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Then Came Alexandra

Page 17

by E. L. Todd

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

  “You didn’t,” he said. “Don’t worry about it.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “But I admit that I was annoyed with your choice.”

  “Why?” Her voice came out weak.

  “He’s your typical playboy. He takes advantage of his status in life to use women like machines. He’s been doing it since I can remember, and the whores in this town don’t care because they hope they can be the ones to change him. I didn’t care what he did because he was always honest about it. But he took advantage of your ignorance since you’re new here. That’s just unacceptable.”

  Alexandra swirled her spoon in the bowl but didn’t take a bite. “It wasn’t like that.”

  He stared at her. “That’s exactly how it was, Alex. I had to be the one to break it to you. He slept you with no intention of ever sticking around. You were just his dirty secret.” Gabe looked down at his ice cream.

  “He says there’s more to this story, but he’s just not at liberty to talk about it. Sometimes I wonder if he’s telling the truth. And I actually think he did care about me.”

  “Then why would be lie, Alex?”

  “He was going to tell me the truth…he just couldn’t talk about it yet.”

  “The easier you accept the truth, that he’s a lying piece of shit, the easier it will be to move on.”

  Alexandra averted her gaze. She didn’t think she would ever move on from Blaise. She felt something special for him. But Gabe was right. She needed to let him go. “Thank you for the ice cream.”

  “Of course.”

  “I should get going.”

  “We’re meeting at Rob’s for dinner,” he said. “You should come.”

  “I don’t know…I’m not pleasant company right now.”

  “We won’t discuss Blaise. And it’s better than being alone, right?”

  She nodded. “I guess.”

  “I’ll buy you dinner,” he said with a smile. He put his arm around her waist and led her to the door. They took their separate cars to the restaurant and sat in their usual booth in the corner.

  Lana and Hannah both gave her a sympathetic look but said nothing. Gabe draped his arm over the back of the chair. It touched her neck lightly.

  “I just took Alex out for some ice cream,” Gabe said.

  Lana nodded. “Forget antibiotics and drugs. Ice cream is always the best medicine.”

  “I always have Ben and Jerry’s stashed in my freezer,” Hannah said. “I had my heart broken too many times.”

  Alexandra knew exactly how that felt.

  Gabe leaned toward her. “What are you going to get?” He handed her the menu.

  “I’m not really hungry,” she said.

  “How about we split a burger? I’m a little full from the ice cream too.”

  “Okay,” Alexandra said.

  He smiled. “I hate onions.”

  “Me too.”

  “It looks like we’re in agreement.” He put down the menu.

  The waitress came over and took their order. When she walked away, they talked about school and work, both safe topics. She knew her girlfriends were eager to hear about her relationship with Blaise. The fact that it was a secret made them even more interested. The waitress brought their food.

  Alexandra took small bites of her burger. She was a slow eater and was constantly teased for it.

  “You have a little ketchup on your face,” Gabe said. He pointed to his lip.

  “Oh.” Alexandra quickly wiped it away.

  “It’s still there,” he said with a smile. He leaned in and wiped it. After he got the ketchup on his finger, he licked it. When he sat back, she saw Blaise standing at their table, a look of murder on his face.

  “Alexandra, can I speak to you for a second?” The anger in his voice was palpable.


  “No,” Gabe snapped. “She’s not going anywhere with you. Now leave.”

  Blaise was much bigger than Gabe, could snap his neck with his bare hands. Alexandra didn’t want a confrontation or a fight. He glared at Gabe before he turned back to Alexandra. “I just need a few minutes.”

  “No,” Gabe said firmly. “Leave or I’ll make you.”

  Blaise’s shoulders tensed as he moved toward Gabe.

  “Don’t,” Alexandra said.

  He stilled at her command and dropped his hand. After he looked at Alexandra, he grabbed a chair from a nearby table and pulled it across the floor. He sat down like everything was normal. “I’ll join you, then.”

  “We don’t want your company,” Gabe hissed.

  “The only reason why I haven’t slammed your head into the table is because of Alexandra. But that can change if you push me too far.” His eyes shined with hatred.

  Alexandra felt awkward. Her friends kept looking at their plates, unsure what to do or say. Lana engaged Hannah in a conversation and they tried to act normal. Alexandra felt Blaise stare into her face, watching her intently.

  “Do you want to leave?” Gabe asked.

  “No,” she said quietly.


  Blaise leaned over the table, acting like no one else in the room existed. “How was your day?”

  Her voice came out quiet. “It was okay.”

  “Are the fields doing well?”

  “As far as I can tell.”

  Blaise held his hands together. “I can come out and help.”

  “I’m okay,” she said quickly.

  “How’s Martha?”

  “Her back still hurts but it’s better.”

  He nodded. “Bane misses his friends.”

  She smiled. “They miss him too.”

  He stared at her. “You look beautiful today.”

  “Kissing her ass isn’t going to change anything,” Gabe snapped. “You cheated on her, you worthless piece of shit.”

  Alexandra flinched at the venom in his voice.

  Blaise didn’t look at him. “If I didn’t love you so fucking much, I’d bury this shithead in my fields.”

  Lana gasped at the insinuation.

  “Tone it down, Blaise,” Alexandra said gently.

  Blaise looked at his hands for a moment before he stared at her. “I miss you.”

  Alexandra averted her gaze.

  “And I know you miss me too.”

  She picked up a fry then returned it to her plate.

  “Let’s have dinner tomorrow. We’ll have a picnic on the beach.”

  “Why are you making this so hard for me?” she whispered.

  “Because I’m not giving up. I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to prove myself if I have to.”

  “And that would be a waste of time,” Gabe said. “You should just find one of your girlfriends to entertain you.”

  Blaise clenched his fist on the table.

  “Gabe, please stop it,” Alexandra said.

  Gabe nodded then fell silent.

  She turned to Blaise. “You should go.”

  His eyes lost their light. “Can I come over tonight?”

  She sighed. “No.”

  “I just want to talk to you.”

  “There’s nothing to say.”

  He leaned toward her. “I love you.”

  Lana’s eyes widened. Hannah did a double take.

  Alexandra looked away from him. “Please leave.”

  Blaise leaned back in his chair and sighed. After a moment, he left their table and walked out of the restaurant. It was awkward for a few moments. Lana stared at her, watching her reaction.

  “Wow,” she said. “I never expected Blaise to act that way.”

  “I apologize,” Alexandra said.

  “I can’t believe he’s in love with you,” Lana said. “I’ve never heard of that before, and I’ve been dating Cole for two years.”

  Alexandra picked up a fry and ate it.

  “If he loved her, he wouldn’t have fucke
d Danielle the entire time,” Gabe said simply.

  “Let’s drop it,” Alexandra said.

  “I’m sorry,” Gabe said.

  It became tense again, the room falling silent.

  “So, this is Alexandra?”

  They all turned to the woman at the table. She had blonde hair, a tiny waist, and long legs. The glare on her face was full of loathing.

  “What?” Alexandra said, confused.

  “So you’re the whore Blaise was cheating on me with?” she asked.

  Lana stared at her. “Danielle, back off.”

  “No,” she said. “Nobody messes with my man and gets away with it.”

  “They’re broken up,” Lana said.

  “I don’t give a shit,” Danielle said. “Get out of that booth.”

  Gabe was blocking her in while Alexandra was pushed against the wall. Gabe didn’t move.

  “Come on, slut,” Danielle said, putting her hands on her hips.

  Lana glared at her. “Alex had no idea who you were until last week, and when she found out, she dumped Blaise. Leave her alone. I mean it.”

  “Stay out of this,” Danielle snapped.

  Gabe stared her down. “I’m not moving.”

  “She’s gotta leave sometime.” Danielle crossed her arms over her chest.

  Gabe opened his wallet and threw the cash on the table. “I’m taking Alex home so this bitch doesn’t bother her.” He stood up, making Danielle stand back. He grabbed Alexandra by the hand and pulled her out the door. Danielle followed right behind.

  “You’re such a coward!” Danielle said. She grabbed Alexandra by the arm, but Alexandra kept walking.

  “Violence solves nothing,” Alexandra snapped. “And I’m not in high school. I’m an adult. I suggest you start acting like one too.”

  “Tramp,” she said.

  Gabe got her into her truck and shut the door. Danielle stayed on the sidewalk, glaring at her. When Alexandra pulled out of the parking lot, Gabe drove right behind her. Her mind was racing on the drive home. Danielle was just another problem that she didn’t need to have right now. She tried to stop thinking about it and just concentrate on driving.

  When she came home, she saw Blaise’s truck parked outside. She sighed in frustration, not wanting to deal with him right now. He got out of the truck as soon as she arrived. Gabe pulled in right behind her.

  When Blaise saw Gabe park next to Alexandra and get out, his eyes widened with hatred. He marched toward Gabe with a fist raised.

  “Stop!” Alexandra said.

  Blaise restrained himself but barely.

  Alexandra turned to Gabe. “Thank you for following me home. I can take it from here.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “I don’t mind sticking around.” He glanced at Blaise then returned his look to her.

  “My aunt has a safe full of guns,” she assured him. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” He hugged her tightly before he walked back to his car and left.

  Blaise looked even angrier.

  She stared at him. “Please leave me alone, Blaise.”

  He clenched his fists by his sides. “Are you talking to him now?”

  She glared at him. “Knock it off.”

  “I don’t want him touching you. He’s taking advantage of your vulnerability. He doesn’t care about you. He’s happy that you’re miserable because he thinks he has a shot with you.”

  “What does it matter?”

  His eyes widened and he marched to her. “It fucking matters because you’re mine. I love you, Alexandra. I don’t want him to mess with you.”

  “He’s my friend.”

  “Fuck no, he isn’t your friend.”

  “Calm down.”

  “No,” he snapped. “I don’t trust him.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re one to talk.”

  He sighed then ran his fingers through his hair. “Alexandra, you’re killing me here.”

  “I had a lovely conversation with Danielle today.”

  His eyes widened. “What?”

  “She made it very clear she was angry you were cheating on her.”

  Blaise screamed. “Don’t listen to her! She’s just saying that so she can try to get back together with me. Don’t let her manipulate you.”

  She turned away. “Please don’t come back here, Blaise.”

  “I’m not letting you go. I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll regain your trust.”


  “Yes,” he said. “We can be friends for now. Just give it time.”

  Alexandra walked toward the house. “Goodnight.”

  He grabbed her and pinned her against his truck. His face was close to hers, and his warm breath fell on her face. “I’m not asking for another chance. I’m taking it. You’re too perfect for me just to walk away. I will fight forever. There’s no point in telling me to stop. You belong with me.”

  Alexandra hated pushing him away. She just wanted to collapse in his arms and forget about the pain she felt. She pressed her face against his and closed her eyes. He pulled her to his chest and held her tight, his hand running through her hair.

  The night deepened into blackness. Blaise never let her go, his solid arms caging her in. She savored the smell of his skin and feel of his chest. She used to feel safe in his embrace. The fact that she still felt that way irritated her even more. She wished she could just walk away and never look back. Resisting him was harder than she thought. She broke away and looked at him.

  “Blaise, you’re hurting me,” she whispered.

  His eyes sagged in despair.

  “Please leave me alone.”

  He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I can’t. I’m the man you need.”

  “I can’t move on if you keep showing up everywhere I go.”

  “Because you aren’t going to move on.” His hand moved to her waist and held her tightly. “You can’t walk away from me because you know you shouldn’t. You’re in pain because you know you should be with me. I admit my actions were wrong, but they came from a good place. I haven’t touched anyone but you. You can trust me—better than anyone.”

  She stepped away. “I don’t know what I can say to convince you that we’re really over. Yes, I still love you, and obviously, I still want to be with you. But I’m not going to change my mind, Blaise. You clearly cheated on me with Danielle. Maybe another girl would forgive you for it, but I won’t. You are just dragging this out. This is painful for both of us.”

  “We aren’t over.”

  “We are. You’ll realize it eventually.” She walked toward the house. She was surprised he didn’t try to pull her back. As soon as she was in her room, the tears fell down her face.


  Alexandra had never been so heartbroken in her life. She thought Paul was the one who shredded it to pieces, but she had been wrong. Blaise was a million times worse. And he wouldn’t let up.

  When she went to the library with Gabe, Blaise appeared from nowhere. He put down his laptop and sat next to her like the behavior was normal.

  Gabe glared at him. “Now this is harassment.”

  Blaise ignored him and typed on his laptop. He didn’t speak to Alexandra, just sat beside her.

  She glanced at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Homework,” he said simply.

  “How did you know I was here?”

  He shrugged.

  “He’s been stalking you,” Gabe said. “Obviously.”

  Blaise stared at his computer.

  She leaned close to him. “Why are you here?” she whispered.

  “Why are you spending so much time with Gabe?”

  Alexandra froze. “He’s my friend. And I don’t spend that much time with him.”

  “It’s seems like you do.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not your girlfriend so it’s none of your concern.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “You should leave.”

“It’s a public library,” he said. “I can study here if I choose to.”

  She sighed then turned back to her own textbook. Gabe kept glancing at Blaise, glaring at him. Blaise acted like everything was normal.

  Alexandra read through her notes then started to brainstorm her essay.

  “How’s work?” he asked.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Is that doctor still giving you a hard time?”

  She sighed. “He’s a little difficult to work with.”

  “Have you considered going back to nursing?”

  Alexandra looked away. “No.”

  He sighed but kept his mouth shut.

  “How’s the cotton business?”

  “Good,” he said. “My life would be a little easier if I had my bookkeeper back.”

  She kept her gaze averted.

  “Come back,” he said. “I don’t trust anyone else to handle my finances.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find someone,” she said dismissively.

  Blaise stared at her then turned back to his computer. “I’m having a barbeque for all my workers tomorrow night. I want you to come.”

  “I have plans.”

  “With Gabe?”

  She glared at him. “No.”

  “Not yet,” Gabe said, staring at Blaise.

  Alexandra looked at him. “Please don’t antagonize him.”

  “Too late,” Blaise snapped.

  She grabbed his hand under the table. As soon as they touched, she felt the fire shoot up her arm. He squeezed, indicating he would never let go. “Please leave Gabe alone.”

  His thumb moved along her knuckles. “I think you need to tell him to back off first.”

  She looked back at her notebook and tried to pull her hand away. His grip was too tight and he held her steady. Alexandra gave up and let their hands touch each other. It was a nice comfort despite the pain of the situation.

  Alexandra looked at the clock. “I should go home.”

  “You must be hungry,” Blaise said. “Let me take you out to dinner.”

  Gabe glared at him. “Give it a rest, would you?”

  Blaise ignored him.

  Alexandra pulled her hand away and grabbed her bag. Both men stood at the same moment. “I can walk to my car on my own.”

  They glared at each other.

  “I mean it,” she said.

  Blaise grabbed his backpack and shouldered it. Gabe did the same.


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