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Dark Fates (A Paranormal Anthology)

Page 38

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  Jubilee canted her head and looked at him, and he caught the humor in her silvery-gray eyes. Apparently, she was interested in his lust, and Fox dipped his head to brush a kiss across her lips. For a split-second, the world around them faded, and it took Sage clearing her throat to remind him they weren’t alone. His forehead resting against Jubilee’s, he spared the witch a look. She looked more amused than annoyed.

  “Our task is to prevent the war, but that war is always looming. Whether it’s next year or ten thousand years from now. You are one of the host, and your presence here means hell must respond, even if it hasn’t already. So which will you choose?”

  Sage had a troubling point. In a war marked by action and reaction, Hell had to respond. Or maybe they had already, and somehow the Watchers had been as blind to Hell's reaction as they had been to Jubilee’s presence.

  “I don’t understand,” Jubilee said and she glanced first at Fox, then the others. “You keep saying Heaven sent me. If I’m one of the ‘host,’ then I’m on their side, right? How do I choose?” Despite the evidence of her wings, she still sounded skeptical.

  “You’re here,” Fox said, answering her before they could. “It doesn’t matter where you were born or who sent you, you’re here and you have free will.” That was it, the host didn’t possess free will, not in the sense that he and his kin did or the nephilim for that matter. The host executed one will. They’d awakened her angelic side, but the same sass and temper that had characterized her as a human being continued to mark the divine being at his side.

  Or had they been blinded? Maybe, somehow, she’d chosen the same day as he to be in that hotel. Hadn’t she ended up on his floor and at his room?

  “Divine providence, Fox?” Enoch looked skeptical.

  “A gift,” he replied. She was a gift. His gift and he intended to treasure her as such.

  “I choose whatever side Fox wants to fight for,” Jubilee stated and tightened her grip on his arm. Pride filled him.

  “Do you understand that my choice is neither heaven nor hell?” He asked the question rather than let the others leap on her declaration. “I want our world to stay our own instead of their battleground.”

  “For what it’s worth, I don’t feel like an angel or that I belong to whoever sent me here. If they did send me, they abandoned me to a woman who cared more about where she could get her next drink than she did about me or my brother. I’ve spent the last twenty years scraping out a living, always hungry for my next meal and fighting to keep my brother from following in our mother’s alcoholic footsteps. I don’t owe heaven a damn thing.”

  Kincaid’s dark countenance lit with a smile. “Then she has my vote.” He motioned to the demons, and they left.

  Sage nodded slowly. “And she has mine. Come and see me soon, after you two have gotten over the cloying honeymoon aspect of mating. For those of us not getting laid, it’s a bit much.” She winked, twirled on the balls of her feet, and shooed the other shifters out ahead of her.

  “Vote for what?” Jubilee straightened. They’d been left alone with Enoch and the nephilim.

  “To be admitted to the Watchers.” It was a guess, but Fox could see only two possible outcomes. There were only ever two outcomes.

  Enoch nodded once. “She will still have to take the oath, but not right away. We cannot blood bind an angel, not as we do the humans. But she has bonded to you through mating, and you have ever been loyal, my friend.”

  Relief spread through Fox like a forest fire. He’d have left them for her, and only for her. That he didn’t have to, that he wouldn’t be forced to play out that choice, satisfied him. He nodded. “She is mine.”

  “And he is mine.” Jubilee echoed the sentiment.

  “Ours,” Enoch corrected with a faint grin. The other nephilim winked out, vanishing to wherever they went, and it was only the three of them.

  Jubilee scowled. “I don’t share.”

  The nephilim threw his head back and laughed. “I wasn’t asking you to. But he is ours, and he is yours. Through him, we belong to you and you to us. It is that simple, Pet. However, you will need instruction. I suspect you have no idea how to use your gifts yet.”


  Enoch flared his wings, and Jubilee stared. “Flying, for one.”


  Fox could feel the excitement vibrating through her. “I don’t think that occurred to her. And we will discuss her lessons another time.” He ached for her, and if they were done here…

  “Yes, yes. Mating ruts.” Enoch made a bored noise and waved his hand. The world snapped sideways, and Fox and Jubilee arrived at his home in Upstate New York. Alone.

  “That,” Jubilee declared, “will take some getting used to.”

  He laughed and picked her up, careful of her wings. “Only that?” he teased.

  She twined her arms around his neck and grinned. “I keep waiting to wake up and find out this is some kind of crazy near-death dream.”

  “It’s not,” he told her soberly before setting her on the bed and going down on his knees at her feet. “You’re an angel. Fallen or born, you are here.”

  “I’m yours,” she whispered, and his gaze zeroed in on the mark he’d left on her. “I don’t understand the rest, but can we figure it out later?”

  “We have the rest of our lives,” he promised and ran his hands up her thighs. “I want to know my mate now.”

  She sighed and drew him close for a kiss. The spice of her filled his being, and Fox nibbled her lower lip. He’d gone to the hotel to mourn his human life, a quiet escape from the war he’d fought to keep in stalemate for two centuries, and he’d found his future.

  “I love you, Jubilee,” he said against her mouth before delving his tongue in to twine with hers. She indulged his kiss for several long moments, breaking it only to lean away and catch her breath.

  “I love you,” she promised. “I love you with everything I am.” And deep inside him a clarion bell rang, and the fledgling mating bond snapped into place. It resonated through him and then along another bond—one that tied him to the Watchers. He knew that Enoch had felt it happen, and then Enoch closed the door to their link, leaving Fox in privacy with his mate.

  Wonder filled him, wonder for her and for what role she would play and how all their lives would be changed. There was no going back now. Then her hands were on his face, and she tugged him to her, and he let all of that go. She was in his arms, and that was all that mattered. Tonight, he would celebrate the best birthday gift in the world. Unexpected, unforeseen, and wholly without precedent, Jubilee was the best present he had ever received.

  The future would sort itself out.


  Much later.


  Kincaid's arrival perfumed the air with the scent of sulfur. Enoch spared his “brother” a glance and poured a third glass of brandy. Sage stared into the fire and shook her head. “This is a dangerous game they’ve decided to play.”

  “We knew they would,” Kincaid reminded the witch without preamble as he flung himself down into one of the armchairs. “It was merely a matter of time. Natural-born angels and demons. We cannot sense them because they do not break the covenant of Heaven or Hell.”

  “Spoken like a man used to twisting the rules.” Enoch passed a drink to each of his partners before picking up his own. “But it would seem that, for now, Heaven lost the first round. Jubilee is ours.”

  “Are you sure?” Sage spared him a long, considering look. Her dark, thick, unbound hair spilled over her shoulders. She’d strung some kind of jewels through it, and they glittered like a dozen tiny stars in the firelight.

  “Yes, the mating bond with Fox is fledgling, but deeply placed. I can sense her through him. His loyalty was never in question.” Save for the brief moment the kitsune had thought Enoch would kill her. They had no need to execute her now, and she was loyal to Fox and Fox loyal to them. Check and mate.

  “So next would be a truly bor
n demon,” Kincaid mused aloud, his expression darkening in thought. “Male or female?”

  “Male,” Sage said before Enoch could. “Of course it would be male. The angel female, would unlock a male demon. I have already set my scrying glass to try and locate him, but, until he is unbound, he will be invisible to our sight.”

  “Let loose the wolves then. Send them out.” The cats belonged to him, but the wolves to Kincaid. Enoch raised his glass. “To the next battle.”

  Sage laughed softly and raised her glass, with Kincaid rising so that his glass could clink with theirs. “To our next victory.”

  “You’re both so cocky,” Sage admonished. “To us, may we survive this changing of the tide.”

  “Always so cautious.” Kincaid brushed his knuckles down her cheek, and Enoch sighed. The witch and demon made a lovely pair, their darkness in perfect complement. But the deep silver of her eyes shone with the lights of the heavens and reminded him of all the places he would never see again.

  “My caution has kept you two fools alive.” Sage withdrew from his caress and tossed her drink back. “I will let you know if we see anything.” And, with that, she walked away.

  Enoch stared after her retreating form and glanced at his brother. “You really should stop pushing her.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” The demon drained his glass. “She has a new lover, you know.”

  “He won’t last.” And Enoch ignored the thread of violence pulsing through his blood. He made damn sure not to know the names of her lovers, lest he kill them.

  “No, but it changes nothing between us three.” The demon had less control and had, upon occasion, slit the throats of those Sage favored, after she was done with them, never before. Enoch never betrayed that knowledge, and, if she had her suspicions, Sage never asked.

  “Patience, brother. Someday…” But Enoch spoke to an empty room. Kincaid was gone, and he would set his wolves to the hunt. Closing his eyes, Enoch let his mind wander over the city beyond.

  War was coming.

  A Thank you from your Authors

  Thank you so much for reading Dark Fates! We’re so happy to be able to show you what we have to offer as just a taste. We do hope if you liked these, that you would please leave a review. Not only does a review spread the word to other readers, they let us know if you’d like to see more stories like this from us. We each love hearing from readers and talking to them when we can. You can reach each of us through our websites, as well as on social media. You guys are the reason we get to do what we do and we thank you.

  If you are looking for more stories like these, you don’t have to wait much longer! Each of these novellas are either in a series of their own or are part of our greater works.

  USA Today Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan’s The Hunted Heart is a novella in her Redwood Pack World. You can find the complete series, starting with An Alpha’s Path and ending in Loving the Omega now. There is also a special story, Wicked Wolf, coming in 2015 set in the Redwood Pack series as part of the 1001 Dark Nights. The spin off series set in the same world, The Talon Pack, will be out starting in 2015 with Tattered Loyalties. Would you like to know when Carrie Ann’s next book is available? You can sign up for her MAILING LIST, follow her on twitter at @CarrieAnnRyan, or like her Facebook page.

  USA Today bestselling author Marie Harte has penned a brand new story full of danger, humor, and romance. Jackal’s Measure is the second in a brand new series by an author who always has one iron in the forge. Valkryies, shapeshifters, and mythical creatures come together to celebrate the games of the gods. So long as no one cheats, what could go wrong? To read more about what Marie’s working on, visit her at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, follow her Facebook page or on Twitter. Marie loves hearing from readers, so feel free to email her at

  Rebecca Royce’s story, Alpha’s Sacrifice, is a novellain her new Fallen Alpha series. You can read the first novella, Alpha Rising as well as the first full length book, Alpha’s Strength now. You can read the entirety of Rebecca’s Westervelt Wolves, eight books in total, that is now complete with Gabriel’s story Lone Wolf and you can join the ongoing adventure of the Outsiders, which will be continued later this year. Rebecca has also recently finished her young adult series called The Warrior. Be sure to check out It always has the most up to date information on all of her work!

  Lia Davis’ Touch of Desire is a novella in her Ashwood Falls series. Her bestselling series has numerous books and novella that surround the two packs .and she has many more in store for you in the future. For more on Ashwood Falls and other books by Lia check out her website, You can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

  Ann Mayburn’s Sangue Fever is a stand alone (for now!) paranormal story to give you a taste of her writing. She has numerous series out including the paranormal series The Chosen, which starts with Cursed. Her bestselling series with Fated Desires, Submissive’s Wish, is heating up the charts starting with Ivan’s Captive Submissive. You can find out more on her website.

  Heather Long’s Forbidden Rescue is a sexy new start to her Watchers series. You’ll be able to find out more about this intriguing series soon. She also has numerous military and contemporary romances out including the Martini Sisterhood series that starts with Shaken. You can find out more about her at her website.

  Did you enjoy this selection? Why not try another paranormal romance from Fated Desires?

  From USA Today Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan’s Redwood Pack Series

  Fighting Fate

  With her blue-black hair and striking green eyes, Cailin Jamenson is the epitome of beauty and the exemplar of strength. She has fought the enforced boundaries of being the lone Jamenson daughter and Redwood Pack princess, but it is the potential future with the dark wolf in her path that threatens everything she thought she desired.

  Logan Anderson’s own darkness provided the reasoning for his abandonment of his former Pack, the Talons. Now, newly accepted into the Redwood Pack, this jade-eyed wolf and all she represents could be his own undoing.

  In this final installment of the Redwood Pack, unimaginable tragedy strikes, and the two wolves who have fought the longest for their independence now face the uncertainty of fate and the epic battle that could end the war… and their lives.

  You can find out more about Fighting Fate HERE.

  You can also find out more through Carrie Ann’s MAILING LIST.

  Did you enjoy this selection? Why not try another paranormal romance from Fated Desires?

  From Ann Mayburn’s Bondmates Series

  Casey’s Warriors

  Lorn Adar has searched more than a lifetime to find his bondmate—the one woman he was born to love and the only woman who can save him from the approaching madness that threatens all unbonded males of his race. When a wormhole opens from his galaxy to Earth and the women who could hold their future, Lorn will do all in his power to not only find his mate, but show her a Universe she never knew existed.

  Casey Westfall’s normal life changed forever when she finds the sexy leather clad man on her doorstep. One innocent kiss leads to an adventure that will span worlds and Casey will have to choose between the man who is the other half of her soul and never seeing her family or her world again. To complicate matters Kadothians live in polyamerous family units and Lorn will have to convince his Earth bride to accept not only his love, but the love of his best friend and brothers in arms or risk the chance of losing them to either the madness or the Hive—the race of sociopathic women bent on destroying and enslaving everything in their path, but Casey can’t see loving more than one man as being anything other than a sin. Lorn will have to teach his bride that she was created for both of them just as they were created only for her.

  In a Universe where all is possible, the battle to protect not only his people, but his heart rests on the soul of a human woman who must face the unknown a
nd take a leap of faith that could save or destroy them all.

  You can find out more about Casey’s Warriors HERE.

  You can also find out more through our MAILING LIST.

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  Table of Contents

  The Hunted Heart

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  Jackal’s Measure

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Alpha’s Sacrifice

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Touch of Desire

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Sangue Fever

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Forbidden Rescue

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five





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