Darcy's Dark Desires

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Darcy's Dark Desires Page 2

by Lilly Granson

Not willing to wait any longer he did just that, thrusting his pelvis forward and feeling her flower open before him. He gasped in wonder at the exquisite feeling that enveloped him. Looking down at her, the sight of those full lips, flushed cheeks and wide beautiful eyes energized Darcy, and he began to move in and out of her, finding a rhythm matched by the warm clenching of her. He leaned over her, crushing her lips passionately with his own as he sought to drive ever deeper into her.

  Rose moaned into his mouth as he plumbed the depths of her and he plunged into her all the harder, sucking her tongue into his mouth. Darcy became lost in his passion and lust, and with scant regard to the woman under him began a frenzied rutting that quickly took him to the heights he was seeking. It was then that her gasps of pained pleasure reached his ears and he slowed quickly, moderating his enthusiasm and whispering sorry before gently kissing her. His slowed rhythm eased him back from the precipice, but they both knew it was only a matter of time. Rose, again enjoying the well-paced rhythm, encircled his buttocks with her legs and pulled him ever deeper into her as she looked at him with hooded eyes.

  “Mr Darcy, please take me…hard, ravish me like wanton whore.”

  Her words were too much for him and Darcy obliged more than willingly, hungry for the reward he knew was so close. His thrusting again became frenzied and looking down upon her equally ravenous face he reached climax within seconds, spasming and standing almost upright as he endeavoured to embed himself deeper and deeper in her. Rose screamed as she felt his warmth splash inside her and gripped his hips, digging her nails into his vulnerable flesh, unwilling to allow him escape until she too had reached her summit. She pulled him ever deeper into her, until finally she screamed in release, they both continued utterly determined to sate themselves completely. Finally, exhausted Darcy collapsed upon the flushed and breathless Goddess under him and lay there as she stroked his hair. Finally, recovered, he rolled off her and turned his face to her. She did the same and she smiled as his hand found hers.

  “That was most marvellous. Rose. I…uh…I will of course call on you. Do you wish me to meet your father? I uh…I…” His voice trailed off at her amused but not unkind regard.

  “Wonderful Mr Darcy. You do not need to court me. There is nothing that we did that I did not invite.” She looked into the distance. “We move in different worlds you and I, so consider this a meeting of worlds, a wonderful passionate meeting of worlds and leave it at that.”

  He began to protest and she placed her finger over his full lips, “Hush now, please I want it this way. You were the most amazing lover I have had, even for one so inexperienced, and somewhere out there the future Mrs Darcy is waiting for you.” She stood and began putting her kimono back on. When dressed, she leaned over him and kissed him lightly on the lips before heading to the doorway where she paused and looked back, smiling at him fondly.

  “Goodbye Mr Darcy.”

  The stunned Darcy watched her go to the door, a dumbfounded look on his face. He was gratified at the lack of complication, but surprised that she had left so quickly. After a few minutes trying to digest what he had experienced, the young and naïve Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy slowly climbed off the bed and began to dress. He had barely gotten his breeches done up when a dishevelled Renderton burst through the door, drunkenly holding onto the knob to keep himself upright.

  “There you are Darcy old chap. Come, it’s time to get back to civilization.”

  He seemed to sober as he took in Darcy’s thoughtful demeanour, and clapped the young man on the shoulder as he walked by.

  “There’s the fellow. All’s well I take it?”

  “Yes, quite fine,” said Darcy, in a distracted tone. He didn’t see Rose as he left the ‘club’, didn’t see her ever again as a matter of fact, but he never forgot her.

  2 – Lust, Honor and Obey

  Elizabeth Darcy nee Bennet swayed and rocked to the movement of the carriage. Her heart was fluttering in her breast as their conveyance finally crested the hill and she instantly found her eye drawn to her new home, perched on the other side of the valley. She was finally come to Pemberley House, as mistress no less. It was clearly visible in the twilight and the handsome stone building seemed to call to her as they began descending into the valley.

  She stole a glance at her new husband, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy. He dozed beside her, the darkly handsome man of her dreams looking more vulnerable than she had ever seen him. She suppressed the urge to wake him and instead reclined in her seat and began to daydream about how her first night as Mistress of Pemberley, Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy might play out.

  She closed her eyes to the sway of the carriage and visualized Mr Darcy carrying her over the threshold and directly up the stairs to his bed chamber. She imagined him kicking the door shut and placing her gently on her feet before crushing her to him and pressing his full lips to hers. Elizabeth felt her body respond, the daydream and the rhythmic rocking of the carriage stimulating her in an unfortunate manner. Still with her eyes closed, she squirmed in her seat and had to suppress an unladylike squeal of surprise when Mr Darcy placed his hand on hers as it sat in her lap.

  She looked at him, her pale cheeks flushed with embarrassment and secret arousal. He smirked at her as though he knew exactly what she had been thinking.

  “Oh we’re here already! Oh Mr Darcy it looks exactly as I remembered it,” she blurted to distract his attention. It worked. He looked out of the carriage window, suddenly his sombre self.

  “Yes, Pemberley is as constant as the rock upon which it is built,” he looked at her, his dark eyes deep and thoughtful, “welcome home Mrs Darcy.” With that he leaned over and kissed her softly but lingeringly on the lips.

  Elizabeth’s heart galloped with unbridled joy. They had only kissed a handful of times before and always in the presence of others, never sensual. Elizabeth felt her cheeks colour again and smiled at him before looking into her lap shyly. “Thank you Mr Darcy, it’s wonderful to be home.”

  He smiled again and both of them returned to their own thoughts as the Carriage wound its way around the valley.

  The staff was in a flutter when they arrived but quickly presented themselves in an orderly fashion for the return of their master and new mistress. Darcy’s haughty manner, the one that so annoyed her not long ago returned instantly and Elizabeth almost smiled. While he had become a much more humble man since she had known him, she knew it would be nigh on impossible to temper his pride when it came to his servants.

  Their arrival was not at all like she had imagined in the carriage. Almost immediately they repaired to the dining room for a light supper. So used was she to the bustle of Longbourne at dinnertime, Elizabeth at first felt ill at ease with just the two of them sitting at the table in the dim and cavernous dining room.

  Her husband was quiet throughout the meal; his mood seemed to have darkened as soon as they arrived but as they finished their plates and sipped on their second glass of wine, he seemed to come to life. They adjourned to his library after dining and Darcy showed her his collection of rare books. Elizabeth feigned interest, whilst she was a bibliophile, right now she was more interested in going up to her rooms and freshening up. The wine had reignited her passions, stoked by Darcy’s uncharacteristic animation.

  As he waxed lyrical about a two hundred year old tome, Elizabeth placed a hand on his forearm and leaned in close to him. His words ceased instantly and he looked down at her.

  “I think I will go and freshen up dear Mr Darcy…will you come and visit me before you retire?”

  Darcy’s dark eyes sparked and his smirk returned.

  “Why yes, Mrs Darcy, although I believe I will seek you out before then…”

  This time it was Elizabeth who stood on her tiptoes and brushed her lips over his. She squeaked in surprise when he closed his arms around her and crushed her body to his, wrestling control of the situation back from her. His lips pressed against hers urgently and she opened her mouth. Elizabeth gasped, the sensation of another
person’s mouth locked on hers was astounding and when his tongue delved between her lips she couldn't stop the trembling that shimmered through her body. As though possessing a primal knowledge of its own, her body responded to their intimacy and she soon found herself kissing Mr Darcy fervently, as their bodies melded together.

  Darcy eventually broke away from her and, breathless, he touched her mouth with his fingertip, as he gazed earnestly into her eyes.

  “Dear Mrs Darcy, I must confess, I have waited so very long that I find myself almost rendered witless at the thought of finally being intimate with you.”

  She looked up at him with wild eyes, feeling more like a child in a woman’s body than she ever had. She licked her lip, and her heart thumped in her chest as his eyes followed it greedily. When it withdrew into her mouth, his finger was close behind.

  "Close your lips around my finger," he ordered softly, watching her carefully. Unsure of his motives, but in a flux of emotions including lust she obeyed.

  He immediately began to move his finger in and out of her mouth, and surprised she attempted to eject him. Her husband didn’t allow this, his other hand landing like a small bird on the nape of her neck.

  “No, Mrs Darcy, my intentions will become clear in just a short while. Suck my finger now,” he commanded.

  Still unsure but completely trusting, she obeyed, intuitively whirling her tongue over and around his finger as he moved it in and out of her mouth. Her eyes watched his, wide with questions he seemed destined to answer. After a few minutes he reluctantly withdrew his finger from her mouth, her full lips making a wet smack as it came free. His own lips were now parted in excitement, his breath coming in harsh gasps as he held her fevered gaze.

  Elizabeth, for her part, could feel the hardness of him pushed against her belly, and recognizing his desire she pressed closer. His hands found her shoulders and gently but firmly grasped them. She could feel the heat of him through the lace of her gown. He saw understanding dawn in her eyes as he shifted slightly and pressed down. She willingly dropped to her knees in front of her husband.

  The sight of her on the floor in front of him in his very own library was too much, and he fumbled urgently with his pants even as she looked up at him, a wanton look crossing her face. Elizabeth, a small smile on her mouth at his urgent rummaging, still his hand with her own before grasping it gently and removing it from his trousers and replacing it with her own deft hand.

  “Allow me,” she whispered, and grasped his manhood.

  Darcy gasped at the cool softness of her touch and then groaned as she drew him forth. Almost as quickly as it had disappeared, Darcy’s self-control and need to be in charge returned and he grasped her head with both hands.

  “You must kiss it Elizabeth, and then take it in your mouth as you did my finger.”

  Elizabeth looked at the rude protuberance and, wanting to please her husband on their first night in their new home, kissed the fleshy bulb gently. She glanced up at him, breathless at the sensual fire she saw in his eyes. She kissed it again, this time more than willing, then opened her mouth the barest of measures and took the head of him in her mouth when he thrust forward.

  Darcy again groaned as her silken mouth closed over him and he began to rock back and forth, impelling himself deeper and deeper with each tender thrust.

  “Yes, taste me my love.”

  Elizabeth, for her part, was enjoying the sensation of her husband’s most intimate appendage in her mouth and began to move in time with his rocking. Even more gratifying was his reaction, his breath was now coming in harsh gasps and his face was flushed. His movement and breathing became so frenzied that Elizabeth paused, fearing that he was having a conniption.

  “Husband are you well?” she asked.

  Darcy spluttered a short laugh as he looked down upon his virtuous wife.

  “Oh my darling Elizabeth, I have never been so well in all my life…continue please, complete me!”

  Encouraged, her tongue came out slowly to touch the head of his shaft, gathered his clear essence, and then retreated. When she again brought her cool hands up to touch his tumescence with tiny, delicate flutters, it almost undermined the last shreds of his control.

  Almost beyond reason with arousal, he was about to plunge again into her mouth when there was an ill-timed knock on the library door. Darcy looked to the heavens in frustration, but Elizabeth was suddenly relieved. In the face of her husband’s almost feverish virility, she had begun to fear that events had overtaken her, almost as though she had been careening towards a cliff with no way of stopping. A dark cloud of irritation passed over Darcy’s features as he released her head and stepped back, quickly adjusting his trousers and helping Elizabeth to her feet.

  “What is it?” he snapped.

  The door opened and his butler stepped in. His knowing eyes travelled from his master to his new mistress and then back again. “You asked to be informed when Miss Elizabeth’s room was prepared sir? It has been seen to.”

  “Very well, have Ethel see Mrs Darcy upstairs,” he said before waving him away. He turned back to Elizabeth, the colour in his cheeks still high and knew her own burning cheeks mirrored his own.

  “Forgive me Elizabeth, I let myself lose control, and I apologise. Excuse me my darling I have some small duties to attend to; I will pay you a visit within the hour. Until then…”

  She watched him leave the library, her hand fluttering feebly to her throat. She suddenly felt weak, the pent up desire seeming to have depleted all of her vitality. Ethel came a few seconds later. Darcy had informed Elizabeth earlier that the young girl was to be her lady’s maid and upon meeting her, the new mistress of Pemberley had liked her immediately.

  The young girl saw her to her room and helped her change into her nightclothes before letting her new mistress’s hair down and brushing it out in long languid strokes. Ethel departed after twenty minutes and left Elizabeth alone with her thoughts and weighty anticipation. She sat on a settee by the window gazing into the darkened courtyard and waited.

  After a measureless passage of time there came a knock on the door.

  “Come,’ she said breathlessly.

  She turned to face Darcy as he entered and felt the warmth which his eyes bestowed upon her almost as a physical thing. Her own dark eyes flashed and her cheeks flushed with a heat that matched Darcy's. He was still dressed in his day clothes and for a moment he stood in the open doorway unmoving as he regarded her.

  Elizabeth was blessed to be possessed of a fine figure; her slender waist had no real need for a corset (which all young ladies wore), but being in front of Darcy in her nightclothes for the first time, she was somewhat self-conscious. Her breasts were round and perfectly formed, and without any support pushed against the thin material of her nightdress.

  Elizabeth took a deep breath and stood. She was immediately well aware, facing the tall Darcy, that his gaze could not help but be drawn to her bosom. She drew herself up to her full height and took a step towards him. He looked at her hungrily and it was as though just his intense regard was enough to light a fire in her. She felt warmth imbue unmentionable places and was suddenly aware of her nipples protruding, revealing the pale pink aureoles as they strained against the fine night dress.

  Darcy, still frozen, abruptly came to life and broke his gaze away from Elizabeth as he closed the door. He stood against it for a moment as though gathering himself and then brusquely strode to her, seizing her by the arms and dragging her bodily to him. Without a word his strong hands found the throat of her nightshirt and ripped it asunder, causing her breasts to be released from their constraint.

  Elizabeth cried out in surprise, and, as though waking from a trance, a horrified Darcy stepped back.

  "Dearest Elizabeth," he stammered. “Forgive me, what must you think of your husband now?"

  Elizabeth recovered from the unexpected act and her heart immediately went out to him. She walked to him quickly even as he attempted to back away from her. W
ithout speaking she embraced him and pressed her bare breasts against him.

  "Why, Mr Darcy,” she said, looking up into his eyes, “I believe I understand your intentions most clearly."

  She suddenly felt his hardness begin to grow against her belly. Instantly filled with desire, and mindful of the ebb and flow of her relations with Darcy, she decided she would have no more of his reluctance. Her hand crept down and seized the bulge in his trousers. “Why don’t we retire to the bed Mr Darcy?”

  He hadn’t yet responded when she pulled him by it over to the bed and she turned to look at him expectantly. His lust was now obvious, and Elizabeth could not help but notice the prominent swell in his well-cut breeches growing bigger by the second.

  Elizabeth felt her own body respond and they fell into each other urgently, their lips meeting and opening as lust overtook them. His mouth felt like liquid fire and for an instant she felt as though she were locked in a battle for supremacy. After long minutes of passionate kissing Darcy suddenly broke away and grasped her by the elbow, swing her around and bending her over the bed. Elizabeth gasped in surprise and arousal as she felt him slowly lifting her nightshirt, revealing first her well-formed calves, then her comely pale thighs which were inadequately covered by her drawers.

  Now his insistent hands found the waistband of her drawers and she moaned as they were drawn down over her plump buttocks, revealing her pleasing bottom. Her backside presented two smooth and unblemished hemispheres separated by an enticing groove. He grasped her cheeks and spread them, revealing her most private part.

  "Oh Mr Darcy!”

  Elizabeth was now breathless with anticipation and when his fingers found their way between her thighs and touched her most sacred aperture, she moaned in pleasure. Her moan turned into a groan as a finger entered her virginal opening.

  Elizabeth mewed with pleasure as Darcy's finger worked in and out of her, the delicious friction unlike anything she had ever felt before. When it stopped, almost as soon as it had begun she gasped in disappointment until she realised he had dropped to his knees.


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