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Bati (Lyqa Planet Lovers Book 2)

Page 11

by Nikki Clarke

  “It is the fashion on Qiton. They prefer their layers,” I say from my seat behind her. Right now, I am glad for the plethora of fabric. It is the only way I have managed to make my cock relax.

  When we first entered the shop, the modiste had wasted no time stripping off Tiani’s clothes after I told her what kind of dress to make. I’d attempted to excuse myself to wait in another room, but Tiani stopped me.

  “It’s not like you haven’t seen me before,” she’d said and waved me into the seat. “Besides, you know what this is supposed to look like. You have to make sure she makes me look good.” And she’d winked. It was a surprisingly playful gesture. In fact, everything about Tiani has been less tense and more playful since we came to Lyqa.

  “Anything you wear would be beautiful, Tiani.”

  I’d meant it. The only thing she looks better in is nothing at all. The moment her firm, high breasts had been bared, I’d focused on the far wall of the shop. Now I am grateful for every bit of cloth the modiste places over her, even as my heart aches as she is covered from me.

  After an hour of sitting rigidly in my seat, Tiani’s dress is finally complete. The modiste helps Tiani back into her Earth clothes as I pretend to examine a display of jewelry. Despite my indifferent inspection of the jewels, something catches my eye. It’s a ring. A large, square diamond, as blue as any ocean on Qiton and as clear as any glass blown on Pahashi, and set in the finest metal from the Lyqa mountains. I think of the human custom of proposal. When Kwarq proposed to Amina, she’d cried. Even Tiani’s eyes had glistened briefly. Her heart had fluttered with longing. I feel that same longing now.


  I tear my eyes from the beautiful ring, and I clear my throat, which is suddenly tight with emotion. When I turn to face her, I’ve managed to hide most of my feelings.

  “I am.”


  Bati taps his wrist band and a crystal clear projection of Ah’dan springs up in front of him. Kinda like Lyqa Facetime, except way cooler.

  “Tiani and I are going to stroll through the market. Meet us with KJ at the fountain in an hour?” he follows this with a string of Lyqa. Ah’dan’s projection shows him clearly rolling his eyes before the projection cuts off.

  “Come, let us take our time. I would show you my city.”

  Bati holds out his hand. I hesitate before taking it. His gentle grip swallows my hand, and an charge of sexual tension bolts through me. I was really salty about him rejecting my kiss last night, but it all floats away when our palms meet. I find myself smiling as we walk through the crowded market.

  “Just so it does not alarm you, my people may stare. Most Lyqa have never seen a human. However, you are in no danger.”

  People are staring. They mostly look curious. Some smile and nod their heads or wave. A young girl, she looks about ten human years old, flaps her hand frantically at me as we pass. I wave back, and she bursts into a fit of giggles.

  “Lehti yah’san!” Her wispy, lyrical voice floats over me.

  “Nah’ah lehti qaa yah’san,” Bati returns. He looks down at me, and his expression is tender.

  The girl skips back to her parents who wait patiently a few feet away. I lean in to Bati’s side. “What did she say?”

  “She said you are beautiful.”

  “Really?” I look back to the girl, who’s still watching me. I smile and give a little head nod in appreciation. She grins widely back.

  “And what did you say?”

  “I said you were the most beautiful.”

  A warm flush rushes over me. I don’t think I’ve ever pseudo-blushed so much in my life since I’ve met Bati. He makes me feel like I’m the shit for real.

  “Thank you,” I say when I get myself under control.

  “Of course, Tiani. Let us try some Lyqa foods.”

  He leads me away, seemingly unaware of how much he’s just stroked my ego. We pass a stall stacked with what looks like pies. A male Lyqa stands behind the table. When I see him, I can’t stop the quick patter of my heart. I press a hand to my chest to stop it. It’s beating so hard, I’m worried Bati will hear.

  “Would you like a taste?”

  Would I? I stamp the thought down, but I’d be a lie if I said I didn’t think the guy in front of me isn’t shamefully good-looking.

  Like all Lyqa, he’s kind of strange to look at. His skin is light reddish brown. Thick, jet black hair hangs down either side of his head and disappears down his back. Narrow, single-lidded green eyes peer warmly at me. My gaze fixes on the flex of his biceps as he reaches out a hand holding a small, flaky triangle.

  “It is a fruit pie. Try it.”

  I look up at Bati. His mouth is curved in an amused smirk.

  I want to, but I can’t take it without touching him and I’m honestly scared to. My reaction to him, even if it isn’t exactly sexual, is still a bit embarrassing.

  “He will not bite you, Tiani. I promise. Even though it smells as if you would like him to.”

  My eyes widen. I open my mouth to deny it, but Bati leans down and gives me a knowing look. His mouth is an inch from mine. It curves at one corner, making him appear boyish and cute.

  “Do you think he cannot smell your attraction?”

  “That’s not what it is. I’m not attracted to him,” I mumble, even though I know everybody within a hundred yards can hear me.

  “Hm. Well, you must try the pie now. If only to soothe my kinsman’s feelings.”

  My eyes jump to the guy, expecting to see offense on his face, but he’s grinning.

  “Your lehti is teasing you. Please do not believe me to be offended, but I must also insist that you taste the pie.”

  The English words are spoken carefully. His deep voice kind of sings over me, and that rush of nervousness skitters through my middle. I reach out and take the triangle with a slightly shaking hand, flinching when my fingers brush over his palm. He watches me with that same patient smile.

  They wait as I bring the pie to my mouth and take a bite. I work hard on schooling my features as my teeth pierce the crispy crust. I have no idea what I’m in for.

  Oh my god, it’s…gross. I force myself to chew; although, everything in me is saying spit this shit out. The filling is sour and a strange slimy texture. It tastes like sweetened okra mixed with lemon. It’s terrible. I close my eyes and try to chew faster. I just have to get it down my throat. My jaw starts to cramp as I work to get the mouthful soft enough to swallow. Beside me, Bati chuckles.

  “You may spit it out if you like, Tiani.”

  I open my eyes. I have no idea what my face looks like, but it feels like I’ve got major stank face going on despite my best efforts.

  The guy is holding a napkin out to me. I grab it and hold it over my mouth, quickly spitting the half chewed pie into the middle.

  “I’m so sorry. Oh my god, I would never do that, normally. It isn’t bad. It’s just too sour. I’m so sorry.”

  “It is no offense, sa’qi. Kisi is an acquired taste.”

  “Oh, god. I’m so sorry.” I keep apologizing. Mostly because I’m literally scraping my tongue with he napkin. The sourness lingers on my palate, making my jaw ache. I feel like such a jerk, but I tried. I really did.

  “You are human?” The guy looks at me closely. That nervousness returns.

  “Yes,” I respond and mentally shake my head when my voice isn’t as strong as I want it to be. What is wrong with me?

  “I have never met a human before. You are quite a beautiful people. My name is S’wad. It is nice to meet you.”

  “Uh, I’m Tee. Tiani. Thanks. I mean, it’s good to meet you, too.” God, I’m acting like I’ve never introduced myself to anyone before.

  “Hm. Well, Tiani. Hopefully, next time, I will have something more to your liking.”

  I nod my thanks and let Bati steer me away. My face burns as we walk from the stall.

  “That wasn’t mortifying at all,” I mumble sarcastically.

are embarrassed?”

  I turn a surprised expression on him. “Seriously? I practically drooled all over that poor guy. I don’t know what the hell that was.”

  Bati chuckles. “It was nature. He is an attractive male. It would be disingenuous to pretend not to notice.”

  “Yeah, but, you know. You were there. It was weird. I didn’t want him or anything.”

  “I know.”

  “You do?”

  Bati smiles and taps his nose. “I can smell you, Tiani. You may have found him attractive, but I did not sense desire.”

  “Oh, okay.” I still feel silly, even though Bati doesn’t seem bothered. Maybe jealousy isn’t a Lyqa thing. Bati shakes his head and pulls me against his side. The contact washes away the nerves from my interaction with the baker and replaces it with a blitz of heat. He inhales. A low pleasant hum purrs from his chest.

  “This, Tiani, what you are feeling right now, is desire.”

  It takes us another half hour to reach the place where we’re supposed to meet Ah’dan. The moment we turn the corner into the market square, I spot my son. When I see Ah’dan, I gasp. Beside me, Bati snorts and it sounds like he’s trying to smother a laugh.

  “KJ!” My voice is a harsh rebuke. This kid!

  KJ pushes off from the fountain where he and Ah’dan wait and skips over to us with a happy smile on his face. His mouth is covered in something blue and sticky, and he raises similarly colored palms up next to his shoulders, his eyes wide with innocence.

  “What? Uncle Ah’dan said I could have them.”

  Ah’dan’s eyes cut down to my son. It’s clear from his expression exactly how much of a hand he had in the accumulation of packages he’s struggling to hold in his arms. It’s obvious from the shape of many of the packages that they’re mostly toys.

  I narrows my eyes.

  “Uncle Ah’dan, huh?” He nods enthusiastically, and I fold my lips to stop from smiling. “Well, just because someone says they’ll buy you something doesn’t mean you should let them. You know better, K.”

  I knew I should have had the “don’t ask for anything” talk before I sent him off with Ah’dan.

  “Sorry about that,” I tell Ah’dan. “You guys are too nice. You should have told him no. I’ll pay you back for whatever you got him.”

  Ah’dan’s jaw sets firmly. When I glance at Bati, he has the same annoyed expression. “You will not repay me for anything, my sa’aih. You are not guests. We are family, and he is my dah’san. I reserve the right to spoil him a little from time to time.”

  “A little? You have like twenty bags!”

  “Tak-siq, that’s twenty-seven in Lyqa. Uncle Ah’dan taught me,” KJ pipes up with a self-satisfied grin.

  My face shifts to shock, but I manage a tight smile for my son.

  “Wow, baby. That’s so good!” I force out before looking back to Ah’dan. “Twenty-seven?” I mouth, and he shrugs like he could care less.

  “It is good for him to learn about the culture of Lyqa. I did not just buy him toys. I also bought him books and learning aids.”

  “And candy!” KJ shouts up, his sticky, blue hands waving. Ah’dan rolls his eyes and shifts the packages in his arms, bumping KJ in the back of the head with a softer one. KJ shoots Ah’dan a look and rubs at his head, smearing blue through his hair.

  Ah’dan’s eyes widen in a silent message for KJ to put a lid on it. My kid doesn’t get it. He has no shame. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a rectangle of what looks like taffy. He pops it in his mouth and looks up at Ah’dan, giving him a big blue grin in response.

  Chapter 9


  “You know, I would give you shit about leaving two days before I’m supposed to give birth, but I can’t even pretend to be mad about this.” Amina rubs over her big belly. Her stomach hangs low on her body. She moves her hands to her back and arches to counter the weight.

  “We can wait until after,” I tell her, but she’s already shaking her head.

  “Uh, no. I want you to go now. Bati said you’ll be back right after, and apparently, only me and Kwarq are going to be there when I give birth, so. Plus, I spent my entire time here in the damn house sleeping. You guys should at least see some other stuff.”

  Bati walks out of the house with a large, square cloth pack slung over his shoulder. He holds a smaller pack in his free hand. Right behind him is KJ. His little legs move awkwardly in the knee length tunic Bati bought for him at the clothing shop. He steps forward to take the first tall step, and I’m about to rush forward to tell him to be careful, but Bati turns around and stops him with a gentle but firm look.

  “K, remember how I showed you?”

  KJ drops to his butt. He scoots forward and eases down to the next step. He takes the rest of the steps like this, holding tight to the little pack on his back. When he gets to the bottom, he brushes off the back of his tunic and marches to the waiting transport.

  “Oh my god! That was so adorable!” Amina squeals, grabbing hold of my arm excitedly.

  I watch KJ “help,” trying his best to hoist the large pack into the transport. Bati takes hold of the top straps, carrying most of the weight as KJ pushes from the bottom.

  When everything is stored, Bati hoists KJ up into his arms. KJ holds his hand up and after a moment of instruction, Bati slaps his palm against my son’s smaller one.

  “High five!” KJ shouts. Bati’s head falls back as a deep, chuckle erupts from his chest. My heart gives a slight skip. It makes me press my hand to my chest in surprise.

  “High five,” he repeats.

  “You’re funny, Bati,” KJ giggles, hugging him around the neck.

  “They’re good together,” Amina whispers conspiratorially.

  “They are,” I admit because I can’t even deny it. Bati is everything I would want for a father to my son. He is everything Kamar never wanted to be. My heart beats a little quicker, and I thump my fist between my breasts.

  “Heart acting funny?”

  I follow Amina’s eyes down to where my fist is pressed to my chest. “It’s beating fast. I think I’m just nervous.”

  “Mm, hm,” she murmurs, her mouth tilting into a little smile.

  “Are you ready to depart?”

  Bati stands by the transport holding the door open for me. KJ is already inside. His face is pressed to the glass. A little ‘o’ of fog blooms from his open mouth. I shake my head. This kid.

  “I guess. Are you sure I don’t need to bring anything else?” Bati insisted that I let him pack. He wouldn’t even let me bring a toothbrush.

  “I have packed all that we require.” He holds his hand out to me. I look back at Amina, but immediately roll my eyes at mile-wide grin on her face. I can’t stand her.

  When I take his hand, it’s warm. His long fingers close over mine, swallowing my hand and sending a tingle up my arm. I settle into the transport and Bati walks around to enter the other side, taking the seat closest to the control panel. He engages, hovering us slowly over the staggered tops of the Lyqa houses.

  “We’re gonna have fun!” KJ leans forward in his seat, his chest stretched as much as it can against his safety strap.

  “We are, my dahni,” Bati replies and leans back to brush his hand over KJ’s head before turning to me. “Are you ready, Tiani?”

  I nod. “Let’s do this.”

  “She is human?”

  “She is,” Bati replies. They aren’t speaking English or even Lyqa. Before we left, Kwarq walked up and stuck something behind my ear. He said it would help me understand the language on Qiton. Still, it’s weird to hear the strange moaning sounds the thing makes suddenly become clear words in my head.

  The being in front of me looks like something from a nightmare. Lyqas, with their strange features and hulking frames, kind of just look like tall humans. But the guy asking Bati questions as we wait to be allowed entry to Qiton gives me the first real feeling of alien.

  His skin is a translucent, milky laven
der color. I can see right through to the wiry ropes of tendon that criss cross beneath. The skin covering his face is tight. So tight, that at the eyes and mouth, it looks like it’s about flip inside out.

  Slivers of white membrane line the corners of eyeballs capped in silver. No iris, no pupil, no whites of the eyes. Just swirling silver. When he speaks, the lips stretch wide to let out the wailing sound of his language. With the yards and yards of fabric wrapped around his body and dragging along the floor, he reminds me of a ghost.

  “Your hearts are unified,” he returns, looking between me and Bati. I’m not sure what he means, but Bati nods, so I assume it’s something lost in translation. “You are partnered?” he asks. The Qitoni holds a slim, transparent tablet between boney fingered hands. A long silver nail taps against the screen.

  “She is my lehti,” Bati replies evenly.

  The Qitoni looks to my son and warbles. KJ, who the moment we landed insisted on being carried, jumps and presses his face further into my shoulder. This is a little weird, even for him. His arms are clasped behind my neck tight enough to choke me a little. I rub his back and focus on comforting him, if only to calm my own nerves. This shit is kind of scary.

  “This is your young?”

  “He is ours.”

  My eyes jump to Bati’s face. The Qitoni catches my look of surprise. The silver cap of his eyes swirl into focus on me, lingering over KJ, before shifting back to Bati. He warbles again. It sounds like gargling.

  “He is of you?” the translator supplies in my head. The voice raises slightly at the end. It doesn’t sound like he believes it.

  Bati pauses, staring calmly at the guy, and I take a moment to glance around. Several Lyqa walk mixed in with the Qitoni. I can tell what they are because they’re all tall and beautiful and that strange mix of human features that look both familiar and also so very unsettling. A few feet away are some other species. Their strange forms make me look away quickly. I agreed to come here, but now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think I’m ready for all of this.


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