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A Family By Valentine: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance

Page 7

by Sullivan, Piper

  “When Jacob gets home this afternoon, we need to sit him down and tell him the truth,” she said. “I want him to know that I’m marrying his daddy.”



  May 14th, one year later

  Lucy sat in front of her antique dressing table and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Running her fingers through the thick, brunette curls, she couldn’t help but smile as feelings of warmth and happiness gathered in her chest.

  Her life had been a whirlwind ever since Seth proposed on Valentine’s Day previously this year. Her healthy pink cheeks warmed to a deep blush when she thought back over the sweet words proclaiming his undying devotion, even though her illness gave no indication of being cured.

  He’d been ready and willing to be with her no matter what life had in store.

  She jumped when a small, black-haired tornado blew into her spacious bedroom and landed against her in a flurry of laughter.

  “What are you doing, Mommy?” Jacob inquired, peering up at her with a big smile on his face. “Everyone’s waiting for you downstairs.” He informed her with blue eyes widened in seriousness.

  Lucy smiled and ran her fingers through his spiky hair. He’d taken after his father in so many ways; she’d never realized just how many until they began spending so much time together. After she’d tearfully accepted Seth’s proposal, they’d sat down and told Jacob the truth. Much to her surprise, the little guy reacted ecstatically to the news of not only having a daddy, but also that daddy was Seth Landers – pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals.

  She’d been thankful that he wasn’t old enough to be angry over her deception. The very next morning, Seth had packed them up and moved them to his gorgeous manor in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Boasting a healthy population of around thirty-seven thousand residents, it about a hundred miles southeast of St. Louis.

  He’d even gone so far as to get her a job at the local library and found her the best Oncologist money could buy. After weeks of being examined by teams of the world’s best doctors, she’d been successfully declared cancer free. Even her six-month checkup had suggested the illness was, indeed, gone. She was in remission and planned to stay that way.

  She’d managed to delay the wedding until she and Jacob had gotten settled in and that included having Jacob enrolled in Pre-K at a private school with an excellent instructional system that encourages purposeful learning centred on each child’s individual interests and talents.

  In the two months Jacob had been there, he’d grown and learned so much that Lucy sometimes caught herself searching for the timid little boy he’d once been. Seth had given so much to their son that it was getting harder and harder to say ‘no’ when they ganged up on her; especially when it came to the actual wedding.

  Together they’d finally managed to talk her into setting a date and she went for her parent’s wedding anniversary. Although they’d abandoned her when she’d needed them the most, she still loved them with all her heart. They’d had a happy marriage and she hoped the date would allow her and Seth the same.

  “I’ll be right there,” she whispered against Jacob’s cheek and then kissed him soundly, smiling when her action left a perfect pair of pink lips on his face. He giggled and twisted from his mother’s arms before she could wipe the lipstick prints away.

  He raced from the room as quickly as he’d entered and Lucy took a moment to study the room she’d called home for the past few months. Since she’d refused to move into Seth’s room and share his bed until they were properly wed, he’d had a spare bedroom suite furnished for her.

  He’d had the four-poster bed he’d bought for her moved in and practically bought out a small antique store when she’d gushed over a dressing table. She loved being spoiled and pampered but still hadn’t gotten used to it.

  Turning back to the mirror, she smoothed her curls once again and then rose to her feet, studying the way the cream-colored satin dress fell to cover her ankles. Much to Seth’s dismay, she’d decided to wear cream satin of modest design that she’d found at a second-hand store on Main Street.

  They’d practically argued for three days over the dress. Seth wanted to have Vera Wang design and make her a gown, but Lucy had respectfully argued that it was something she’d only wear once and there was no point in spending so much money on a dress she’d never wear again.

  In the end, she’d won the argument, but only because Seth wanted her to be the happiest bride in the world. He’d gone on to warn her that eventually she’d have to give in and allow him to spend some money on a new wardrobe for her. As a professional athlete, he’d be expected to make certain an appearance at certain public functions and as his wife; she had to look every bit the part.

  He’d hastened to point out that it wasn’t the clothes that made her beautiful, but the other way around. He wanted the world to see the beautiful woman on his arm and know she was his and his alone.

  They’d managed to keep the paparazzi and other gossip reporters out of their way for a good portion of the time, but it hadn’t taken long for the world to find out about Jacob’s existence. Much to Lucy’s surprise, most every report had been respectful to both her and Jacob. She’d feared the worse considering Seth’s bad boy reputation. But upon learning of his secret family, the world had grown to love Seth Landers even more. Of course, there had been the normal ‘rags-to-riches’ story about her and Jacob, but Lucy had managed to ignore them.

  She was happy.

  She was healthy.

  And at last, she had the family she’d only allowed herself to dream of. Now, her son had both parents and would have the best life either of them could afford.

  Inhaling deeply, Lucy lifted her bouquet of yellow daisies from the table and turned toward the open door where her brother Chris stood waiting.

  “How long have you been standing there?” Lucy asked.

  “Long enough to see that you’re happy,” Chris answered and offered her the crook of his arm. Since both their parents were gone, Chris was giving the bride away.

  “I still can’t believe all this is happening,” Lucy admitted and smoothed her hand over her stomach, smoothing invisible wrinkles in her nervousness.

  Chris smiled down at her, admiration for his baby sister shining brightly in his eyes.

  “Mom and Dad would be proud of you,” he whispered. “They would have eventually come around, you know that, right?”

  Lucy nodded and tried her best not to let the tears fall. She knew they loved her. Her only regret was that they’d never had the chance to meet their beautiful and brilliant grandson.

  “Let’s do this,” Lucy insisted, brushing negative memories of her parents aside. There was no room for sadness and regrets – not today. “Seth has a game to get to.”


  While Lucy was taking her time, Seth was busy pacing the parlor. He’d walked the area directly in front of the large fireplace a thousand times and counting. Fear that she’d change her mind had a strangle-hold on him and it was everything he could do to simply breathe.

  He’d managed to convince the woman he loved that she was going to live a long, healthy – cancer free – life in hopes that she’d relax and let herself live. For almost five years now she’d solely existed for Jacob – their son. After finding out she was pregnant with him, she completed her college courses and graduated, all while suffering morning sickness, labor, and numerous consecutive, sleepless nights with a crying baby and daycare. She’d done it all, by herself.

  The thought of her parents pushing her away still brought on a white-hot rush of rage. She’d done the work of both Mom and Dad with only her brother and sister-in-law for the occasional assist.

  Was he still angry with her for keeping Jacob’s existence from him? Yes, in short, he was. But with all things considering, she’d made the right decision. Up until recently, Seth hadn’t been ready for a family; but more importantly, he hadn’t been ready for the responsibilities that came with having
other people depend on him as a man.

  “Daddy!” Jacob called as he jumped off the last step of the stairs. His little boy voice echoed throughout the spacious foyer. “Where are you?”

  “In here,” Seth called and braced himself for the little tyke. Although he’d gotten over his shyness, Jacob had found a whole new level of confidence that only few people had. It was like he’d lived his first four years in the dark, thriving without sunlight. The moment he’d learned he had both a mommy and a daddy; he’d squared those little shoulders and leapt into life with both feet.

  Seth couldn’t be more proud of his son. The little boy proved to be a natural in playing sports, especially baseball. Hell, the boy had a better pitching arm than his old man.

  Jacob came running across the parlor floor and practically threw himself into Seth’s arms. Catching him snuggly against his chest, Seth breathed in the scent of his son. It wouldn’t matter how old, Seth would never get tired of holding Jacob. He knew he’d never get back the time he’d lost, but he could more than make up for it by being there for the rest of his life.

  “What’s up?” Seth asked as he sat the boy back on his feet. “Where you been?”

  “I went looking for Mommy,” Jacob answered and smoothed the new wrinkles from his tuxedo. Lucy had insisted that the ceremony be low-key and simple. Seth had honored his promise to her but made a few small splurges that she didn’t know about. Jacob’s tux was just one of them.

  She’d acted only mildly surprised when Jacob had gotten dressed this morning, but only smiled at Seth. Since he’d escaped that incident with no repercussions, he hoped she would accept the other surprises with as much dignity and grace.

  Smiling down at his son, he reached down to ruffle his hair only to be stopped by an angry glare from his progeny.

  “How much longer did she say she’d be?” Seth inquired. The spacious backyard was filled with the few guests he’d been allowed to invite: his manager, the team’s owner and a couple of his teammates that were good friends. He’d just felt bad that Lucy only had Chris and Amber to be there for her.

  “She said she was coming,” he informed and reached up to run his little finger around the inside of the collar. “Are these things always so itchy?” he asked and scrunched his little face.

  Seth chuckled.

  “You’ll get used to it buddy,” he advised and then noticed that Amber was standing in the open doorway.

  “She’s ready,” Amber announced and reached out for Jacob’s hand. “C’mon little bit, let’s go on outside and take our places.” Jacob grinned up at his daddy. “That means you too,” Amber advised Seth and then turned to lead Jacob out the back door.

  Seth turned to study his reflection in the mirror over the fireplace.

  “You are the luckiest bastard on the face of the earth,” he told himself with a slight smirk. “Get your ass out there and marry that woman before she changes her mind.” He straightened his tie and headed out to take his place on the altar. He couldn’t help recalling all the times he’d declared his disinterest in having a wife or children and now, with two simple little words, he would acquire both.

  Suddenly his face split into an ear-to-ear grin. Oh, how one slip of a girl and spirited four-year-old had rocked his world. He looked forward to many, many more.


  Country music band, Rascall Flatts’s ballad, God Blessed the Broken Road, floated out of the dozen or so speakers placed strategically around the half acre yard. Two rows of white chairs sat on either side of the makeshift aisle and it looked like a truckload of yellow daisies had exploded above the scene, beautifully showering everything in the area.

  Seth stood under the English Ivy decorated arch, dressed in an impeccable white tuxedo matching his son’s. The only difference was the blood red tie he’d donned in homage to his Cardinal Brothers.

  He kept his hands folded neatly in front of him, afraid that should he not keep a firm grip, everyone would see just how nervous he really was. Everyone that knew him would say that Seth Landers was not a man to worry about anything, especially when it came to women. In reality, internally, he was a wreck. He was about to make the most important play of his life and he wanted everything to be perfect.

  Lucy deserved the best and he aimed to be the one to give it to her. She’d been through so much, endured unfathomable pain and loneliness and he admired her with every fiber of his being. It wasn’t just the fact that she’d raised one helluva kid; it was that she’d both gone through and beaten the cancer. She’d fought tooth and nail for their son and he couldn’t have asked for a better woman to call his own. He looked forward to having many more children with her.

  The country song ended and a new one began, the signal that the bride was about to make her entrance.

  Blake Shelton’s smooth vocals floated from the speakers and the double patio doors swung outward, revealing Lucy on her brother’s arm.

  Seth inhaled sharply, almost as if someone had punched him in the gut. He’d been with many, many women over the years, but none of them even come close to comparing to the beauty heading down the aisle toward him.

  Jacob stood just in front of his father and turned to grin up at him.

  “She’s so pretty,” the little boy said. “Isn’t she?”

  “She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Seth agreed and reached down to pat his son on the shoulder.

  Lucy squeezed her brother’s bicep and inhaled deeply, letting her breath seep out slowly in some effort to calm her racing heart. Chris reached up and patted her tense hand and the warmth in his smile gave her some comfort.

  “I’ve fantasized about this moment since first laying eyes on that man,” Lucy admitted sheepishly. “I just can’t believe it’s all coming true.”

  “Don’t worry,” Chris soothed. “This will be over with before you know and you have him and your son for the rest of your lives. Just breathe,” he advised.

  Lucy nodded curtly and offered her older brother a smile. He was right. She and Seth had a long, hopefully happy, life ahead of them. They’d be able to raise their son together and that was what made her the happiest.

  She allowed her brother to lead her slowly down the aisle, her soft ballet slippers barely making a whisper as she walked on the white carpet that layered the path.

  They paused just before the minister and Chris nodded at Seth as he took his sister’s hand from his bent arm and offered it to his best friend.

  “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” the minister asked.

  “I do,” Chris answered and smiled.

  Seth nodded curtly at Chris and reached forth to accept Lucy’s small, feminine hand. He felt her fingers shaking and took comfort in the fact that he wasn’t the only one who was all nerves today.

  They turned toward the man who proceeded to walk them through a ritual as old as time. They each spoke when it was their turn and when the minister called for the groom to kiss his bride, Seth wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tightly to his chest. Bending her backwards, he lowered his lips to hers and the small audience erupted in cat calls and applause.

  Everyone laughed and when he lifted her back to her feet, Jacob rushed to hug them both. Jacob bent down and scooped their son into his arm. He kept a firm grip on Lucy’s waist with his other. The knowledge that he held his family in his arms gave him more strength and power than he’d ever felt before.

  “We’re a family,” Jacob announced and wrapped his little arms around Seth’s neck. “We’re a whole family now,” he repeated proudly.

  “Not quite,” Lucy interrupted and Seth’s gaze zeroed to hers. The mere thought that something was wrong seized him like a heart attack. Had he forgotten something?

  “What do you mean, Mommy?” Jacob asked and frowned.

  Lucy looked up into Seth’s eyes and couldn’t stop the smile from taking over. She’d gotten some rather good news on her checkup yesterday and she’d been waiting for this mo
ment to tell everyone. She’d been afraid that the chemo and radiation treatments had left her barren, but through some great miracle, she’d been given a new, wonderful gift.

  “We’ll have another member joining us in about seven months,” she announced and watched as Seth’s expressions morphed from confusion to comprehension to pure glee. He laughed and tilted his head.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered. “I found out yesterday.”

  “Who is coming?” Jacob asked, looking from his mommy to his daddy with his own confused expression.

  Lucy reached up and pulled her son’s hand to her lips for a quick kiss.

  “Your new brother or sister,” she answered softly. “Mommy and Daddy are going to have a baby.”

  Jacob grinned and squirmed so much that Seth finally set him on his feet so that he could wrap his new wife in his arms.

  “I love you so much,” he murmured as he lowered his lips to hers. “Forever and always.”

  “I hope so,” Lucy challenged. “Keep that in mind when we have to buy a bigger house. I want a houseful of kids.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Seth promised. “Always and forever.”

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  Chapter 1

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  Justin Dunne's workday was coming to an end. Any minute now his assistant Jennifer would be coming to let him know she’s heading home for the day. And when she did, he would conjure up the nerve to ask her what he had wanted to ask her all day. The worst part is that he didn’t have enough fingers or toes to count how many times he had to rephrase his question. He suddenly felt small in his large office, dreading what he was about to do. But what was the worst that could happen? If she said no, she would just leave and show up to work the next day like nothing happened. Maybe. She could also assume the worst and think this was his way of sexually harassing her.


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