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Deadly Alpha

Page 6

by Brenda Sparks

  She trembled slightly in his hold but bravely stood her ground.Christina took a deep breath, and Marcus knew she braced for the sting of his teeth, but all she felt were his lips as he slowly kissed his way up her neck to suckle her earlobe. Releasing her lobe, he turned her around so she faced him. He looked into her eyes and slowly bent to capture her lips. Her hands slid up his forearms, tracing his flexing biceps to land on his thick shoulders. She gripped him tightly, no doubt feeling the muscle and sinew under the pads of her fingers as she tried to pull him toward her.

  He deepened the kiss, parting his lips to invite her tongue for a dance. She eagerly swept her tongue into his mouth, tasting the spicy flavor within. His fangs lengthened from his gums. Marcus moaned into her mouth, the sound low and sensual.

  Christina’s body hummed with an excitement Marcus sensed as she eagerly explored his mouth. Her tongue swept from one side to the other, probing each thoroughly. She ran the tip of her tongue around one of his fangs causing an electric surge of lust to course through his body. Her tongue brushed his fang once more.

  She went stiff in his arms and quickly withdrew, scraping her tongue on his fang. When she pulled away, she made the little sound Marcus found adorable.

  He recognized the sweet taste of her blood and realized what happened. Knew the sound that escaped her mouth meant she was shocked, scared. In the blink of her eye, Marcus sat across the room in one of the chairs to put some space between them.

  “You really are a vampire?” It was as much a question as a statement.

  “Yes,” he answered slowly, in order not to startle her.

  “You have fangs.” Christina tapped her own teeth and made her way to the settee next to Marcus’ chair.

  The Alpha noted the ease with which she closed the gap between them. Perhaps surprise more than fear caused the noise. Marcus smiled wide, allowing his fangs to show. “They kind of come with being a vampire.”

  The look of wonder on her face made him push into her mind to garner her thoughts. Relief flooded his body when he realized she finally believed his claim. Seeing was believing. If the speed at which he crossed the room hadn’t been enough, seeing the fangs in his mouth would have been. He could tell she found them definitely too big to be human.

  Other parts of him were larger than most humans as well, and he couldn’t wait to show her those.

  He obviously piqued her curiosity. “Can I ask you some questions about being a vampire?”

  He placed his elbows on the armrests and steepled his fingers. “Sure, go ahead.”

  Marcus hadn’t realized by saying those three words he opened the door of higher education to Christina with him acting as her professor. The first thing the nurse in her wanted to know about was vampire biology.

  “What causes people to become vampires?”

  “As best vampiric scientists can tell, the original vampires were created when the virus that caused the Bubonic Plague mutated, producing the vampiric symptoms. The scientists hypothesized the virus caused their hormones to increase, which in turn made their muscles enlarge, giving them increased speed and strength. Their hearts and lungs grew larger to accommodate the amount of blood and oxygen needed for the preternatural skills. Because of the increase to the size of their hearts and lungs, more room in their chest cavity was needed so their stomachs and intestines began to shrink.” Marcus crossed his legs, resting one ankle on the opposite knee. “Our scientists also think the mutated virus is the reason we are immune to all human diseases.”

  “That actually makes sense.” Christina nodded in understanding. “Did you know some humans are naturally immune to the HIV virus? Researchers have traced their ancestry back and believe they are decedents of people who survived the Bubonic Plague. If the plague virus can keep people from getting HIV, then a mutation of the virus might very well be the reason why vampires are immune to other diseases.”

  Marcus leaned back in his chair. “MRI technology allowed our scientists to discover that the vampire brain is more active than a human’s. They believed this accounts for vampires being able to have special abilities such as reading minds and telekinesis.”

  Christina leaned forward. “You know, the mutated virus theory would also explain why most vampire stories were written after the 1400s.”

  Marcus’ chest expanded in pride at his heartmate. Her logical brain and understanding of physiology not only helped her to understand vampirism, but her natural fascination with the breed made her accepting of the idea.

  Many of his kind believed that there was a reason some people seemed more intrigued with the idea of vampires than others. Perhaps humans who had been bitten experienced the ecstasy of their bite and would subconsciously crave the breed even though they did not consciously remember the event.

  Marcus could not help but wonder if Christina had been bitten by one of his kind. The thought sent a wave of jealousy down his spine that knotted his stomach. If he ever found another taking her blood, he would kill the bastard.

  Her biologic curiosity apparently sated, Christina drew him from his deadly thoughts by asking about the myths.

  Marcus inclined toward her, leaning on the arm of his chair. “There are some really cool things that come with being a vampire. For instance, our powers increase as we age. Some vampires can dematerialize from one place and materialize in another.”

  A wide grin swept her pretty face. “Now that would come in handy. Let me see you do it.”

  Marcus sat back in his chair. “I can’t do it yet. But I did discover that I could command people with my mind from far away.”

  “That would be amazing.” Christina’s eyes went wide with excitement.

  “Yeah, it is.” Marcus stared sightlessly ahead, remembering how he had drawn Christina to him. A smile spread across his face.

  Christina prodded on. “What other things can vampires do?”

  “Some can manipulate minds. Some can hover off the ground, while others can heal with their auras. I even know one who can control animals.” Marcus uncrossed his legs.

  “How do people become vampires? How is the virus transmitted?” Christina twirled a lock of her red hair.

  Marcus tracked her movements with his steady gaze, wishing it were his fingers in her hair. “A vampire exchanges blood with a human by taking from the human while the human takes from him. It takes a while. They form a blood circle until their blood mixes thoroughly. Then the virus does its thing.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Hell, yeah. A lot. I mean all your organs, brain, heck, even your cells change, so yeah it hurts.”

  Christina’s voice lowered. “Do people ever die going through the change?”

  Fear streaked down his spine from the question. He wanted Christina to become a vampire. Now that he had found his heartmate, he wanted an eternity to love her. He’d seen his sire, Stephan, almost lose his mate because of her human frailties, and he would not repeat the same mistakes. He didn’t want to scare her away from making the conversion, but he also did not want to lie to his mate. Marcus forced an insouciant shrug. “Usually not, but I suppose it could happen.”

  “How can vampires die?”

  “Why? You planning on killing me, Red?” Marcus chuckled.

  “No, just curious.” Christina’s smile made his heart beat faster in his chest.

  “Well, we can heal really fast if we are at full strength, so it’s not easy to kill a vampire. The two best ways are either something like a dagger through the heart or cut off the head. Of course, fire and lengthy exposure to sunlight works too. But don’t be getting any ideas,” Marcus quipped as Christina joined him in a chuckle.

  “Oh, I have lots of ideas, Marcus, but killing you isn’t one of them.” She flashed him a mischievous grin that sent a wave of desire through his veins.

  Chapter 10

  “Excuse the interruption, sir.” Payton stood in the doorway of Marcus’ game room. Following through with his stroke, Marcus hit the cue ball, leaving a b
lue chalk kiss on the white ball. With a loud crack, it hit the eight ball, sending it ricocheting off three sides of the burgundy felt table before it fell into its resting place in the corner pocket.

  “You’re not interrupting. What’s up?” Marcus straightened and leaned his cue stick against the table.

  “You have a visitor. Mr. Romanoff is here.”

  “Demetri? Send him in,” Marcus instructed, placing his cue stick back in its holder on the wall as Demetri’s six-foot-six-inch frame filled the doorway.

  Demetri Romanoff was a brutishly built male, his neck and face thickened by years of pumping iron. His square-jawed, hard face possessed high cheekbones and a broad forehead. His steel-gray eyes were wise from centuries of experience, with slight lines etched into the corners by his six hundred years of life.

  Marcus crossed to greet his friend and smiled.

  “Hey, Demetri. It’s good to see you.” The Alphas grasped forearms in the way of the warrior. “What brings you to my home?”

  “It is good to lay eyes on you too, comrade. You look well.” Demetri’s slight Russian accent rolled his R’s.

  “Yeah, I am well. I’m better than well actually. I feel amazing.” Marcus led Demetri into the room. “Wanna play a game? Perhaps billiards?”

  “Actually I’m eyeing the foosball table over there.” Demetri gestured with a nod of his head that sent his long black hair waving across his shoulders.

  The two Alphas began their game, strong hands sending the rows of little wooden men spinning. Marcus cleared his throat. “I thought you had gone to your place out west. What brings you back to the east coast?”

  “I contracted to have some work done on my Savannah townhome, and I wanted to come down to supervise the work personally. I thought while I’m in the neighborhood I’d come by and see you. It’s been a little over a week since we spoke on the phone, and I wanted to see how things were going.” Demetri spun his men and sent the ball into Marcus’ goal. “Score!”

  Marcus fished the ball from the holding area and dropped it back into play. “It’s going pretty good. I’ve seen Christina every night for the past week. She is really something. She’s fun and bright. I love her mind. She is so curious.”

  “Curious about what?” With a flick of Demetri’s wrist, the ball again crossed the table and found the opening on the other side. “Score!”

  “She can’t learn enough about our kind. She is always asking me questions.”

  “Where is she? I’d like to meet her.”

  “She is at her apartment getting ready for our date tonight.”

  A look of surprise crossed Demetri’s face, and he locked eyes with the younger vampire. “Your heartmate isn’t living with you? You are allowing her to remain in her own apartment?”

  Marcus took advantage of the distraction and sent the small ball flying into Demetri’s goal before responding. “Look, she’s human, not vampire. She doesn’t know she is my heartmate yet. I have to take it slow. I can’t scare her off.”

  “Don’t wait too long, comrade. You are just putting off the inevitable. The sooner you bring her here and convert her, the better.”

  “It’s not that simple. I want her to come here on her terms. I will not force her to move in or convert!”

  Demetri lowered his arms to his sides. Marcus watched the muscle of his jaw twitch. “Marcus, you and I go way back, so take some advice from your old friend. There will soon come a time when her wishes will be irrelevant. You are a strong male who needs, both physically and mentally, to be with his heartmate. We both know what can happen when a male doesn’t have his female. You need to speed things up and claim her as yours soon, for both your sakes.”

  With a twist of his hand, Marcus made the ball careen across the table into the goal. He marched around the end of the table, his purposeful stride closing the gap between him and Demetri. His hands clenched into fists at his sides as his teeth clamped down tightly. “First, there will never be a time when Christina’s wishes are irrelevant to me. And second, you do not need to remind me what can happen when a vampire doesn’t have his heartmate. I have hunted enough of them with you when they went insane.”

  Anger at Demetri’s edict furrowed his brows. “I will have Christina as my heartmate. I will claim my female, and she will live with me. But I will do it my way, in my time. I do not need your advice. Clear?”

  Demetri looked down slightly on Marcus. He seemed to be measuring Marcus’ resolve, and the warrior stood his ground more than happy to be measured. The Alpha knew his resolve was solid.

  Apparently satisfied with what he saw, Demetri cocked one side of his mouth. “Okay, comrade. I feel you. I’ll back off and let you do things your way.” The older vampire crossed his thick arms over his massive chest. “Now get back over there so I can finish kicking your ass at foosball.”

  Marcus smiled a cocky grin and relaxed his hands. He returned to his side of the table as he quipped, “I believe if you check the score we are tied, friend. You’re hardly kicking my butt.”

  Marcus deliberately changed the subject as Demetri dropped the ball into the center of the table. “Did you happen to catch the news tonight? Did you see the story about that woman who went missing?” Marcus launched the ball across the table with blinding speed.

  Demetri deflected it and directed the ball back. “Yeah, I saw it. The reporter said police didn’t have any clues, just video surveillance that showed her leaving a café. Another good reason to get your heartmate in your home and under your protection.”

  Marcus shot Demetri an are-you-really-going-there-again look, and Demetri dropped the subject. As the game continued, the two vampires exchanged manly insults and ribbed one another about their skills. By the end of the game, Marcus found himself behind by two goals.

  “That was fun,” Demetri commented. “Interested in me kicking your butt on one of your arcade games? Mortal Conflict perhaps?”

  “No can do. I have to go. It’s almost time for me to pick up Christina for our date.”

  “Well in that case, I’ll take my leave. Oh, by the way, Michael is in town. We should all meet sometime soon for a beer.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Call me, I’ll be there.”

  Demetri nodded. “Thanks for the game.”

  “Anytime, my man, anytime. Safe travels.”

  Demetri dematerialized as Marcus left the game room, heading for his date with his heartmate.


  Christina carefully applied her lip gloss for the third time that evening then gave her hair one last look-see. With everything to her liking, she clicked off the bathroom light and sauntered across the bedroom to don the dress she’d chosen for tonight.

  She’d been out with Marcus every night since she found out vampires really existed. Her heart raced, stomach knotted, and she wondered if it was from anticipation of being with Marcus or the anticipation of being with a vampire that caused her condition.

  She enjoyed Marcus. What woman wouldn’t? He was easy on the eyes, handsome with his dark chestnut hair worn short and feathered back from his masculine face. She loved his attractive features with his straight nose, strong cheekbones and deep brown eyes, which sparkled in a way that made her feel special when he looked at her.

  A perfect gentleman, he treated her with respect and kindness, always attentive to her every need. But inevitably at some point in every evening with him, she remembered he was a vampire, and her heart would race from a combination of excitement mixed with a small dose of self-preservative fear.

  She checked her reflection in the mirror one last time, noting the way her long-sleeved dress flowed over her curves, and silently admonished herself for her fear of him. The man had done nothing but been kind to her. Christina believed she could trust him. She had good instincts about people, and her instincts told her she was safe with him. The sound of the doorbell drew her from her thoughts.


  Marcus stood outside the door to Christina’s apartment. His
nature tempted him to will it open, but he knew that would be rude, so he restrained himself and rang the bell. The vision that greeted him rewarded his self-control. The door opened wide to reveal a beautiful woman dressed in a dark-green satin dress that made her eyes resemble emeralds. Her long, auburn hair flowed over her shoulder like a river of blood, causing Marcus to crave her all the more.

  Fates above, how he desired this woman. She was his first thought upon rising each night. His desire for her tested his self-restraint at every turn, but her virtue remained intact. Though if he were to give into the temptation and drink from her again, it probably would not remain so.

  “You look amazing, cara.” Marcus took her hands in his and stretched their arms wide. He twirled her like a ballerina, so the dress flared out, exposing her lithe legs to his heated gaze.

  “Thank you. What does cara mean?” Christina asked.

  “It’s an Italian term of endearment. Loosely translated it means beloved.”

  He called me beloved. I hope he truly feels that way because I am starting to really like him. If I am honest with myself, I have to admit my feelings are quickly progressing from like to love, and if he doesn’t feel the same, I am in for a heart break the size of Texas. Christina’s eyes locked with his. I hope he isn’t reading my mind.

  Marcus worked to keep the smile from his face. Of course, he was in her mind. He found it impossible to stay out of it, wanting to know her better.

  She gave him a shy smile and glanced down at her attire. “I’m not sure where we are going, so I hope this dress will do.”

  “That dress is perfect. I wouldn’t want you to change. If it wasn’t appropriate for what I planned, I would come up with something that would allow you to wear it.” Marcus brought the hand he still held to his mouth and placed a kiss in her palm. He allowed his passion to show in his eyes, telling her he wanted more. Much more. “Shall we go, my dear?”


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