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Sweet Silken Bondage

Page 29

by Bobbi Smith

  The town of Chagres on Panama's east coast was a hot, insect-infested, muddy town, but several hours later when Reina caught her first glimpse of it as they made landfall, it looked like paradise. Her exhilaration grew. This was it! The moment she'd been waiting for ever since Clay had dragged her off from Louisiana. The time had finally come. Now, she would take her big chance.

  She didn't notice the squalor of her surroundings. She didn't think that it might be dangerous to make the escape here. All she could think about was the glory of getting away from Clay and fleeing from the awful, threatening horror of marriage to Nathan.

  "We'll have to spend the night here in town, so I'll be going ashore as soon as possible to find a room for the night. I want you to stay on the ship until I get back," Clay instructed, breaking into her reverie with his orders and directions that she had absolutely no intention of following.

  "Whatever you say," Reina answered, just wishing he would go ahead and go. She had a lot to do and couldn't start until he'd left the ship.

  He glanced at her and, noting the stubborn set of her chin, he knew she was planning something. Skilled bounty hunter that he was, though, he'd already anticipated her next move.

  "The captain and his men will look out for you while I'm gone. Chagres is a dangerous place even at the best of times," he warned. He told himself that his need to caution her came strictly from his duty to her father, that she was his responsibility. Yet, he knew it was much more than that, and he hoped she had sense enough to listen to him and not try anything stupid.

  "It hardly looks it," she remarked, not prone to believe anything he had to say.

  "Looks can be deceiving, as you should well know," Clay countered, an image of Sister Mary Regina dancing through his thoughts. He pushed the memory out of his mind.

  Captain Gibson just happened to join them then. "You can go ashore now, if you're ready."

  "Fine. Thank you, Captain. Reina, I'll be back as soon as I can."

  "I'm counting on it," she replied sweetly, solely for the captain's benefit. "I can hardly wait to be on land again."

  Gibson stayed with her until Clay had left the ship, and then he offered, "Shall I walk you back to your stateroom?"

  "That would be wonderful, sir. I do have some last minute things to see to."

  As he escorted her below, she complimented him on the voyage and thanked him for getting them to their destination safely.

  "It's been our pleasure to have you aboard, ma'am," he told her. "You're the loveliest lady to grace our ship in a long time."

  "You're too kind, Captain Gibson."

  "Those who really know me, seldom say that," he said with a smile. "I make it a point to only speak the truth, Mrs. Cordell"

  They stopped before her cabin door, and he waited as she unlocked it.

  "In case we don't get the opportunity to speak again, I hope the rest of your trip home is as safe as our voyage. I also extend to you my best wishes for your future. Your husband's a good man, and it's obvious that he loves you very much. I hope you two have a long and happy life together."

  "Thank you" she murmured, wondering what the man would think if he knew the truth.

  "If you find that you need anything before you disembark, please just let me know."

  "I will."

  He bid her good-bye, and she went into the room and locked the door behind her. She leaned back against the closed portal and sagged in joyous relief. She was alone, at long last! Immediately, she set to the task of transforming herself.

  Moments later Reina stood before the small mirror surveying her outfit. She thought she looked like a boy in the baggy clothes and sandals, but she couldn't be sure until she'd stuffed all her hair up under the hat. With swift, sure motions, she did just that and then regarded herself critically. A smile lit her face as she adjusted the brim, pulling it down low over her face as she'd seen the natives wear theirs to protect them from the sun. Only she would know it was a disguise. She took a quick look out the stateroom door and seeing no one around, made her great escape.

  Reina walked across the deck and was thrilled no one paid her any mind. She headed down the gangplank expecting at any minute for someone to call out to her to stop, but no one did. She couldn't believe her luck when her feet finally touched terra firma. It took all of her will-power not to break into a run. A furtive glance around revealed no sign of Clay, so she headed for a small group of boys lingering nearby. She hoped one of them would be able to tell her where to find a horse.

  Knowing that this was the first time Reina would have the chance to escape him, Clay wasted no tune in town. As soon as he'd booked the hotel room, he started straight back to the waterfront. Thoughts of the night just passed and the passion that had exploded between them haunted him as he made his way through Chagres, and he was aggravated that he couldn't just forget last night had ever happened. It irritated him that he'd been unable to stop from making love to her after that first kiss, and he wondered where his much vaunted self-discipline had been when he'd lost himself in the heat of his desire for her.

  Clay knew he had no business getting involved with Reina, and as much as he would have loved to deny it, he was in danger of becoming involved. His actions last night had shown him just how weak he could be around her. It was a weakness he planned never to give in to again. He refused to be caught like his father. He had learned from him. He would be strong.

  As he neared the ship, the raucous sound of several youths arguing among themselves, interrupted his train of thought. His first inclination was to ignore them after a cursory glance in their direction, but for some unknown reason, something about them drew his attention back. He stopped to listen.

  "I'll get the horse for you," a tall, skinny, ominous-looking, dark-haired youth named Rafael was offering, "but first let me see the color of your money, gringo."

  "I will get the horse," a shorter native boy interrupted in a more commanding tone.

  "Shut up, Chico, I saw him first. I will do it," the first boy countered, drawing himself up to his full height in an intimidating move.

  "Hey, I know of the perfect horse for you," the third youth spoke up. "Let me get it for you."

  "I've got the money," she said impatiently, "and I don't care which one of you gets me a horse, just get it!"

  "Pay me, then I will get the horse," Rafael demanded, bullying up to Reina.

  She stood her ground, glaring up at him as the youth towered over her. "Bring me the horse, and then I'll pay you," she returned, trying to sound as fearless as she possibly could. "Only a fool would pay you now."

  "And you're no fool?" Rafael smiled wickedly as he moved menacingly closer. He figured it would be a very simple thing to take this boy's money. After all, there were three of them and only one of him.

  Reina took a slight step backward at the implied physical threat.

  Clay had remained stock still as he'd listened to the conversation. He recognized the "boy" as Reina the moment she'd opened her mouth, and he'd suddenly become explosively angry. Damn her! Hadn't he warned her how dangerous Chagres could be?

  The moment Rafael made his ominous move, Clay reacted. His expression was thunderous as he stormed toward them. Without preamble, he grabbed Reina by the upper arm and dragged her out of harm's way. She uttered a startled cry, then began to sputter in a rage as she saw it was him. Her stomach gave a sickening lurch as she realized that she'd been found out. She tried to pull free, but he held her fast as he faced down the boys.

  "You're right, amigo. This boy's no fool. He has friends - mean friends," Clay was saying.

  "He wanted us to get him a horse."

  "I know what he wanted, and from now on, I'll take care of his traveling needs," he ground out savagely, his expression murderous.

  They had seen that look in the eyes of men before, and they knew what it meant.

  "Whatever you say, hombre" They backed up nervously and then raced away.

  Clay didn't wait to see where they w
ent. Keeping a firm grip on his captive hellion, he took a step in the direction of town.

  Reina, however, had other ideas. She couldn't believe he'd shown up, right then, when she was about to get her horse and get away! She dug in her heels, resisting his pull with all her might.

  "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

  "Like hell, you're not!" he fumed in a low voice. "Don't open your mouth again or I swear I'll throw you over my shoulder and carry you off! I warned you, Reina!"

  Reina stopped struggling, but she let him feel her reluctance as he led her off. She had expected him to take her back on board so she could change clothes and was surprised when he didn't. She hung back the entire distance into town, and, when he led her up the steps of one of the better looking, though a far cry from sumptuous, hotels, she tried to bolt. Clay's hand tightened on her with bruising force, and the look he shot her convinced her that his earlier threat still held.

  He dragged her through the small lobby, completely ignoring the amused, interested stares of the other guests and then hauled her behind him up the stairs to the single room he'd rented for the night. When he'd unlocked and pushed the door wide, he shoved her roughly through in front of him. The room was sparsely furnished with only a bed and single dresser, but Reina didn't even notice as Clay slammed the door behind him. The sound of the lock turning sent a shiver of fear through her.

  "What the hell did you think you were doing?" His face was a glowering mask of fury as he jerked her around to face him.

  "What do you think?" Reina challenged defiantly, tearing her arm free of him.

  "Don't you realize what might have happened to you?"

  "Yes," she challenged with a lift of her chin, "I might have gotten away from you! My disguise was certainly clever enough!" She was proud of what she'd almost accomplished, and she wasn't going to let him browbeat her.

  "Your disguise." Clay spat, his hand snaking out to rip the hat from her head and throw it aside.

  Reina's ebony hair tumbled down freely about her shoulders. "Was perfect!" she finished sharply for him. "If only those boys hadn't been so stupid..."

  "You're the one who was stupid!" he cut in. "You could have been killed!"

  "I could have been free!" she argued heatedly. "Free of you and free of Nathan!"

  "You're never going to be free of me," Clay snarled, his anger growing unbounded over her continued refusal to listen to reason. "Not until I deliver you to your father. Now, get out of those ridiculous clothes"

  "I will not," she defied him.

  "Oh, yes, you will. You told me once not too long ago that you were a lady. I expect you to dress like one." He stepped toward her, and she backed away. He was relentless in his pursuit, trapping her between the bed and the wall.

  Pushed to the limit, enraged and feeling more than helpless, she hissed, "I don't care what you expect or want!"

  "I know. You don't care about anybody or anything except yourself," Clay said viciously. "Now get undressed."

  "No!" Reina's back was to the wall. There was nowhere left to run. Still, she met his gaze boldly, refusing to give in.

  "I've had enough of your disguises, Reina. Are you going to take it off or am I?"

  "You just try!"

  It was all the challenge Clay needed right then. Never in his life had he met anyone who could rouse such near violent emotions within him. Seeing her being threatened by those boys had enraged him, and now her stubbornness filled him with a driving need to show her just who was in charge here-again. Provoked beyond reason, he reached out for her shirt.

  "Don't touch me!" Reina ordered, trying to avoid his hands.

  Clay was not to be deterred, however, and he got hold of the shirt anyway. He pulled it roughly over her head leaving her naked to the waist as she stood before him. He crushed it in his hands, then cast it aside in disgust. She wrapped her arms around herself in a modest gesture, shielding her breasts from view. Her protective action touched a chord of response within Clay, but her next words jarred him again.

  "There! Are you satisfied?"

  "The pants next, Reina."


  Demons he didn't understand and didn't want to understand drove him on, he said nothing more, but reached out and untied the narrow cord that served as a belt. The loose-fitting pants dropped away. Reina did not cower away from him now, but met his gaze daringly.

  The sight of her standing there completely vulnerable, yet at the same time, proud and unflinching, moved Clay deeply. He had won this battle, but at what price? His victory over her had been a physical one again. He had forced her to his will. He remembered her words from the night before, and though he knew it was true, he couldn't stop his own desire for her. He wanted her. His body was on fire with the need to have her again.

  "There'll be no more disguises, Reina. The games are over."

  Reina saw it in his eyes-the flaring passion that neither one of them could control, and she began to tremble. Her instincts for survival screamed to her to flee before she lost herself in his arms again.

  There was nowhere for her to go, though, as Clay loomed before her, the single, biggest threat to her existence. She hated everything he stood for, yet there was something so utterly irresistible about him that she could refuse him nothing. When his hands closed over her shoulders, she held herself rigid, refusing to give in immediately, trying to fight with all her might the raging inferno of madness that swept through her at his touch.

  And madness it was, as he had his way with her. Their joining was cataclysmic. Each caress followed by another more demanding one. Each kiss more desperate than the last. Anger transformed to desire. Desire to ecstasy's passion.

  Clay's clothes were discarded in haste as the fury of their need urged them to hurry.. .hurry before reality intruded. As excitement took them to the heights, the very pinnacle of breathless delight, all else was forgotten. They were no longer adversaries, but nameless lovers without past or future. They were no longer hunter and quarry, but two souls bound by something so powerful, they were frightened by the immensity of it, and so, denied its existence.

  Clay's obligations drove him. His heart was still cold and wary of this thing called love.

  Reina, too, was disbelieving. She felt uncertain that this physical need she had only for him could be more than just that. She thought his desire for her was only a means of coercion, that he really felt nothing for her. Hadn't he said as much?

  But even as their emotions roiled in confusion, they were swept up in sea of rapture. All rational thought was lost as their bodies united in perfect oneness. There was only feeling and touching and love's bliss in its wake.

  As quickly as it had happened, it was over, and Reina could not bring herself to look at Clay. She rolled away from his intoxicating nearness, needing time to pull herself together. This has to end! she raged at herself. She couldn't allow this to go on. She rose from the bed and wrapped a blanket around her.

  "Do you know what you've done to me?" she asked, frantic for answers to questions she didn't even know.

  Clay had been too bewildered by what had happened to move or to think-until she spoke.

  "What are you talking about?" The mellow mood that had held him evaporated before the coldness of her question. He glanced over at her and saw the misery and torment mirrored in her eyes.

  "You were sent to find me and bring me back to my father. You were hired to protect me during that journey." She gave a brittle laugh. "But it seems you're the only one I need protection from."

  Her words were like lashes from a whip, cutting him to shreds, tearing into his soul.

  "I can't fight you," she said. "You're stronger than I am. I can't escape you. You block my every move. What do you want from me?"

  When he didn't respond, she went on.

  "Leave me alone, Clay. Just stay away from me."

  Her words of the night before echoed painfully through him again. He might possess her body, but he'd never possess her. He dresse
d, feeling strangely bereft. He gathered her boys' clothes and started to the door.

  "I'm taking these with me. I need to be sure you won't leave the room while I'm gone. As soon as I see that the rest of our things are unloaded from the boat, I'll be back."

  Reina did not look up. She was sitting on the side of the bed with her back to him, and she stayed that way until long after he'd gone. Only then did she give vent to her tears.

  Macauley's hopes were guarded as he urged his mount to the top of the low rise and reined in. He knew he was taking a long shot in coming here, but if a man's life was saved because of it, it would be worth the time lost. Turning his gaze below to the dilapidated cabin that stood there in the small clearing, the sheriff experienced a surge of satisfaction as he recognized the hobbled horse contentedly cropping grass in front of the shack. It was Wily's

  "Damn!" he muttered to himself as the pride he'd felt about his hunch being right, faded. Irritation and impatience with himself replaced the smugness. He'd known that Wily owned some land up here in the hills, and it annoyed him that he hadn't immediately figured out that this was where he'd gone.

  Putting his heels to his horse, Macauley headed down the narrow rocky path that led to the small house. Never one to ride into possible trouble unarmed, he let one hand rest on his sidearm, just in case. He'd seen too many men gunned down during his years as a lawman to take any chances.

  "Yo! Wily! You in there?" he shouted out as he drew to a halt out front.

  "Who's callin' me?" Wily asked drunkenly as he stumbled to the door and, leaning against the doorjamb, looked out. "Sheriff!" he gasped in stunned recognition.

  "Yeah, it's me, Wily. You alone?"

  "Why? What d'ya want?" the old man demanded suspiciously, stiffening as Macauley dismounted and approached him.

  "I just want to talk, that's all." The sheriff could see that he was really jittery and upset, so he tried to calm him. "I just need the answers to a few questions, and then I'll be on my way."


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