Darcy's Dark Desires

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by Lilly Granson

  Darcy’s Dark Desires

  An Erotic Pride and Prejudice Box Set


  1 - Mr Darcy’s Wild Oats

  2 – Lust, Honor and Obey

  3- A Roll in the Hay

  4 – Darcy the Gardener (What if Darcy was a Commoner)

  Copyright © 2020 Lilly Granson

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  All characters depicted in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

  1 - Mr Darcy’s Wild Oats

  Fitzwilliam Darcy looked over his shoulder as his carriage crested the hill and watched as Pemberley faded from view. The dark haired, brooding twenty-year-old felt a faint sadness at the prospect of a year away from his home but there was nothing for it. His father had organized the proper introductions and Darcy was to join William and William’s law firm, his father’s legal representatives for a year to learn the ins and outs of management of an estate the size of Pemberley. While Darcy was apprehensive about leaving home, he was also excited to be moving to London, to actually live there as an adult, his own man, so to speak.

  Upon arrival he was greeted by Stevens the London house butler and ushered in out of the teeming rain that had greeted him. There were three other house staff, and all were lined up at the foot of the stairs for inspection as he entered the vestibule.

  Darcy was weary from travel and in no mood for civility and dismissed them all rudely except for the footman whom he had carry his bags upstairs. Darcy asked Stevens to have the cook prepare a light supper which he would take in his room.

  Darcy made short work of the meal before turning in for the night, even the anticipation of joining the firm on the morrow unable to keep him awake.

  The self-assured Mr. Darcy began his tenure the next day and, much to his chagrin, was treated like any of the other lawyers and clerks working for the firm. He soon became used to this though, aware that his privileged position in life would afford him no favors in the hustle and bustle of the busy office.

  He became firm friends with a lawyer a few years older than himself, James Renderton, although if you’d asked him why he wouldn’t have exactly been able to say. There was just something about James that was a little different. He was worldly and irreverent and didn’t seem constrained by any of the normal societal bounds. After a long first week, Darcy jumped at the chance to attend an exclusive, invitation only, Gentleman’s club with Renderton on the Friday night.

  Renderton’s carriage picked him up at 9pm that night and the more worldly man greeted the handsome young Darcy enthusiastically.

  “Well done old boy, you look spiffy.”

  “So tell me about this gentleman’s club Renderton, what can I expect?”

  “Hmm, I’ll tell you what old boy, expect the unexpected! Honestly though, nothing I can tell you will do it justice, you will just have to wait and see for yourself.”

  Darcy laughed off this mysterious answer and they engaged in chatter about Darcy’s first week of employ. After a half hour of travel, Darcy noticed with some disquiet that they were entering a less savory part of town.

  “Good God man where is this place? The docks?”

  Renderton laughed again. “You don’t have anything to fear my good man; the place is well hidden and…guarded.”

  “Well from the looks of the natives it would need to be,” jested Darcy, gesturing out of the window and trying to sound braver than he felt. The streets were populated by dangerous looking ruffians, and equally low women. He didn’t see one amongst them who didn’t look as though they would stab you for tuppence.

  In six more minutes they arrived. They alighted from the carriage and Renderton caught Darcy’s elbow as he slipped on the slick cobblestones.

  “Careful old chap, the fun is about to begin.” With that Renderton led him towards the mouth of a dark alley, where two burly and dangerous looking men stood sentry.

  “Good evening Mr. Renderton. Are you bringing a guest tonight?”

  “Well spotted chap” responded his friend in a rude tone, “Yes this is…Mr. Smith, he will be accompanying me to enjoy the delights of your exotic establishment.” He winked at Darcy, who, already uncomfortable at his surroundings, was horrified at his friends tone. Thankfully, if the hard looking chap took any offense at Renderton’s manner he didn’t show it and simply smiled at him before he waved them both into the alley.

  They walked down the alley. It was lit by a sole lantern by the door to which they were directed, a door painted in a garish shade of red. Renderton climbed the steps and knocked three times in quick succession, followed by a pause and then another two knocks. The door opened in a second, and behind it was a stern looking Indian chap. The man was in full Indian dress and wore a turban which seemed to add to his already impressive height. Young Mr Darcy, who even at a young age was a little arrogant, was not usually impressed by folks of lesser standing but he was nonetheless impressed by this man’s noble bearing.

  “Come in Mr Renderton,” he said with only the faintest accent.

  The two gentlemen walked into the dark hallway and the Indian man led them to a doorway at the end before opening it with a flourish and stepping back to allow the guests to walk through. Darcy was aghast instantly, the cavernous room was much bigger than he expected, but it was what he saw in there that assaulted his senses, not the size.

  The smoky room was adorned with silk drapery and cushions in all the colours imaginable, here and there men lay draped over the cushions in various states of undress. Each of the men seemed to have at least two female ‘attendants’ with them, over them, and in some cases on them. The women, to a person, were all exotic and lovely, all dressed provocatively. Darcy’s dazed senses tried to take it all in, but it was impossible. Some of the men were smoking from strange devices and raucous laughter and music echoed off the brick walls. He was stunned into idiocy, and stood frozen to the spot, unsure of which way to look.

  Thankfully Renderton took him by the forearm and headed to a spot in the corner that was relatively unpopulated. Darcy concentrated on not stepping on anybody as he trailed behind his friend. It was difficult; his gaze was constantly drawn to the nubile female flesh seemed to cavort and writhe at every angle. Being a gentleman, he at first tried to avert his eyes, but soon found that no matter which way he looked his eyes fell upon naked skin. It was impossible lest he try and walk with his eyes closed, which in itself would create a whole other conundrum. Besides, none of the women he could see looked to be bothered by any of the attention they were receiving and so, as his brain slowly began to filter the noise and colours so that he could at least think, he began to openly gaze at the abundance.

  Finally reaching the corner with no worse than a mumbled sorry, Darcy saw Renderton flop onto the pillows and cushions on the floor and followed suit. Within seconds four girls had joined them, one was a stunning Chinese girl, two beauties from the sub-continent and a lovely cream complexioned English girl, with strawberry blonde hair pulled back in a plait like the other girls. Darcy’s eyes were immediately drawn to her, even as the more forward Indian girls vied for his attention. Darcy looked over at Renderton who was regarding him with a cunning look as he was busily feeling the bottom of the Chinese girl and Darcy’s mouth dropped open.

  “My good man…!” he exclaimed.

  Renderton laughed at his friend.

�Oh loosen up Darcy,” he said, and leaned over and grabbed Darcy’s hand before placing it on the backside of the closest Indian girl. Darcy snatched it away as if Renderton had placed it on a hot pan and his friend and the women all laughed, all except for the English girl. She sat a little aloof and observed him, a small smile creasing her lips.

  “Bring us a Hookah; I think my friend needs something to help him relax.”

  One of the Indian girls jumped up and returned quickly with a finely decorated smoking apparatus, all pipes and hoses, which she placed on the floor in front of Darcy. He looked at Renderton with a clueless look on his face. His friend reached over and said, “Allow me.”

  He proceeded to smoke it for one or two minutes, blowing smoke rings at his perturbed young friend. After a few good long puffs he passed it to Darcy and explained how to use it. Darcy, not wanting to come across as naïve had a puff and immediately began coughing. This brought more laughter at his expense, and Renderton shook his head.

  “No, no, no lad. A long steady inhalation, it seems harsh at first but you will become used to it after a while. Believe me, after a few good puffs nothing will matter too greatly anymore.”

  Darcy obeyed and followed the instructions. In only a few minutes he began to feel the effects. At first it began with a light headedness, but then a wonderful sense of wellbeing overcame him and the colours, sounds and textures in the room seemed to be enhanced. One of the cushions in front of him in particular, took his fancy and he spent an indeterminate length of time caressing the soft silk before the laughter of Renderton once again caught his attention. Darcy looked up at his new friend, suddenly aware of where he was again. One of the Indian girls was on her knees in front of him caressing his thigh. As though she were nought but an insect he looked across at the English girl, as she sat, quite serenely regarding him with a quizzical look in her eyes.

  “Good God! But you are beautiful. Please, won’t you come and sit with me?” he asked.

  The Indian girl huffed and went in search of another who might be more desiring of her. The English girl climbed to her feet languidly and stepped through and around the tangle of limbs belonging to Renderton and his Chinese lady and the other Indian girl that had migrated to him. Darcy didn’t take a lot of notice in his current state of mind, but did note the unmentionable noises coming from the intimate huddle.

  What he did notice, was the girl walking towards him. It seemed to take her a long time to reach him, and he tasted her with his eyes. She was stunning, with high cheekbones and fine features, the most sensual of which was her lips. It was hard to tell but he took her to be about five years his senior. She was more demurely dressed than most of the other women in the place, wearing what he recognised to be a kimono, a traditional Japanese garment, it was of red silk and decorated with white dragons. She wore nothing on her petite feet, and it was these that he was focussed on as she sat down lithely beside him.

  “You have wonderful feet…”

  She laughed for the first time, a musical sound that set his heartbeat racing. Still in a haze he now focussed on her mouth, and perfect teeth.

  “And the most beautiful lips…”

  “I take it you haven’t smoked the pipe before?” she asked in a clipped, English accent. Darcy’s eyes widened, this is no common girl, he thought to himself. Coming to his senses a little, he looked down ashamedly.

  “No, sorry, you must think me a fool.”

  “No, not at all. I think you’re exceedingly handsome, young and perhaps experiencing something very new.” She placed her hand gently on his knee. How very forward, thought Darcy, as he put his own hand over hers.

  “What is your name?” he asked.


  “Rose…” he repeated, the name rolling off his tongue. In that moment, as he met her eyes, it was as though everything in the room faded to grey and that they were the only two people, not just in the room, but in the whole world.

  “May I kiss you Rose?”

  Even through the fog of the substance affecting his mind, Darcy was astounded at his own audacity. He, who had only ever kissed two girls in his life, and one of those on a dare, asking this vision of a woman for a kiss. He was even more astonished when she whispered yes.

  Rose leaned towards him and her lips met his. They were soft and wonderful, and he closed his eyes as he took in the sensation of her. When she opened her mouth and he felt her sweet warm breath he opened his own and their mouths became one. This took Darcy’s breath away and the feeling sparked a fire of desire in him. His hands went to her shoulders as they continued kissing and her hand softly gripped his jaw, tightening whenever his mouth became too aggressive. He allowed her to direct him like this for the longest time, all the while suppressing the urge to crush her body to his. He did not want this wild creature to take flight.

  Finally Rose broke away from him and they both gasped. She looked even more beautiful now; a wildfire in her eyes reflected the emotions that he too was feeling. With her hand still on his chin she looked into his soul.

  “Will you come with me?”

  As helpless as a kitten he nodded. “Yes, anywhere. By the way, we haven’t been introduced, my name is Darcy.”

  “Well Mr Darcy, please come with me.” With that she held out her hand, which he willingly grasped, and she led him towards the silken drape covered wall. He glanced back once at Renderton, but couldn’t spy his friend in the pile of now naked bodies before ducking under the drape that Rose held and entering another hallway.

  They walked on, Darcy not knowing in what direction. There was too much to be thought, and felt, and said, for attention to anything else. After a measureless passage of time, they came to another door which Rose opened and went through, still gripping his hand lightly.

  This room was more traditionally furnished, and looked like a ladies bedroom. Rose at last turned to face Darcy. He now saw the warmth which her eyes bestowed upon him, his own dark eyes flashed and his cheeks suffused with a heat that matched hers. The door swung shut of its own accord and Darcy held his breath as Rose began to unfasten the kimono.

  She was possessed of a fine figure, and gradually her upper body was revealed to him as she opened the kimono slightly. Her breasts were round and perfectly formed, with flawless skin. Darcy who had thus far only ever dreamed of ever seeing a naked woman was dumbstruck. Rose was well aware, facing Darcy that his view could not help but be drawn to her bosom. She continued undoing the kimono, the pale pink aureoles of her nipples now just visible, peaking and straining against the fine trim of the garment.

  Darcy felt a fire in his loins, his manhood straining against the woven material of his breeches and suddenly closed the gap between them, seizing her by the arms, a precipitate action which caused the kimono to open further, and her breasts now released, jiggled in sudden freedom. Mortified, Darcy stepped back, but Rose, would have none of his reluctance. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her naked breasts to his chest.

  "Dearest Rose," stumbled Darcy. "I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me."

  "Think nothing of it,” Rose breathed. She couldn’t fail to feel his distinct hardness pressed against her thigh. After a second she pushed him away to her arms' length and to his unconcealed delight, she slowly shrugged the kimono from her shoulders allowing it to fall in a soft pool around her feet. Now all of her was revealed. Her belly, her womanhood, her finely formed legs, he didn’t know where to look and settled upon her beautiful face.

  Darcy stood there confused. His lust was now obvious, and Rose could not help but notice the protruding bulge in his well-tailored breeches. She laughed vivaciously at the poor fellow's befuddlement and exclaimed "Dear Mr Darcy, do not put on such a long face, I beseech you.”

  So saying, the sweet woman grasped his hand and led him to the gigantic bed that took up a goodly part of the room. She hoisted herself upon the bed and shuffled backwards a few inches and then lay before him, spreading her wondrous
thighs. Rose’s body was of such proportions that it most pleased the gentleman's eye, but still quite unsure of how to proceed, the young Darcy waited. Smiling again, as though a teacher to a student, she placed her hands to either side of her womanhood and drew it open, revealing her most private part to him.

  "Mr Darcy, sir, I await your pleasure."

  Understanding instinctually what was required of him; he fell to his knees in front of her and kissed her there. He was rewarded with a low growl of pleasure and so encouraged began to lick and tease her. Rose mewed with pleasure as Darcy's tongue worked her sensitive opening and still kneeling, he gently urged his finger within her delicate folds and began to move in and out, at the same time lavishing sweet kisses on her moist groove and around the little bud that seemed to bring her so much pleasure whenever he happened near it.

  His finger now firmly in place and finding its own rhythm, Darcy stood upright and loosed his breeches with his left hand. He looked down upon her admiringly and introduced another finger to her opening, which by now was moist and slick, revealing the pleasure she was obtaining from his attentions. Darcy moved closer to the bed and grasped her hand, drawing it down to his rigid member which he had so recently freed. Her cool fingers clasped it and she gasped as she felt its pulsing strength.

  Darcy looked skyward, suddenly empowered beyond anything he had felt in his life. His manhood seemed to take on a life of its own in her hand and he groaned, anxious for the next phase of their tryst.

  Rose also seemed anxious to proceed and shuffled further forward on the bed even as his fingers moved more and more frantically inside her. When in place she gently pulled him by his fleshy shaft closer until he was positioned between her legs. He removed his fingers with a sigh and they both groaned in unison when the pulsing head of it was placed against her inflamed opening.

  "Now, my darling, slide it within," she whispered raspingly.


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