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Changing His Game

Page 10

by Justine Elvira

  Me: Can you talk tomorrow?

  I don't expect to get a response right away, so I'm startled when my phone chimes almost immediately with an incoming text.

  Winnie: Sure. I can talk now 2 if u want.

  Me: Can't now I'm busy.

  Winnie: Did u find a job? R u working right now?

  Me: I did, it's a long story, but I'm at the house right now.

  Winnie: ? So y can't u talk?

  Me: Pizza and Dexter marathon with Jared.

  Winnie: Just u 2?

  Me: Yes.

  Winnie: SQUEEEEE!!!!!! What does that mean? R u fucking him?

  I can't believe she asked me that. I'm not some kind of whore who just hops into bed with someone I've known for only a week. Oh wait, I would have if he had a condom last night. Shit!

  Me: No I'm not fucking him. We're friends, good friends. He's been here for me.

  Winnie: Listen 2 me!!! Do not get in the friend zone. It will ruin any chances u have of hooking up with him. Trust me u want to hook up with him. His dick is so thick and huge. I'd probably come on contact.

  Me: Jeez Winnie, he's not a piece of meat. He's a person and has feelings.

  Me: Plus, I’m not interested in him like that. He’s my boss.

  Winnie: U work 4 him?

  Dammit. I wasn't paying attention when I texted her and didn't realize I gave out information I haven't told her yet.

  Me: I didn't tell you? I'm his assistant.

  Winnie: Being his assistant means u have 2 go 2 work with him so u must have seen the dick God blessed him with.

  I've done more than see it; I've touched it. I've imagined sucking and licking it until he comes down the back of my throat... and I'd take all of it.

  Me: Yes I've seen it. It's no big deal.

  Winnie: NO BIG DEAL??? U R crazy.

  As I'm reading the last text from her, Jared walks in with the pizza, a six-pack of beer, and the Dexter DVDs. I must have been texting my sister longer than I thought if the pizza is already here.

  "Ready to start?" He asks me, eyeing the phone in my hand.

  "Yep, just hold on a sec. I've got to send out one more text."

  Me: Gotta go. Pizza's here.

  I hit send and turn off my phone. I know Winnie will not be satisfied with that text and I'll probably wake up to five or so texts from her when I turn back on my phone.

  We get comfortable on the bed after Jared sets up the DVD and hits play on the first episode. He opens the box of cheese pizza and we eat straight out of the box. I would normally never do this, but Jared seems to be more comfortable eating this way.

  We make small talk about what's happening on the show and giggle at some of the parts that are over the top, but for the most part I really love this show. By the time we finish the third episode, the pizza's gone and so is the beer.

  Our backs are against the silver headboard of Jared's bed and our legs are stretched out in front of us. My stomach feels like it might explode from all the food and beer I consumed. I would be more self-conscious about it, but Jared seems to enjoy my appetite.

  "You're the only woman in this town who knows how to enjoy a good meal," he had said to me when I was eating my third piece of pizza.

  Now I'm debating if all that pizza was a good move.

  "Who were you texting earlier?" Jared asks, turning his head to look at me.

  I turn to face him since he's paused the DVD at the beginning of the fourth episode.

  "My sister. I'm going to call her tomorrow?"

  "Do you miss her?"

  "Yeah, I do. We're really close so she's one of the few people I actually do miss."

  "So you don't want to go back to Michigan?" He looks almost worried. I'm not sure if he's worried I'll say yes or no.

  "I guess I am imposing on your life by living here." I want him to know that I realize how great he is being by letting me stay here.

  Jared nudges my shoulder to bring my attention back to him. "I'm going to say this one last time, and then you better not mention it again. I want you here, if I didn’t I would have kicked you out already."

  I smile and nudge him back, "Thanks, Jared."

  "I bet she's not too happy about you staying and living with a complete stranger."

  "Are you kidding me? I'm surprised I haven't found her on your doorstep yet. She's a huge fan of yours. The whole time I was living this naive, innocent life in Michigan, my sister and aunt were huge Brandon Boner fans."

  "Yeah, but I'm not Brandon, I'm Jared." For the first time since I met him I feel like he almost regrets his Brandon Boner persona.

  "I know that. I've never called you Brandon unless we're in a professional setting. I think of you as Jared, this sweet, loveable guy who's let me stay with him while I'm trying to put the pieces of my life back together."

  "I'm loveable, huh?"

  "You know what I mean," I say, grabbing the pillow from behind me and whacking him across the chest.

  "You want to play dirty," he mumbles, grabbing the pillow his back was resting on and preparing to hit me with it. "I'll play dirty."

  I pull my pillow back to hit him again, but before I can he's charging at me on the bed, and I fall backwards on the mattress. That's when he swats me with the pillow. He's being easy on me because I know he could hit me a lot harder. When he pulls back for a second swing, my hands go out to his sides and I start to tickle him, unsure if it will work. I get lucky because Jared is unbelievably ticklish. He starts laughing and drops the pillow almost as soon as my hands hit his ripped stomach.

  I don't let up, tickling him relentlessly, hoping to find an opening to make my escape from the bed. Jared turns and moves, grabbing my hands and turning me around. He pins me to the bed, my stomach flat on the mattress as his body lays over mine. I can't move. His body is flush against my back and I feel his hand roam down my side.

  "That wasn't very fair, Billy. I like playing dirty, but you took it too far," he says, almost amusingly. His hand roams and makes its way to one of my ass cheeks. Jared gently squeezes my ass. "I don't like to be tickled, so you should take your punishment."

  Jared lightly chuckles under his breath and I feel the absence of his hand on my ass. He turns his body so his weight is only on one side of me and I feel a hard slap on my ass.

  He just spanked me.

  I should be pissed, but my breathing starts to get uneven and I feel the dampness start to soak my panties. He only spanks me the one time, as he applies all of his weight back on my body. Jared lowers his mouth to my ear and I can feel his breath tickle my skin. "You like to get spanked, Billy?"

  His hips thrust into me and I can feel his erection against my ass. I squirm and wiggle underneath him until Jared leans up and applies his weight to his forearms, giving me room to move. I turn around underneath him so we are face-to-face, chest-to-chest, and hip-to-hip.

  His eyes smolder as he looks into my eyes and my breath catches, I'm back to where I was last night. All I can think about is feeling this man inside me, him going deeper than I’ve ever felt before, and making me come all over his beautiful, large, pierced dick.

  His breathing becomes heavy as his eyes shift down to my lips. His tongue comes out to lick his edible mouth and I can’t take anymore. Damn the consequences. Who cares if I'll never have him exclusively, I’ll have him tonight and that's what I want.

  I reach my hand up to his chest, covering the heart that's split in half. My eyes automatically take in the tattoo. I've never asked him about it and the words start to haunt my thoughts

  Nothing Lasts Forever

  I trail my hands back and forth over the inked skin and speak before thinking my words through.

  "What does your tattoo mean... what's it for?" I whisper in the silence, the only other sound is his breathing.

  I look up into his eyes but the passion's gone, overtaken by a new look I’ve never seen before. He lifts himself off me and sits on the other end of the bed, not making eye contact with me.

  "I don't want to discuss my tattoos with you, Billy. Let's just go to bed."

  Great. I’ve ruined whatever was going on between us a minute ago. I have the urge to move over to him and kiss him, hoping to pick up from where our compromising position was leading us to before, but I don't. His distant body language tells me to leave him alone.

  "Okay," I say meekly, getting under the covers.

  Jared turns off the flat screen and lights before joining me in bed. Neither of us speaks as we lay in the darkness. I'm willing sleep to come to me, but it doesn't. I'm too worked up and worried about my friendship with Jared to be able to go to sleep.

  Some time goes by before I feel Jared shift in the bed and his arms wrap around me, pulling me into his body so he can spoon me.

  "I'm sorry," he whispers into the darkness. "Get some sleep, Billy."

  He kisses the back of my head and I let my body relax into his hold. His touch comforts me and I'm able to find sleep in his embrace.

  Chapter Eight

  I've been in California for three weeks now and my life here is so different from back in Michigan. If I were in Michigan right now I'd be working for my parents at their boat shop and watching the tourists have fun out on Lake Michigan. I’d probably also be feeling the pressure to get back together with Brock.

  I’ve spoken to my parents once about the situation, and although they claim to understand why I left, they've made it clear that I should at least talk to Brock and hear his side of the story. I didn't say much about their comment about Brock. I respect my parents too much to say anything inappropriate to them, but I wanted to. I wanted to ask them how I could possibly want to hear his side of why he had his dick in another woman.

  Brock himself couldn't even come up with a good enough excuse, or at least I'm assuming he couldn't. That's the only explanation I can come up with to why he stopped calling me a few days after I left his apartment.

  During my phone call with Winnie the day after what I now call "the incident on Jared's bed", she told me Brock and Lexi were officially together. She had heard it straight from Lexi's mouth and then she spotted them at the local theater the next day, making out in public for the entire town to see.

  I could tell my sister didn’t want to give me this information, I think she feared I would break down because of my love for Brock. I didn’t know how to tell her, again, that I didn’t miss him at all. That I was only pissed in the beginning because he made me look like a fool. That all I think about now is Jared.

  Jared. Jared. Jared.

  Any moment that I'm not completely consumed in my work, my brain drifts to Jared. Hell, even when I'm working all I think about is Jared because I work for him.

  Things have been good since that night in his bed. When I woke up the next morning I was afraid it would be awkward, but Jared acted like nothing happened and we went back to being friends, which kind of sucked for me because I had gone out that day and picked up a package of condoms, hoping things might progress.

  We still flirt, but it's more innocent. He makes sure to keep his dick away from all parts of my body, and he doesn’t let me come to set with him anymore. He always has a list of other things for me to do those days. When he's not on set, he requires me to be at his side for all things. Interviews, endorsement deals, and yes, porn stars have endorsement deals. I talked him out of having his dick molded into a dildo. The company was even going to attach the exact piercing Jared has on his dick to the dildo.

  Even though we're friends, my stomach couldn't handle the thought of women around the world getting off on a replica of his dick. Thankfully, by the grace of God because I couldn't come up with any good reason not to, Jared declined the deal for a replica of his dick. He said it might stop women from propositioning him on the street for sex if they could already have his cock at home, and he liked the attention. Kelly and I laughed at him, but I secretly was thanking his perverted mind for stopping the deal.

  Today I'm looking over one of his previous contracts with an online distributor. Jared thinks the company breached their contract with him when they falsely advertised their movies; promising Jared was in them when he wasn't, all to boost their online sale.

  I don't know much about the business, but Jared says if we can prove it he will be paid out several hundred thousand dollars, and his wronged fans will get their money back.

  "Find anything yet?" Jared asks me while walking into his home office. I'm behind his desk scrolling over the contract for the fifth time. I don't look up as I answer him.

  "It's pretty clear in the document. It says that they can't falsely represent you or your image. They broke that when they put you on images for movies that you were never in. I say bring it to your lawyer. You've got this in the bag."

  I place the contract on his desk and look up at Jared. He's leaning against the door of his office, staring at me with that grin I've come to love. His white teeth shine at me as he smiles. He's dressed casually in a pair of navy cargo shorts and a Nine Inch Nails t-shirt. He's freshly showered and he's wearing his black chucks on his feet. I'm wondering if those are the only shoes he owns.

  "Awesome, I'll get that over to the lawyer tomorrow."

  "What do you want me to do while you're on set today? I'm going grocery shopping this afternoon so I have the rest of the morning free for you to assign me something to do."

  Jared stands up straight and brings his hand to his brow, rubbing it thoughtfully against his skin. "I want you to change into something comfortable and hit up this music festival with me in Santa Ana."

  "Jared, you have to be on set in an hour."

  "I canceled."

  I huff and look away from him for a minute. What did Kelly tell me? Oh yeah, do anything short of kidnapping him to make sure he goes to work everyday.

  "Jared, you can't keep missing work. Kelly-"

  "I don't give a fuck what Kelly says. I've shot twice this week; I got Don to fill in for me today. It's my damn company and I can do whatever the fuck I want, and I want to go to Santa Ana with you and listen to some good music."

  I can't help but smile at him. Lately he's been choosing to do things with me over work. Last week we went to Anaheim and spent the day at Disney before leaving to see the Anaheim Angels play and beat the Chicago White Sox. Jared was supposed to be in Las Vegas that day, shooting some scenes of him fucking a cage attendant at a casino.

  He also missed work to spend the day at the beach with me and teach me how to surf. That was a disaster. A whole day of surfing and I'm still not able to stay up on the board. Another day we went hiking on some trails in the canyons. There was also the day he flew me out to San Diego so we could spend the day out on his friend's boat.

  This doesn't include the days he woke up and just didn't want to go into work. He would get someone to cover for him and spend the day with me while I worked in his office. Kelly pulled me to the side a few days ago and told me how worried she is about him. She thinks he's depressed and she's put all the pressure on me to get him to go to work.

  I don't know why she thinks he's depressed. I agree that I think it's weird that he doesn't want to work, but he's always so happy when I'm with him. Wouldn't he be miserable to be around if he was depressed?

  Kelly said there were other signs, too. He no longer went out to his favorite clubs and he hasn't had a party at his house since I first moved in. Parties used to be regular occurrence at Jared's place. Plus, no women have been by the house to sleep with him. Jared's used to having sex several times a day and now he's lucky to make it to set three time a week, and there are no late night visitors.

  All of this is running through my head as I try to think of a way to get him to set.

  "You shoot with the triplets today. They were really looking forward to this shoot. Kelly said one of them just had vaginal rejuvenation surgery just so you could be the first one to pop her new vagina's cherry."

  This is all true, but I remember thinking it was weird. I didn't know women had surg
ery to make their vaginas tighter, and the fact that this girl did it just so Jared could be the first to experience it, well it made me want to gag.

  "Can we stop talking about other chick's pussies? I know all this and I'm not going. Don will do just fine. Now, are you coming with me to Santa Ana or not?"

  I debated this briefly in my head. If I went with Jared, Kelly would be pissed. It would look like I was okay with him blowing off work, but a part of me is glad he isn’t working so much. I have a hard enough time as it is not imagining him fucking all those other women while he is holding me in his bed at night.

  "Okay," I say excitedly. This could be fun and I've never been to a music festival.

  "Good choice, Billy. Go get dressed and meet me in the garage. We're taking the Mustang."

  I smile as I walk past him and he playfully taps me on the ass. I jump and run down the hallway to my bedroom. It's still filled with Tawny's things, but it didn’t really bother me much since I'm only ever in here to change.

  A half hour later we're in his Mustang and on our way to Santa Ana. It should only take about an hour to get there, but since we have to be on the 405 for thirty miles, and the 405 is always bumper-to-bumper traffic, it could take a few hours.

  Jared has the top down on the Mustang and my long blonde hair is flowing in the wind. The feeling is amazing, almost freeing. I reach my hands straight up in the air and feel the breeze cool my arms. Jared's right hand moves from the wheel and he places it gently on my thigh. His sunglasses cover his beautiful gray eyes, but he turns to me and I swear my heart stops at the sight of his smile beaming down at me.

  "You excited, Billy?"


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