he whispered, “I want more than that. Much more.”

  “What do you mean?”

  To her surprise Tyler was the one who said, “He wants to be a part of every aspect of your life. He’s afraid that once you transform me he’ll lose you.”

  Sargon hissed at Tyler but didn’t say anything in response.

  “My Maker,” she whispered and closed her eyes, cuddling into him. “I will never leave you. You’ve bound me to you with your love, your affection, your endless patience with me. You’ve seen me at my absolute worst and loved me anyway. I know I’ve tried to keep my heart from you, tried to eliminate all emotion from my life, and for that I am sorry.”

  The sounds of the night stirred the air around them, and Tyler sat up a little then looked at Sargon. “You know how I feel about you.”

  Confused, she narrowed her eyes at Tyler. “And how do you feel about him?”

  “While I was falling in love with you, Lisabetta, I was also falling in love with Sargon. I’ve never, ever been attracted to a man before, but…” He gestured to the man cocooning her body with his own. “Well, fuck, you know how he is.”

  His exasperation made her giggle, lightening her heart. “I do know how he is. As I’m sure he’s told you, the sexual norms of the vampire world are far different than humans. Are you prepared to have the vampire world know that you belong to both of us?”

  “Sargon explained it to me. Basically you’ll always be my Mistress and he’ll always be our Master.”

  “Correct.” She stared into his eyes, using all her experience to read his next response. “Do you really love both me and Sargon? Really?”

  A slow, infinitely beautiful smile curved Tyler’s strong lips. “Never been so sure about anything in my life. But what I feel for you is different. You are the center of my universe, but Sargon’s the sun whose orbit you dance in.”

  She giggled and felt Sargon relax marginally behind her. “Awfully poetic for a cowboy.”

  A deep dimple came out in Tyler’s cheek as he grinned. “My mama was a librarian with a love of sappy poetry. Guess it rubbed off on me a bit.”

  Reaching back, she traced her fingertips over Sargon’s face, giving him comfort that he always offered her so freely. He nipped at her fingertip then fully relaxed and said in French, “We are very lucky to have found such a magnificent man. Bring him into our life forever, my beloved. He’s meant to be ours, just like you were meant to be mine.”

  She let out a long breath and looked up at Tyler. “You’re sure about this? Once you taste Sargon’s blood, it will be too late to turn back.”

  “Am I sure I want to spend eternity with the most amazing woman I’ve ever met?” He grinned at her, the pure joy that lit up his face warming her like the sun. “Baby, I’ve been waiting for you to ask since our first night together.”

  Sargon gave a little growl, his now-hard cock pressing against Lisabetta’s bottom. “You are aware, human, that my taking blood from you will feel like a sexual act.”

  Tyler’s pupils dilated with desire, and her body went wet and hot at the thought of the two big, hardened men touching each other, touching her.

  Chapter Five

  A hint of a flush colored Tyler’s cheeks, and Lisabetta had to hide a smile as he stiffly replied, “You say that like I’ve never sucked your dick or you mine.”

  Her clit pulsed at the thought of Tyler’s lips wrapped around Sargon’s thick cock. With a low moan she shifted restlessly between them, and Sargon laughed while Tyler murmured, “You really do love watching two men together, don’t you?”

  “Oh yes,” she replied with a breathy moan.

  Sargon began to stroke her arms, knowing just how to touch her to get the kind of response he wanted. Licking his lips, Tyler then stood and stret
ched out, his massive erection bobbing slightly. “Is the room set up?”

  She frowned at Tyler, but Sargon replied, “It is.”

  Holding his hand out, Tyler pulled her to her feet, stealing a kiss before he said, “Sargon has his people here, both to protect and serve us during the transformation.”

  Before she could respond, Sargon had her swept up into his arms. An unexpected happiness raced through her as she stared up at her otherworldly Maker, as in thrall with him now as she was when she’d first seen him. She wondered if that was how Tyler felt about her. But with Tyler, her feelings were different, more possessive. When she first saw Tyler, she was fascinated, and her first thought was “he belongs to me.” They were equally powerful emotions, and she struggled to accept them, overwhelmed with sensations after centuries of keeping her heart as walled off as she could.

  Soon she found herself back in Tyler’s bedroom, but the sheets had been stripped off his enormous bed and replaced with a special fabric that vampires used to protect objects from blood damage during a feeding. It was a silky, black-as-midnight material that felt like velvet against her sensitive skin. Not only had the mattress been draped in that fabric, but also the floor around the bed and various chairs. Instead of taking her to the bed, Sargon brought her into the dimly lit bathroom. Hundreds of black and red candles flickered with the breeze of their passing, bathing the room in shifting shadows. An enormous tub sat against the far wall, more like a Jacuzzi than a place to take a bath. The tub itself was of an intriguing design. There was a gap between the rounded-edge rim and the marble ledge surrounding it. After a moment she realized that gap was probably a drain meant to catch any overspill…which meant they could fuck in the tub full of bubbles without ruining anything.

  After setting her onto her feet, Sargon smiled and stroked her hair back from her face. “Let us take care of you, Lisabetta. Let us ease the burden on your heart.”

  “Nothing but love here, baby,” Tyler whispered as he ran his hands along her hips.

  Her initial reaction was to break their hold on her, but when each of them began to gently kiss each side of her neck, she shivered with pleasure. Never had she known the perfection, the absolute rightness of being surrounded by her men. With a sigh she allowed Sargon to gather her hair and pin it atop her head with an elegant set of diamond-encrusted gold combs that he’d gotten from somewhere.

  The desire melting her pussy continued to grow and grow until she writhed between them, trying to get Sargon to touch her aching sex, to make Tyler bite the shoulder he was nibbling on harder. Her fangs descended with a sharp sting, even her gums throbbing with the exquisite sensations assaulting her. Too much was happening, too much of everything, for her to focus on anything but surviving the adoration of these men. She felt so tiny, so feminine, and even though she was one of the fiercest vampires still walking the earth, to her Maker and her fledgling, she was someone to be protected, cherished.

  Sargon knelt before her and took her breast in his mouth, his large fangs slicing through the delicate skin around her areola. “Tyler, come here. Drink from your Mistress.”

  Moving to her other breast, Sargon nicked it as well and began to slowly pull on both her nipple and her blood, making her keen her wordless pleasure when Tyler wrapped his lips around her other nipple and sucked in a mouthful of her blood. Her knees went weak, and Sargon chuckled then secured her under her bottom with a strong arm.

  “Come for us,” he whispered while Tyler groaned in agreement.

  Bright, sizzling pleasure streamed from her nipples to her clit, and she arched into their mouths, burying her hands in their hair and tightening her fists, the sound of their dual groans sending her over the edge. Sargon plunged his finger inside of her wet sex while Tyler began to slowly rub her clit, drawing her orgasm out, making her flinch as she became oversensitive. Instead of easing up, Tyler rubbed harder and lashed his tongue over the puncture marks that Sargon had made for him.

  She began to gasp, her body heating and her heart racing, all the rich blood that she’d so recently consumed from Tyler burning away at an alarming rate, yet she couldn’t make herself care. Right now she was caught up in their devotion to her, gentling her fingers so that she was stroking their hair instead of gripping it. A low, rumbling purr escaped from her, and she tried to stop it, but it was impossible to do anything but beg the men to take her.

  Sargon stood first then gently pushed on her shoulder so that she sank to her knees while he and Tyler stood hip to hip. Gripping himself and giving his dark cock a good stroke, Sargon said in a commanding voice, “Suck us both at the same time.”

  He didn’t have to tell her twice. Keeping careful track of her fangs, she licked first Tyler’s dick then Sargon’s, tasting their differences and similarities. Since both of them had ingested large quantities of her blood, they each held a hint of her essence, something that made her soul sing. Anyone who ever smelled these men would know that they belonged to her just like she belonged to them. Licking at the smooth head of Tyler’s shaft, she began to jerk Sargon off, knowing just how to pleasure him while she teased Tyler. They growled and groaned as she worked hard at pleasing them, employing all the tricks she’d learned over the centuries.

  When she had the heads of both dicks grasped together in her hands and was attempting to fit them both in her mouth, Sargon shuddered and cried out, “Enough!”

  Before she do anything more than blink, she found herself in the water with Sargon dragging Tyler into the tub. As if they’d done this a hundred times, and they just might have, the men arranged her to their liking, laying back on the curved side of the tub with a towel to cushion her head. Tyler came to her first, and she eagerly opened her arms, loving the almost feral glint in his eyes as he lunged at her.

  Without preamble he sank his cock into her slick sex, and she arched beneath him, the stab of pain from his quick entry making her cry out in a mixture of pleasure and distress.

  Sargon’s answering growl was so deep and loud it made the water tremble around them. He moved behind Tyler and shifted them so he could fondle Tyler’s buttocks. Her still-mortal lover froze against her, and she detected uncertainty and apprehension in his gaze. Reaching up, she stroked his cheek while clenching her pussy around his thick shaft.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s his first time being taken by a man,” Sargon said in a voice so rough it was like he had rocks stuck in his throat.

  She almost laughed. Sargon loved taking a man’s virtue, but the growing discomfort in Tyler demanded she soothe him. “Easy, my fledgling. He won’t hurt you. I promise, you are going to love this, but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

  He grunted, and though she was dying to see what Sargon was doing to him, he needed her attention on him. “I promised that bastard that once we convinced you to transform me he could fuck my ass.”

  A little shudder went through her at the crudity of the statement and the way his cock kept twitching inside of her. Unable to resist, she laced her arms around his neck and rocked her hips into him while he held still. Soon he was gasping between them, his eyes closed tight and his head jerking each time she took him all the way inside of her and squeezed her inner muscles tight. Her own orgasm was building at an alarming rate, but she resisted the need to come, wanting to prolong the pleasure for all of them.

  Using her superior strength, she lifted herself enough that she could see Sargon and got to watch the magnificent sight of him poising his oil-slicked cock against Tyler’s rear opening. He looked up and smiled when he found her watching him, his fangs flashing. Holding her gaze, drowning her in his lust, he began to push into Tyler. She licked at Tyler’s neck, her tongue flirting with his wildly beating pulse while he gasped out her name. Sargon’s lips lifted in a snarl as he sank into Tyler, and though he struggled to keep his eyes open, he soon had his head thrown back, his magnificent long black hair moving as he began to fuck the other man.

  Lisabetta scrap
ed her fangs along Tyler’s throat, fucking him just as Sargon was, giving her mortal lover everything she could. She needed this to be good for him, to know that he wouldn’t suffer as he had. Monsters from her past tried to invade the present, but she focused on the feeling of the warm water caressing her skin, the scent of the candles, the overwhelming energy of her Maker mixing with Tyler’s passion. She began to mewl with each thrust, their bodies moving in perfect harmony together. Scraping her teeth over Tyler’s jugular, she shuddered as he moaned, nuzzling his face against her head while whispering her name.

  Her heart ached, the sense of love filling her breaking a dark part of her soul, and she let the tears fall as she sank her teeth into him and drew a mouthful of blood.

  The scent of her Maker’s ancient blood reached her, and she glanced over to see Sargon biting open his wrist as he twisted his hips in an elegant roll and continued to fuck Tyler. Her mortal lover’s throat worked against her lips as he drank Sargon’s blood, binding them all together in a way that ripped the orgasm from her. One minute she was teetering at the edge, her breath coming in short, panting bursts, her muscles turned to stone, and then the tension broke, and she released Tyler’s still-bleeding neck then screamed. The cries were ripped from her as Sargon began to fuck Tyler hard enough that his strokes pushed the other man deeper into her, taking over control entirely and driving them into a ruthless pleasure that soon had them all crying out. Tyler came next, his hips pumping and straining while Sargon reared back like a snake then sank his large fangs into Tyler’s neck.

  Her mortal lover’s cock throbbed within her as he came and came, each hard spurt pushing her further from conscious thought and into a dark, floating space where she was surrounded by their love, hidden and safe from the world. Contentment like she’d never known filled her, and she was glad she didn’t really need to breathe as Tyler fell on her then Sargon on both of them. Buried beneath their flesh, she floated, the scent of their combined blood filling the air with the most perfect scent she’d ever inhaled.


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