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Desire by Starlight

Page 1

by Radclyffe


  Best-selling romance author Jenna Hardy, aka Cassandra Hart, sprints through life from one appearance to the next, always on deadline, always in demand, always on the arm of a different beautiful woman. She has no personal life because her entire existence is public, and part of her appeal. She loves the tempo, the power, the thrill until the pace catches up to her and she collapses at a book signing. Her doctor orders rest, her editor wants a three book series yesterday, and her attorney informs her she has just inherited a farm in the backcountry of Vermont. Divine intervention or Fate's little joke? The only thing that might possibly save her from dying of boredom during a summer of forced R&R is a dalliance with Gardner Davis, the local vet. Unfortunately, everything about Jenna’s high-profile lifestyle is exactly what Gard wants to leave far, far behind, that and a dark secret that haunts the new life she’s made.

  Desire by Starlight

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  By Radclyffe


  Innocent Hearts

  Promising Hearts

  Love’s Melody Lost

  Love’s Tender Warriors

  Tomorrow’s Promise

  Love’s Masquerade


  Passion’s Bright Fury

  Fated Love

  Turn Back Time

  When Dreams Tremble

  The Lonely Hearts Club

  Night Call

  Secrets in the Stone

  Desire by Starlight


  Erotic Interludes: Change of Pace

  (A Short Story Collection)

  Radical Encounters

  (A Erotic Short Story Collection)

  Stacia Seaman and Radclyffe, eds.

  Erotic Interludes 2: Stolen Moments

  Erotic Interludes 3: Lessons in Love

  Erotic Interludes 4: Extreme Passions

  Erotic Interludes 5: Road Games

  Romantic Interludes 1: Discovery

  Romantic Interludes 2: Secrets

  The Provincetown Tales

  Safe Harbor

  Beyond the Breakwater

  Distant Shores, Silent Thunder

  Storms of Change

  Winds of Fortune

  Returning Tides

  Honor Series

  Above All, Honor

  Honor Bound

  Love & Honor

  Honor Guards

  Honor Reclaimed

  Honor Under Siege

  Word of Honor

  Justice Series

  A Matter of Trust (prequel)

  Shield of Justice

  In Pursuit of Justice

  Justice in the Shadows

  Justice Served

  Justice For All

  First Responders Novels

  Trauma Alert

  Writing as L.L. Raand

  Midnight Hunters

  The Midnight Hunt

  Desire by Starlight

  © 2010 By Radclyffe. All Rights Reserved.

  ISBN 13: 978-1-60282-487-4E

  This Electronic Book is published by

  Bold Strokes Books, Inc.,

  P.O. Box 249

  Valley Falls, New York 12185

  First Edition: November 2010

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


  Editors: Ruth Sternglantz and Stacia Seaman

  Production Design: Stacia Seaman

  Cover Design By Sheri (


  “Write what you know” is a time-honored convention, but as most authors soon discover, if we only wrote what we have actually experienced, how dull our books would be. The beauty of fiction lies in the art of discovery, for the author and the reader, as we create and experience new worlds, new thoughts, new sensations—or revisit cherished ones. Within the pages, real or virtual, we dream, we dare, we revisit past joys, conquer old fears, and step beyond the confines of the here and now. What we know becomes what we hope to know, and that expectation keeps us coming back time and again.

  If there’s any shine on this story, the credit goes to my first readers: Connie, Diane, Eva, Jenny, Kelly, Paula, Sandy, and Tina, who read and reread various versions while I worked on fine points.

  Ruth Sternglantz edited with her usual wisdom and thoroughness, and Stacia Seaman, as always, made me look good. Somehow, once again, amazing Sheri created a cover the first time out that captured perfectly my vision of this book.

  And to Lee goes the credit for creating my freedom to be. Amo te.


  November 2010

  Chapter One

  Women loved Cassandra Hart—even her press releases said so. Jenna’s quick peek at the seemingly endless line of fans snaking up to the signing table at the Barnes & Noble in Hoboken, New Jersey, indicated quite a few men loved her too. True, the jostling, eager readers had come to see Cassandra Hart, New York Times best-selling romance author, and not Jenna Hardy, but that was just fine with her. She loved being Cassandra Hart, especially on nights like this one. Tonight she’d wowed a sell-out crowd, and the satisfaction was nearly as good as sex.

  No matter how many successes she had, she still suffered a few pangs of anxiety before every book launch, but this event had been standing room only. She’d chosen a steamy scene from her newest romance featuring sexy federal agents and renegade mercenaries, and the applause when she’d finished had vibrated through her with the electrifying charge of an orgasm. Riding high, her pulse racing and her body tingling, she’d let the question-and-answer period go overtime and now her signing was running late too. Her publicist, agent, and good friend Alice Smith signaled vigorously from the back of the room and the message was unmistakable. Stop signing! Time to wrap this up!

  Pretending not to see Alice’s semaphore-like arm motions, Jenna accepted the next book, already opened to the page she usually signed, from the store assistant. She smiled up at a youngish blonde in blue jeans and a tight long-sleeved T-shirt that announced EMTs Do It Better.

  “Hello,” Jenna said, meeting the woman’s gleaming blue eyes. “Thank you so much for coming. How are you tonight?”

  “I’m wonderful! I just love your books, Ms. Hart.” The blonde’s dazzling smile widened. “And I really love Cyn Reynolds. She could arrest me any day.”

  “I’m with you,” Jenna said, laughing at the frequent comment about one of her recurring characters. “I’m so glad you could come tonight.”

  Jenna loved talking with her readers. Writing was such a solitary experience, something she did alone hour after hour in a silent room, and she often wondered if it really mattered to anyone what she was doing. But hearing the excitement in this woman’s voice, she was reminded of one of the most important reasons that she wrote. For a few brief moments her words connected her to other human beings, and she was no longer alone. “To whom would you like me to sign this?”

  “Oh, could you sign it to me—oh, I’m Sally—and could you say—Happy birthday, from Cassandra. And”—the blonde hesitated, blushing—“could I get my picture with you?”

  “Of course.” Jenna rose, ignoring Alice’s frown and pointed look at her wristwatch. Readers like Sal
ly made her life possible, so she took her time with every one, asking their name, writing a personal message in their book, thanking them for their support. She waited until Sally came around the table to stand beside her, then lightly clasped her waist and smiled as the store assistant, using Sally’s camera, took their picture. Then she sat down, took the next hardback passed to her, and greeted another reader.

  A faint cloud of Obsession accompanied the firm press of a hand against her shoulder.

  “You need to pull the plug on this,” Alice murmured in her ear. “You have an early flight in the morning, double bookings in the afternoon and evening, and you look completely exhausted. I told you that signing last night was a bad idea.”

  “I’m all right.” Jenna pressed a hand to her midsection, hunger pangs reminding her she hadn’t eaten after rushing from the airport to the hotel, hurriedly changing, and grabbing a cab over to the bookstore. Her flight from Washington, DC, where she had given a reading at a small bookstore in Dupont Circle, had been delayed, and she’d barely gotten any sleep. She was still glad she’d squeezed in the extra event, despite Alice’s protests. She hadn’t sold very many books, but the audience members—largely gay and lesbian—were among her staunchest supporters. She frequently reminded Alice that a great deal of her success lay in being accessible to those who bought her books. Unlike many best-selling authors, she still did small independent bookstore events even though Alice nagged her to conserve her time and energy for the national tours. Feeling Alice’s glare on the back of her neck like an angry wasp, she tried to stretch out the cramps in her lower back without Alice noticing. “How many more in line?”

  “More than you can handle.”

  “Just a little while longer.” Jenna tuned out Alice’s long-suffering sigh and focused on an elderly gentleman in a three-piece suit who looked only moderately uncomfortable surrounded by the primarily female crowd. “Hi, so nice to see you.”

  He held out her newest title, whose cover featured two camo-clad women in a tight clinch against a backdrop of strafer tracings. “I’d like to get this for my wife. Her name is Joan.”

  “Wonderful,” Jenna said. “Shall I say it’s from you?”

  He looked momentarily abashed, then smiled broadly. “Yes please. Could you say, ‘Love from Martin’—and then your name, of course.”

  Jenna wrote the message and signed Cassandra Hart with her trademark flourish. “Here you are.”

  As she handed the book back, she caught sight of the glossy promotional photograph on the back cover of a woman standing on a bridge high above the Hudson, chestnut hair stylishly windblown and wide-set green eyes just the tiniest bit provocative. Like always, she experienced a moment of confusion. Was that really her? Cassandra Hart looked confident, sexy, and a little bit sinful. Jenna had worked hard to create that image, to become that woman, and if she had to get by on a couple hours’ sleep and airport food a few months a year to ensure she remained that woman, she would. Gladly.

  “I’m sorry,” the store manager announced to the remaining fans in a pleasant voice, “but we’re going to have to end our event for the evening. We will have signed copies of Cassandra’s newest book at the registers for those of you in line who would like to purchase one, but they will not be personalized. We’re so sorry, but Ms. Hart is finished signing for the night.”

  Jenna knew better than to argue. If she did, Alice was likely to drag her bodily from the store. She pushed back from the table and was about to stand when a willowy redhead in a beige linen suit and open-collared emerald green shirt the exact color of her eyes stopped in front of the table and leaned down, one hand braced on the tabletop in an unexpectedly intimate pose.

  “I’m sure you’ve had a very long day,” the redhead said, “and I won’t keep you. I just wanted to tell you that my fifteen-year-old niece thinks you are the most astonishing author on the planet. It means a lot that she can feel good about herself because of what you write. So—thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Jenna settled back into her chair and grabbed a book from the box the assistant was refilling. She opened it to the title page. “What’s your niece’s name?”


  The redhead’s voice was low and melodious and her emerald eyes so intense they might have been the actual gemstones.

  “Have you read this one?” Jenna asked, her pen poised over the page.

  “Not yet.”

  The woman leaned closer, her expression so magnetic everyone else in the room faded to sepia. “I have a confession to make.”

  “Really?” Jenna searched for a sign the redhead’s intent matched her seductive tone. Oh yes indeed, there was an invitation in that hot gaze, if she wanted to play. “And what deep dark secrets are you hiding?”

  “I don’t really read romances. I prefer thrillers.”

  “Somehow I don’t find that particularly surprising.” Jenna had the urge to lean away precisely because she wanted to move forward, deeper into the redhead’s space. She wasn’t used to being captivated by a woman. That was her role. In fact, her Number One Rule was to never go to bed with a woman she couldn’t control.

  “I heard your reading tonight,” the woman went on, “and if the rest of the book is as good as the sex, I think I could be missing something.”

  “Perhaps if you gave it a try,” Jenna said, “you might be converted.”

  An arched brow winged upward. “Try what? The sex or the book?”

  Jenna hesitated, considering. She was hungry, she was tired, and after three weeks on the road, she still had another four weeks ahead of her. She should grab a quick shower and a few hours’ sleep. But she loved the pace, she loved the excitement, and she loved the unexpected. This redhead was definitely unexpected, she was too charged to sleep, and she hadn’t had sex for months. She plucked a bookmark off the stack remaining on the table, turned it over, and wrote the name of her hotel along with her room number. She slid it into the book after writing on the title page: Dear Meg, Celebrate your life and all the wonderful things to come. Love, Cassandra Hart. Handing the closed book to the redhead, she said, “The evening’s activities are up to you. Keep the bookmark.”

  “Oh, I’ve already made up my mind.”

  “Don’t tell me. I like surprises.”

  The woman laughed, pulled the bookmark free and slid it into her jacket pocket, and sauntered away. Watching her go, Jenna finally rose from the table and smiled at the thought of what other surprises the night might bring.

  “You don’t have time for that.” Alice drew Jenna away from the table with one hand on her elbow. “It’s almost eleven and you need to be at the airport by six.”

  Jenna regarded the woman to whom she attributed much of her success. At forty, Alice looked a decade younger. Her milk chocolate eyes and sharply contrasting silver-blond hair added to the allure of a sensuous smile. An inch or two shorter than Jenna’s five-eight, she was voluptuous where Jenna could barely boast curves. Many an editor and publisher had looked at Alice and seen a throwback to the pinup starlets of an earlier age. They underestimated her barracuda instincts when negotiating contracts, much to Jenna’s benefit. She and Alice were very close friends, but business always came first for Alice. Jenna didn’t mind. She felt the same.

  “When have I ever been late for a flight?” Jenna draped her navy silk blazer over her arm. June had turned the corner into summer and she hadn’t needed to wear it over her white silk tee.

  “I’m the one who makes your schedule, remember?” Alice spoke quietly so those nearby would not hear. “We can’t afford for you to burn out, especially not for something as trivial as a quickie—”

  “If you were getting a little something a little more regularly,” Jenna teased, “you would appreciate the benefits of physical therapy.”

  “Then I’ll schedule you a massage in Chicago.”

  “Wonderful.” Jenna skirted around the table to put an end to the conversation. She glanced back over her shoulder and
flashed Alice a grin. “Make sure you sign me up for the full body package.”


  Jenna finally dragged herself into her hotel room just before midnight and immediately kicked off her low heels and shed the navy pants that matched her blazer. While dialing room service, she powered up her laptop and checked her e-mail. Her editor had sent the galleys for her next novel, the story of a returning soldier who fell in love with the widow of one of her fallen comrades, and she downloaded that while ordering shrimp cocktail and a salad.

  “How soon can you bring that?” Forty-five minutes. Plenty of time for a shower. “That’s great. Thanks.”

  She deposited her underwear into a laundry bag, folded her suit into her suitcase to deliver to the hotel dry cleaners as soon as she reached her next destination, and padded nude toward the bathroom. Her eyes stung with fatigue and the turned-down bed called to her invitingly as she passed, but she wanted to get to the galleys tonight. And she really should eat something. She’d noticed when getting dressed earlier that her waistband was loose and she was dropping weight she really couldn’t afford to do without. Always on the thin side, despite having what her stepmother Darlene called a trucker’s appetite, she had trouble maintaining her weight when her schedule was so hectic she often forgot meals. She could review the galleys while she ate—multitasking was her forte, after all. Besides, there was always the possibility she might have company if the bookmark message did its job.

  Smiling at the memory of the sexy redhead from the bookstore, Jenna stepped under the warm water, tilted her head back, and let the spray wash away some of the weariness. Beneath the exhaustion, she was still soaring with the evening’s success. That charge kept her going, gave her more satisfaction than anything else she’d ever known, and she never wanted the high to end. The breakneck pace of her life, like a train hurtling forward, carried her far beyond the past she wanted to forget.


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