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The Vampire's Accidental Wife (Nocturne Falls Book 8)

Page 22

by Kristen Painter

  Her outstretched hand, the one holding the stake she’d pulled from her boot, began to tremble. “Are you going to kill me?”

  Heavy footsteps thudded down into the basement and Sheriff Merrow appeared. “No one’s killing anyone.” He unhooked the handcuffs from his belt. “We are gonna do some arresting, though.”

  He pointed at Julian. “Hang on to her.”

  Julian grabbed the hunter and secured her hands behind her back. The stake clattered to the concrete. She squirmed, mostly trying to put distance between herself and the vampire she’d been so desperate to harm.

  The sheriff squeezed the radio at his shoulder while taking in Desi and his aunt. “Dispatch, I need two local ambulances at 1900 Nutmeg Lane.”

  Then he frowned at Birdie. “Who did that to you?”

  She glared at the hunter. “Buffy over there. Cocked me with the butt of the crossbow.”

  The sheriff’s eyes glowed for a second, then he seemed to get himself under control. “You okay, Aunt Birdie?”

  “I’ll be all right. I’m a tough cookie.”

  The sheriff smiled, his eyes showing a new gleam, but this time it was pride. “Yes, you are.”

  “You just deal with that awful woman,” Birdie said.

  “That who put the bolt in Mrs. Ellingham too?”

  Desi almost smiled. No one had called her that yet, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to nod. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and the pain had come back. “Same.”

  Deputy Blythe and another officer, Cruz by the name on the badge, tramped down the stairs behind the sheriff. He hooked his cuffs back onto his belt, then gestured to Helsing, now gone limp in Julian’s grip. “Cuff her and take her to the station.”

  “You got it, boss.” Blythe unsnapped her cuffs as she walked by.

  Cruz surveyed the scene, but said nothing except to start reading Helsing her rights as he and Blythe took the hunter off Julian’s hands. Blythe began frisking the woman.

  Julian ran to Desi’s side immediately. “My darling.” He kissed her. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “Me too you. So glad.”

  The sheriff gave Birdie a hand up. “You okay to bring her to the ambulance, Ellingham?”

  “Absolutely.” Julian lifted Desi into his arms being very careful of the protruding bolt.

  “Hey,” she said, as he started kissing the side of her face. “You can’t go carrying me out there.”

  “Why not?”

  She lifted her brows. “Um, it’s daylight?”

  He swore softly.

  Just then, Deputy Blythe held out her hands. “Sheriff? I believe these things are Mr. Ellingham’s.”

  The sheriff walked to her. “I’ll take them.”

  Blythe handed the items over.

  The sheriff gave his deputies a nod. “All right, out she goes.”

  As the two deputies marched Helsing up the steps, Sheriff Merrow brought the things to Julian. “This what you’re looking for?”

  Beside Julian’s wallet and keys, the chain and amulet lay on the sheriff’s palm, their dull gleam a welcome sight.

  Julian nodded. “Yes.”

  Birdie brushed her hands off. “I’ve got this.” She took the chain and fastened it around Desi’s neck, then she looked at Julian. “Will that do the trick?”

  “It will. Thank you, Birdie. I’m so sorry you were caught up in all this.”

  Desi shook her head. “Birdie is the reason we’re here. We owe her your life.”

  “Is that right?”

  Birdie shrugged. “It’s what we do in Nocturne Falls.” Then she squinted at them. “By the way, what was that Mrs. Ellingham bit?”

  Desi opened her mouth, but Julian answered first. He glanced at the sheriff. “Nothing. Your nephew was just teasing.”

  “Oh. Well, you two should think about making things more permanent. You make a great couple.” The wails of ambulances sounded overhead. “My ride is here. See you kids up top.” She turned and started up the steps with the help of the sheriff.

  Desi’s heart sank at Julian’s words. She’d thought maybe after all this, he might have changed his mind about letting her go, but clearly that wasn’t the case.

  He looked at her again. “We need to get that bolt out of you and let you heal.”

  “Won’t the paramedics know something’s up when I don’t have a pulse?”

  “The sheriff called for two local ambulances. That’s code for supernaturals. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Okay.” She just sighed and let him carry her up the stairs. She leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes, tired and hurting in more ways than one.

  When they walked out of the house, she felt the sun’s warmth on her skin, but it was the sudden explosion of cheering that raised her head.

  Half the town was standing in the cul-de-sac, grinning and clapping and whistling.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Julian laughed softly as he nodded at them. “That’s just how this place is. People care. We protect our own.”

  “That’s really nice that they came out to see that you were okay.” She was touched by the display. Julian was loved by these people. Because he was one of them, not because he was famous. Sure, he was someone in this town, but there was genuine concern in their eyes, not obligation.

  “This crowd isn’t just for me.”

  “Oh, right. Birdie.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” He looked at her then. “They’re here for you too.”

  “But I don’t live here.” A longing filled her, a heartfelt wish to be part of something this good and wonderful. After choosing the solitary life as a means of self-preservation, she saw now that there was value in putting yourself out there. In letting yourself care. You just had to be willing to take the pain that came with that. “They don’t know me.”

  “No, but they know that I…that you’re my friend. Trust me, they’re as concerned about you as they are me.”

  “Actually, I think they’re mostly here for Birdie.” She pointed.

  Birdie’s ambulance had the biggest crowd around it, including several older men carrying bouquets of flowers.

  Julian laughed. “Looks that way.”

  He carried Desi to the paramedics and set her gently down on the waiting stretcher. She hung on to his hand. “Ride with me?”

  “Sure.” He looked at the paramedics. “That okay?”

  The younger man answered him. “Absolutely. Just wait until we get her loaded, then you climb on in.”

  Julian squeezed her hand, then let it go and moved out of the paramedics’ way. They got her onto the vehicle and secured her, then Julian was at her side again.

  The paramedics started fussing over her, but she waved them away. “I’ll be fine. I just need this bolt out. You ought to look at Julian. That awful creature had him drugged up on laudanum.”

  That shifted the paramedics’ attention enough to let her rest. The hum of the road crept up on her and she felt her eyes closing. She was in pain, worn out, and heartsick, and she had no one but herself to blame for the last one. She’d told Julian how things had to be. And in true Julian fashion, he was giving her exactly what he thought she wanted.

  The worst part was that all of this, this place, this marriage, this man, would be going away very soon. And the thought of that opened a dark, desperate place in her that made her want to weep.

  Maybe if she confessed her true feelings to Julian, she could get him to change his mind. She let herself drift in that dream for a while, imagining life with him without any of the baggage she carried. Was that even possible? She could try. They could be happy. They’d already proven that. And they could be a family.

  Maybe even have children.

  A sharp pinch brought her fully awake. “Ow. What was that?”

  The young paramedic looked up at her from the IV needle he’d just inserted into the back of her hand. “Prepping you for surgery, ma’am.”

  “What? Julian?”

  Julian patted her arm. “I’m right here. It’s going to be fine. We have the right kind of doctors on staff to take care of you. Locals.”

  She knew he meant supernatural doctors, which was great, but the thought of surgery suddenly panicked her. “Why can’t you just yank the bolt out?”

  He smiled gently. “For one thing, it would hurt like a mother.”

  “I get that, but I’m a vampire. I’ll heal.”

  The older paramedic shook his head. “Ma’am, this bolt is barbed on the end. Pulling it out would do incredible damage to you and cause a considerable amount of pain. Surgery will minimize your healing time which, even with your nature, is going to be at least a week. Maybe more.”

  She nodded, but she still felt unsure.

  Julian took her hand again. “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll be here when you wake up, I promise, but you need surgery as soon as possible. Your body has already begun to heal around the bolt. It’s only going to make getting it out more difficult.”

  She swallowed. “Okay. But I’m holding you to that promise.”

  He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You got it.”

  The older paramedic reached up and did something to the IV bag. “Ma’am, I just need you to count backwards from ten for me now.”

  Desi keep her eyes on Julian. “Ten…nine…eight…”

  Then everything went black.

  Hospital chairs weren’t the most comfortable things in the world, but sitting in one as Julian had been for the last few hours was still far better than the sheet of plywood he’d been strapped to.

  He glanced at his watch again. Desdemona had been out of surgery for about an hour. Any minute he expected the nurse to come and get him and bring him back to her room.

  He’d only left her briefly since the ambulance, and then only long enough to run home, shower and clean himself up. If he was going to be the first thing she saw when she woke up, he wanted to look his best. There were a few things he’d had to pick up from the penthouse too, but he’d gotten back to the hospital as quickly as possible. He was, frankly, desperate to see her.

  Even if this whole wonderful, awful accidental marriage was about to come to an end. At least now he knew they’d part friends and, while there wasn’t much that would ease his pain over losing her, it might not be quite as soul-destroying if his future still included her. Even if it wasn’t as Mrs. Ellingham.

  He smiled. What a nice ring that had to it. But hell, he’d become Mr. Valentine if that’s what it took to keep her.

  “Mr. Ellingham?”

  He looked up to see a woman in scrubs. “Dr. Navarro? I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Well, I just checked on Ms. Valentine myself and she’s doing fine. She should be awake in a few minutes. If you’d like to come back—”

  He jumped to his feet. “Lead the way.”

  She smiled and took him to the room. Dr. Navarro put her hand on the door handle but didn’t open it. “Ms. Valentine’s nurse is Cara Willis. If you need anything, just push that buzzer and she’ll be in.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.” She opened the door and left as he went in.

  It was a private corner suite, and the best one Julian had been able to procure. The bouquet he’d ordered from Marigold had already arrived, a huge display of tropical flowers that he hoped would put a smile on Desi’s face.

  A face that right now, showed no signs of life. He frowned. That wasn’t so unusual for a resting vampire, but she was still coming off the anesthesia, and he knew firsthand what that felt like. Although hers ought to be far more gentle.

  Her right arm was in a sling and her bed was propped up at about a forty-five-degree angle. She looked comfortable, but he wanted her awake so he could talk to her and make sure for himself that she was all right. It was selfish really.

  But maybe, while she was still out, he would do something even more selfish. He bent and brushed his lips over hers.

  The electric spark of that contact sent a shiver through him, racking his body with a mix of pain and pleasure. He’d never kiss her again after today. He knew that. So with that one small act, he’d bought himself a final memory to torture himself with.

  He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, willing away the burning in his eyes. He was going to be happy and cheerful and bright. For her. He could fall apart on his own time.

  A soft sigh was followed by an even quieter, “Jules?”

  Her voice was barely a whisper. He opened his eyes and smiled for all he was worth. “Hello, beautiful. How are you feeling?”

  “Like I just took a bolt through the shoulder.” Her mouth bent in a little lopsided grin, most likely due to the drugs in her system. He’d never seen anything so endearing.

  “Your arm is in a sling. I imagine you’ll be like that for a few days.”

  She glanced down. “Huh. Sling. That’s a funny word. Sling sling sling.”

  He snorted. “Yes, I suppose it is a funny word. Do you need anything? A blanket? More pain meds?” Although, clearly, she had plenty of those in her system.


  He snorted. “I don’t think they serve that in the hospital. How about some water instead?”

  “M’kay.” Her eyes were heavy-lidded and she seemed to be drifting in and out.

  “Water coming up.” He found her tray. There was a cup, straw, and pitcher there, so he fixed her a glass and brought it to her.

  Her head wobbled a bit as she sucked half of the liquid down, then she lay back again. “Better. Thank you.” She poked his chest with her left pointer finger. “You’re a nice man.”

  “I try.”

  She blinked a few times and stared at the ceiling. “That was some day, huh?”

  “Yes. I’ve never had one like it before, and I’ll be happy never to have one like it again. I can’t thank you and Birdie enough.”

  “Birdie is awesome.” Desi smiled and rolled her head toward him. “You owe me.”

  He laughed. “Seems reasonable. I’d say Birdie owes you too, seeing as how you took that bolt for her, and when they got that thing out of you, they found silver embedded in the shaft. It would have done serious damage to everyone’s favorite werewolf.”

  “Wow.” Desi’s eyes widened slowly. “Birdie’s a werewolf.”

  “Yep.” He was doing his best not to laugh, but Desi under the influence of anesthesia was highly entertaining.

  Desi settled back into her pillow a little more.

  “You okay? Comfortable?”

  “Yeah.” A long second went by. “How’s my hair?”

  “Crazy, but beautiful.” Just like her.

  The lopsided smile appeared briefly before being replaced by a more serious expression. “Did you talk to that gargoyle protecting Sam? Tell him everything is okay now?”

  “Not yet. With everything going on, it slipped my mind.”

  “I can text her.” She started patting the bed with her free hand. “Where’s my phone?”

  “I have no idea, but I’ll take care of it. I’ll call Harlan as soon as I leave here.”

  “Am I going with you?”

  “Not tonight, sorry.”

  She frowned. “Do I have to spend the night here?”

  “Yes. Dr. Navarro just wants to keep you overnight as a precaution.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she waved her finger at him. “What about you?”

  He squinted in confusion. “What about me?”

  “You were full of laudanum. She should watch you as a precaution.”

  “Ah, that. I’m fine.”

  Desi looked unconvinced. “You sure?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  Her bottom lip wobbled. “I was so worried about you.”

  “I never had a doubt someone would find me.” Her show of emotion touched him. Maybe it was just the pain meds making her so open with him, but he wanted to grab her hand and kiss her a
nd tell her everything was going to be all right. He couldn’t. But he wanted to. Just didn’t seem like the thing to do with the divorce papers heavy in his jacket pocket. He made himself laugh. “Okay, that’s a lie. I totally thought I was a goner.”

  “You did?”

  He blew out a hard sigh. “I think I have a much better understanding of what you went through on that island.”

  She nodded slowly, staring at the blanket, her gaze distant and a little sad.

  Had he brought up bad memories? He hadn’t meant to. Maybe now was the right time to give her what she wanted. Maybe that would help. He reached into his jacket and pulled out the folded paperwork and a pen and laid them on her lap. “Hey, I brought the papers with me. All you have to do is sign and you can be a free woman. That should make you happy, right?”

  Her gaze shifted to the documents. “Papers?”

  “To finalize our divorce. I’ve already signed them.”

  She burst out crying.

  Horrified by whatever had just happened, he stepped back. “Are you in pain? Should I call the nurse? I can get the doctor if you—”

  “I don’t want to get divorced,” she sobbed. “I love you, you stupid man.”

  His mouth opened, and for a moment, his lower jaw just hung there while his brain seemed to process her words with the same operating speed he’d had while on the laudanum. “I…what? But you said you couldn’t…and I thought…”

  “I know what I said. I can’t be married again. I can’t be in love. But I am in love. With you.” She wiped at her eyes with her free hand. “When I thought I was going to lose you, it felt like my life was ending. For all my can’ts, it still happened. I fell in love with you anyway because you’re amazing and kind and wonderful. How could I not?” Another sob shuddered through her. “I’m too late, aren’t I? You don’t love me anymore, do you?” She groaned like her heart was breaking. “I ruined everything.”

  He leaned in, slid his hands through her hair and kissed her. Hard. Until the sobbing stopped and a different kind of sound came out of her. Only then did he release her. “Desdemona Valentine, I love you with all my heart. I never stopped loving you. Will you please do me the honor of staying married to me?”


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