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Sweet Silken Bondage

Page 37

by Bobbi Smith

  Clay suddenly seemed as if he was taking blood money. When he reached for the envelope, he could feel Reina's eyes condemningly upon him. He knew he couldn't let that stop him, though. He had Dev to worry about. "What about O'Keefe?"

  "You'll find him right where you left him, quite safe and quite comfortable," he answered easily. "Reina? I think it's time we returned to the rancho, don't you?"

  She nodded with all the dignity she could muster, then she strode sedately across the room to stop before Clay. For just an instant all that she was feeling was poignantly revealed in her eyes... the hurt... the betrayal... the love. She leaned toward him to kiss him gently on the cheek.

  "Remember me, Clay," she whispered, and then she swept from the room without looking back. She did not allow the tears that blurred her vision to slow her or the twisting, roiling pain in her breast to show in her expression.

  Clay watched her go, her father and his men following after her carrying her things. A terrible sense of loss nearly overpowered him when he closed the stateroom door behind them. He stood in the middle of the cabin feeling more alone than he ever had before. He ran a hand over his eyes, struggling to focus on what he had to do next. The worst was over. Now it was time to get on with his life and see to it that Dev got on with his. Gathering his things together, he left the boat.

  Dev was tired. It had been a long, dull day, and he was glad it was nearly over. In another hour or so, Macauley would show up to work the night, and then he would head home to a nice hot meal and Molly.

  A grin split his face as he thought of his wife. They'd been married for over two weeks now, and as impossible as it seemed, things had only gotten better between them. He was enjoying being around Jimmy so much that he could hardly wait until he and Molly had children of their own. She would make a wonderful mother, and he knew he would love being a father.

  At the sound of the office door opening, Dev glanced up, thinking it was the sheriff arriving early.

  "You're early..." he began, but the sight of his long-lost friend had him on his feet and racing across the room to greet him. He'd been waiting forever for this moment, and he was thrilled Clay was back.

  "Clay! I don't believe it!" He threw his arms around his astonished partner and hugged him tight.

  "Dev?" Clay pushed away to take a good look at him, "What the hell are you doing out here? You're supposed to be rotting away behind bars!"

  "Well, I was for a while, but now I'm -" he began, but Clay went on.

  "A deputy? You're wearing a badge?" he stated in disbelief, looking from the badge up to his face and back again. "What's been going on around here?"

  Dev threw his head back and laughed at his shock. "A lot," he assured him, clapping him soundly on the shoulder. "Sit down. I've got a whole helluva lot to tell you. So much, in fact, I don't know where to start."

  "Try the beginning," he said drolly as he sat down before the desk and Dev took his own seat again.

  "First, you tell me about you. Did you find the Alvarez girl?"

  "I just handed her over to her father," he answered stiffly.

  "Any trouble?"

  "Nothing serious," he dismissed his concern not ready to talk or think about Reina just yet. "Now, tell me, how did you manage to get out of jail and get yourself a job as a deputy? When I left, Macauley seemed dead certain that you were his man. I thought you were on the verge of being hung."

  "I was lucky, very lucky," Dev began, and then he went on to explain all that had happened from Denton's escape attempt to the sheriffs arrest of Stevens for the Santana murder.

  "So he let you out of jail and hired you on to help him?"

  `That's about it. There is one other thing that happened, though ...uh, something else I have to tell you." He hedged, but at Clay's questioning look, he went on, "There's Molly..."

  "Molly? The girl from the restaurant you saved from Denton?"


  "What about her?"

  "Well, while you were gone," he hesitated again, then just blurted out the truth of it. "I married her."

  "You got married?" Clay was truly surprised by all that had transpired, and he found, a little annoyed. Here, he'd been worried that Dev was in mortal danger, and all along he'd been cleared of the charges for weeks and was now happily married to boot. Relief spread through him as the burden of concern he'd shouldered for so long was lifted from him. He was happy for his friend. He wanted only the best for Dev.

  "I know this is all a shock for you," Dev was saying, trying to ease the blow of his defection, "and I'm sorry I had to spring this on you this way. But Molly and I fell in love, and I didn't want to live another minute without her. You haven't been in love yet, but when it happens, you'll know what I'm talking about."

  Clay didn't want to tell him that he knew full well exactly what he was talking about. He wondered vaguely that if he'd known Dev was free, would he have kept Reina from her father. He knew it was useless to debate the point, but the thought of her married to another man because of him, left him filled with impotent rage.

  "That's why I took this job with the sheriff," Dev explained. "I knew I couldn't have a home and a family and keep working as a bounty hunter. Molly and I hoped you'd understand."

  Clay managed a smile. "I understand. I would have done the same thing in your place."

  "Thanks, Clay" Dev's words were heartfelt as he clasped his friend's hand. "I want you to come to the house for dinner tonight. I want you to meet everybody. I've already told them all about you. You can even stay with us if you like."

  "I'll take you up on the dinner offer, but I've already taken a room at the Perdition."

  "Ali, you want to renew old acquaintances?"

  "Could be," he answered, but in truth, the last thing he wanted was one of the girls from the saloon. There was only one woman he wanted, and she was now lost to him forever.

  Before he'd gone on board the ship to claim Reina, Luis had sent one of his men to hire a carriage for the return trip to the ranch. As he guided Reina to the conveyance and helped her to climb in, he cast her a sidelong glance, trying to judge her mood. She looked perfectly at ease, unruffled by all the upset that had surrounded her disappearance and now, finally, her return.

  Luis's emotions were in a state of total havoc as he picked up the reins and urged the horse toward home. He was overjoyed that Reina had been returned safely to him, but he still harbored anger over her disobedience. The conflict between the two was wearing upon him. He'd realized while she was missing just how very dear she was to him, and he wondered, now, if they would ever be close again as long as Nathan was in the picture. He knew they were going to have to talk about everything that had happened when they got back to the rancho, but it was not a confrontation that he was looking forward to. They rode in silence for quite a while, before he finally spoke up, breaking the icy barrier that had existed between them.

  "You look well."

  "I am."

  "I was worried about you," he ventured.

  "Really?" Her tone left no doubt in his mind that she didn't believe him.

  "Yes, really." His own hot temper flashed. "You are my daughter."

  "I thought I was more your chattel, something you could sell or trade as you pleased."

  "This marriage could be a good thing, if you gave it half a chance. Nathan is not a bad man. He would treat you well. He's rich. You could have everything you ever wanted."

  His words raked over her like sharp claws. Clay had believed the same thing about her. The two men in her life she loved, the two men who meant the most to her, didn't know her at all. They both thought her a mindless fool who loved riches above all else.

  "Money has never been important to me, Father. You're the one who loves the power it can give, not me.

  "I respect the power it brings," he defended himself.

  "Power and money are both the same. Neither are important."

  Her attitude angered him further. "You can say that because you've ne
ver been poor. You've never done without."

  "Maybe not, but I do know that money can't buy happiness or contentment. If you continue in your quest to have me marry Nathan, I will be rich, but I will not be happy. I don't love him, Father, and no matter how bard I try, I will never be able to love him."

  "Love! Bah!" he scoffed. "What do you know about love?"

  "I know that you loved Mother, and she adored you. I know I want that kind of marriage. I want a man who loves me, not the ranch I bring as a dowry."

  "Nathan loves you."

  "Nathan loves only Rancho Alvarez. There is no love in that man. He's cold and he's cruel."

  "You're wrong about him, Reina," Luis argued, but even as he did, he felt a sting of conscience.

  She grew tired of the same old argument for she knew she'd never win. "If you say so, Father. I know there is no point in going over this again. You've won. You've brought me home. I will respect your wishes in all things as I have no other choice."

  Luis fell silent. He knew he was forcing her into this, but he could see no other way out of his dire situation. An alliance with Nathan and his wealth would insure the continuity of the ranch. Reina would understand someday, he hoped... He also hoped that he never lived to regret his decision to go forth with the marriage plans.

  Nathan had had his own men keeping watch for Reina, Word reached him quickly that she had returned and had left for the rancho in the company of her father. The moment he heard the news, he headed out after them. With each passing mile on the way, his mood grew increasingly wicked and savage. She had thought to escape him, but she'd failed. Once they were married, he was going to teach her a thing or two about obedience and respect for one's husband.

  Reina and Luis had barely had time to settle in when Nathan arrived at the ranch. Consuelo directed him into the parlor and then went to the study to announce him to Luis and Reina, who had, themselves, only just arrived a short time before.

  They were startled by his unexpected appearance. Luis had hoped to have some time alone with Reina before reuniting her with Nathan, but it seemed that things had been taken out of his hands. He did not like the feeling.

  Reina shot her father a pleading, almost wildeyed desperate look as Consuelo announced him.

  "Father, please don't do this ...don't force me to go through with this..."

  "I'm sorry, Reina, but it's all been arranged. The wedding will go on as scheduled."

  "You would really sentence me to a life of misery?"

  "Trust me in this, Reina. It won't be as bad as you think. In time, you may even come to love him."

  "Why can't you trust me, Father? Why don't you respect my judgment?"

  "Show Nathan in, Consuelo," Luis overruled her, rising to greet his honored future son-in-law.

  Nathan was aggravated as he entered the study. He did not like being kept waiting, but he took Luis's hand just to keep up images. It would not do to alienate him yet. He swung around to Reina then, his gaze coolly assessing as he regarded her.

  "I'm glad to see that you're well."

  "Thank you, but you had no reason to be concerned. I was quite safe the whole time" Though she sounded very calm and collected, Reina was really quite frightened. She'd sensed the viciousness in Nathan long ago and didn't trust him one bit. For a moment, she let herself long for Clay, but then almost immediately pushed the thought away. He was gone from her life now. She would have to be brave and handle this all on her own.

  "That's a relief to know now, but it didn't help your father or me during all the time you were missing. We were quite worried about you." Her poised, self-confident attitude annoyed him greatly, and he grew determined to bring her to heel, now. She was a little too cocky, a little too self-assured. He wanted to see her groveling before him. He wanted to see her crawl. Women were meant to be submissive, and it was time little Miss Alvarez learned that.

  Reina knew she should apologize, but somehow, seeing the coldness in his eyes, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

  Nathan was furious by her lack of response, but when he turned to Luis he appeared the perfect gentleman. "Luis, I wonder if my future bride and I might have a few moments of privacy?"

  "Of course," Luis agreed, understanding the need for the two to be alone. He quickly left the room. He could feel Reina's desperation but he ignored it. This man would soon be her husband, she needed to learn how to get along with him.

  When Luis had gone, Nathan turned on her, his eyes burning with the fiery heat of his anger. "Well, my darling fiancee, it would seem that you and I have a lot to talk about."

  "I can't imagine what," she replied haughtily, though, in truth, her self-confidence was badly shaken.

  Nathan jerked her around toward him, forcing her to look at him. "I'll tell you what, little girl," he snarled. "First, there's our wedding. Then there's our life together."

  Reina tried to break free, but he held her easily.

  "And we will have a life together, Reina. A long and prosperous one, I should think." His smile was evil, tinged with cruelty.

  "I'd rather be dead!" she spat back at him.

  "That could be arranged if you continue to defy me," he threatened, tightening his grip to bruising strength. "I like spirit in a woman, but I'm no lovesick swain where you're concerned. You're nothing more than a commodity to me, a means to an end. Remember that." He released her, but the imprint of his fingers would mar her delicate flesh for days to come. "Your father has given you to me, and once we're married, you'll be mine.. .all mine, to do with as I please."

  "Why do you want to do this? If you feel nothing for me, why don't you just let me go? Forget this marriage. Tell everyone it was your idea to end the engagement. I would gladly suffer the blow to my reputation than suffer endless years married to you!" Reina knew she had nothing to lose by telling the truth.

  Nathan chuckled. "There's more at stake here than just the marriage, my dear. If you think I went into this arrangement because I wanted you, you're sadly mistaken. You're only a bargaining chip to be used and discarded as I see fit."

  Reina lifted her chin defiantly. "Then you intend this to be a marriage in name only?"

  "I didn't say that. You do hold some physical appeal for me. There is, however, one thing I want to be sure of before our wedding takes place."

  "What?" She felt chilled by the look in his eyes as he studied her.

  "My sources tell me that you were booked on the ship from Panama in one cabin under the names of Mr. and Mrs. Cordell. I just want to make certain that you're still untouched before I make you my bride."

  "You what?" Reina was shocked by the crudity of his revelation.

  Nathan could see that he'd shocked her, and he gave a low, ominous laugh. He lifted one hand to caress her cheek. She felt like cold alabaster beneath his touch, and he wondered if there was any heat or excitement in her. He wondered, too, if she would be that cold and unresponsive in bed.

  "I want to make sure you're worthy of the honor of being Mrs. Nathan Marlow."

  He took her by the arm and pulled her against him. Brazenly, he fondled her breast through her clothing and then let his hand slip lower to the juncture of her thighs. Reina tried to break away, but to no avail.

  "Let me go, Nathan!"

  "Not until I make sure of your innocence, my dear. Or perhaps you'd like to have me bring in the doctor to check? That certainly could be arranged, although the damage to your reputation might be irreparable should any indiscretions in your past come to light."

  Reina saw the very real, intimidating promise in his eyes and knew she couldn't bear to suffer his hands upon her, ever. There was only one thing left for her to do - alienate him in whatever way she could by whatever means possible, even if it meant lying.

  "You don't have to examine me," she told him proudly. "I'll tell you exactly what you want to know."


  "I'm no virgin. I gave myself to Clay, and I'm glad I did. We shared the cabin on the trip back as lovers. I
love him, and I'm pregnant with his child right now! If my father hadn't forced me to return home, I would never have come back! Never!"

  "You're what?" Nathan's wrath was an awesome thing, and he struck out at her, brutally backhanding her.

  Reina staggered backward, uttering a small cry of surprise and pain at his ruthlessness. She cradled her cheek and bloodied, swelling lip with one hand as she drew herself up to full height to face him contemptuously.

  "I'm going to have another man's baby, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I love him as I could never love you."

  "You little slut..." He took a menacing step toward her, but she held her ground almost daring him to hit her again. He realized the precariousness of his situation and restrained himself. He told himself the wedding would take place soon, and then he'd make her pay, and pay dearly.

  "Now, if you'll excuse me -" Without another word, Reina quit the room with a dignity befitting her name. Once she was out of Nathan's sight, she ran as quickly as she could to her own chambers to seek solace there.

  Nathan stood in the center of the study, his temper raging nearly out of control. So, she was pregnant, was she? he thought angrily. Well, this changed things considerably. He didn't relish the idea of taking some other man's whore as his wife or some other man's bastard as his own, but for the right price he could be convinced to do anything.

  He wondered if Alvarez had any idea of his daughter's whoring ways, and he decided the old man didn't. Smiling to himself, Nathan went to seek him out. It was time he learned of his daughter's debauched behavior, and he knew it would be interesting to see how he responded to the possible thought of her reputation being sullied by spreading rumors around town concerning her indecent state.

  "Luis?" Nathan found the older man in the parlor.

  Luis was surprised that they had finished talking so soon. "Where's Reina?"

  "I believe she's gone to her room."

  This sounded bad to Luis, and he wondered what had happened between them. "Did you settle your differences?"

  "That's what I need to talk to you about."


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