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Changing His Game

Page 23

by Justine Elvira

  I quickly blow-dry my hair before leaving the bathroom and heading into my room. I put on my lace pink thong and matching push-up bra, not that I need it. I was blessed in that category. God gave me a porn star chest and a skinny waist to go with it. I wear a D-cup and have a nice, firm butt from working out. The rest of my body is slim and tone, so I can’t complain.

  The uniforms at Ryder’s are on the skanky side, so I’m glad Piper and I are in shape. The top is a ribbed, low cut, black tank top, with the words Ryder’s Girl on the front in red. The bottoms are red booty shorts that barely cover my butt cheeks. The words Try our buns are written across the ass. When I was younger, I would have never worked at a place like this. Now, I see the appeal. We look hot and I’ve hooked up with a few guys because they love how I look in the outfit.

  The wait staff is strictly female, but Ryder hires men to work the bar. That’s how Piper and I met Mikey. Mikey’s been bartending at Ryder’s for as long as I’ve worked there.

  Once I’m dressed, I head over to the mirror and apply my make-up and fix my hair. I finish applying the last loose curl to my hair as I hear a knock on my door.

  “Ready to go…” Piper says from my doorway. “Damn, girl. You look extra hot. You weren’t kidding when you said you needed to get some, huh?”

  She walks over and starts playing with a piece of my hair.

  “I love when you do your hair like this. It’s like a fashionable Farrah Fawcett look. You’ll have the boys eating out of the palm of your hand.”

  “I hope so,” I whisper, applying a dab of lip-gloss on my lips. I take a quick glance at myself before grabbing my change of clothes from the bed, and turning off the light.

  Ten minutes later we’re pulling up to Ryder’s. A quick look at the parking lot tells me this is going to be a busy night, which is surprising since it’s the summer.

  “Whatever you do, don’t tell Ryder you’ll close tonight. We want to be first cut,” Piper lectures me as I park my car. I glance in the rear-view mirror to make sure I look presentable before I get out of the vehicle.

  “I won’t volunteer to close, I promise. Work is the last place I want to be right now.” It’s true. I’m going to have to work the next four-to-six hours before I can release this built-up tension. I’m starting to wish I just had a quick session with my battery-operated boyfriend.

  “You better not. I’m going to make sure Ryder knows you have plans, so that maybe he leaves you alone tonight. You know, it’s your fault for being such a good employee. You need to take that down a notch, you’re making me look bad.”

  We both glance at each other before busting out laughing. Nothing could make Piper look bad, except Piper. Her problem is she rather socializes and hook up with one of our bartenders, Milo, in the bathroom, than work and make a decent amount of money.

  I walk inside Ryder’s, and Piper follows me. We head back towards the kitchen and into Ryder’s office. After putting our things away and getting our section assignments, we start work.

  The first couple hours fly by. The restaurant is busier than I expected because of a fright-fest marathon running at the local movie theater. It’s brought in people from the neighboring towns. A little after nine o’clock, the rush is over and I have only one table in my section. Mikey and Milo are bartending tonight, so I decide to go chill out at the bar. As I’m walking over, Mikey glances up and smiles at me.

  “Come over here, Trigger, and give me a hug.”

  I’m instantly annoyed at his term of endearment. During our first sexual encounter, I was apparently too eager to get him off. He’s called me Trigger, short for trigger-happy, ever since.

  Mikey is your average looking jock. His brown hair is buzzed close to his head. He’s got a muscular build to go along with his golden tan skin. His brown eyes smolder when he’s horny, and his body looks amazing when he’s covered in sweat.

  This is probably why I keep going back to him for more. He quenches a physical need I have, nothing more. We went out on a date once, just once. It was a disaster. We have absolutely nothing in common and there’s no spark between us. That doesn’t mean I won’t be hopping in his bed tonight, if I can’t find someone else. I need to get laid and Mikey is better than my B.O.B, and a lot better than nothing.

  I reach the bar and hop up on the nearest stool so I can lean over and hug him. He squeezes me tightly and brings his mouth to my ear.

  “I missed you the past few days, Trigger.”

  I pull away from the hug and raise my eyebrows at him, “I missed you, too. Hell, I missed work after having to be home with my family.”

  He nods his head in understanding as he passes the drink he just made to a waiting customer.

  “What’s the plan for tonight? You want to come over?” Mikey says eagerly as he winks at me.

  I bite my lip, not knowing how to turn him down gently.

  “Not tonight. Piper and I are going to Dave’s party.”

  He looks up from the Captain and Coke he’s making, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “I’m down for Dave’s. We can hang there for a little bit, then go back to my place.”

  Not wanting to explain that my plans for the night don’t include him, I hop off the bar stool and head to the back office.

  I hear Mikey say something to the other bartender while I’m walking away. Just as I’m passing the bathrooms, I feel someone grab me and pull me into the men’s room. I don’t have time to see who it is before I’m being pushed against the back of the door.

  Mikey’s body is pressing into mine. He raises his hand to lock the door, preventing anyone from coming inside.

  “Don’t blow me off, Trigger. I missed you.”

  I raise my head to meet his and his lips are instantly on mine. Without thinking, I kiss him back.


  I need this connection right now. I know Piper warned me not to, but the throbbing area between my legs is telling me otherwise.

  Mikey’s hands move under my ass as he lifts me and urges my legs around his waist. I immediately comply. I can feel his hard length pushing against my core.

  His hand moves to grab one of my tits and his lips leave mine. He starts to trail open mouth kisses down my neck until he is sucking, and licking the top of my breasts.

  “God, I want you. You make me so fucking horny, Trigger.”

  My head falls back against the door as I’m panting in urgency. He grinds his hips against mine and I moan loudly. I lift my head and watch him as he pulls one of my breasts out of my top, and starts gently biting my nipple.

  “Your tits are fucking incredible. When I’m fucking someone else, I dream of these tits. I need to fuck your tits,” he says huskily. His mouth goes back to flicking my nipple with his tongue.

  This is our relationship. It is pure, animalistic sex. Nothing more.

  He starts thrusting his jean covered dick into my barely covered pussy.

  Oh God, I need his dick now.

  My hands move to both sides of his head and I pull his mouth from my breasts. I kiss him hard as I move one of my hands to the top of his jeans. I start unfastening his belt as his hand moves to the inside of my shorts. Within seconds, he has two fingers inside of me.

  “Yes… Mikey… Fuck, keep going,” I pant.

  His fingers quickly stir me to life. I can feel my orgasm fast approaching. I start riding his fingers like my life depends on it, when a loud knock comes from behind the door.

  “You have five seconds to get your dirty asses out of there before I get Ryder,” Piper says from outside the men’s bathroom. Mikey freezes up, but I don’t care. I tighten my pussy around his fingers and continue to ride them, ignoring Piper’s demands on the other side of the door.

  “Trigger,” he says lustfully, as he slowly starts pumping his fingers inside me. “We’ve got to stop.”

  “Almost there,” I moan and his lips come back down on mine. His thumb moves to start rubbing my clit, and that’s my undoing. I climax hard on his fing

  “Fuck… yes,” I moan into his mouth.

  When I start to come down from my orgasm, Mikey pulls his fingers out from inside me and walks over to the sink to wash his hands. I start making the proper adjustments to my clothing so I look presentable.

  Piper is pounding on the door now, probably creating a scene for our guests. “You two need to get your asses out here now. Tessa, you don’t want this, remember?”

  I pray to God Mikey didn’t hear her. If he did, he doesn’t let on that he heard. He dries his hands and walks back over to me, pushing me against the door again.

  “That was such a fucking turn on.”

  He grinds his hips into mine, and I can feel him hard as a rock. “I might get a case of blue balls, but I don’t care. You are the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting off.”

  His mouth lowers to mine and he bites my lower lip.

  “Mikey, we have to get back out there.”

  He groans into my mouth and leans his forehead against mine. “Fine, but tonight we’ll start back up where we left off. You can bring your uniform to my house after Dave’s party. I want to come between your tits while I’m fucking you in this uniform.”

  With that, he sucks on my lower lip, unlocks the door, and goes back to tending bar. In the same second, Piper is barging in and locking the bathroom door again.

  “What the fuck was that! You said you wouldn’t screw him tonight!” Piper screams at me.

  “We didn’t screw, he just fingered me and got me off, that’s it. He didn’t even get a chance to come with you banging on the door.”

  Piper drags her hand through her long blonde hair. “You can’t keep doing this to him. He wants more from you, and you're leading him on.”

  I’m frustrated at what she’s insinuating.

  “I’m not leading him on. He just called me a hot piece of ass. You don’t tell a girl they’re a hot piece of ass if you want them for the long hall. You have nothing to worry about. Besides, I didn’t get laid, so the plan still stands for the night. Let’s find the sexiest man in this shit hole town, so I can have some fun.”

  She looks at me tenderly before we both bust out laughing. Piper leans over to give me a hug.

  “I just want the best for you, Tessa. You know that, right?”

  I nod into her shoulder. “I know, because I want the best for you, too.”

  She lets go of me and looks me up and down. “On the plus side, you look perfectly presentable. Not a hair out of place.”

  “See, the night is still salvageable,” I smirk, as we leave the men’s room to finish our shifts.

  Lawful Overdose is available now!!!

  About the Author

  Justine Elvira is the author of THE ROAD TO PRICE, THE ROAD TO FORGIVENESS, LAWFUL OVERDOSE, and CHANGING HIS GAME. Justine currently lives with her children and enjoys spending her free time with them. She is currently working on the follow up to Lawful Overdose along with a brand new stand-alone novel. You can connect with Justine below:

  Justine Elvira's Goodreads Page

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  C hapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter T en

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Lawful Overdose Chapter One

  About the Author




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