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Stone (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1)

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by Angel Rose


  By Angel Rose

  STONE (The Forbidden Love Series No 1)

  Copyright © 2016 Angel Rose

  This book contains adult content intended for mature audiences only.

  18+ and older.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Professional Editor, Heather Joiner

  Studio410Designs|Cover Stock Images

  Formatter: Avril Stepowski

  Cover: Adobe Stock Photo (licensed)

  Paperback Version: Createspace

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1519767745 (Createspace-Assigned)

  ISBN-10: 1519767749


  For my family and friends,

  Thank you for your support.


  A great big thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way, especially, My PA, Carmen Alicea.

  My Street team, My Beta Readers, My Friends and family and most of all…MY READERS. THANK YOU.

  A special thank you to my dear friends, Suzette, Frances, Samantha, Candy, Linda, Heather C., Heather B., Audra Carmen, Avril and Kathy. Muah!!! Love you guys!

  A very special thank you to Heather Joiner for editing this book and making it the most enjoyable editing I’ve ever had!

  Prologue Tiny

  We pulled up to the front of this mobile trailer home near Airport Road. It was a long ride from Massena, New York to Saranac Lake. I glanced over at the mobile home. The front door screen was off the hinges and the glass needed some cleaning; nothing a little Windex couldn’t fix.

  I sat in the back seat thinking why the fuck I was in this car, and being taken against my will to live in someone else’s house. It was bad enough I didn’t like living in my own house, but someone needed to take care of my father. He was always high; strung out; fucked up. That’s the life he chose, and I wasn’t doing any better.

  I never knew my mother. She left when I was born, or so my father told me. Right after my thirteenth birthday, my father was diagnosed with the beginning stages of Lung Cancer. He figured he’d get high all the time and pretend he didn’t have the disease, especially since he was in the prime of his life. He was young, in his thirties. His disability check was just enough to pay for the mobile home, light and gas, but not really enough for food. I was always hungry.

  I happened to like school. It was supposed to be a safe haven for me. It kept me out of my house, but the teachers didn’t like me. They automatically heard the rumors about my father. Living in a small town, everyone knew each other. We lived in a trailer park near Canton. They only knew me as Tiny Shelton, the son of a drug addict…a loser, who bought drug dealers into the neighborhood. My real name was Joseph, but I went by the name Tiny. I was rebellious, angry at the world all of the time. Not caring about anyone because no one cared about me. I would lash out at anyone who looked at me the wrong way, maybe I would stab them if they caught me on an off day. I had a Juvie rap sheet longer than my arm…and I was PROUD. I didn’t give a fuck who liked me and who didn’t. I didn’t know my mother and my father was too busy fucking everything on two legs maybe even four, that he didn’t even realize…I was alive. I had to protect myself from the drug dealers who came knocking on my father’s door at two in the morning wanting their money, or wanting to kick my father’s ass just for the hell of it. I got into so many fights protecting my father and he never appreciated shit. If I wasn’t at the precinct or Juvie, I was at the hospital after the drug dealers would bash my head in or break my arm to teach him a lesson.


  My father sat with his head leaning against the headrest in the car. He smoked everything and anything he could get his hands on. He was choking half the time on the ride up here. He was smoking something but it wasn’t a cigarette, that stuff usually choked me. It was something else. I always kept the window down in the car. I never knew what he was going to be inhaling. Now if he lit up a joint, it would’ve been a very different story.

  I always sat in the back to avoid watching him do drugs, plus it was safer. If we’d crash…he’d be the first to go. This car barely made it anywhere anyway. It was always jumping or turning off. My father often cursed a lot at it and…at me.

  He looked through the rearview mirror. His green eyes filled with hate, with disappoint. I glanced away. Then, he turned his head completely around towards me. He had that crazed look in his eyes…you know, the one that you have when you’re high and you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing? That’s the one. I glanced away again avoiding eye contact at all costs.

  “Okay, Tiny. This is where your mom lives. So, go knock on the door and she’s gonna have your favorite pie waiting for you. You know…What is it again?” He asked as he closed his eyes as if trying to remember.

  “Blueberry dad, and really? You think you could bribe me with some fuckin’ pie! Are you out of your mind!” I shouted. I hated the name Tiny, but I especially hated it when it slipped from his tongue. Just because I was born a couple of months prematurely, so my father said, I got stuck with a fucked up name like that. He called me Tiny so much, I didn’t even answer to my real name anymore. I hate him. I hated him more today than I ever did in my life.

  “Look, I told you to watch your mouth you little shit! Ruby and I have to move on now. She’s having a baby and we just can’t afford to keep your ass around right now. I’ll come and get you after the baby’s born. Besides, you’re not doing the right fucking thing in school…you’re always in and out of juvie…I’m telling you they’re going to call child services on me! How many cases are we going to have, Tiny? Do you want to end up in a home? Do you want that? Or do you even give a shit?” He slammed his hands against the steering wheel.

  “I want to stay in my goddamn house! Who’s this woman you’re making me live with dad?” I asked clutching my hands together. I wanted to punch him so hard, but I remembered what happened the last time I put my hands on him…I got the cuffs.

  “She’s your mother goddamit! Now get your ass out of this car and get in that house before I drag you in there myself!” He said yelling at the top of his lungs, his eyes bulging out of his head. I could feel the anger burning up inside of me. He stopped yelling and stared at me through the rearview mirror. Then he caught himself, inhaled deeply, and started to cough. “Go…knock. Take your…bag. I’ll wait…here.” I was hoping he would cough to death. Fucking Bastard.

  I grabbed my bags, which were two plastic shopping bags from Shoprite. All I had was two pairs of boxers, two pairs of socks, two t-shirts, three regular shirts, three pairs of jeans and two pairs of Chucks. That summed up my entire wardrobe. I jumped out of the car with my tore up Chuck’s, the rubber soles wasted from running from the cops all of the time, and army shorts that were way too long for my frame. My dirty blonde hair was cut short at the sides and long on the top, leaving what looked like bangs to hang over my eyes. That’s the way I liked it, so I didn’t have to look at him half of the time.

  My father lowered the passenger side window, stared at me for a moment, slowly lifted his arm and waved to me, then he stepped on the gas and took off. From the cloud of dust in the air, he couldn’t run away fast enough from me. My heart sank to the floor and I felt the lump in my throat, but that only lasted for a second. Relief washed over my face, I didn’t give a shit. He never cared what happened to me anyway.

  I walked over to the trailer strolling as if I owned the trailer park, lighting up
a joint while it hung from my lips, then placed it between my thumb and pointer finger taking in a long, deep drag. I was checking out the place, when I noticed a girl just sitting on the wooden steps of the place I was going to soon call home. She was filling some pots with soil. She had long blonde hair that curled at the ends. I didn’t see her face. She must have felt my presence because she turned around. She sat on the steps observing me from head to toe.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” she said sarcastically as she stood up.

  “My mother lives here.” I said. I stood up straight trying to stand my ground, taking another drag of my joint, then blowing out the smoke towards her face.

  “Really? What’s her name?” She demanded as she eyeballed me up and down, crinkling her nose as If I were a fly on shit.

  “To be honest, I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders. I was honest. He didn’t even tell me her name before he took off like a fucking coward. Her facial expression softened and she glanced my way as if she felt sorry for me. “How old are you?” I asked as my eyes grazed her body. I was checking her out. She was pretty…no, she was beautiful.

  “Eleven” She lifted her head towards me. Our eyes met. Her dark gray eyes glistened in the light of the sun. I’ve never seen those color eyes before. We stood staring at each other. She sure was a curvaceous twelve-year-old. She looked more like she was fifteen. She filled out that white sundress in places I really didn’t want to stare at but, I couldn’t help it.

  “How come you don’t know?” She squinted, raising her hand over her eyes to block the sunlight.

  “Know what?” I shook my head as I took another hit from my joint, breaking my stare from hers.

  “Your mother’s name.” She looked all confused and shit.

  “He didn’t tell me.”


  “My father.”

  “Do you have a name?” She tilted her head and pursed her lips to the side. “How old are you?” she raised an eyebrow at me, then turned around and started to place some seeds in the pot. I watched her as her white sundress blew up a little from the wind showing her legs. My eyes followed her dress. I took another drag of my joint and answered her.

  “Look, my father dropped me off here and said my mother’s inside waiting for me. I’ll be fourteen soon…and you don’t need to know my name.” I looked passed her head to see if I can get a glimpse inside.

  “Well, he lied. Your mother doesn’t live here.” She said laughing and shaking her head. She leaned over and placed the pots towards the sun. She used a water bottle to water the dry dirt that seemed old and pretty much useless. “Daddy threw your ass out?” She smirked and stood up.

  “Something like that.”

  “Nice tats. You must have money.” She noticed my tattoos. Everyone knows colored tats are expensive. She doesn’t know I ended in Juvie for stealing to get money for these tattoos.

  “Right. Okay.” I said as I lowered my head to look at my busted up Chucks. “Look… I don’t play with little girls. I’ve got better things to do. Grown up things. Things you can’t understand yet. So, do me a favor and get outta my way. Okay?” I motioned with my hand for her to leave me alone, then I took the longest drag I could on my joint and blew the smoke directly towards her face. She got up and waved her hand across her nose up and down as if the smell bothered her. She squinted her eyes at me and then got out of my way and started to walk.

  “If you’re such a grown up, whatcha doing here looking for your mommy?” She snickered. I was about to lose my temper until this kid came out of nowhere and approached her. He was way taller than she was, and just a little bit taller than me. He had greasy black hair that reached his shoulders. His eyes were crystal clear blue, almost zombie-like. He was wearing an American flag t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans which I’m sure didn’t come that way from the manufacturer, they really were ripped.

  “Who’s inside today?” he grunted. Her gray eyes locked with his. Her demeanor changed completely. Her body stiffened. She seemed scared, yet she trembled with anger at the same time.

  “Fuck off, Tommy!” She said. I was surprised at her dirty little mouth. It turned me on a little. She had balls.

  “What? It’s nothing you don’t already know. Why are you getting upset? Your mother’s always doing someone new.” He smiled. “Who is it this time Maddie? Is it him? She’s into little boys now?” He pointed at me and laughed while staring directly into my eyes. I thought I was seeing things. This kid really didn’t want to fuck with me; Especially since I didn’t know who the fuck my mother was; my father just took off like he never knew me, and this little girl and her twenty questions were really pissing me off.

  She looked up at Tommy as tears started to brim at the corner of her eyes. I felt kind of bad for her. Obviously, this dick had been bullying her for a while now. I stood watching carefully, making sure he didn’t have any weapons in his hands, and then…he did it. He grabbed her by her hair and yanked her down to the floor. She landed on her knees.

  “Come on Maddie, on your knees. You know you like it. Show me you can do it better than your mother.” He yanked her hair again. She laid sprawled against the dirt, glancing over at me, but kicking and swinging at him with all her might, as he gripped her hair even tighter, wrapping it around his fist.

  Dammit! Now I have to jump in! Can’t I just go inside and meet my so-called mother in peace! My heart started to pound against my chest. I could feel the adrenaline starting to pump. I stood there thinking about all the bullies I took out in school. The same shitheads I got suspended for over fifteen times; and the nights and weekends I spent in Juvie over my father’s drug dealers. Dammit…is this guy really worth the cuffs again?

  He yanked her hair again and this time, she let out a cry. Now, I was mad. He made me drop my joint and walk over to him without thinking twice.

  “Hey, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I shouted, my fists at my side ready to strike.

  “Who the hell are you, you little punk?” He barked.

  “I’m…” I paused for moment thinking really hard before I would say something I met regret later on. “Her brother.” I growled. I glanced over at her. She was still on the floor with dirt on her cheeks and tears in her eyes. Her eyes widened when I said the word brother.

  “Her brother? She doesn’t have a brother!” he kicked dirt my way with his boots. “What? You want her to suck your dick, too?” That was it. That’s all it took for me to go blind and pounce on that motherfucker like there was no tomorrow. I jumped on him and grabbed him by his throat. He swung his arms and tried to grab my hands. I just kept choking the life out of him. My hands were so tightly gripped around his throat, I felt his Adams apple push in. I was completely lost in the thought of choking him out. All I saw was red. This girl was screaming so loud, I finally woke up from my trance and when I did, he sucker-punched me in the face. I fell down with a hard bang against the gravel, he scrambled to his feet and starting walking towards me, his boots ready to stomp on me. I twisted around trying to find something on the ground to use as a weapon. I reached out for a big rock that was next to me. I quickly got to my feet and cracked him over the head with it. He went down fast. She screamed again.

  “You killed him!” She said nervously. Then she looked around to see if anyone saw what I did and she whispered, “Good.” I looked over at her. She stood up and patted her sun dress down trying to smooth it out and shake the dirt off of it. I was shocked at the way she was so calm, standing over him, watching his body shake and the blood seep from the side of his head. She actually made me smile…I almost laughed. But, when I looked down at him, he was bleeding from the side of his head way too much, and now…I was a little scared. Not because he was bleeding, but because all I saw were…cuffs. She grabbed my hand and we ran inside the trailer.

  “Hey…who the hell are you?” A beautiful woman with blonde hair and deep gray eyes, obviously strung out on heroin, said while grabbing my arm. Her eye
s were calm, as if she were on cloud nine. Looked like the best high she’s ever had.

  “Tiny, I mean…Joseph Shelton.” I whispered. The girl stopped and stared at me. Her gray eyes beaming as she gazed at her hero. “I’m…your son.” The woman shook her head as if she didn’t get what I was saying.

  “My son?” She giggled. “Who’s your father?” She leaned against the wall, her eyes barely open.

  “Mickey…Mickey…Shel…” I didn’t have to say another word.

  “Oh, yeah. I remember him.” She fixed her breasts that were popping out of her dress. “The worst lay I ever had.” She closed her eyes. Then opened them again, as if she was thinking about what he looked like or how bad of a lay he really was…it figures. Boy…was this lady fucked up. She was higher than a kite. “Go on, take your brother to your room, Madison. I have company coming over.” Madison. Her name rang in my ears. Pretty name for a pretty girl. Even with dirt on her face…she was beautiful. But, I had to get that thought out of my head. She was my soon- to- be sister and that shit didn’t fly with me.

  Madison grabbed my hand and I immediately felt a tingling sensation course through my hand straight to my heart, then straight to my groin. She glanced up at me slowly, her eyes spoke to me, a sweet soft smile formed at the corner of her mouth letting me know, she felt the same way. Our fingers intertwined, and we held hands staring into each other’s eyes. It was fucking weird. I guess they were right when they say you get struck by lightning, or by cupid’s arrow right in your heart when you feel something for a girl, because I felt it…and I never felt it before…and so did she. Her gray eyes must’ve blinked a thousand times and all I kept doing was swallowing hard like an idiot, until finally…she glanced away, unlocked her fingers from mine and dragged me to her bedroom.

  We stood at the opening of the door and watched her mother’s company as they strode in. Three men with three cases of beer and…a shit load of drugs. The first guy was older, with a beard and a body filled with tattoos. The tats started at his neck and trailed down to his ankle. The three colored tattoos I had on my arm were nothing compared to the black skull and red rose sleeve he had on his entire arm. The guy didn’t smile when he looked my way, but I didn’t give a shit.


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