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Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1)

Page 8

by Audrey Carlan

  “I’ll let you know. I have to go to the police station and make my statement today.” I sigh into the phone loudly. So much for the board meeting. It dawns on me then that I’m going to have to call Taye before I head to the station. I need to update him on what occurred last night and why I won’t be present at the meeting today. He’s going to be furious that I didn’t call him last night.

  “I’ll be thinking about you. Anabelle misses you. She drew you a picture.” He laughs lightly. Phillip’s angelic daughter, Anabelle, is such a light in a dark world. Her blonde curly hair and crystal blue eyes can make any day brighter. I take my duty as her Godmother very seriously, especially since her Mother died in a car wreck two years ago.

  “I miss her. Send her my love and tell her that I have a present for her.”

  “I love you, Gigi.” I hear the fear in his voice. Part of me wanted to hide what happened to me from him, but the stitches and bruised cheek would lead to more questions and hurt feelings. Besides, I promised him I’d never lie to him and always be upfront.

  “I love you, too. I’ll see you when I get home, Phillip.” I hang up and exhale. With great effort I stand and turn around.

  Chase is standing halfway across the expanse of the room. His gaze is searing, jaw clenched so tight he could break a tooth.

  “Who do you love?” comes out demanding, unforgiving.

  I’m caught off guard by the rage pumping off him. I slump against the chair at the angry tone. My hackles rise, and I lift my chin, irritation setting in at his accusatory tone. “Phillip. My best friend.”

  “Not your lover?” His eyes blaze, searching for an answer.

  For a moment I’m lost. He has a white towel slung low over his waist and tied at one hip. Water drips down his muscled torso, rivulets trail down the square bumps of his tight abdomen, disappearing into the cotton of the towel at his pelvis. Oh what I wouldn’t give to be one of those droplets right now. I lick my lips and bite down on the bottom one.

  “I asked you a question? I expect an answer.” His voice is cold.

  “No. He’s not.” I leave out the part that he once was. Somehow I don’t think that tidbit of information would ease Chase right now. Besides, it was a lifetime ago. Almost as if it was something that happened in a long forgotten dream.

  “I will not share you with another man.” His jaw is tight, the muscles flicking with tension like a rubber band being pulled at both ends, just on the cusp of snapping. “Once I have you, you will be mine, Gillian. Think about that before we go any further.”

  His anger infuriates me. Who does he think he is? My knight in shining Armani? “Phillip is my best friend. We’ve been through a lot together, and I will not give him up for any man.” I hold my chin up and cross my arms. He watches me, detached, his gaze frosty. I don’t care. He doesn’t get to control me. No man does. “I love him dearly, but I’m not “in love” with him, nor will I ever be.” Now I’m pissed off. “You know what? I don’t need to explain my relationship with Phillip to you. I don’t even know what this is.” I gesture between the two of us.

  His towel drops to the floor as he stalks to me.


  His body is incredible. Tall with broad muscled shoulders that narrow into a tight chest, lean waist and hips, thick muscular thighs, tight strong shins and calves. But nothing is quite as beautiful as his cock. It’s semi-erect, long and thick, bobbing as he makes his way across the room. It’s as if it’s straining to reach me. My mouth waters at the sight, and I want to fall to my knees and wrap my lips around the perfect knobbed head in complete adoration of its beauty.

  “You see what you do to me?” He pulls me to him, tightly pressing his naked body against me. The ridge of his now fully erect cock digs into the tender flesh of my belly. My hands grapple for purchase on all the slick yummy male skin surrounding me. I whimper. My intense response is carnal, animalistic. I lick his peck, pulling in the taste of fresh water, a hint of soap and blessed man.

  Chase closes me in between the wall of windows and the chair. Standing next to this wide window with a gloriously naked man pressing his tight body to my half-naked one feels electric and exhilarating.

  He grasps my nape and kisses me passionately, pressing me against the chair back. Strong hands pull at my thighs, roughly hiking me up to set my bum on the edge. I wrap my legs around his lean waist as he presses his erection against the tiny triangle of fabric covering my sex before deepening the kiss. Chase is all around me and everywhere at once. His sandalwood and fruit scent strong from the shower surrounds me, pulling me into the vortex that is Chase. He wrenches his mouth away roughly. My lips feel prickly and swollen.

  “Christ, I could come just from kissing you.” His forehead crinkles and he locks his gaze with mine. There’s a raging fire of lust that I desperately want to put out. Preferably with my body.

  “Chase,” I say breathless, nipping at his lips, tugging on the bottom one. He groans and bites back. God, this man makes me insane. One minute he’s scolding me, the next he’s driving me wild with need.

  A knock on the suite’s door breaks the spell. I pull tightly against his body, startled by the intrusion. Anger flicks on like a switch as Chase gives me one last deep kiss, grinding his erection into my parted thighs. “Soon,” he grates through clenched teeth. He unfurls my leg lock from his waist, helping me to stand against the chair. His gaze sweeps over my bare legs, up his shirt, and to my swollen lips. It’s as if he’s cataloguing every facet of my body. “You’re perfect wrapped in me,” he says seductively.

  I lean stunned against the chair and so completely turned on I can hardly function. That orgasm earlier felt like a tiny miniscule appetizer to a feast of pleasure Chase is sure to provide. He picks up the towel he’s dropped and wraps it back around his waist to answer the door. I want to hiss and boo at the loss of seeing his beautiful body.

  “She’ll be ready in an hour,” he says to someone, but it’s muffled. He saunters back into the bedroom. “Jack is going to take you to the station in an hour for your statement. He will bring you back to the hotel.” I open my mouth to suggest I can take a cab and he stops me. “Don’t argue with me. This is non-negotiable.”

  And that is that. Discussion over. He enters the closet and pulls out his suit. I throw the scrub pants from last night back on but keep his shirt. It’s nice having something that’s Chase on me right now. I have to go. I need time to think, to process everything that’s happened. Last night and this morning. Trying to cope through a mind filled with lust is not doing me any favors. Grabbing my dirty clothes, I venture to the open bathroom door where Chase is at the mirror fixing his hair. The dark layers fall into place as he burrows his fingers through it.

  “I’m going to my room to get ready. I’ll meet Jack downstairs.” He nods and fiddles with a black textured tie around his golden neck. It lies crisply against the stark white of his dress shirt. His dark charcoal suit brings out the grey flecks in his eyes. He’s meticulous in his movements, concentrating on putting on his cufflinks. They are small, dime sized circles with a black onyx gem, the sphere lined by silver plating. “Text me when you’re finished.” His eyes find mine in the mirror, the look almost pleading. His genuine concern makes me nod.

  As I’m about to leave, I remember the question I forgot to ask last night. “Hey, why did you pick vanilla, emerald and popsicle as the three words you wanted me to remember?”

  He grins wickedly and comes to walk me to the hotel room door. Jack is filling a giant lounge chair in the sitting room, watching as Chase holds open the door. He gestures for Jack to follow me and I realize this is going to be my new friend for the day. Chase is not letting me go anywhere alone. Since I’m still shaken, having protection isn’t all together uncomfortable. Jack does look like one scary guy.

  “You really want to know?” I nod and his smile shows all his pearly white teeth. In a husky voice, dripping with innuendo, he says, “You, Gillian, smell like vanilla.”
He leans down and inhales loudly before kissing my neck. “That’s the scent I want surrounding me when I look into your emerald eyes as you suck my cock as if you were eating a popsicle.” He chuckles. I know my eyes have to be as wide as dinner plates as my chin drops and my mouth gapes open. “You asked.” He laughs.

  Jesus, he paints a sexy, elicit image. Then I realize we’re not alone and my gaze jets to Jack. He has the good grace to look away, a grin plastered across his square face. Heat fans across my cheeks. Chase grabs my shoulders and hauls me against him. He plunders my mouth, giving me a taste of his minty freshness and something uniquely Chase. My knees feel weak and wobbly when he lets me go.


  After I dress, I call Taye. He’s upset that I didn’t call him last night to come to the hospital. I explain that Chase came. Quickly, I detailed the oddity of Chase helping me by telling him they found his business card in my jacket pocket from the meeting. The nurses called him, not Taye. It seems reasonable, and, technically, it isn’t a lie. He says he will touch base with Mr. Davis at the board meeting, and hopes I feel better after making my statement and resting.

  Jack escorts me to the police station. The visit is horrifying. A wide array of delinquents and degenerates from all walks of life are being dragged around the facility. Even though I get a handful of stares and disgusting grins, none of them dare approach me. Jack, the “Tank”, snarls like a possessive dog would, protecting its owner when men look my way. The bodyguard must have instructions from Chase, ones he takes very seriously. The big guy doesn’t leave me alone, not even for a minute.

  The officer takes me into a quiet room and Jack follows, standing in the corner watching everything without making a sound. I don’t have much to offer. My attacker came from behind, held me immobile, and then knocked me out. Nothing to see. There is little hope of getting back my belongings or finding the man who attacked me. I express my fear that my attacker has my address and personal information. The officer is less concerned because I live in San Francisco. My attacker is in Chicago, over two thousand miles away. The thought makes me feel a bit better. Not much.

  When all the “I’s” are dotted and the “T’s” crossed, Jack ushers me to the waiting car. I’m happy he didn’t drive the limo today. That would have felt outlandish at a police station in downtown Chicago.

  I take out my cell phone to type Chase a text message.

  To: Chase Davis

  From: Gillian Callahan

  Statement made. Nothing more can be done. On my way back to hotel.

  My phone dings with a message before I can put it back in my pocket.

  To: Gillian Callahan

  From: Chase Davis

  Are you okay?

  Those three little words make my heart jump. In the span of two days this man has become something more than the Chairman of the Board of Safe Haven. Much more. I need time away from him to figure out just how much, as well as sort out this strange connection we have. Home. That’s where I need to be. Then it dawns on me. How the hell am I going to get home without my driver’s license or identification? Worry trickles along the edges of my tired mind.

  To: Chase Davis

  From: Gillian Callahan

  Worried about how I’m going to get home without ID.

  I lean my throbbing head against the seat rest and pull the pain medication from my briefcase. It’s all I have since my purse was stolen.

  “Here’s a bottle of water, Miss Callahan.” Jack hands me a bottle over the seat. I take it and smile at him in the review mirror. He doesn’t return the gesture.

  To: Gillian Callahan

  From: Chase Davis

  I have taken care of it. You will fly home with me in the company jet. Stop worrying.

  “Holy Shit! He has a company jet?” I say aloud while staring at the words on my phone. I blow a puff of air toward my heated forehead. “How rich is this guy?” Who really has their own jet? Donald Trump maybe? The President for sure.

  “No, Miss Callahan. Mr. Davis does not have “a” jet; he owns a fleet of them.” My mouth drops to my chin. “Mr. Davis is worth billions,” Jack adds, very matter of fact.

  I start to shake and twist my fingers together. Billions? I knew he was rich, but I had no idea. What could a man like that possibly want with a poor, charitable fundraiser from a broken home with a jaded past? Besides, I’m a mess. I have more than my fair share of issues and baggage, much more than any man deserves. God, knowing he’s worth so much, that he’s so valuable, makes me want to run for the hills.

  We make our way back to the hotel. My head aches, my heart heavy. The linebacker follows me into the hotel room. He checks the closet, bathroom, under the bed and behind the curtains. For what, I don’t know. How an intruder would be able to get into a locked hotel room is beyond me, but I allow him to do what he feels is necessary before kicking him out.

  “Mr. Davis will come for you this evening at 6:00 p.m. Be ready when he arrives. He requests that you not leave the hotel,” he announces.

  “Oh really? Is that right? You just tell Mr. Davis that I don’t need his permission, but thanks for the concern.” I walk to the door and open it wide for him. The man almost spans the entire space of the door frame. I wonder idly if he used to play football. “Thank you, Jack. For your assistance today at the station.” He leaves with a nod.

  I answer to no man. Even if Chase has some misguided notion that I will fall in line like everyone else does around him, he’s dead wrong. I’m no longer the type of woman to bow down to a man’s every whim. I learned that lesson the hard way.

  My cell phone pings, and I pluck it out of my briefcase and see his name.

  To: Gillian Callahan

  From: Chase Davis

  Dinner at 6:00 p.m. We head home first thing in the morning. Have your bags ready.

  Even from his board meeting he’s trying to control me. Unbelievable.

  To: Chase Davis

  From: Gillian Callahan

  I’m tired. No dinner. I’ll be ready in the morning. See you then.

  Space from Chase Davis is necessary. He makes me all googly eyed and filled with feelings I can’t control. Last night, though, he took care of me. I haven’t been taken care of by a man in years. My last boyfriend Daniel tried, but ended up making me feel smothered. He was just too damned nice all the time. His voice never rose once until the night that I asked him to try a different sexual position. That’s when things started to fall apart. Good riddance. He was a lousy lay. I’ve had more pleasure from Chase’s fingers just the once, than I had in the better part of a yearlong relationship with Daniel.

  Even though Chase is trying to be nice, he doesn’t own me. But you’d like him to, my traitorous subconscious pipes in. I groan, knowing I just need to sleep. My head is killing me and I’ve suffered through a lot. Between the board meeting yesterday, the emotional rollercoaster, being mugged, a stint in the hospital, waking up next to Chase, having Chase get me off, and making my statement at the station, I’m a mess. A tired broken down mess. Once I’ve rested I’ll be as good as new. Unlike Humpty Dumpty after he falls off the wall, I’ll be able to pull myself together again.

  I yank off my jeans and sweater and let them fall to the floor in a clumsy pile. The sheets are crisp and cool as I crawl into the plush bed in my bra and underwear. Sleep takes me instantly.

  Chapter 6

  Silk whispers across my forehead, against my temples, down the side of my face. I try to stretch and realize I can’t. Something prevents me from moving. The blankets are pinned on either side of me. I can’t move. I can’t move! I gasp for breath and scream. My heartbeat speeds and I start to panic and struggle.

  “Shhh, Baby, there you are. You’re finally awake.” Chase’s voice penetrates the layer of fear, calming me instantly. I breathe in and out a few times. The panic eases. For a scant moment, I was back there. Back to when I’d awaken tied to the bed against my will. The room is dark, though I can still see Chase’s sly smile. He’s
in the same suit from this morning and distractingly handsome. I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. The rest of the anxiety trickles out the edges of my pores as I inhale his woodsy scent. His fingers slide along my temple and he cups my chin. He pets the apple of my cheek which is probably still twice its normal size.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s six. I’m taking you out. Get up, get dressed.”

  A sigh escapes. “I told you, I was tired. I’m not going out.” I stick to my guns, though Chase’s nearness sends all pretense of a defense crumbling into a pile of mush. When he’s close, I just want to be with him. Alone, it’s easy to pretend what’s happening between us isn’t real.

  He brings his mouth down for a slow luxurious kiss. Mmm, this man can kiss. He slowly sweeps his mouth across my lips, then nibbles on the plump lower one. I groan as he deepens the pleasurable assault. His tongue enters my mouth, sweeping along mine. He tastes so good. Like a perfectly ripe strawberry. I know he’s using my lack of restraint when he’s touching me to get what he wants. Sneaky bastard.

  I twine my fingers through his thick, dark hair, scraping his scalp lightly. He groans in appreciation while sliding one hand against my chin to turn my head, delving deeper. His tongue swipes languidly against mine and I feel that tingling down low in my belly. God, I want this man. Just as I grip at his waist to pull his shirt out of his pants, he pulls away.

  “Seriously?” Frustration seeps out in a snarl.

  “Gillian, as much as I’d like to fuck you right now, you’re in no state.”

  I roll my eyes in disbelief. He’s the only man in the universe with a conscience.

  “Believe me, I want to sink my dick so far into you, you won’t know what hit you, but it would be taking advantage.” He stands and tucks his shirt back into his slacks. “I’m taking you to one of my restaurants this evening. I’ve had a dress sent over.” He grabs a box that he must have brought in because it wasn’t there when I went to sleep.


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