Sebastian (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Desired by a Dragon Book 3)

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Sebastian (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Desired by a Dragon Book 3) Page 3

by Terra Wolf

  “Casey! What are you doing here?” The excitement in her voice brought a smile to my face and forced away all the lustful sensations that had been coursing through me seconds before.

  “I thought I’d pay you a visit.” My eyes shifted to the guy standing at the front of the car behind her. “I hope that’s okay.”

  Violet wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a bear hug. “Of course it’s okay!” She pulled away from me to scan her eyes over my face. I waited for her to ask if I was all right—I was positive my face was tomato red—but instead, she smiled and ran her fingertips over my bangs. “When did you get these?”

  “About a week ago.” I shrugged. “I needed a change.”

  “I like them. They really bring out the color of your eyes.” She grabbed me by the shoulders and took a step back. Her eyes skimmed over the length of me, which was something she did that always reminded me of our mother. “You look fantastic! I can’t believe you’re here!”

  “Thanks.” I waited for her to ask me why I was here, but she didn’t.

  The guy she’d arrived with, who I figured was her boyfriend she’d talked so much and yet so little about, stepped forward. “I’m guessing you’re Casey, Violet’s little sister?”

  “I am.”

  “I’m sorry.” My sister waved her hand in the air. “Violet, this is Silas. Silas, this is Violet.”

  “I figured as much.” I crammed my hands into the back pockets of my cutoff shorts.

  “Oh, and that’s Sebastian, Silas’s younger brother. He’s a mechanic who agreed to fix my brakes for me today,” my sister added.

  “Yeah, we’ve met.” My eyes shifted to Sebastian and I caught the ghost of a smile shift across his face. It had my core heating in a lustful way.

  “Yes, we have.” He winked at me. “Well, I’m gonna get started on this. Silas, can you hand me that box?” He started rummaging through a few tools he’d scattered about.

  “You know this isn’t my forte,” Silas replied, cramming his hands into the pockets of his slacks.

  Sebastian shook his head. “I asked you to hand me the box, not change the damn brakes.”

  “Come on in.” Violet headed toward the door. As soon as it was unlocked, she looped her arm through mine and pulled me inside. “How long are you here for? Better yet, why are you here?”

  “I’ll probably be here for the week.” I glanced around my sister’s place as I stepped inside. There were a few knickknacks I remembered her having, but the furniture looked brand-new. My stomach dipped when I realized I’d left my laptop on the porch. I doubled back to get it. “I’m stuck in a bad patch of writer’s block. I was hoping a change of scenery would shake things up for me,” I called over my shoulder as I opened the front door and stepped out. My laptop was right where I’d left it. I bent to retrieve it and happened to glance out into the driveway.

  Sebastian was in front of my sister’s vehicle with a box held in his hands. I wasn’t sure if he was reading it to make sure he had the right part, or if he was trying to open it. It didn’t matter, because the only thing I could focus on were the solid muscles of his back. They were lickable.

  “A change of scenery, huh?” Violet stepped to my side. Her sudden presence startled me and I jerked around to face her.

  “Yeah.” My gaze drifted back to Sebastian for a split-second before I stepped back inside with my sister right on my heels. “You’d be surprised how much a change of scenery can help.”

  “Well, I hope you find one that dissolves the writer’s block quickly.” She closed the front door behind her.

  I didn’t mention to her that I thought I already had. Instead, I smiled as I said, “I’m sure I will.”

  Sebastian was cocky, sexy, and seemingly available. At least I assumed he was; with as brazen and straightforward as he’d been with me I couldn’t imagine him being in a relationship with anyone. He was exactly the type of guy I was looking for, and I had no doubts he would be able to help bring me out of the alpha male writing rut I’d found myself in.

  I wondered if he’d be interested in having dinner or drinks with me. While I generally didn’t ask guys out on dates, it wasn’t something I frowned upon. And who knew, Sebastian might get a thrill out of being asked out.

  Violet narrowed her eyes. “What’s with the face?”

  “What face? I’m not making any face.”

  “Yes, you are. I know that face.” She tipped her head to the side as her lips twisted into a smile. “You’re planning something.”

  “No, I’m not.” I hated how she was always so good at reading me, but I guess that went both ways because she’d often complained when I did the same.

  She placed a hand on her hip. “You either figured something out with your novel, or you’re making a plan for something else.”

  “Fine, maybe I am planning something.” I sighed and rolled my eyes. A new idea came to me then, one that would involve my sister’s help. “So, tell me everything you know about Sebastian.”

  “Sebastian? What do you want to know about him?” She started through the house and I followed closely behind her. When she paused in the kitchen, I set my laptop on the table in the corner and pulled out a chair.

  “Is he dating anyone?”

  “I don’t think so. I mean, he hasn’t brought anyone around, but that doesn’t mean he’s not dating someone.” She pulled two mugs from the cabinet by the sink. I watched her as she filled one with tap water and placed it in the microwave. The other she filled with coffee, leaving enough room for cream and sugar. “Why?”

  “Because I was thinking of asking him out.”

  Violet leaned against the counter top. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “He just doesn’t seem like your type.” She shrugged.

  “Maybe I’m willing to try a different type of guy. I told you I needed to shake things up so I can get out of my writer’s block rut. Maybe Sebastian is the way to do that.” I crossed my legs and leaned back in my chair. “Do you think you can invite both of us to dinner tonight? Maybe it could be considered as payment for him changing your brakes,” I suggested to help her go for the idea better.

  “I planned on paying him cash, but I guess tossing in dinner too couldn’t hurt.” The microwave beeped and she sat her coffee on the counter to retrieve my mug of hot water. “We only have peppermint tea, is that okay?”

  “Sure, that’s fine. Thanks.”

  “I’ll ask Sebastian to stay for dinner, but you have to go to the grocery store with me and help me cook.” She handed me my tea.

  The scent of peppermint wafted to my nose as I took it from her. It reminded me of Christmas. It always had. I loved Christmas. “Deal.”

  “Good.” She situated herself in the chair opposite me, and I couldn’t help but notice how well she looked.

  “You look happy, Vi.”

  “I am.” She took a tentative sip of her coffee, her eyes never wavering from mine. “Are you really here because you’re stuck on your book or because you wanted to check in on me?”

  Damn, she was good. My lips formed into a smile I couldn’t dim. “Both.”

  “I figured as much.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ve told you a thousand times, I’m fine. Better than fine actually, I’m great.”

  “I can see that.” I could. Never had I seen my sister look so content and peaceful with the way her life was. “Doesn’t mean I’m leaving, though.”

  “I don’t want you to. I’m glad you came for a visit.” She grinned. “Now, let’s discuss what we should cook tonight.”

  My mind shifted through the clothes I’d brought as Violet named off the dishes she hadn’t had in a while, knowing I wouldn’t be able to find anything acceptable for what I was trying to do in her wardrobe.

  Tonight, I planned to seduce Sebastian. He seemed like the kind of guy I needed to loosen things up and bust out of my alpha male writing rut, and he didn’t strike me as the type to mind helping. I’d a
lways heard it was best to write about what you knew, and after tonight it seemed as though I would know what it felt like to have a one night stand with an egotistical guy who had a comedic flare. I was positive my readers would thank me.

  Chapter 4


  While I hadn’t expected to be asked to dinner after changing the brakes on Violet’s SUV, I damn sure hadn’t expected her sister to ask me out for a drink afterward even more.

  It was sexy as hell that she had, though.

  I could appreciate a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it. While I hadn’t pegged Casey as being the type, I was beginning to think I might have underestimated her. Especially after she downed her second shot of tequila in the first five minutes of being at the bar.

  “Either you’re an alcoholic who’s trying to hide it from your sister, or you decided for some reason you need to be drunk to be around me.” I was only half joking, because there was the potential of truth in either of those statements, considering the way she was tipping shots back and how little I knew her.

  Casey shook her head and laughed. “Neither, I promise. I’m just trying to loosen up.”

  “Oh yeah, and why is that?” I leaned in closer to her. “Do I make you nervous?”

  I noticed when goose bumps erupted across the smooth skin of her forearm and a satisfied smirk made its way to my face. She shifted in her seat and my smirk grew. I freaking loved making this beautiful woman squirm.

  “Maybe a little.” Her cheeks flushed through a few shades of pink and I found myself leaning in to kiss her forehead.

  “Don’t be.” I put some space between us, feeling incredibly surprised by my actions, and took a sip of my stiff drink. This woman was making me soft, and I didn’t even know her. Hell, I’d only been in her presence for a few hours and already she’d managed to somehow tone down my demeanor and soften things about me I never thought would. To put it bluntly, I was pussy-whipped and I hadn’t even tasted her pussy yet. Yet being the operative word. “I don’t bite unless I’m asked to.” I flashed her a wicked grin, unable to help myself.

  “Noted.” She re-crossed her legs, drawing my attention to them.

  Suddenly, all I could think about was burying my head between her thighs. I had no doubts Casey would taste sweet. The thought of pleasuring her for hours with my tongue had me heated. I wanted to suck her swollen clit and run the tip of my tongue along her silky slit until she begged me to penetrate her. My jeans tightened as I lost myself to visions of it.

  “Are you okay? You’re staring at me like you’re about to eat me alive or something,” Casey said with a nervous laugh, pulling me from my vivid daydream.

  I blinked, then forced myself to focus on her face and relax my grip on my glass. I’d been holding onto it with enough force to shatter it. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I flashed her a crooked grin, stalling until I could think of something that might get another conversation rolling between us. “You know, I just realized you never did answer my question earlier.”

  “And what question was that?” She chewed on the end of her straw.

  “Whether or not you write dirty books.”

  Casey straightened her back and looked me square in the eye. I waited for her to tell me to go fuck myself, but she didn’t. Instead, she surprised me when she said, “I do. The dirtier the better.”

  At first, I was at a loss for words, but it didn’t take long for me to recover with something. “And how is it you find inspiration for these dirty books of yours?”

  Maybe I’d crossed a line when asking, but then again maybe I hadn’t. Even if she wasn’t a freak in the sack, she still had to be horny as hell writing dirty scenes all day.

  “I have my ways.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you do.” I wiggled my eyebrows, insinuating I knew what she was trying to tell me without so many words. “Would that be why you asked me out tonight? Because you need a little inspiration?” I remembered hearing her mention to Violet she was stuck in a writer’s block rut.

  A sense of pride slithered through me as I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that she’d chosen me to be her muse. Granted, I was probably the first sexy guy she’d stumbled upon since stepping foot into town, but I was still smug from the idea.

  “It is. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Not at all, sweetheart. Finish your drink and we can head to my place so I can get those inspirational juices flowing for you.”

  I’d expected her to blush, but she didn’t. Instead, she wrapped her lips around the end of her straw and downed her drink in seconds. I slammed mine back and reached for her hand. An electrical current zinged through me and I wasn’t sure if it was from her touch or the excitement of what we were about to do. Excitement, that had to be it. After all, I was about to have sex with a beautiful woman all because of her love for the written word.

  When we left the noise of the bar behind, I was able to focus on the feel of Casey’s hand in mine. It was delicate and fragile. Soft. A gentle breeze blew, causing the faint fragrance of her perfume to infuse my senses. God, I wanted her. I wanted her more than any woman I’d ever wanted before.

  Thank goodness my apartment was a ten-minute walk from the bar.

  “Just so you know, this isn’t something I generally do.” Her voice wavered when she spoke, and I wondered if she was having doubts or if she was worried about what I thought of her.

  “What isn’t?” I cast a sideways glance at her. “You having sex?”

  A giggle burst past her lips. “No, not that.”

  “Then what are you talking about?” I steered her through an alleyway, taking a shortcut to my apartment above the coffee shop on Main.

  “This.” She gestured to the space between us. “I’m normally not so straightforward with guys, especially in the sex department. This is a first for me. So, please don’t judge me by this.”

  “Life is too short to not be straightforward in the sex department.” I was serious, and I hoped she knew it.

  “That’s a good way to look at things, I guess.”

  “It’s the only way to look at things,” I said before I could stop myself. I didn’t want her thinking all I cared about was sex, even though that seemed like the only reason she’d asked me out, to begin with. “That sounded bad. What I should have said is not to worry. I’m not judging you.”

  “Good.” She twisted to glance at me. “Tell me something funny.”

  “Tell you something funny?”


  I ran a hand through my hair and stared at the cracks in the sidewalk as we passed over them, thinking. “Okay, give me a second. You put me on the spot.”

  “Don’t think too hard on it.” She squeezed my hand in hers. “Just tell me a corny pickup line or something.”

  “Why, is it going in your book?”

  “It might.” She shrugged. “Just tell me something you’ve used before.”

  A grin formed on my face at the idea of her basing an entire character on me instead of just my performance in bed. “Did you sit in a pile of sugar, because you have a pretty sweet ass?”

  Her legs froze, jerking me into a standstill along with her. We were only a few feet away from my apartment.

  “You can’t be serious? That isn’t something you use, is it?” She balked.

  “I have, on occasion. I’ve also used, is your daddy a baker? Because you’ve got some nice buns.” I grinned from ear to ear.

  She shook her head as another round of giggles left her. “Jesus, Sebastian, that’s freaking hilarious!”

  The way she said my name had me growing rock hard in seconds. A low growl built in my chest and I knew I had to have her right then. I didn’t care if it was in my apartment or up against the brick wall of the coffee shop.

  My jaw locked as I fought against the desire to touch her. As we headed around to the back of the building, where the metal stairs led to my apartment, Casey lost her footing in her high-heels and I was f
orced to reach out with both hands to steady her. My fingertips dug into her hips and she released a little moan that sent me over the edge. Before I knew what I was doing, I’d pressed her up against the wall and pinned her between my body and the bricks of the building. My lips sealed over hers and I trailed my fingertips down her hip until I found the hemline of her dress. I stroked along her smooth skin there, loving the noises that pushed their way past her parted lips and into my mouth.

  My cock pounded in sync with my heartbeat as Casey moved to wrap her leg around my waist. Her warmth melded with mine and I moved my hips just enough to create friction between us. Her head tipped back as her fingertips intertwined within my hair.

  “Oh God,” she breathed into the night air.

  Fueled by her words, I inched my fingertips higher until I reached the warm, moist heat of her center. Casey’s body responded to my touch hard and fast. Her hips thrust in a motion that let me know she wanted to fuck my fingers, and I tugged her panties to the side. If she wanted something to write about, I’d damn sure give her something good.

  I skimmed my fingertip over her silky folds, wishing I could taste her on the tip of my tongue. “You like that?”

  “Yes!” she gasped against my ear. “More!”

  She reached between us and unzipped my jeans. Her hand slipped into my boxers and she gripped my shaft. She pumped me twice and I thought I was a goner.

  “God, woman, you might be the death of me,” I growled.

  The thought occurred to me that maybe things were going faster than I should have allowed, but there was no turning back now. We’d long ago reached the point of no return.

  “Then do something about it.” Her voice was raspy as she lifted her hips to rub her silky center along my tip.

  Any shred of willpower I had evaporated. While Casey might have seemed innocent, the things she said and the books she wrote hinted at something else entirely, and I wanted to set that part of her free.


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