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That Same Old Love (A Second Chance Romance) (India) (Match Made in Hell series Book 1)

Page 10

by MV Kasi

  Her eyes flared, and she snapped out at him. "You were an arrogant ass, who has always felt superior to me with your holier-than-thou attitude. I would never like someone like you Mahi," she imitated him mockingly from the night fourteen years ago.

  He was taken aback and a little shocked at the memory.

  "But I guess one of things that didn't change about me is that I've still got a temper and some pride left," she said calmly.

  He felt disgusted at himself for acting like some throwback cultural police. Women's dressing was the last thing he ever bothered with or even cared about.

  Mahi saw the disgust on his face. And that was her final straw.

  She began walking determinedly towards the door and then locked it.

  "What are you doing?" he asked, feeling slightly wary.

  She watched him, while walking slowly towards him with an exaggerated swing to her hips. "You are right. Maybe, I haven't changed. Maybe you are right to fire me for 'inappropriate behavior'," she whispered sultrily.

  When she was close enough, she held his shirt collar ends with both her hands, and dragged his head down towards her.

  He could have easily resisted, but his brain was no longer functioning. He felt hypnotized and was staring at her bright red lips, expecting her to kiss him. But he just felt her nuzzle him around his neck and shoulders.

  After a few seconds, she pushed him away with a devilish smile on her face.

  "Now you can fire me. I'm sorry for what I did to you and Ananya all those years ago. But for your behavior towards me in the past three months, you can go to hell and stay there! You're so full of shit with your reasons to find fault with me and to fire me," she hissed and stormed out of the door.

  He had no clue of what she had done, until he checked himself in the phone camera. He was shocked to see red lipstick kissing marks all over his pristine white collared formal shirt.

  He had a few meetings coming up in a few minutes and no spare clothes or even a jacket to cover up. He also wouldn't be able to pass through the office spaces without the red lipstick marks showing on him like beacons.

  He should be outraged, or even furious, but what he felt was something different. He kept telling himself several times that he was simply staying close to Mahi because he was trying to find a reason to fire her, which he now did. But at the back of his mind, even he knew what the real reason was.

  The signs were there all along, which he had been ignoring.

  He was slowly getting obsessed with her.

  With her playfulness, her smiles, and also because of seeing her regularly at his workplace and near his home. He had been going to work regularly, and sitting there thinking about her, wanting to see her all the time.

  The great inventor and entrepreneur known for his practical and cool headed ways, was almost wild with jealousy over harmless interactions or hugs. And it was jealousy over the woman who had almost ruined his life.

  He cursed viciously. Again.


  Mahi was upset and mad when she left the office building. She informed her team that she wasn't feeling well and would take rest of the day off. They would soon know that she was fired for inappropriate behavior.

  "Maybe, he'll even throw in assault charges. For the dirty sinful slut daring to touch his esteemed holiness," she muttered as she got into her house.

  She thought she was finally settling into a good schedule. She had a great job that she enjoyed. And after work, she visited her aunt almost every day at her new place. She met Rajeev there most of the times when he visited his mom. He got a great job offer in the city that he took up.

  Rajeev left a message on her phone asking her if she was free in the afternoon. She replied back that she was at home and would be making Singapore street noodles that he really liked.

  As she lay on the bed, she realized that even with the job and a routine, something was still missing. She was missing having friends and some major companionship.

  Even when she was trapped in an abusive relationship, she had always liked socializing. Dinesh had tried to isolate her, and keep her from making any meaningful attachments. So she had only ended up with very few acquaintances during the past fourteen years.

  She couldn't do anything about the companionship because she didn't want to go through another drama episode in her life. Either she hurt the men who loved her or they hurt her. But she could do something about friends.

  She socialized with her coworkers as much as possible during the working days, but they were all so young, and even if they weren't, everyone seemed to be busy with their own personal lives. She needed some friends from her age group, and someone who could connect with her way of thinking and actions.

  She had never made any long lasting friendships in her earlier childhood, since she was called 'naughty' and a 'bad influence'. But soon she had learnt how to control and then temper her behavior near the right people, making some really good friends in college.

  When she got married at twenty one, she had to give up her friends as one of the promises she made to her then newlywed husband.

  Sighing loudly, she thought of her gang from her college days and missed them like crazy.


  "My stomach is about to burst now. That was the best lunch I had in days! And also thanks akka, for making me cheesecake," said Rajeev smiling.

  Mahi got up to clear the dishes. "Glad you liked it. It's always so boring to cook food for myself. I've been making some desserts for my office team too, but this was my first attempt at cheesecake in India."

  Rajeev helped her clear the table and they sat in front on the couches, watching a really old movie that was coming on the T.V.

  She didn't mention that she was fired. Rajeev would be outraged at the reason and probably try and confront Samrat about it. He was very protective of her, and always texted her each night to check if she was doing okay.

  "How is it that you are spending your Saturday afternoon with your much older boring cousin, and not with a girlfriend or friends your age?"

  "Well...friends my age are mostly night owls; we usually meet during the evenings on Friday and Saturday nights to party the night away."

  "What about a girlfriend?"

  Rajeev's smile dropped. "I don't have one. Well...not anymore."

  "Why? What happened? Tell me only if you want to talk about it."

  Rajeev looked sad more than angry or upset. "I don't particularly want to talk about it, but all I can say is that we didn't suit or rather our backgrounds didn't suit. She comes from a Mercedes driving elite crowd and know my background."

  She frowned. "What the hell Rajeev? Which century are we living in? Why would that matter? What's wrong with your background anyway? You and Kamala aunty are the nicest hardworking people I've ever met. Did your ex-girlfriend state those reasons for your break up?" she asked angrily.

  Rajeev looked at his cousin who was outraged on his behalf and smiled sadly. "No she didn't. I did. But I don't want to talk about them. Let's talk something else, please."

  She wanted him to unburden his feelings, but she didn't want to pry either, especially when he still felt hurt by whatever had happened with his ex-girlfriend.

  "Do you know that Kamala aunty and her roomies have a big circle of friends who have formed a Rummy club? I was there the other day and those women are a hoot," she said, remembering the naughty jokes they had cracked. She also found some of their discussions very touching.

  She spent the next few hours with Rajeev regaling all the antics his mom and her friends were up to and also told him about some funny incidents during her childhood.

  Soon it was four in the afternoon and Rajeev had to leave to meet his mother, before partying with his friends.

  She went out to see him off near the gate.

  "Okay don't drink and drive. Stay safe and responsible," she told him in her mock parental tone.

  "Oh I will. Bye. I'll talk to you later." He turned and
smiled absently at someone across the street.

  She spotted Srishti on the opposite side of the street, staring at Rajeev with a rapt expression.

  When Rajeev drove away, Srishti came rushing towards her. "Oh my god. Who was that? He looked so...he was so..."

  Mahi was both amused and slightly alarmed by Srishti's reaction. "That was my cousin who is twenty three years old."

  Srishti sighed dreamily. "Well, age doesn't matter. Can you please invite me or let me know beforehand when he visits you next?"

  "Absolutely not! And of course age does matter. It matters a lot."

  Srishti looked slightly stubborn. "How? They would be settled, and be more worldly than me. That's so romantic."

  Mahi found the whole conversation surreal and even wondered if it was appropriate for an almost thirteen year old girl. Then she remembered how she had been when she was that young. She had crushes at an even younger age, and during her teens she found older guys much more attractive too.

  She decided to deal with Srishti as an adult. "No. It's not romantic. You'll be treated in a condescending way or would be patronized as though you were a child."

  Srishti looked at her curiously. "But you married someone who was much older than you. I think it was around ten years of age gap."

  Mahi was shocked. "How do you know that?"

  Srishti grinned sheepishly. "I read about it in my papa's diary."

  "Srishti! That's an invasion of privacy!"

  Srishti rolled her eyes. "Oh please. I read about the troubles you, papa and your friends got into."

  Mahi smiled. "Well, it's still my duty as an adult to point out that what you did was wrong."

  Srishti shrugged. "I know that. But I found it accidentally in my papa's closet. I was checking to see if he had any naughty movies and found a few diaries of his instead. And I became curious."

  Mahi was horrified. "Naughty movies! That's not how you should learn...Your parents will kill me if I try to explain to you about birds and bees in a healthier manner, than the junk they show in the 'naughty movies'."

  Srishti rolled her eyes again. "Oh please. I'm almost thirteen, not three. My friends and I found out about sex when I was ten. We even had a very awkward lesson in our biology last year. Our teachers had separated the girls and boys in our class and explained to us in a very vague manner about how it works. Half the class already knew and we rolled our eyes at the explanation given to us."

  Mahi could only imagine how that conversation must have gone and smiled.

  Srishti looked thoughtful. "And not only that. Ever since I was two years old, my mummy always kept telling me about private body parts, and where and how people can or cannot touch me. She would make me repeat it often, until I was much older and knew what was right or wrong."

  Mahi nodded. "You have a good mom. Every girl needs to know that from a very young age."

  Srishti looked at Mahi keenly. "You know my papa really loved you then. But he loves my mummy now. I wish I find someone who is as considerate and romantic as he is with her."

  Mahi smiled. "Your dad is one among the rare breed and some of them do exist still. But coming back to the topic, older men are not romantic. You need someone who is more like a friend and in your age group. Someone who has the same perception of life and can relate to you. Huge cultural shifts take place with the span of a few years. Even silly things like the music you listened or the movies you watched will matter. It will create a bond that someone with a decade gap can never relate to and might find you childish. So to summarize my lecture...crushes are okay and natural, but father figures are not romantic. Build friendships with your peers first."

  "Okay, okay. You sound like Samrat uncle. And I don't know why he doesn't want my parents finding out that I met you. You are so cool."

  Mahi sighed. "Srishti, he does have a point. I'm different now, but I was very mean to your mom and uncle, when we were at college together. I hurt both your parents and uncle really badly. I was particularly mean to your mom because I was jealous of her."

  Srishti looked at her keenly. "But you are sorry, right? You just said that you are different now."

  Mahi nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm also ashamed of my past behavior. I have apologized to your uncle, but not to your parents. That's why your uncle doesn't want them to know you've met me."

  Srishti watched her shrewdly. "I have an idea. You should come to my thirteenth birthday party next Friday night. You can meet my parents there and apologize to them."

  Mahi was stunned. "What? No. They will hate it, and it will ruin their mood. It's a really bad idea."

  But Srishti looked determined. "No. It's a very good idea. I know it is. And besides it is my party, and I can invite whomever I want to, and I really like you, and you are my friend now. Let's ask Samrat uncle about it. He's your friend since you have apologized to him. Come with me."

  "No Samrat won't like it. He just—" Mahi broke off from saying fired me from his company.

  But maybe what Srishti said was a good plan. Mahi did want to meet Ananya and Sidhu to apologize. She knew it was a selfish act that would make her feel better and might not bring much satisfaction to them. But she had to do that, to make peace with herself. Although, she will need to be prepared to face embarrassment or worse because of it.

  "Okay. Let's go. Give me a minute. Let me lock up my house and come with you," said Mahi.

  When Mahi went to Samrat's house along with Srishti, Samrat's help informed them that he was in the gym room and they were to wait.

  "Let's go up to the game room. There is a new version of Stimmulus I wanted to play with," suggested Srishti.

  Mahi and Srishti spent the next twenty minutes playing the video game, and Mahi briefly excused herself for a water break. She was walking out of the game room and going towards the stairs, when she saw Samrat coming out from another room that must have been the gym room.

  They both froze.


  Samrat looked surprised, and then angry when he figured out why Mahi was at his house. He slowly covered the distance between them and stood a few feet away from her.

  Mahi felt a little hypnotized and a little surprised too, forgetting for a moment that she was angry with him. Samrat was wearing dark red and black gym shorts, and his chest was bare, with a workout towel around his neck. He was slightly on the hairy side, just the way she preferred. She hated looking at men's pictures where they seemed to have spent a lot of time waxing and then oiling their bodies, looking ridiculous.

  Samrat was staring at her too.

  As they stood in front of each other they could feel waves of anger, annoyance and something electric crackling in the air between them. The heavy tension was almost suffocating her.

  "You're sweaty," Mahi blurted out, to cut through the tension, and immediately felt stupid for stating the obvious.

  Samrat didn't reply for a few seconds.

  "Yes. I'm sweaty. I was just working out," he said softly, not sounding sarcastic for a change.

  Not breaking his eye contact, he pulled an end of the towel around his neck and wiped the sweat across his forehead. He continued to stare at her, moving his eyes slowly on each and every part of her. She had the feeling that even though they were standing at a distance, he was touching her. He wasn’t of course, but still she had the sensation that he was stroking her bare body, the way she wanted him to.

  She felt her hands tremble slightly, as she was trying very hard to control herself, from reaching out and touching him like she badly wanted to.

  She couldn't remember the last time she had ever felt such a strong attraction towards a man. Even the very brief relationship she had during her separation hadn't been due to an attraction on her part. It was purely for the sake of kindness and affection shown towards her.

  She thought that her life experiences had made her asexual with no physical demands or needs. But right that moment, her body had chosen a very inconvenient time and an extremely wrong specim
en to bring her libido roaring back to life.

  She forced herself to come back to her senses by remembering the night fourteen years ago, when she touched him deliberately. He had stopped her and then rejected her, and would do so again now.

  Oh god, why couldn't he have turned fat or bald in all these years, she thought resentfully as she eyes his toned body and his thick rumpled hair that she desperately wanted to run her fingers through.

  Controlling herself again she looked at him in slight challenge. "Srishti invited me here and she wanted to ask you about something important."

  Samrat blinked a couple of times, as though he were coming out of a stupor, and slowly frowned at her.

  "What are you up to now? No wait...don't tell me. I need to shower first, before you tell me whatever you and my niece have cooked up between the two of you."

  He continued to walk towards his room.

  She couldn't stop her head from turning towards him, and continued watching him with an extremely X-rated gawk, until he disappeared from her view.

  "Why is this happening to me? And for heaven's sake why with him of all the men in the entire world!" she muttered desperately.

  She ran down for some much needed water. Her already dry mouth had parched up even more at the sight of an almost naked Samrat. Shit, don't use naked and Samrat in the same sentence!

  She got a glass of cold water, and stood in front of an open fridge to cool down a little, even though the air conditioning was turned on in the house.

  "Srishti!" Someone called out from the living room.

  "Oh crap. That must be Ananya. Couldn't have asked for a more awkward day," Mahi muttered.

  She heard Ananya call Srishti couple more times, before Srishti answered her back and came running down.

  "Where's Mahi aunty?" Srishti asked excitedly.

  Mahi winced and could only imagine how Ananya must have reacted to that statement from her daughter.

  "I don't know. I haven't seen her. Why?" Ananya asked.


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