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The Vampire's Accidental Wife (Nocturne Falls Book 8)

Page 6

by Kristen Painter

  “Not a bad idea,” Julian said. He gave George another kiss, then put him back in the pram.

  “I’m glad you think so,” she said. “Get on that, will you?” She winked at him.

  Julian smiled. “I’ll see what I can do, but it’s already May.”

  “August, then?”


  “Fabulous. I’d love to try my hand at a couple of flavors. Right now, I’m thinking peach cobbler with a brown sugar rum swirl. Doesn’t that sound yummy?”

  “Darling,” Hugh said as he checked that George was secure. “Don’t you think you have enough irons in the fire already with your shop and George?”

  “Probably, but honey, ice cream. Besides, Julian will help with Georgie, won’t you, Jules?”

  “I’d love to.” Just maybe not while Desi was in town. Tourists were milling around, trying to catch his eye, a sure sign they wanted pictures. “I should get back to work.”

  Hugh took hold of the pram and knocked the brake off. “Have a good night. Let’s do lunch this week.”

  That sounded like another attempt to talk, but Julian just nodded. “Great. I’ll call you.” Which he wouldn’t until he had things with Desi figured out a little more. Although, if she was going to keep normal vampire hours, his days would be free. In Nocturne Falls, he adhered to human hours. In Vegas, with Desi, where he had no other responsibilities than her, he slept through the days like she did. “Have a good night.”

  As the happy little family left, Julian went back into VOD mode, but the small crowd waiting on him was taken care of in half an hour. Then he was alone again with his thoughts.

  “Quite the enterprise you have here,” a husky female voice said.

  The statement turned him around. He squinted at the woman in front of him. Her face was familiar, but the sleek brown hair and bangs were throwing him off. And there was something different about the eyes. “Pardon?”

  She laughed, and he recognized the sound instantly.

  “Desi? What are you doing here? And why are you talking like that?”

  “Just trying to fool you.” She shrugged, back to her normal voice. “I got bored.”

  “How did you get into town?”

  “I called a Ryde.” She grinned at him. “How do you like my new look?”

  The skintight jeans and tan leather jacket were surprisingly tame compared to what she’d been wearing earlier. The high-heeled leopard boots should have been a giveaway, however. “I like it very much.” She was beautiful no matter what she had on. “The hair threw me. And your eyes are different.”

  She leaned in and as the wind shifted, he caught a whiff of her orange blossom perfume. “It’s a wig and colored contacts. Plus some different makeup. I used to do it in Vegas once in a while when I wanted to go out and be left alone. I’m too well known for that to work there anymore. But here? Like a charm.”

  “Now I know why your suitcases were so full.”

  “I like to have all my tools with me at all times.” She nudged him. “You sure keep busy, don’t you?”

  “As VOD? Yes.” He narrowed his eyes. “How long have you been watching me?”

  “Long enough to see you work that last crowd.” Her eyes took on an odd light. “The ladies certainly love you.”

  “They love the idea of me. It’s why they come here. To mingle with the creatures they know aren’t real.”

  She pursed her lips and touched one of the flounces on his shirt. “If only they knew.”

  “They’d probably stop coming.”

  Her expression turned sly. “You’d better keep up the flirting, then. It’s good for the bottom line.”

  “It’s also part of the job description. Keeping the tourists happy.”

  She smiled. “Technically, I’m a tourist. Are you going to keep me happy?”

  He laughed. “That is my intention. What would you like?”

  “A tour of this crazy town.” She looked around. “This place is really something. When do you get off again?”

  “Not until midnight or so. I’ll come straight home and get you, and we can walk around.”

  “Will anything still be open? Some of the shops are already closed.”

  “A few bars.”

  She sighed. “That’s not much of a tour.”

  “Tomorrow, then. As soon as it’s dark.”

  “I guess. But I’m bored now.”

  “I’m sure you are, and I’d rather be with you, but a job is a job.” He smiled gently. “Until this thing is figured out, you need to be somewhere safe. Or at the very least, not alone.”

  “Jules, no one knows I’m here, and secondly, you didn’t even recognize me. I’m perfectly safe.”

  “Maybe. But you’re still alone. I don’t like that. I’d rather you wait until I can go with you.”

  She seemed to be considering that. “Tomorrow night, then?”

  “If you agree to go back to the penthouse now.”

  She huffed out a breath. “Fine. Is there at least a club we could go to? Somewhere to dance? Get some drinks? Hang in the VIP section?”

  “This isn’t Vegas, but yes, we do have one club like that. Insomnia. And if you get that Ryde driver back here now, I’ll take you tomorrow night after our tour.” That should be safe enough. Insomnia was only for supernaturals, and if her stalker was a human, they’d never get in on their own. And if her stalker was a supernatural, Julian would be there to protect her, along with a host of other supernaturals. No one would get to Desi while they were both in that club.

  “Okay, calling now.” She pulled out her phone. “Speaking of calling, I sent Sam a big get well soon bouquet, but I didn’t sign my name. Just put D on the card. She’ll know.”

  He frowned. “How did you pay?”

  “Credit card. How else?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. If they’re tracking you—”

  “By my credit card? That’s illegal.”

  “So is stalking someone, but hasn’t made a difference, has it? Look, I’ll get you some cash, but no more using any of your cards. We can’t risk it.”

  “I don’t want your money. But you might have a point about the credit card thing.”

  He made a face. He knew she had issues with anything she considered charity. “You can pay me back.”

  “You’re sure?”

  He nodded, a little distracted as two giggly women came up to him. The tall one waved her phone at him. “Can we get a picture when you’re done?”

  He put on his best smile, showing off his fangs. They giggled some more. “Absolutely!”

  Desi held up her phone to show him the Ryde app. “Driver’s a minute away. See you later, I guess.”

  “Sorry,” he said. “I know this isn’t easy on you.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll live.”

  “That is the plan.”

  She snorted. “True. See you later.”

  She headed for the curb, waving to the silver SUV that must have been the Ryde. Julian waited until she was in the vehicle before taking the picture with the waiting tourists.

  Not even one night and Desi was bored. Keeping her safe might be harder than he’d imagined.

  The Ryde driver glanced back at Desdemona. “The Excelsior, correct?”

  “Yes, thank you.” She was going back to Julian’s penthouse, all right.

  But she wasn’t staying there. The night was young, Julian wasn’t getting off until at least midnight, and she was bored.

  Plus, he’d let slip that there was a club in town worth visiting. That was all the motivation she needed.

  She stopped at the desk in the lobby and put on some charm. “Hi there, Lou.”

  “Hello, Miss Clarke. How can I help you?”

  “Call me Desi. All my friends do.”

  “Okay, Miss Desi.”

  She smiled. “Since Julian’s working, he told me about a club I can go dancing at. Insomnia. Do you know it?”

  He nodded. “Yes, ma’am. It’s a
supernaturals-only club and very popular with the locals and tourists alike. And like I said, only supernaturals, so you can be yourself.” He laughed. “Even more than you can be in town.”

  “Speaking of being yourself…” She gave him a quick once-over. He had the thick build of a retired football player. “I’m sure you already know what I am, but I can’t quite figure out what you are. If you don’t mind sharing?”

  “Don’t mind at all.” He stood up a little straighter. “Ogre on my father’s side, uncertain amounts of sasquatch on my mother’s side.”

  No wonder he was such a big guy. She smiled enthusiastically. “Only half ogre, then? You certainly got all the best traits of that particular race, didn’t you? I feel so safe knowing you’re guarding this entrance.” It wasn’t a lie. Ogres made incredible bodyguards. They were like flesh-and-blood tanks. Nothing stopped them. Throw the sasquatch into the mix and there was a good chance Lou was also untrackable.

  He preened. “I do my best.”

  “So, Lou, have you been to Insomnia?”

  “I have.”

  “What do you think of it?”

  “The wife and I don’t get many date nights now that we have the twins, but it’s a good evening out if we can get a sitter. Very fancy.” He tipped his head. “Would you like to go there?”

  “I would, very much. What’s the cover charge?”

  He grinned. “For a guest of Mr. Ellingham’s? Nothing. Just give me a moment.”

  He picked up the phone and dialed. “This is Lou Kovac at the Excelsior. A guest of Julian Ellingham’s would like to come to the club this evening. Yes.” He covered the mouthpiece with his wide hand. “Are you bringing anyone with you?”

  She shook her head. “Just me.”

  He went back to the conversation. “Just Miss Desi Clarke. Thank you.” He hung up. “You’re on the list.”

  “Perfect! You are a doll. Thank you, Lou. I assume the club has a dress code?”

  He frowned. “No jeans, sorry. It’s kind of dressy.”

  “No worries, I’m headed up to change anyway.” She gave him a little wave. “See you in a bit.”

  She hopped on the penthouse elevator and went straight up to Julian’s apartment. She’d left the door open since she didn’t know the code for the keypad, but no one was getting past Lou anyway.

  In the guest room, she flung wide the closet doors and studied what she’d brought, now thankful for her inability to pack light. She decided on a short, sequined mini-dress. Her new black platform boots would be perfect with the dress’s dramatic rainbow stripes.

  She changed, then added darker evening makeup. She glanced at the wigs she’d brought, but the one she had on was working so she left it. A couple of bracelets, some big earrings, her black satin micro crossbody bag, and she was out the door.

  When she got to the lobby, she approached Lou again. “I realize I never asked you how to get to the club. I need the address for the Ryde driver.”

  “You look very nice, Miss Desi. You’re going to fit right in.”

  “Thank you.” It was a shame Julian wouldn’t get to see her like this. She did look pretty amazing.

  He smiled. “And I can handle the transportation for you. The Excelsior has a Ryde account, and we’re happy to assist our residents when they need it.” He leaned in. “It’s a special account that only sends us supernatural drivers.”

  “Perfect!” Even the Skye Towers didn’t do that.

  He got his phone out, pulled up the app and tapped in the info. “Okay, there’s a car on the way. Less than three minutes. Your driver is Trevor, and he’s an avian shifter. Owl, I believe.”

  “Excellent. I’m going to wait outside and enjoy the air. You’ve been a tremendous help. I’ll be sure to let Julian know.”

  He seemed pleased about that. “Happy to help, Miss Desi. You have a good evening.”

  The Ryde driver showed up right on time, and about fifteen minutes later, they were pulling into the parking lot of what looked like an abandoned factory. Caldwell Manufacturing was painted on the side of the brick building, but the letters were badly faded.

  She peered out the window. “Are you sure this is it?”

  “Absolutely. This is the industrial part of town, and not much goes on here anymore, but that’s why they put the club here.” He looked around, head swiveling with the unnerving flexibility of his animal form. “Lots of cars. Should be a decent crowd inside.”

  She checked out the parking lot. There was a Jaguar next to them. In the rows, she spotted Mercedes, Alfa Romeo, BMW, a Bentley, a couple of Corvettes, a Ferrari and even a Rolls. High-end cars like that wouldn’t just be sitting here for no reason, but the abandoned look of the building was giving her second thoughts. “Let me go have a look inside and decide if I want to stay before you go, okay?”

  “You got it. I’ll sit here until you give me a sign.”

  “Great.” She hopped out, a little uneasy but also curious. Lou wouldn’t have sent her here unless this was a good place. And Julian certainly wouldn’t have mentioned it. She walked cautiously to a large, rusted steel door on the side of the building. She listened hard. If there was a club here, shouldn’t she hear music? Or at least the dull thump of the bass?

  But silence greeted her. She glanced back at the car. The driver nodded like it was all right. She examined the steel door again. Yes, it was rusty, but the handle had a little shine to it. Like it was used regularly.

  She grabbed ahold and pulled.

  Inside, rows of worktables and machinery filled the vast warehouse. She stepped in, but kept the door open. The odors of dust and grease complemented the absolute stillness of the place. It seemed like no one had been here for ages. And yet, that door handle had definitely been used.

  “Can I help you?”

  She shrieked, then laughed as she realized the voice had come from across the room. A large bear of man in a suit stood beside a freight elevator. A doorman, maybe? She hoped so. Because the alternative was he was just some weirdo hanging out in an abandoned warehouse with a bunch of crazy expensive cars in the parking lot. “I’m looking for Insomnia.”

  The man nodded. “You’ve found it.”

  Her brows lifted. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Been working here for three years.”

  “All right, then.” How about that. She sighed in relief as she turned to the driver and gave him a thumbs-up. The driver took off, and she walked toward the doorman. “I’m Miss Clarke. Lou from the Excelsior called?”

  The man nodded. “Nice to have you with us this evening, Miss Clarke. I’m Chet. Always a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a beautiful woman.”

  She smiled. “Aren’t you a charmer?”

  He shrugged, looking a little sheepish. “My mother just raised me right.”

  She laughed. “I’ll say so.”

  He punched a code into a very modern keypad next to the elevator. The buttons glowed blue, and the soft turning of gears hummed through the warehouse.

  The doors opened. He reached in and pushed another button, then nodded at her. “Have a good evening.”

  “Thank you, Chet.” She stepped on. The Basement button was lit up. Interesting. The club was below street level. That had to be why she hadn’t heard anything. The doors closed and down she went.

  When the doors slid open again, she smiled, more than pleasantly surprised. “Now this is more like it.”

  She strolled out, head held high and feeling very much at home. Not in a million years would she have guessed that a place like this existed in the cunning little tourist destination of Nocturne Falls.

  She stood still for a moment and took it in. The joint was legit. Dark and gorgeous. Just like her. She laughed to herself as she walked toward the bar, letting the thump of bass wash through her and set her pace. The vibe was industrial, which she loved, and sleek in that kind of clean, modern way, but still plush and luxurious. The leather seating helped with that, as did the water featu
res and the soft drapery that set off the VIP section.

  Had Julian had a hand in decorating this place too? If so, he’d done an outstanding job. She imagined if he were with her, they’d be headed right up to that VIP area, but seeing as how she was on her own, she’d have to settle for coach.

  She strolled to the bar and found an available seat. A bartender approached her immediately, a beautiful Asian woman with glowing purple streaks in her hair and the aura of magic about her. A witch maybe.

  The woman set a black cocktail napkin down in front of Desi. “Welcome to Insomnia. What’s your poison?”

  “Champagne. The best you have by the glass.”

  “Excellent. I’ll be right back.”

  Desi twisted to watch the crowd. If everyone here was a supernatural, Nocturne Falls had a very diverse community. She spotted shifters of all kinds, some vampires, a few nymphs, a good number of witches, and a few people she couldn’t quite place. Clearly, being yourself was welcome here, because most seemed to be in full or half forms, eyes glowing and fangs showing.

  She realized she was still in locked-down human mode. She relaxed and let her true nature hang out a little more. She ran her tongue over her fangs. It was nice. And not something she could do in Vegas unless she was on stage.

  “Here you are.”

  Desi twisted back around to see a tall flute of champagne waiting for her. “Thank you.”

  “I’m Elmira, and I’m happy to take care of you this evening. Would you like to start a tab?”

  “Put it on Julian Ellingham’s account.” She was curious if that would work, but after the ease with which Lou had set things up, it was worth a shot. Besides, Julian didn’t want her using her credit cards so what choice did she have? She’d make sure to get a receipt and pay him back.

  Elmira hesitated.

  Desi pointed back toward the elevator. “You can call Chet if you need to confirm that I’m Julian’s guest. He spoke with Lou at the Excelsior about it earlier.”

  “I probably should.” The woman smiled a little nervously. “It’s not that I don’t believe you, but I don’t want to get in trouble with my boss, either.”

  Desi sipped her champagne. It was very good. “I understand.”

  Elmira darted off. Desi spun in her chair again to people-watch. It was one of her favorite things to do, and while it was mildly entertaining in Vegas, where she liked to play a little game of Spot the Supernatural, in this club, it was a lot more fun because it was about trying to figure out what each person was, and what they were up to.


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