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For Him

Page 3

by Alex Anders

  It was obvious that he had been hurt before, probably a lot of times before. I could be the person he could trust. I could be the one who proves to him that there are people who will be there for you no matter what. I could make his life so much better if he would just call me. All I needed him to do was call me.

  Touch Rugby was good. We were beginning training for the Nationals. We had won last year in Orlando and this was the first time we would be defending the title.

  I was exhausted when I got home but like usual, I didn’t get to sleep until about 3am. I spent most of the time thinking about Nicholas. And when there was still no message when I woke up on Thursday, I said “screw him. If he doesn’t know how great I am and what he’s missing, then he’s an idiot and doesn’t deserve me.”

  But as I prepared for tennis with Tina that night, I realized that really, what I needed to do was help him understand what he’s missing. It’s not really his fault that he doesn’t understand. It’s just circumstance. But if I could figure out a way to explain it to him or show him, then he’d get it. Unfortunately, that involved him calling me and that was the thing that he still hadn’t done.

  I tried to put Nicholas out of my mind on Friday. Late Thursday night I had received my first delivery from my Indian developers on what I referred to as ‘my big project.’ I had come up with the idea of creating a game that I could give away in iPhone’s apps store.

  It would be a basic multiple level game where the user was trying to catch shoes and kill birds. Each level had a different style of shoe and the platform heels could be thrown at the birds that were dropping the shoes. It was pretty much a rip off of another popular game. But I figured that I could get a lot of click-throughs to shoe stores. And if it became popular, I could update it with specific shoe brands making it very targeted advertising.

  I didn’t know if my ideas for the game would all work, but that was my plan. As far as I could tell, this hadn’t been done before by an internet marketer, so I would be the first. The problem was that the process was kind of killing me.

  The reason why I had gone to Molly Malone’s instead of my usual girl’s night was because I was looking for comforting. Last week’s delivery had been horrible and was clearly going to lead to more money. The whole process was making me very fragile.

  Today’s delivery wasn’t much better from the previous week. The game crashed after about 5 minutes and the platform high heel that you threw at the birds looked more like a boomerang. Well, it started out looking like a shoe, but as soon as it left the character’s hand, it turned into a boomerang. My guess was that they took the code from a boomerang game and thought that I wouldn’t notice. Chauvinistic Indian developers!

  Anyway, I bought a big bottle of wine and headed to games night at Brandy’s. Somehow I managed to finish the entire bottle by myself. We played until 2am so I was legal to drive by the time I headed home.

  As I climbed into bed at 2:30, I saw that Nicholas still hadn’t called me and that was the last straw. I rolled my face into the pillow and cried. I didn’t know why this kept happening to me, but it did. With everything else going on, I wasn’t sure that I could take this rejection as well.

  It was while driving to Touch Rugby on Saturday that I got Nicholas’ text. It said, ‘Doing a show at The Echo and grabbing food afterwards. Come by.’

  You know that feeling when you spend all day shopping and you find the perfect pair of shoes… that you then use them to bludgeoned little Miss Barbie who parked her boyfriend’s BMW across two parking spots instead of one? Well, getting his text felt like that, only better.

  I could barely keep my mind on the road as I drove. What made it so captivating was that he hadn’t just invited me to his show. I’m sure he invited a lot of people to his show. It was the way he mentioned grabbing something to eat afterwards. He didn’t have to say that. If it was just about the article, he could have said that we would talk after the show. But no, we were grabbing food. That qualified as a date.

  Riffling through my closet, I knew how to dress for this date. Just because I wasn’t a bad girl didn’t mean I couldn’t dress like one. After all, when would be a better time to wear my leather pants? They were already tighter than they had been, so their expiration date was rapidly approaching.

  On the top I would wear my black tee shirt with the plunging neckline. Mix in my black boots and the proper lipstick and eyeliner and I was a rock star’s dream. Examining myself in the mirror, I was all hips, breasts and dark attitude.

  Staring at myself in the mirror, I considered whether or not I should invite one of my girlfriends to go with me. Who would I invite though? Almost everyone who I knew was coupled up. And what would I do with her if I wanted to go home with him? I guess I could invite two girlfriends, one to keep the other company. But who could go out in such short notice?

  I decided that I would head to The Echo by myself. It wasn’t like I had a problem going to places alone. And after all, I didn’t have to make any excuses about sitting by myself because I was with the band. Or more precisely, I was with the lead singer in the band. So suck that, jealous bitches.

  When I got there I grabbed a drink and checked when ‘Something about a Monkey’ was playing. They were the headliner and there was a band beforehand. I looked around the dive bar for Nicholas and didn’t see him. Either he and the band were out back or they were still at a previous gig. I could have asked around, but I wanted to play it cool.

  The girl group that played first was alright. They were kind of an Alanis Morissette throwback with more guitar. There was lots of complaining about men and their “power stick”. The women in the audience seemed to get into it, but they weren’t nearly as polished as ‘Something about a Monkey’. No, Nicholas was a rock star. Miss Alanis Morissette wannabe was just another musician.

  As before, ‘Something About a Monkey’ entered the stage and set up with no signs of Nicholas. And when the drummer banged his sticks together, the crowd took notice. Just like during the previous show, the band played for two minutes before a drunken, half-naked Nicholas entered from the front entrance.

  “Piss off!” he yelled, before running and leaping onto the stage.

  The energy that he had conjured the week before was no accident. Nicholas knew how to work a crowd. First he taunted them with his gestures, then ignored them, then opened himself up to them, and then sang to them indignant. And all of that was before he turned his back to them as they showered him with applause. The man was just incredibly hot.

  I watched as he left the stage for the bar. The women seemed to be throwing themselves at him, but he wouldn’t even look at them. He was such an asshole. I wasn’t even sure if I should talk to a guy that treated people like that. But then again, maybe he’s just one of those shy guys that only come alive on stage. I couldn’t blame him for being shy, could I?

  I positioned myself next to the stage waiting for him to return. As before he headed to the bathroom and this time no one followed him. And when he came back, I put myself between where he was and where he wanted to be.

  His gaze immediately fell onto my curves. He smiled and his eyes eventually made their way to my face.

  “You came!” he said with a wicked smile on his face.

  “I decided to check it out,” I replied as casually as possible.

  “The bands about to grab something to eat. You wanna come with?”

  “That would be cool,” I answered as if I would have been fine either way.

  “Tones, where we goin’?” he called back to the guitarist.

  “Compadre,” the guitarist replied not looking up.

  “You know where El Compadre is?” he asked me getting close enough to remind me of his sexy musk.

  “Is it close?” I asked having no idea where it was.

  “Real close. You go out the door and take a left. It’s like seven blocks down on the left. It’s a Mexican place. You can’t miss it.”

  “Okay. Then should I meet you al
l there?”

  “Yeah. We have to pack up, but we’ll head over,” he said with a smile and hand on my waist.

  I almost leaned in to kiss him at that point. I wasn’t sure why he was getting so close. Either way was fine. But if he wanted to kiss me, I wasn’t going to make it hard for him.

  “I’ll see you there.”

  “Cool,” he said turning his attention to their equipment.

  I walked away from Nicholas in an awkward spot. The last thing I wanted was to go to a restaurant, ask for a booth and then sit there by myself waiting for a group that may never come. I could go to a bar by myself, but sitting in a large booth by myself just seemed pathetic.

  So instead, I headed to the bar and watched the guys strike the set. When the last of their equipment was gone and they didn’t seem to be coming back, I walked to my car and headed over. I did find the place pretty easily, but when I got there, I didn’t see any vehicle large enough to hold band equipment. So instead of going in, I sat in my car and waited.

  Twenty minutes went by without them arriving. It had been thirty minutes since he had told me to meet him, so I was beginning to think that I might have been ditched. That didn’t make sense, though. He texted and invited me to come tonight. Had I done something wrong in the short time I had spoken to him?

  After another ten minutes I considered leaving. I was feeling pretty awful and I just wanted to slither away. But something in the back of my mind told me that maybe I should go in and take a look around, just in case. Listening to that little voice, I got out and walked in. It took a second for me to spot them and I was never more relieved to see anyone in my life. I could feel the broad smile spread across my face and I don’t think I ever wanted anyone more.

  “Hey, you made it,” Nicholas said looking up from the booth with an unexpectedly brilliant smile. “Sit.”

  Nicholas, who was sitting on the end, got out and allowed me to slip in next to the guitarist. Sliding in beside me I felt his arm push behind my neck and rest across my shoulder. I recognized this. He was claiming me in front of his band mates. No gesture could have been sexier.

  “Sorry, what’s your name?” he asked me.


  “Christine wants to write a story on us. What was it again?” he asked giving my shoulder a little squeeze.

  I turned to the band and took a closer look at them. There was the somber looking guitarist who was thin with curly blonde hair and a clean shaven angular face. Next to him was the scruffy dark haired base player. He had his arm around a Barbie girl in a tight short dress. And next to her was the mellow, Greek looking drummer who sat next to a casually dressed brunette, who looked like the drummer’s girlfriend.

  “I’m creating a website on how to be a rock star and I’m using the video I took of you all last week as the example.”

  “So, we’re going to be the example of how to be rock stars,” Nicholas emphasized with more giddy pride than I would ever have suspected him capable. “How do you like that?”

  Nicholas was different than I had expected he’d be. On stage he acted distant and brooding. But sitting with his arm around my shoulder, I was beginning to see him as outgoing. There was even a hint of vulnerability to him that snuck out. I was really starting to like him. He was more than just a hot rock star. He was a complex person.

  “Are you gonna do a website on how to play the bass?” the bass player said pulling the Barbie to him as he did.

  “You think I should?” I asked genuinely curious.

  “Hell yeah. The bass is like the glue for the sound. Ask them?”

  I turned to the other guys who each shook their head in agreement.

  “It gives our sound its soul,” Nicholas added.

  It was then when I wondered if this was Barbie’s first time hanging with the band, because it was beginning to sound like the bass player’s friends were just trying to get him sexed.

  “Then maybe I’ll do a page on how to play bass like a rock star as well.”

  “Oh yeah! It’ll be your most popular site. You’ll see. People go crazy for the bass.”

  As he over-sold the page’s popularity, I was beginning to wonder if it would be worth doing after all. But I decided to make the decision later.

  “And what are you going to do about the singer,” Nicholas asked practically whispering into my ear.

  A warm wave passed through my body as his hot breath poured onto my neck. I didn’t close my eyes, but I felt my eyes droop with pleasure. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone before.

  “Oh, you’re the star. The way you move on stage, how you perform… You’re my rock star.”

  Without another word, Nicholas leaned in and kissed me. His firm lips parted mine and his broad, thick tongue pushed its way into me meeting my pink protuberance midway. Our tongues twirled around each other and his hand moved up my side to the edge of my breast.

  Remembering who was watching, I grabbed his wrist and pushed it away. Retreating from the kiss, I turned around and looked into the faces of everyone accept the guitarist. Tony, as I heard someone call him, was the one person subtly looking away. Before I could figure out why, I felt Nicholas grab my chin and turn my face around for another kiss.

  The kiss was brief. It was like a show of dominance. I wasn’t sure who it was directed toward, but I liked it. I liked ceding to his control. It made me feel small and helpless in a strong masculine arms.

  I looked into his soulful eyes. I really did want him to love me. And now I was sure that I would do whatever was necessary to get it.

  It didn’t take too long for food to arrive. They offered me some, but I didn’t know where the night would lead and I didn’t want Mexican in my system. I did order a drink though. And after a few drinks of his own, Nicholas leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

  “You want to see how a rock star lives?” he asked with a smile.

  “Sure,” I whispered back knowing that the good girl in me could use it as research for the how-to article.

  “Can you drive?”

  “Sure,” I confirmed before he squeezed my thigh.

  Nicholas knocked back the last of his drink and slid out of the booth. “Gentleman, we’re off.”

  I scanned the group for their reaction before joining Nicholas. Everyone looked at us knowingly except for Tony, who seemed really cold toward me in general. It was something that I would probably have to figure out if things got more serious between me and Nicholas, but I couldn’t think about it right now.

  So instead I told everyone how good it was to meet them and followed Nicholas out. I thought I knew what I was getting myself into. But I hadn’t done anything like this before. I had never felt anything like this before. I really was a good girl fumbling around in a bad boy’s world. And I had no idea what to expect.

  Nicholas directed me to his place and the entire time he is caressing my leg, slowly moving his hand up my inner thigh. It was exciting. I had never been with someone so aggressive. This is how I imagined a real man to be. And when I parked the car in front of his place, he leaned over and kissed me like the earth would end if he had to wait another minute.

  Following him into the main door of his complex, he led me through the wide concrete hallway. Flinging open the thick wooden door, he revealed a converted warehouse filled with band equipment, clothes and dirty dishes. There was no doubt that a band lived here, and before I could say a word, he spun me onto the wall and pinned his body onto mine.

  I couldn’t resist even if I wanted to. He was imposing his will on me and I loved every moment of it. Pulling my hair back, my lips pointed into the air. Diving in he cradled the back of my neck and hooked his tongue onto mine.

  My mind spun with pleasure. He grabbed my ass and lifted me pressing my engorging groin against his hardening bulge. I moaned in response.

  With one swift move, my shirt was off. His lips returned to mine and he wasted no time unlatching my bra.

  With my bra fal
ling to the ground, he took my bare flesh into his hands. He gripped tightly not allowing me to escape. Leaving my lips he pressed them against my darkened areolas which were now swollen with arousal. And when his tongue flicked my nipple, I threw my arms back grasping for support.

  “Yes!” I screamed, him spinning me around.

  He walked me backwards until my thigh bumped something cushioned and I fell back. He didn’t let me fall far though. And as my hand caught the back of the couch, my legs spread on either side of the couch’s arm.

  Secure, Nicholas let go of me. Panting, he stepped back and looked at me like a predator. Ripping his shirt off, he threw himself toward me and clutched my breast. He held me roughly and nipped at my nipple. I shrieked. Unrepentant, he pulled away again only to lock his hands on my leather pants.

  He wasn’t gentle as he pulled them off. He yanked with the forcefulness necessary to remove leather from sweaty skin. And in a moment I lay before him in nothing but my black panties. I felt like prey.

  He didn’t waste any time after that. Unzipping his pants, his mound of flesh sprung out. I barely got a look before he grabbed the crotch of my panties and pulled it aside. The feeling of his head against my lips made my body twitched. I was aroused to the touch. And when he took hold of my thighs and pushed them back, I gripped into the couch with everything I had.

  “Ahhh!” I bellowed as he pushed into me.

  He wasn’t gentle. He took command and owned me. Cradling my neck again, he pulled me up causing his hairy flesh to slap my swollen clit. And reaching for him, all I could do was dig my nails into him as my body involuntarily spasmed in orgasmic pleasure.

  “Ahhh!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  I couldn’t take any more. I did everything I could to wiggle free. And when his thick cock popped out of me, I opened my tired eyes to see him staring down at me displeased.


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