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Bati (Lyqa Planet Lovers Book 2)

Page 16

by Nikki Clarke

  “Oh, god.” Tiani covers her ears and starts to shake her head back and forth. “No, no. I can’t. Make him stop.” Her embarrassment is sharp.

  “Please prevent yourself from viewing her thoughts, friend. It makes her uncomfortable.”

  Immediately, a silence descends that I had not noticed was missing. It is as if a door has been closed. Tiani, too, blinks and looks up at me.

  “That was too weird,” she whispers and turns her face into my chest. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. At once, I wish I had Sol’s ability. I would know what he saw in her mind just now.

  “Do not struggle against me, lehti. You must relax.”

  Tiani is prostrate in the water. I brace my hand beneath her legs and apply pressure up with the hand splayed below her back. We have been in the water for nearly an hour, and I am beginning to believe my lehti is hopeless.

  “Okay, okay. I’m relaxed.” Tiani exhales a lungful of air, and I roll my eyes.

  “Lehti, you will not float if you are not buoyant. You become buoyant by having air in your lungs.”

  “Well, how am I supposed to relax if I’m holding my breath?” Tiani huffs out in frustration. She tenses. It is not good for her to speak. She cannot focus.

  “Take shadow breaths, mommy!”

  “Shallow, baby.”

  “Take shallow breaths, mommy!”

  KJ paddles by us in the water. His little legs kick up sprays of water that make Tiani flinch.

  “KJ, practice your cupcake hands over there.” I tilt my head at an empty space a few feet away.

  “Not too far!”

  Tiani’s shout is followed by an attempt to lift her head, which causes her bottom to drop. She wraps her arms around my neck. Her legs wrap around my waist and tighten, bringing her core against me. I feel her heat immediately. Even in the warm water, it flares through my body. Help me.

  I cup her bottom and hold her still. She’s breathing hard from her efforts, and I can’t help but shake my head. My poor, non-amphibious lehti. She is definitely nothing like a fish.

  “I’m never going to get this,” she mutters, and I dislike the defeat I smell on her.

  “You will get it, lehti. But you must relax.”

  “Do you know how hard it is to relax with you right here?” She presses her face into my shoulder and groans. “When you said you were going to teach me to swim, I thought you meant we were going to play around. You know, have a little hanky panky in the water. I didn’t think you meant to seriously teach me to swim. I obviously suck at it.”

  “It is simple once you get it, Tiani. It will happen. You do not suck.”

  Abruptly, her scent turns mischievous, and she lifts her head to peer at me. “You know what I just realized?” she murmurs and leans in to kiss me. I return the slight pressure of her lips before answering.

  “What have you noticed, my lehti?”

  “I’ve never given you head. We should remedy that. Like right now.”

  Head? Is this some kind of human social exchange? Her scent grows decidedly sneaky and it peaks my interest.

  “I do not know what this means, ‘to give head.’ You must explain it to me,” I reply honestly.

  Her mouth curves up and she leans over my shoulder. Her lips brush over the sensitive flesh of my ear and I falter in the water. Our bodies dip slightly.

  “It means to suck your dick.”

  My cock flares to life, rising rapidly behind my thin shorts. The image her words conjure sends a thrill through my body that makes it impossible for me to tread water with any grace. I maneuver us the few feet to the platform’s ledge and take hold. KJ holds on to the platform nearby.

  “K, it is time to leave of the water, dahni. Ask Sol to help you.”


  It’s quiet, and a moment later, the platform shakes with the Somii’s heavy footfalls. KJ laughs and then I hear the sound of dripping water as he’s pulled from the sea.

  “We are in need of privacy, friend. Could you see to our son?”

  “Of course. I will ensure he stays away from this side of the ledge.”

  “He has those Lyqa blocks. Sit him down to play, and he’ll be fine.”

  My eyes widen on Tiani’s face as her voice rings out in my head. I did not realize Sol was sharing.

  Sol gives a soft grunt of confirmation before the silence of his telepathic disconnect descends over us once more. I turn my attention back to Tiani. Her scent is playful and light.

  “You seek to tempt me with this ‘head’ to get out of the water, but I must insist you complete your lesson.”

  Her legs are still wrapped tightly around me. I move my hand from her bottom and slip it between us, sliding it down her belly and against the heat of her pussy.

  “Bati!” Her voice is a surprised gasp. She is wearing her undergarments. Something called a bra and panties. I push aside the thin, triangle of fabric and my hands immediately come in contact with her slick folds. Even in water, I can tell the difference in her arousal. It is silky, and my long fingers glide over her flesh with ease.

  “Mm, oh!” she moans as I continue to explore her.

  “Your first lesson, my lehti, is you must relax to float properly, and in order to relax, you must be quiet. Can you be quiet?”

  The dark pools of her eyes stare into mine. I remove my hand from between her legs and reach into my shorts, freeing my cock. It springs up hard and long between us.

  “God, you’re so huge. I don’t know how you get that in me.”

  The way she stares at my cock, with a mixture of awe and excitement, makes the tip leak a thick bead of semen.

  “You were made for me, my lehti. Your pussy was fashioned to take me.” As I speak, I lift her with my free hand until she hovers above the tip just outside of the water. “Guide me, Tiani. Put my cock inside of you.”

  She releases an arm from my neck and reaches between us to grip me. Her hips flex forward and her hot center closes over me.

  “Hu’l!” It is too good. The weightlessness of the water only serves to heighten the sensation of pushing through her tight passage. I hold her around the back, pressing our bodies together until I’m seates deep inside of her.

  “Oh, my god, Bati. I still can’t believe you curse.”

  Her voice is tinged with amusement. I press firmly on her back, driving even further inside of her, and she gasps.

  “Quiet, remember,” I whisper against her lips. Our movements are somewhat awkward in the water. “I must keep us above water. When I kick my legs, you press against me, yes?”

  I’m barely holding on. The need to release became nearly unbearable the moment I entered her. I will not last long, but I will not go until she joins me.

  Tiani nods her head and folds her lips in. Our hearts keep a furious beat between us. The anticipation coloring her scent reflects my own.

  I bring my knees up with my feet together before fanning them out. The movement propels me up out of the water. At the same moment, I flex my hips to meet Tiani’s downward motion. My cock hammers up into her pussy.


  We both still following her exclamation. The water laps loudly around us.

  “Quiet, my lehti.”

  “I’m sorry, it just feels so good.”

  Her words are a desperate moan that send my brain into a frenzy. I kick my legs again, pulling her down as I propel out of the water, and again my cock drives deep, pressing solidly through her passage.


  The sound is muffled behind her lips. I keep this pace, treading water, each thrust lodging me deeper inside of her and bringing me closer and closer to my end. Tiani’s eyes are shut tightly as she takes the drive of my hips propelling up from the water. The only sound she makes is those little muffled moans. Her body is tense. She’s close but needs something more.

  “Pull down your top,” I whisper.

  Her eyes open, and a fresh gush of silky wetness surrounds me on my next plunge upward. She yanks
at the scrap of material covering her breasts. The moment they’re bared to me, I lower my head and latch onto one of her nipples, drawing hard on the tight bud.

  “Ah, Bati, please.”

  I come wetly off of her. She pleads up at me with a pained expression.

  “I know, my love. My lehti. I will give you what you need.”

  I turn us so that her back rests against the side of the sea willow. I bring my legs up and brace them on the underside, catching a foothold for leverage.

  I ease slowly out of her before hinging my hips forward, driving deep and hitting her core.


  I do it again, each time increasing the pace until my entire body burns with the effort of working her pussy and keeping up afloat. My release is an ache in my balls, but I hold it at bay until she starts to shake. Little gasps escape her mouth and I drive harder and faster until she moans low and long, her orgasm finally rippling through her. Only then do I press deep and let go, filling her with a flood of semen.

  I release my foothold and let the water carry me from her body. Tiani falls limply against me, her arms loose about my shoulders. I push off from the platform and ease her away. Her body stays pliant as I lift her beneath the legs and lower her onto her back.

  Her eyes are closed. Her breath sounds out in little huffs. I hold her steady for a moment and then release her. She bobs gently, her body level above the water.


  “Hm?” Her acknowledgment is a serene murmur in her throat.

  “You’re floating.”

  Chapter 13


  “Mommy, are you going to float all day?”

  I blink my eyes open. I’ve only been here for about five minutes, but I enjoyed the bit of zen time. KJ’s round little face peers down at me from the platform.

  “Bati!” I call out, trying not to move too much. I’ve got the float down, but anything else and I’m a flailing mess.

  “I am here.” He’s right next to me. I start, my body immediately collapsing. I take a breath, preparing to go under, but Bati’s large hands slide beneath me, keeping me afloat. “I think you have practiced enough. Low tide is approaching again. We should be able to continue our ta’ani by mid-day.

  He lets my lower body drop into the water. I cross my arms around his shoulders and turn into him, wrapping my legs around his waist. His bright blue eyes smile down at me.

  “Did I do well?”

  The waves lap slowly against our joined bodies. The rolling motion pushes us together, and I gasp when the hard ridge of his dick nudges against me.

  “You did perfectly, my lehti.” He leans in to press a soft kiss to my lips. “I will teach you to tread water next, but not today.”

  I don’t even try to stop my grateful sigh. “Thank god. I don't think I can do much more.”

  “What you have done today is enough. At least for swimming.” The blue of his eyes twinkles brightly, and I go warm all over.

  “Mm, that’s right. I still owe you some head.” He’s still nibbling at my mouth and I catch his full bottom lip and suck it gently. He groans.

  “Not owed, but if you are feeling generous later, I will not reject your offer of affection.”

  This is one of the things I love about Bati. He’s so respectful, and it doesn’t put a damper on us being hot for each other. It makes me want to give him more, knowing he doesn’t expect it.

  “I think I’ll be feeling very generous later,” I murmur against his lips.

  “And I shall be very grateful.”

  “Tiani, please!”

  “Shh. They’re going to hear us.”

  I swirl my tongue around the head of Bati’s dick again, and he groans even louder before falling back onto the floor of the tent. He tastes sweet. Not like sugar, but the way fresh, clean water tastes sweet. His skin is smooth and warm. I cant stop myself from lapping at the tight flesh over and over.

  “The—ah—the tent is discreet, but, Tee, please. It is too much.”

  He hasn’t seen anything, yet. I run my tongue slowly from the base of his dick all the way to the tip.

  “Hu’l.” The curse is a soft hiss. I love it when he says that. For some reason, I didn’t think Lyqas had things like curse words, but every time he says that word, hool, my translator definitely murmurs shit into my head.

  When I get to the tip of his dick, I close my mouth over it and suck hard. Bati groans. His voice is harsh. Satisfaction rushes through me.

  I keep forgetting he was a big ol’ virgin before we met. I love that I get to wow him with all the fun stuff about sex. And right now, he is definitely wowed.

  “Tiani, I will not last.”

  I don’t want him to. I’ve obviously given head before, but the way Bati responds has me feeling all kinds of powerful. I lower my head, easing him into my mouth and down my throat, moving my tongue along the way.

  “Lehti!” the growl that erupts from his throat makes me jump, but a second later, his dick starts to jerk in my mouth and a squirt of cum hits my throat. I swallow around it and keep swallowing as he cums. When I cant take anymore, I pull him out of my mouth and lean over him, jerking the rest off on my tits.

  “I would say that I enjoyed that immeasurably,” he sighs out once his body settles. “I would also express my gratitude to you for being such a generous lover.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Bati. It’s my pleasure.”

  He lifts up lightening fast and flips us over, coming between my legs and sliding into me in one smooth stroke.

  “Mm.” I will never get enough of having him inside of me, of being stretched. The delicious ache.

  “You feel so good,” I murmur. The feeling is so intense that the moment he starts to move, my orgasm pulses through me.

  “It is a two mile long journey from here to the west forests. I will carry KJ when he tires. Are you able to walk that distance?”

  “I think so.”

  Bati’s re-packing our bags. I take the one he holds out to me and sling it onto my back. KJ stands a few feet away with his little pack hitched over his shoulders. He’s holding his back straight and looking very seriously. He’s not playing about this ta’anithing. He wants to win, even though I am pretty sure there is absolutely no prize at the end. He taps his foot impatiently as he waits for us to leave.

  “Aww, we’re gonna be late,” he whines when Bati rechecks his bag before swinging it around his back. He secures the straps and turns an admonishing glance on KJ.

  “Ta’ani maul is nothing if not an exercise in patience, my dahni. The items we are searching for require a keen eye and an unhurried mind. Do you think you are able to display these characteristics? We will not be successful otherwise.”

  Bati’s mouth quirks up a tiny bit, and his eyes glance over to me, quickly. He’s so full of shit. He’s already told me the things on the list are almost all laying around our campsite platform. He’s just playing it up for the kid.

  KJ’s little body snaps to attention. He pulls his shoulders back again, assuming his previous pose of seriousness.

  “Yup. I can do it. I can be sussessful.”

  Bati confirms with a short jerk of his head and pulls out the thin slip of plastic-like material that has the list.

  “You were very successful in retrieving the wuor’gi, but the next item is slightly more difficult to find.” He kneels down so that he’s on level with KJ and holds the list out for him to see. “This is aiguu. It is a rare succulent that only grows deep in the west forests.” KJ peers closely at the list. It’s in Lyqa. The kid can’t even read in English yet, but his eyes float over the list with interest.

  “What’s it look like?”

  “It is a short bulbous red plant, marked with long, purple spikes. This can make extraction precarious, but if one is careful, it can be done.”

  “Oh.” KJ does his knowing little nod again, and I have to smother a laugh.

  I look down at the ground. A few feet away, near
the edge of the platform, is a small shrub. Red globes, no bigger than a strawberry, sprout from the mossy base. Each globe has three or four pointy pistils sticking from the middle. The light breeze bends them easily.

  “They are not very dangerous. I promise,” Bati murmurs as he comes to stand beside me. He’s left KJ with the list, probably so he doesn’t notice the aiguu sitting a few feet away.

  “I know.” I turn to face him. My heart thumps heavily. Something really close to love rushes through me as I look up into his warm, blue eyes. “You’re so sweet. I love how you are with him. Thank you.”

  “You do not have to thank me, Tiani. I would have this trip be fun for him. And for you.” He steps around me and swats my ass before strolling off to speak with Sol who’s standing a few feet away.

  Sol is cool. A few times, I’ve caught him watching me and Bati. Particularly when we’re kissing or being otherwise affectionate. Bati said his people aren’t really the lovey-dovey types. The single expression he’s had since he showed up makes this pretty obvious.

  “Is Bati my dad?”

  My head tilts slowly down to where KJ looks up at me with innocent curiosity. I press my eyes closed for a long moment before opening them again. My heart beats fast. KJ stares up at me, waiting patiently for my answer.

  “What?” Maybe he’ll forget the question.

  “Is Bati my dad,” he asks again like it’s the most obvious question in the world. “He acts like my dad, I think. He tells me stuff. He takes me places. He gives me candy, and you kiss him all the time. So he’s my dad, right?”

  My son’s simple assessment of what constitutes parenthood makes me pissed for a moment that his actual father found parenting too complicated for his life. A wave of anxiety washes over me as I open my mouth to reply.

  “K, you know Grammy Spence. That’s your father’s mother, remember? You met Bati’s mommy before. They aren’t the same person, so he can’t be your dad.”

  KJ’s face falls. His shoulders droop forward, and he kicks at a small rock at his foot. “Oh.”


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