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Swearing to Love You

Page 3

by ChaShiree M.

  We jump in her car and drive the few minutes to Missy’s. Everyone is already there when we get there and it's so great to see them all together. Missy looks beautiful pregnant. The glow she has is enviable. Especially considering how much her and Hagen went through to get this miracle. Cymion is glowing as well. But hers is a bit more visible. Her tummy looks so cute and round.

  “Maddy. We are so glad you joined us.” Tabby says from across the table. Her laughter infectious.

  “Well, thank you ladies for inviting me.” I say moving the hair out of my face.

  “Oh my gosh. Is that what I think it is?” Portia squeals from across the table. Looking my way, Lanie sees what she is squealing and bouncing for and starts hugging me.

  “Oh my. Maddy!!! Why didn't you tell me? I am so excited. When did it happen?”

  “Last night.” I find my excitement growing. Just this morning I thought I would have no one to share it with. Now, I have a bunch of someone’s.

  “I have the best idea,” Missy says. “We should take Maddy to Migan’s right now. Oh, my goodness, Maddy. Migan makes the best designs. What do you say?”

  What can I say? I am trying to fight back the tears, but it's no use. I let a few fall as I realize I have found a real home, equipped with real friends.

  Chapter Seven


  One Month Later

  I love my fucking life. There is nothing quite like making love to my girl first thing in the morning. Every morning. It’s just now light out but the room is still dark. Each morning, she rolls over to me and rubs on me until I have no choice but to take her again. Her moans always make my day. It’s Saturday and we’ve got nothing planned but staying in bed all day. Just my luck, not two seconds after I pull my spent cock out of my fiancée, the damn doorbell rings.

  “I got this,” I say getting out of bed. I throw on a pair of sweats and grab a t-shirt from the laundry Maddy folded yesterday. Walking out into the living room, I see that she has subtly started adding her things into the room. It’s starting to look lived in and I love it. Opening the door, I am greeted by the sight of two large men.

  “Is Madalyn here?” The taller of the two asks. He is wearing a Regret PD hat. Why the fuck are two strange men looking for my girl? I feel jealousy start to rear its ugly head, but there is nothing I can do to stop it.

  “Who wants to know?” I demand, getting more pissed by the second. I widen my stance and cross my arms over my chest. The men just stare at me like I have two heads. They are about to get decked.

  “I’m Dallas O’Grady and this is Cal Morgan. We are looking for Madalyn Stone. Someone at her old place said she lived out here now,” O’Grady says.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Maddy sauntering down the hallway. I turn my head and see she just has on my tan uniform shit. Fuck no. These fucks aren’t seeing my girl like that.

  “Stop right there, Maddy. Go put some clothes on. We’ve got company,” I say harsher than I mean to. These two have me on edge. Thankfully, she stops and turns around going back into the bedroom.

  Then, out from behind the men, two girls peek their heads out. You can definitely tell that they are related to Maddy somehow.

  “Forgive our husbands,” one of the blondes says. “I am Aubree Stone Morgan, and this is Meredith O’Grady. Maddy is our cousin.”

  “Oh. Come in, please. She should be out in just a few minutes,” I say, leading them to the living room. I shake hands with the men. “I’m Leif Larson. Maddy is my fiancée,” I say as Maddy comes back into the room. She looks fantastic in a pair of tight jeans and one of my work t-shirts.

  “Bree? Mere? Oh my God,” Maddy exclaims rushing over to them. The other girls stand and the three of them fling themselves into some kind of crazy hug/jump situation. Then the screaming starts. You know the kind. Girls screaming when they see each other after a long ass time.

  Fuck, I love the look of pure happiness on Maddy’s face right now.

  Chapter Eight


  I totally forgot my cousins were supposed to come into town today. I mean, I remember that they were coming in, but somehow, I thought it was like a few days from now. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in a love fog. And boy have I been in one. If Leif and I are not fucking, he’s making slow, sweet love to me. If we aren’t doing either of those then we are simply vegging out on the sofa watching movies and talking. Just enjoying each other. So yeah, mind totally not on cousins.

  “I am so happy to see you two. I missed you so much,” I squeal as my cousins and I jump up and down like high schoolers.

  “We miss you too. But oh my gosh! I can’t believe you are fucking getting married!!!” I snicker as I hear Meredith’s husband growl at her choice of words.

  “Language, Meredith!!” She looks at him, giggles and rolls her eyes. I shake my head as I lead them further into the house.

  “So, Maddy, are you ready to go?” Aubree asks.

  “Go? Where are you going?” Leif asks. I am about to answer him when Aubree once again chirps in.

  “We are taking her into town, and going shopping for the wedding and to see this gown she has told us so much about...” I smile at her obvious excitement. It’s nice to have some family here to celebrate this with.

  “I see. Do you want me to come with you, baby?” I can tell by the look on his face he is not ready for us to be separated for the day and to be honest neither am I. But, if we are going to really do this, I do need to move things along and with my cousins here, I find I am looking forward to it.

  “No. You can’t see my gown. Why don’t you show the guys around town? Maybe introduce them to the other guys or something because all of the girls are going to meet us there.” Just as soon as I send out the reminder text. He pulls me in for a hug and kiss.

  “If you need me, you know where I am.” I nod my head. “Where Maddy? Tell me.”

  “Never far from me.”

  “Exactly. Now kiss me again. And this time like you mean it.”

  He grabs the back of my head and when our mouths meet, I know the message in the way his tongue seeks mine. The possessive hold his hand has on my head as his other hand, hold my back. ‘You are mine. Never forget it.’ A message I never need him to remind me because I have been his since the moment we met.

  We finally part, both out of breath and horny as fuck.

  “Maddy. Let’s get going, hun.” My cousins practically have to drag me away from him. Luckily, they are quite chatty in the car and before I know it, we are pulling up to Boutique de Crawford.

  I love this shop. It is owned by Ava, Kennedy, Rosa and Penny Crawford. They are all married to one of the Crawford brothers of a town just 15 minutes from us called Moosehead. The clothes they sell are not only beautiful, but they can only be found in their store because they are the exclusive designs of Migan Jorgensen.

  “Maddy. Finally. We have been having the best time trying to figure out what to do for your official girls’ night.” I look at Ava. Smiling at her because she has this super serious face on right now.

  “Well, we can think of something. But right now, I would like to introduce you ladies to my cousins. Meredith and Aubree, I would like for you to meet, Ava, Kennedy, Rosa and Penny. They own the boutique. This is Migan. She is the designer of every article of clothing you see here. And finally meet Lanie. She is my boss’s wife.” Phew. that was a mouthful.

  Everyone shakes hands and then the camaraderie commences. I am not sure how long we are there, trying on lingerie, modeling some of Migan’s new designs, drinking champagne and generally having a good time when it comes to an abrupt halt.

  “My, my. Isn’t this cozy. The little bitch finally found some friends.” My worst nightmare just walked into the shop. I am stuck to the seat of the boutique unable to move or speak.

  “Veronica, what the hell are you doing here?” I am so glad Aubree asked the question because my voice just doesn’t want to work.

  “Mind your o
wn damn business, Aubree. You know, I never did like you or your nosy ass sister. Oops. Well, hello Meredith.” She feigns sheepishness. See my stepmother is evil. She is the most vial women that ever lived. I don’t know what my dad saw in her. Other than he was out of his mind and lonely.

  I try to gather whatever courage I can and get her out of here as soon as possible. Before she ruins everything.

  “Veronica. What can I do for you?” I ask as I straighten my back.

  “Well you little bitch, I want the money that is owed to me.” Say what now?

  “Money? I don’t owe you any money.”

  “Your father left you everything when he died except for the house. The fucking house! That’s all I get, and I was married to the boring son of a bitch for two years. Two freaking years and he couldn't even get it up.” Oh my god. I am speechless right now. I can see Lanie and the other girls begin to get uncomfortable and I need to try to diffuse this as soon as possible.

  “Veronica. I am so sorry my dad didn’t take care of you. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

  “I wish there was something I could do to help,” she mimics me. I begin to fidget as I get more and more uncomfortable.

  “Screw your fucking help. You can stand there and play all innocent and shit. But don’t forget I know the truth. You may have everyone fooled, but I know you’re just a...”

  “Ma’am, this is my store and I am going to have to ask you to leave,” Kennedy asserts, walking to the door and holding it open.

  “Leave!!! I am not leaving until this bitch...” I know I should be standing up for myself, but this whole situation is taking me back to my last two years before I turned eighteen when she made my life a living hell.

  “Your venomous bitch. Veronica, we all know how you make your living. Marrying rich guys and then taking all their money. You’re just mad my uncle knew better. Now get the fuck out before I make you.” Oh. Now she has made Aubree mad. Oh boy. I am about to step up when suddenly, all I hear is yelling and then before I know it, she is on top of me, yanking my hair as her fist connects with my face.

  I am trying in vain to push her off me. I can’t move because she has me pinned between the dressing room and the corner.

  “GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!” I yell at the top of my legs, kicking her in the stomach. But even that won’t propel her to let me go. This is worse than high school.

  “Screw you, you goody two shoes bitch. I have hated you since the moment I met you. EVERYONE fucking babied you ‘cause your mother wasn’t around. You weren’t even worth her time. Well, WHOOP DEE FUCKING DOO!!! Does the man you’re marrying know what a whore you are?”

  How the hell can she talk while pinning me down? I can see Meredith and Aubree trying to pull her off me, but every time one of then yank on her, it pulls my head because of the freaking vice grip she has on my hair.

  I have no clue how long we are like this before I feel her take my head and slam it against the wall. Everything goes blurry. All I can hear is shouting, cursing and screaming. Then, I blackout.

  Chapter Nine


  I took the guys to Missy’s for a quick burger and now I am showing Dallas and Cal the tattoo shop when my phone rings.

  “Lanie,” I say in lieu of hello. All I can hear is a cacophony of shouting. I can make out Maddy’s voice shouting the loudest.

  “LEIF. Get here now!” she shouts before hanging up on me. What the fuck? She’d only call me and not 911 if Maddy was involved. I feel a weight settle on my chest.

  “We gotta go, now,” I say exiting the shop and taking off at a run down the street towards my truck. The guys dive into the truck with me. I peel away and drive as fast as I can. The normally twenty-minute drive from Bleak to Moosehead takes me only ten. I skid to a stop in front of the boutique and jump out of the truck. I can tell the guys are behind me, so I throw the door open. Then I see Maddy lying on the ground in a heap and a crusty looking woman standing over her actually kicking her while she’s down. The fuck? It takes everything in me to remember that I’m a cop and that I don’t hit women. I get why no one is helping her though, all these ladies are in various stages of pregnancy.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” I demand and the unknown woman stops her assault. Assessing the threat, I determine that I need to get her away from my girl, then I can focus on her.

  “This is Maddy’s former step-mother. She assaulted Maddy. We tried to help but it was no use,” Meredith says.

  “Ma’am, step away from Maddy.” When she doesn’t, I move forward, pulling my cuffs out as I go.

  “I’m her stepmother. I can discipline her as I see fit,” she says. Is this bitch delusional?

  “Former stepmother,” Aubree chimes in.

  “Besides the fact that Madalyn is over the age of eighteen,” I say. “That makes this assault and battery,” I inform her.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” she spits at me.

  “No, ma’am. Please put your hands before your back. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”

  “Fuck you,” she says.

  “I’m gonna take that as a no,” I say moving her away from Maddy. I pull my phone out and call dispatch. “Ella, can you send Jacobs over to the Crawford’s boutique? I made an arrest, but he needs to finish the collar.”

  “10-4, sir. His eta is four minutes.”

  “Thanks, Ella.”

  Hanging up, I walk the stepmother from Hell over to Dallas.

  “Can you?” I ask him.

  “Of course,” he says nodding. When I get back over to Maddy she is sitting up holding her head.

  “Baby, are you okay?” I ask kneeling down next to her.

  “Yeah, I'm fine.”

  “See, the little whore is fine.”

  “I’d be quiet if I were you,” Dallas says.

  “Do you know she led a guy on until it was too late for him to stop himself. She’s such a little bitch. That boy is still in jail,” she says shaking her head. The venom she’s spewing makes no fucking sense.

  “Veronica, you know that’s not true,” Maddy says, trying to stand. “He’s where he belongs.” I help her up and she leans on me.

  “What is this about?” I ask my fists clenched. Someone attacked my girl.

  “My stepmother here set me up on a date with a guy and implied I’d do more,” she says trying to laugh. “Ow, fuck that hurts.”

  Jacobs bursts into the shop from the street. “Sir?”

  “This is her,” I say pointing him in the direction of Veronica. “Take her down to the station for processing. She’s been Mirandized. I am going take Maddy home.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Jacobs leaves with Veronica and I gather Maddy up in my arms. I walk out and over to my truck that I parked in front of the dinner. I put her in the passenger seat and get us home.

  “Baby, are you okay?”

  “I’m better now,” she says once we are inside.

  “Your face is messed up baby.”

  “It’s nothing new, trust me.”

  “Here, sit down,” I say leading her to the couch. “Let me get you something for that,” I say going into the kitchen. I come back out with a bag of frozen peas. She winces when I place it on her face. I sit on the coffee table, facing her.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that. I am sure that was hard for you,” she says.

  “Forget about me, baby. I would do anything for you. You are my everything. I love you more than life itself.”

  “I can’t do that. I love you,” she says tossing the bag of peas on the table.

  “I love you too, but you should keep that on there,” I say chuckling.

  “I can think of a hundred other things I’d rather be doing,” she say
s leaning forward and kissing me.

  “Really, baby. Now?”

  “Yeah, now. I’m fine. I promise. I’ve dealt with worse.”

  “That’s what kills me, Maddy. You should have never had to go through that. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, Leif.” She kisses me again and I forget about everything else.

  She climbs on my lap and rubs against me. Eventually, I toss her back on the couch and shimmy her jeans down her legs.

  “God, you are so fucking beautiful and all fucking mine,” I growl ripping her panties from her body.

  “I know,” she breathes. Opening my jeans, I pull my cock out and jerk it a few times before slamming inside of her. “Oh God, I need this. Need you.”

  “You’ve got me,” I say pounding into her over and over. Her arms are wrapped around my neck. I kiss her neck, whispering how amazing she is. After we both come, I pull out of her. Still above her, I move my hand to lightly trace the already forming bruise on her face. She looks up at me.

  “Don’t worry about it, please. It’s not a big deal,” she says.

  “It’s a very big deal.”

  “You’re sweet, Leif. Nothing a little makeup won’t cover.”

  She giggles and while I hate it, there isn’t anything I can do about it right now.

  I make love to her for the rest of the night and hopefully take her mind off of what went down today.

  Chapter Ten


  Damn it. I cover my mouth immediately, forgetting I am alone for the moment. Every time I go to smile, my mouth hurts from where that bitch hit me. She is so lucky she had me pinned in the dressing room or it wouldn’t have been as easy for her to take me. I am not the same meek teenager I was when she married my dad. Even now all I want to do is beat the crap out of her for yesterday and all the years before.


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