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Bati (Lyqa Planet Lovers Book 2)

Page 4

by Nikki Clarke

  “Bati, stop talking,” she gasps out as I slide into her again. She tries to insert admonishment into her tone, but she smells of excitement and something else I cannot decipher. This lie, asking me to be silent when she really enjoys what I’m saying, makes something defiant rise in me, and I lean over her, until my mouth is over her ear, never slowing my hips.

  “You cannot lie to me, my lehti. Do you hear that? Do you hear how wet you are for me? Your pussy knows it was made for my cock even if you deny it.”

  “Ah, you jerk!” she screams, just as her body clenches around me and she shakes with another orgasm. It’s too much for me. My hips speed up, and my cock starts to spurt before I even realize what’s happening.


  Stream after stream of semen shoots into her. The muscles in my back tense as my balls draw up firmly. My body spasms for several long moments, until finally, the last spurt signals the end to my release. I collapse back, sliding from Tiani’s body and coming to rest against the wall.

  I can barely move. Tiani is still bent over, and again I am drawn to the puffy slip of her pussy. I feel a moment of disappointment when my seed drips in a steady stream from her body. I scented the hormones to prevent conception on Tiani before we joined. I do not insert myself in a female’s right to dictate the uses of her womb, but I can’t help the longing that rises in me to have my seed take root. To start a family.

  A scent hits my nose. It’s fear. Tiani hasn’t moved, and I shift to my knees and stretch around to view her face. Why is she frightened?

  “Tiani, are you all right? Did I hurt you?” This first joining was intense. Before my release, I lost myself for a moment, thrusting into her wildly. She seemed to enjoy it, but if I hurt her, I will never forgive myself.

  Her eyes focus on me, and when they do, I’m shocked by the terror I see in them.

  “Dude, what the fuck did you just put into my body?”


  “My cock?”

  I mentally amend my opinion of Bati’s ignorance being kind of cute. It’s not. My ass is still in the air, and my pussy is still leaking whatever weird, alien fluid he just four-minute long jizzed into me, but I’m too scared to move. Whatever he’s left in there is squishing around. It’s like I have a mini ocean in my cooch.

  “Bati, what the fuck did you just come in me?”

  His frown is a strange kind of smile because I’m still on my head.

  “I do not know what you mean, Tiani. I merely released. I apologize for not consulting you first, but it happened—suddenly. I did not have time to prepare my exit.”

  His eyes shift away from me for a moment, and his skin does something that makes my eyes widen further. He starts to pulse a soft pink color. It fades in and out, and I’m reminded of a mood ring when you dip it in cold water.

  “Why are you turning pin—oh my god, what is that!”

  More of the thick liquid gushes from my body and I freeze, digging my nails into the sheet. I can’t believe I let this alien cum in me. He probably just laid an egg in me or something. I try to think back to what Amina has told me about Lyqa, which isn’t much, except they have huge dicks and are great lovers. She got pregnant the first time they fucked. Instantaneously, she said. I’m on the pill, but who knows if that even matters.

  “Tiani, what you are feeling is my seed. Because you are preventing your body from conceiving, it has no place to go and must come out. It may be more comfortable if you come off of your head.”

  Right, I’m still bent over with my ass in the air like an idiot. I lift up, moving carefully, and ease onto my butt. The continued flow of sperm from my pussy makes me scrunch my face up in thinly veiled disgust.

  “Do human males not ejaculate?” Bati sits near me on the bed, his expression a mixture of concern and confusion.

  “They do, but not this much. You came for like three minutes. I feel like there’s a gallon of sperm in me.”

  “Lyqa males do not usually release so much. It is only due to the leht, and my body’s preparation to produce young, that my semen is so plentiful.”

  He’s doing that weird pulsing thing again. I have no idea what he’s talking about. He’s been bringing up this leht thing since I met him, but I haven’t really asked about it. And I’m not going to. I find the easiest way to avoid complication in my interactions with men is to keep the sharing to a minimum. Essential information only. I’m sorry, did he just say “produce young”?

  “Wait, you better not be trying to get me pregnant. I’m on the pill. It will still work with you, right?”

  “It will,” he confirms, his face shifting into a little scowl. “I would never interfere with your prevention of conception, Tiani. That is not my choice to make. Any efforts to conceive will be decided upon together.”

  He had me until that last part. Still, it’s such an atypical thing for me to hear from a man, that I can’t help but feel relief.

  “Thank you for that. Honestly, I never have unprotected sex, but, um, Amina said that you all don’t have sexually transmitted diseases, so.”

  “We do not.”

  “I’m also clean. I mean, I’ve been tested. I don’t have anything. I guess we probably should have discussed it. I kind of got away with myself.” I’m stuttering and it annoys me. Sex is easy. I’m never nervous talking about sex. I also don’t mind the awkward safety conversations that go along with it. Still, I feel myself get a little flustered. I would never admit it to him, but I was glad when I remembered Amina said they didn’t carry STIs. For some reason I can’t explain, I wanted there to be nothing between me and Bati.

  Another gush of liquid brings my mind back to the business happening between my legs, and I pull my knees up to my chest, wincing when the effort produces a sharp ache throughout my lower body. This dude kind of went to town on my pussy.

  “That was probably the best sex I’ve had in my life, so I hate to tell you this, but this whole ten gallons of cum thing is gross, buddy.” My grimace intensifies as the puddle beneath me grows larger. I can’t bring myself to move. I shift my eyes back up, and they come to rest on a smiling Bati.

  “I am your best lover?” His smile widens, and I swear his chest puffs up. I guess men are the same no matter what planet they’re from. Still, there’s no use in lying. He must know he’s a good lay.

  “You are. I don’t mind admitting it. Although, I was led to believe that Lyqa weren’t the gloating type,” I return dryly.

  Bati’s smile shifts quickly down, and suddenly he looks shy.

  “Before tonight, I had not joined with anyone. I am merely happy that I have pleased you. I would have it that I always please you.”

  Lyqa are pretty flowery with their use of English. It takes me a minute to sort through everything he’s said, and when I do, my internal groan is loud.

  “Oh, my god,” I cover my face with my hands. Please don’t let me have heard that right. “Did you just say that you were a virgin?”

  “I do not know what that is.”

  I peek through my fingers. He’s staring at me in confusion. My eyes roam over the broad expanse of his chest where his muscles flex and bunch beneath the smooth dark skin. His dick is soft, but it still hangs heavily in his lap. Just thinking about how hard he pounding into me, how perfectly he stroked along my walls sends a shiver through me. There’s no way it was his first time.

  “It means you’ve never had sex before. I thought you were saying that this was your first time having sex.”

  “It was,” he replies frankly. The expression on his face remains calm and open.

  “I’m the first person you’ve had sex with? This is the first time your dick has ever been in a pussy?”

  His expression doesn’t change. “You are, and it is. And if I may say, your pussy was worth the wait. I have never felt something so incredible as being inside of you.”

  His words make my skin all jittery, and even though my pussy is still oozing alien jizz, I begin to soften. He’s dis
tracting me. I snap my brain back to attention.

  “Why the hell haven’t you had sex before?” It comes out as an accusation. Mostly because I’m hot again, and I don’t want to be. This was supposed to be a one and done, a way to get him out of my system. To get over this pull I’ve been feeling to him since I caught him with my mother in our living room a couple of weeks ago. I should be over him like I would be over any other man, but I’m not. If anything, I want to lay back and let him fill me up again. As I focus on getting my emotions under control, Bati’s mouth quirks up at one corner.

  “I was waiting for my lehti. I wanted to only share the beauty of a joining with her. Shall we join a second time?”


  “I can smell you. You are aroused again.”

  “I am not.” It’s a weak denial. I’m panting. I don’t know why I want it so bad, but I do. Bati tilts his head to the side and looks questioningly at me.

  “Why do you lie?”

  “Excuse me?” My head rolls back on my neck of its own accord. Who the hell does he think he is to point out the obvious?

  “You lie,” he repeats like I didn’t just hit him with my most threatening glare. “You hold yourself away from me. You say you only want sex, but our heart beats with longing when I am near. You ignore your desire even as your pussy grows wet and hungry for my cock. Why do you do this?”

  “Why do you say things like that?” I hate the way my voice falters. I hate it almost as much as I hate that he’s a little right.

  “Do you prefer I not speak truthfully to you? Would you rather I pretend not to want you? Do as you attempt and hide my feelings?”

  “I’m not hiding anything. I don’t even know you. The only feeling I had toward you was lust, buddy, and after this shit,” I point to my dripping cooch, “I’m not in a rush for a repeat.” I am in a rush, though. He’s right. I’m a liar, but not about liking him. I don’t like him. I like his dick, and expert way he licks my pussy with his creepy ass tongue, but I don’t like him. Not really.

  I raise a triumphant eyebrow, but Bati merely continues to stare me down. I wonder for a moment if I’ve hurt him with my comment about his jizz, but then his mouth turns up into that knowing smile, and I want to pop him.

  “I told you, Tiani. You cannot hide from me. I will always know the truth of what you feel.”

  Chapter 2


  "It sounded like at least one of us had an exciting night," Ah'dan comments as I walk into the room Tiani’s mother has given us to share during our stay. It is small and with two adult Lyqa males, cramped. We can barely move without bumping into one another, so unfortunately, I cannot escape Ah'dan's interrogation. Nor can I cuff him as I wish to without triggering a brotherly brawl that would most certainly result in the destruction of all of our new mother-in-law’s furnishings.

  "My night was very exciting," Kwarq cuts in. We share a glance, and I smile at his attempt to deflect attention from me. “You should consider performing the human proposal tradition with Tiani. The women were particularly moved by it. I also believe that Amina feels properly bound to me since we got married.”

  “I do not think Tiani is quite prepared to commit herself to me in such a way,” I admit reluctantly. It is clear I will not have as easy a time as Kwarq had with Amina in getting Tiani to accept the leht. As yet, I have not even explained our attachment, and she does not seem keen to know. Her insistence on keeping things between us “casual” is somewhat frustrating. I want her to know of my love. I want to bend my knee for her as Kwarq did for his lehti.

  “Well, she was eager enough to commit herself in other ways,” Ah’dan inserts in the way that he must. I cut my eyes to him, but do not respond, to which he smirks and arches a brow. “Come now, brother. Will you force me to continue making comments, or will you share? Kwarq shared when he met his lehti, and you were too eager to hear what he had to say.”

  “I understand now his reluctance to give us details of his interactions with Amina. It is incredibly private.”

  Ah’dan rolls his eyes and pulls a face. “You two are not as fun as you were before. I never behaved this way. I was very forthcoming,” he pouts, looking almost like a child.

  It’s true, but it’s also true that since I realized Tiani was my lehti, I have felt less concerned with trivial things as before. My only concern now is loving and protecting her.

  I can feel Tiani in the kitchen. I can smell the meal she is preparing. I can sense the satisfaction she feels with completing the task of feeding her family.

  I still can’t believe the awesomeness of the leht. Our hearts keep a steady rhythm. I listen to her breathing. The tinkling sound of her laughter as she speaks with her sisters. I have been keeping an ear on her all day, unable to stop myself from checking every moment to be sure she is well and happy.

  However, Ah’dan is right. The distraction of feeling for my lehti has meant I am not behaving as my usual playful self. I’m worried about Tiani’s reception of me. Both of my brothers have been leht. Perhaps it would be good to receive some advice on winning Tiani over.

  “I do not know that Tiani wishes to have a relationship with me,” I admit. “She was very eager to join, but not so eager to address the attraction between us. Was it this way with Amina?”

  Kwarq’s brows furrow. “Amina was afraid of my not being human initially and worried about our family’s acceptance of her, but she did not reject the leht. She was less believing of the fact that I love her as much as I do. Perhaps it is the same with Tiani. Maybe you need to reassure her of your feelings.”

  “Perhaps,” I respond. Athough, I don’t think this is the solution to my problem.

  “Or maybe you need to reassure her that there is no rush for her to accept you. That worked with Amina.”

  This is a good idea. Tiani has a warmth to her, I can feel it. I can smell it. But she does not seem as ready to share her love as Amina. It appears I will have to work for her acceptance.


  “So what was with all that ruckus last night? You couldn’t wait until after my wedding to get dick-downed by my brother-in-law?”


  My sister Amina squeezes past where I’m standing making breakfast. Her tight, round belly pushes into my back, and I press closer to the stove, making sure my shirt doesn’t catch on fire.

  Amina’s been lingering around me for the past ten minutes. I’ve had to restart breakfast twice because every time I put a cooked piece of food down, she eats it. Apparently, a side effect of being pregnant by an alien is that she wants to eat everything in sight. I slide my spatula under one of the pancakes on the griddle and flip it onto the empty serving plate where not two minutes before there were five pancakes. Amina swoops in and snatches the fresh one up, folding the entire thing into her mouth. I sigh.

  “Look, I’m not about to do this all day. How much more are you going to eat?”

  I’m not really annoyed with her, but it doesn’t matter because her face turns down and she opens her mouth, letting the half-eaten pancake fall back onto the serving plate with a wet splat.

  “Ugh, nothing. I’m over it.”

  My stomach flinches, and I swallow down the bile that rises in my throat. “I’m sorry, were we raised by wolves? You marry an alien and suddenly you don’t have any home training?”

  We both stare down at the slimy ball of dough. Amina grimaces and turns away before lifting the plate and flipping it over the trash. The pancake hits the plastic with a dense thud, and her body lurches involuntarily like she’s going to be sick.

  “Sorry, Tee. Believe me, if I could help it, I would. This shit is weird as hell, but I really can’t control it. It’s literally like something takes over me. I don’t mean to be gross.”

  She rinses the plate at the sink and sets it back down. We both stare at it for a second before she opens the cabinet to pull down a fresh plate before placing the other one into the dishwasher. Almost at the same moment, we burs
t out laughing.

  “I didn’t want to say anything,” I confess around a chuckle.

  Amina tosses her head back, a loud cackle erupting from her throat. “Look, I can’t even look at that plate.”

  I slide the rest of the cooked pancakes onto the new plate and pour another batch. My eyes fix to the little bubbles that blister the surface of the batter.

  “I’m still waiting for my answer.”

  This girl can’t let anything go. I flip the pancakes first and when I answer, I keep my voice neutral.

  “To what?” Right about now, I wish a side effect of being knocked by an alien was minding your own business.

  “Tee, you know my man is Lyqa, right? Lyqa as in super spidey-hearing, super fast. As in, if I sneeze a block from here and it sounds too aggressive, he will literally be there in two seconds flat to make sure I’m okay. His whole family was like a bunch of glow worms last night after you two disappeared inside. His parents flashed so bright Mom thought they were about to explode or something.”

  “Is that what that is, when they turn red, embarrassment?”

  “Yup. Now stop changing the subject cause the way Kwarq kept looking at your bedroom window, there’s no way you guys weren’t doing something.”

  I drop the spatula to the counter and turn to face her. She’s waiting with raised eyebrows. Her hand moves in a slow circle over her stomach. I think about when I was pregnant. How tight I felt. How heavy. My mind focuses on something I’ve been trying to ignore all morning, the little puddle of dampness in my panties courtesy of what’s left of Bati’s cum. I shift my legs uncomfortably. I probably should have changed my clothes, but I don’t want to. I like feeling him there. I like remembering what he felt like inside of me.

  “Yeah, so, we fucked. What do you want me to say?”

  She looks guiltily away before meeting my eyes again. “Honestly?”


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