Book Read Free

Bad Behavior

Page 10

by Kiki Swinson

  Charlie gasped in delight as he came up for air then dove right back in headfirst again, but Honore’s mind was on a million other things as she got her pussy ate from one end to the other. The musty motel room they were in was chilly and the television was blaring on channel seven. Honore sucked her teeth, wishing this shit was over with already and pissed as hell that she was even laying there with her legs cocked open in the first damn place.

  “This shit feel good, don’t it, baby?” Chimp Charlie bragged as he lifted his peasy gray head up from outta her wet box. “I know you like what ol’ Charlie be puttin’ on you ’cause this pussy is wet as fuck.”

  “Nigga shut up,” Honore ordered as she looked down and rolled her eyes at the ancient baller in disgust. “More eating and less talking. I ain’t got all day to be messing with you. I gotta go to work tonight. Time is money, yo.”

  Honore pushed his face back into position and Charlie went back at it.

  Stupid-ass nigga! she thought as his tongue swirled around her clit and he spread her thick ass-cheeks wide so he could toss her salad and add extra dressing.

  As old and ugly as Chimp Charlie was, and as much as he made her skin crawl, Honore knew she was lucky to have a simp like him to yank back and forth on a string. It wasn’t every day that you could find a limp-dick old-head who was willing to drop big dollars just to eat your coochie out like it was buttery grits and eggs. And even though her pussy was dead to Charlie’s mouth mauling right now, Honore gapped her legs open even wider and let him have at it because business was bad in the hood and she needed to put some cash in her pockets real quick.

  Honore prided herself on her ability to turn a dollar, but the street hustle she had going with her cousin Cucci was getting harder and harder to maintain these days. Out of desperation the two of them had started managing a small stable of strippers and renting them out as dancers and escorts, but lately them bitches were getting thirstier and thirstier by the hour. Every time Honore turned around one of them thots had their hand out demanding more and more of the cut. For some reason them bitches had it in their heads that they were doing all the work and Cucci and Honore were collecting all the profit. They didn’t understand that advertising sex parties on P.O.F. and other Internet sites wasn’t as easy as it sounded. All those types of places were on the government radar these days, and undercover vice-types were lurking around mad corners left and right looking to make a bust. Them ungrateful pole freaks didn’t realize how risky it was for Cucci and Honore to search for the right tricks who had heavy pockets, set up the parties, pick out just the right spot, and provide the proper security so the girls didn’t get licked and picked every time they opened their legs.

  But with her and Cucci holding tight to the purse strings, some of the girls had already started branching off on their own, and Honore was getting more and more frustrated and desperate for cash every day. On the real, a bitch like her had expensive tastes. Plus, she owed niggas money for this and that, and now her aunt was hollering about making her pay rent too. If things kept going like this then her ends wasn’t never gonna fuckin’ meet, and since right now she needed to get her nails done, her brows waxed, and some fresh new gear to drape on her phat sexy ass, giving up the trim to Chimp Charlie was her best fall-back hustle of the day.

  Honore rolled her hazel eyes and glared up at the ceiling as Charlie’s false teeth clicked together and raked over her clit. Everything had been going real smoovy and groovy for them up until just a few months ago when outta nowhere they got shit on by the game. Her and Cucci had been working as prime money mules for a hood legend named Sly McFly, and under his street guidance and cut-throat protection they had been bringing home the bacon, the spare ribs, and the pork chops too.

  Sly happened to be Honore’s godfather and Cucci’s step-daddy, so he stayed looking out for both of them. He was a real OG from back in the day who had already earned his stripes living the thug life, and now in his older age he was all about stacking chips and living the high life.

  Sly moved product, collected payments, and ran businesses all over Hollis, Queens, and with his type of trade constantly flourishing he kept all his workers laced nice and lovely. Not only did he keep Cucci and Honore looking like two bright shiny dimes, he footed the bills and taught them the business of the streets while they partied their asses off and lived like project princesses.

  But all that good shit was a wash now. Sly’s old ass had got caught up in a trick bag a few months earlier, and now the pigs had him locked up out on the Rock with no bail. His high-priced lawyers had promised that he was gonna beat the case when it went to court, but in the meantime, while they waited for that to happen, Honore and Cucci were left out there on their own to fend for themselves and keep their pockets up the best way they knew how.

  Honore gazed down between her legs and frowned at the sight of the peasy gray head that was rotating around in big slow circles and lapping at her clit. Chimp Charlie was Sly McFly’s personal driver and one of his very best friends. He was also a fat stankin’ slob-ass nigga with a lotta money who didn’t mind tricking it off. Cucci Momma had been fucking with Chimp Charlie ever since she was a teenager, and recently Honore had secretly slid right in on her cousin’s game so she could get some of that bank too.

  On the low-low and dipping way behind Cucci’s back, Honore had started letting Charlie get a lil sniff and a taste here and there in exchange for a few dollars, and like a hopeless dope fiend, he had gotten addicted to her prime body. Honore felt kinda shitty for cutting in on Cucci’s dough, and she couldn’t stand Chimp Charlie’s wrinkled, ashy ass not even a little bit, but she kept up her “lease and lick” game because the fat OG paid it like he weighed it. Besides, whenever her other little side hustles slowed down Honore could always fall back on chimp-ass, trick-ass Charlie, and just like a trained puppy, he would come running.

  Honore lay back on the raggedy lint-balled bedspread and stared at the ceiling again. She tried to relax as Charlie lapped at her pussy with his extra-long, abnormal tongue. That shit slithered like a garden snake, and he stiffened it and probed up inside her tunnel deep enough to touch her damn cervix.

  The effect of Charlie’s head game was starting to kick in, and despite her reluctance Honore began to hump against his face. Her clit throbbed like crazy as Charlie swirled his tongue around and around until it grew long and stiff. Dipping his tongue deeply inside her pussy hole, he gathered a glob of warm sticky cream and rubbed it all over her clit. Honore started humping harder, mad that her body was responding even though her mind didn’t want it to. Charlie slid his big rough hands under her thick booty cheeks and lifted her up slightly. He looked like he was eating a gourmet meal, and Honore was practically helpless as she gapped her legs open wider and surrendered to him. Her fingers were all in that peasy hair of his as she fucked the shit outta his face. He sucked and swirled and massaged her soft ass until her whole body was on fire. Warm juices ran outta Honore’s pussy slit like a river, and all that liquid sugar trickled down and dripped right into her ass crack. Charlie went after that juice like it was liquid gold. He probed his tongue around her asshole and licked that juice right on up.

  Soon a feeling of irritation mixed with pleasure overtook Honore and she couldn’t hold her nut back no more. She reached up her body and squeezed her firm, melon-sized breasts and fingered her stiff nipples until tiny sparks shot off in her clit. Moaning loudly, she humped real hard a few times until her clit started quivering and jerking, and then she whimpered with pleasure and released a hot shot of sweet cum all over Charlie’s big lips and scraggly mustache.

  “Okay, okay, now get up,” Honore barked as soon as she caught her breath. She had busted her a big one and now she wanted that nigga offa her. She pushed his sticky face from between her legs and frowned. “Good job nigga, it was better than the last time.”

  “I bet it was,” Charlie said as he wiped her wetness from around his mouth and chuckled. “This shit been getting better and
better, ain’t that right? I’ma have yo ass turned all the way out soon, girl.”

  “Nigga please,” Honore scoffed as she got up and walked naked toward the bathroom. She could feel Charlie’s eyes glued to her bold round ass the entire way. “I’m a paper-chaser, dummy. How the fuck you gonna turn me out? Plus, your tongue is short and kinda rough. I’ve had better.”

  “Shut ya broke ass up.” Charlie laughed as he laid back on the bed and wagged his snake tongue out at her. “You know my shit is damn near as long as my dick.”

  Speaking of dick, Charlie reached down between his legs and grabbed his. After all that pussy he had eaten his shit was still limp and soft. Unfortunately, he had just fucked another young chick right before Honore called him, and that’s why he wasn’t able to get his shit up for her. One erection a week was about all he could muster up at his age, although his mind still wanted pussy every day.

  Charlie could have easily fronted Honore off when she called begging for money like he was broke or he wasn’t interested in seeing her, but he liked the girl. He didn’t mind coming up off the few dollars he had in his stash, but he had wanted to eat Honore’s pretty pussy a lil bit first, that’s all.

  “You ain’t chasing shit!” Charlie called out to her in a delayed reaction. “You still running around here with them lil bum-ass looking-for-a-come-up niggas who barely got pocket change, baby! What you need to do is bag you a baller, Honore! I know you waiting on Sly to get out, but I’m telling you I can put you on to some real ends with the type of shot you got.”

  “Miss me with that shit, Charlie,” Honore yelled back at him. “Sly McFly ain’t raise me to be out there on the streets selling my ass, nigga! I get other silly bitches to do that shit for me. I only hit you off with some pussy every now and then because it’s quick and easy. Besides, I’m beautiful and I got a good brain. My time is coming, ya heard? A smart bitch like me is only gonna stay down for so long. Trust and believe, Sly or no Sly, I’ma be on my feet in a minute, son.”

  “That’s what all the hoes say.” Charlie grinned as he flipped through the channels on the small television. “I been running game for years out here, and one thing I know is this city is too big not to be getting some real paper, especially with a face and a body like yours. You, Cucci Momma, and all them lil chickenhead broads y’all be trickin off in that escort service just ain’t the move, baby girl. Y’all need to put some real heavy action down and get out there and grind.”

  “Don’t you worry yourself about our bizz, fat boy,” Honore said as she cut on the water and wet a rag so she could clean herself up. “Me and Cucci know how to handle our handle.”

  Honore was steady popping shit, but Charlie was absolutely right though. The escort business wasn’t what it needed to be. Bitches in their line of work were fickle these days. They were all about getting that cash any way they could, but they didn’t really wanna work hard for it. If they wasn’t showing up at the parties late, then they were showing up high, or sometimes not even showing up at all. Them lazy bitches were straight up trifling, too. After Cucci and Honore busted their brains to get everything all set up, the strippers would walk in looking tired and worn out and putting on some lil weak-type performances and half-ass dancing so bad their customer’s dicks wouldn’t even get hard. Yeah, Charlie was 100 percent correct. This escort game was almost played. It was time to for her and Cucci to put their heads together and rack the fuck up.

  And the motivation was right there too.

  Honore was a natural-born stunna and she wanted everything. She wanted to live the high life and claim her spot in the glamorous world of drugs and money. She loved stepping out fly and rocking the latest purses and shoes. She knew she had a sweet face and a killer body, and she knew she was smart enough to touch some real cake too. All she had to do was find a solid hustle and then work the right angle to pull it off. And once Honore got her foot in the right door she would kick that bad boy all the way open!

  The ambition was deeply embedded inside her and she would do whatever it took to get what she wanted. No matter who she had to let eat her pussy from time to time, or who she had to double-cross and scheme on, Honore Morales was determined to find her a new hustle and get her life!


  Waaaa-aaaaa! Waaaaa-aaaaaa! Waaaaa-aaaaaaaa!

  It was Honore’s third day working her night job and the two-month-old infant she was babysitting was working her nerves. While her cousin Cucci stunted hard at a receptionist job in the corporate town of money-makin’ Manhattan every day, hair on fleek and flossing lovely in all the flyest fabrics, Honore was dressed in a pair of linty sweats and a raggedy t-shirt that had baby vomit on the shoulder.

  Waaaa-aaaaa! Waaaaa-aaaaaa! Waaaaa-aaaaaaaa!

  Honore rolled her eyes as the nagging wails of the fussy baby demanded her attention. It had been a minute since she’d last tricked off Chimp Charlie, and once again her pockets were empty and her mind was in scheme mode. Cucci was out there hosting a sex party and tricking off some strippers, while Honore was stuck in a mansion on Long Island changing Pampers and dodging spit-up like a damn loser.

  Waaaa-aaaaa! Waaaaa-aaaaaa! Waaaaa-aaaaaaaa!

  “Why can’t this baby take his tired butt to sleep!” Honore bitched under her breath. She reached out to rock the expensive ivory bassinet with one manicured hand so she could keep on responding to the nigga who was blowing up her Instagram timeline with the other one. She had just posted some real sexy ass-shots to her timeline that highlighted her thick curves and creamy goodies, and the nigga she was talking to was tryna run her some game about a possible modeling opportunity.

  “C’mon, now, take your tired butt to sleep lil man,” Honore cooed at the baby as her fingers flew across her phone. It was two o’clock in the damn morning, and other than the screeching cries from the tired baby who was fighting his sleep, the beautiful three-story house where she worked was silent.

  Ignoring the wails of the cranky baby, Honore stared down at her phone absorbed in a mind-space all her own. She was desperate to keep the convo going with dude because he mighta been the type to offer big ends, and she wasn’t about to miss out. She knew the possibility that she was dealing with an Instagram imposter was high, but what the fuck. Wasn’t nothing else popping for her right now, and besides, jerking these pussy-fiends around on social media all night made the time pass faster. Besides, she stayed hopeful whenever there was an opportunity to make that quick dough, so if dude was actually being legit about a modeling job then she was all for it.

  And why not? Honore glanced down at the crying baby and frowned. She was getting paid some pretty shitty ends for all the crying and boogers and pee-pee Pampers she put up with while working as a nanny for Slimy Sal Silberman and his flat-assed, stringy-haired wife, Leah. If it wasn’t for that shoplifting charge she had caught and the court ordering her to keep a full-time job, Honore woulda been somewhere out in the street with her cousin Cucci right now, lining niggas up and getting her hustle on.

  Slimy Sal had rescued her right on time, though, which was proof that them Jews ran every damn thing in New York. They gave each other the hook-up and had their fingers in every pie. Sal Silberman was an executive at the New York Diamond and Jewelry Exchange and he worked with Cucci’s boss, Joel Samuelson. When Honore got busted and the judge threatened to throw her under the jail if she didn’t come up with a full-time job within forty-eight hours, Cucci had begged Joel to put in a good word and ask Slimy Sal to hire Honore as his nighttime babysitter.

  Honore didn’t even like babies, but working for the Silberman family on the night shift was better than having to roll her ass outta bed at the crack of dawn and work a regular minimum wage fast-food job just so she could stay outta jail. At least chillin’ in the nursery at the top floor of the mansion there wasn’t no greasy-ass burgers to flip or no soggy fries to burn. Wasn’t nobody looking over her shoulder or telling her what to do in the nursery all night long, neither. Just as long as she showed up
on time and kept the baby quiet so his mama and daddy could slobber on their pillows and get their precious z’s, they were all the way cool with her.

  Slimy Sal was wheeling and dealing and climbing the corporate ladder at the New York Diamond and Jewelry Exchange, and his wife, Leah, was a high-powered banker. Between the two of them they were caked up lovely and rolling in dough. They both worked long hours down in the diamond district of New York City, so having somebody at the mansion who they trusted to take care of their baby at all times was a must. They had two elderly nannies who cooked and cleaned and took care of the infant during the day, and they had hired Honore practically just to sit there and watch the lil tyke sleep at night.

  “You better hush that noise up, you lil red-faced tink-tink,” she muttered at the baby. At two months old he was bald-headed with dimpled cheeks and scrawny legs, and he had been hollering his head off for over an hour straight now.

  “C’mere,” Honore sighed as she reluctantly slid her phone into her back pocket so she could reach into the bassinet and lift the baby out. She had been pacing the floor back and forth with him off and on all night, and like males of all ages he definitely liked snuggling up under her big juicy titties.

  “You just had a bottle not too long ago and you still hungry, right?” Honore cooed again as his little lips puckered in the air. She kissed the top of his head and pressed him to her chest as she held him close and jiggled him up and down. “See there! I told your ol’ silly-behind momma you needed some damn grits in ya bottle boo!”

  The cute baby boy was their only child, and his rich Jewish parents had spared no expense on him. His nursery was done up in the best of the best with all types of pricey accessories. In addition to the expensive satin-lined bassinette, there was a gold-trimmed oak crib that was large enough to hold five toddlers, plus two fully stocked changing tables, a hand-carved rocking chair, and a small kitchenette off to the side of the room with a fridge, a sink, and a microwave.


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