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It Happens in Threes

Page 18

by Denise Robbins

  “Cat, this isn’t funny. You need to be careful, especially while working with me. I don’t like stupid mistakes. You need to do as instructed.”

  “Is this how you treat all your field agents, operatives, or whatever? Michael, there’s no need to be so upset. I apologize. I’ll make every effort to not make that mistake in the future. As for leaving lights on, since you advised me so nicely I’ll do as you suggest.”

  He released a sigh. “Here are a couple of other tips. First, always leave something on your dresser or nightstand in a particular place or position so you’ll know if it’s been touched. For instance, leave a notebook sitting at an angle and open to a certain page. Or you could put a small memento box positioned to face the bathroom as opposed to the front of the dresser. Something subtle, but a dead giveaway to indicate you’ve had an intruder.”

  “What do you do?” She gazed at him with curiosity and the interest of a hungry student. Damn, she made his job hard. He adjusted himself.

  “One of the things I do is to leave my sock drawer in a particular order.”

  “I think I’ll leave my bras at eleven o’clock, so no touching them,” she warned him, shaking her skinny finger.

  Oh, damn! All he pictured was lace, silk, and those gosh darn see-through, barely-there bras. He shoved his hands back in his pockets. What were they talking about? Oh, yeah.

  “Leave your luggage in a certain state as well. Only close the zipper until a certain number of teeth aren’t showing.”

  Ruby went to the closet and pulled out one of her suitcases. Her derriere peeked out from under her shorts hem, calling to him. “Do I do that on all bags or just one?”

  “To be safe, do all of them.” He had to get out of the bedroom. “Let’s sit down and discuss Friday’s meeting.” He guided her back to the sitting area and the sofa. He needed to get his mind back on business, not the bed Ruby stood next to. How he would like nothing more than to have her spread across it with him on top, thrusting deep inside her.

  “Friday morning you’re going to meet the van downstairs in the lobby for Captain Bruce’s Extreme Comfort Diving. We’re going to the west side of the island. Somehow we want to finagle the conversation around you being in Hawaii because you’re out of work.”

  “How do you do that?”

  “Not me. We. We’ll figure a way to work it into the conversation. It would be easiest to get all of us out to dinner and then bring up the topic of your unemployment and trip to Hawaii.”

  “Why don’t I convince him to take me out to dinner and leave you drying on the docks? That seems easier.” She saw the flash of fury as soon as she finished her statement. Uh-oh.

  “Because I don’t like the idea of you being alone with him. He’s still too much of an unknown entity.” She started to interrupt, but the look in his eyes stifled her comment. “On top of that, this is my operation.”

  “Aye-aye, captain.” She gave him a mock salute.

  “You’re impossible!” He stood, walked toward the door to leave and turned back. “This isn’t a game, Cat. I’ll be there to help protect you, but you need to be damned careful. I want his ass bad, but I want yours safe. Goodnight.” He slammed the door behind him.

  “I guess he told me,” she muttered after the door shut.


  Friday finally arrived. Having barely slept, Ruby woke early due to nerves. Today was the day she’d become an active agent. Today she would see Nicolas La Rue and put the plan in motion to infiltrate his business.

  While sitting with her feet curled underneath her, sipping a cappuccino, thoughts and questions kept playing through Ruby’s mind. What if the plan didn’t work? What if Nicolas didn’t give her a job? Why shouldn’t he? She needed one, sort of. What if he didn’t invite her into his company, but gave a referral to some other business associate? Eventually, the coffee was gone, but the anxiety wasn’t.

  When the orange glow of the sun started to rim over the horizon, Ruby got up and showered. Under the hot water, more scenarios ran through her head. Questions pelted her mind as the spray pulsed against tense muscles.

  What if Nico did invite her into his organization? What if Michael was wrong and she betrayed an old friend? What if Michael was right and Nico was dangerous? What if she let Michael down? Or was discovered? Would her old mentor put a bullet in her or worse yet, shoot and kill Mickey? Ruby shook her head. She could cope with all other outcomes, but that one. Michael believed in her. She would not fail him.

  Ruby felt like she was in high school, playing the ‘what if’ game with her best friend. It wasn’t as if an old boyfriend hadn’t asked her to the prom. This was the very real world of cat and mouse. She had to remember she was the cat. Even though the mouse was better at the game, the cat always won.

  After drying off, Ruby wanted to bake. Baking would relax her and keep her productive. The hotel room’s kitchenette didn’t include an oven. She needed to occupy her mind, keep busy. Since baking wasn’t an option, Ruby readied herself for the crucial reunion and meeting with “the Frenchman”, as Mickey liked to refer to Nicolas.

  Dressed in a swimsuit, sarong, and flip-flops, she re-checked the dive gear for the fourth time, making certain everything was packed. It wasn’t necessary, but knowing it made her feel more secure and occupied. Of course the first time she had folded her BC into the deep wide compartment of the dive bag along with her regulator and weightbelt, it had been perfect. The Glock was where she knew it would be, still secure and tucked into the hidden pocket of the BC. The watertight dry box along with other supplies required for the trip sat on top of the regulator in the bag with her cell phone and wallet tucked into it.

  The small cooler she’d bought on her brief excursion out for dinner, sat filled with water, sodas, fruit, and Fig Newtons. Ruby fidgeted. Like lightning, she crackled with nervous energy waiting until time to leave for the boat.

  Finally, the time came. The driver for Captain Bruce’s Extreme Comfort Diving met her in the hotel lobby right on schedule. Standing next to the van, Ruby waited while the driver stowed the gear. Tourists milled around in vibrant tropical print shirts chattering about their plans for the day, determining where they would start, where they would eat and wasn’t Hawaii just a beautiful place. She agreed. It was picturesque. Still morning, already in the mid-eighties with tremendous sunshine and no humidity. It didn’t get much better.

  On route to the West side of the island, the driver detailed some sightseeing spots, Hanauma Bay and Chinaman’s Hat. He gave her ideas for great restaurant spots to try while she stayed in town. His favorite was a bar that looked like nothing but had by far the best lasagna he had ever eaten. To top off his sage advice, he suggested Hanauma Bay for a night shore dive and he volunteered to be her personal guide. Flattered by his attention, Ruby smiled, flashing her pearly whites at the college age guy.

  They arrived at the dock where the boat moored and the crew waited. Her dive bag parked next to two air tanks. Hooking her BC and regulator to the first tank, she looked around for Michael, and didn’t see him. No red Lexus convertible. Maybe she waited at the wrong place. Asking the driver where Michael might be was out of the question. She wasn’t supposed to know him. But she could ask if there were any other divers going to join them. Just as Ruby turned to do that, the Captain came over and introduced himself.

  “Hi. I’m Captain Bruce.”

  “Ruby,” she answered in return. He actually referred to himself as Captain Bruce. The dude had a serious ego.

  The Captain explained the two dive trips they’d be going on and informed her there were three divers today. This had to be the right place. He continued on, informing her she’d have to team up with the other two guests or the driver who was also a master diver. She eyed the driver. He was a clean shaven, dark-haired kid, probably a college student barely earning a living but doing what he loved.

  Captain Bruce seemed like a nice man, but he talked way too much for her to really pay attention. Her attenti
on drawn to two, deep, male voices carrying across the pavement, the Captain still chattered on about the lack of divers. Her body shivered as she recognized Michael’s voice. It was warm, commanding, and melodious. They sounded like good friends, their conversation sociable, unrehearsed, and non-stop.

  Extending her hand, she said, “Thank you, Captain Bruce. I’m sure it’ll be an enjoyable trip.” He took the hint. Ruby watched the captain walk toward the two men, probably to give them the same spiel he just gave her.

  When she eyed the men that went with the voices, her heart leapt. Was it fear or excitement? For certain it was the anticipation of the next few hours and the possibility of where it would go.

  Taking deep breaths, filling her lungs to capacity, Ruby willed her emotions to calm. By the time she finished setting up her gear the men, accompanied by Captain Bruce, boarded the boat.

  When she straightened from storing her equipment, Nico was staring at her. Damn, he looked good! The years had been very kind to him. He had a full head of dark hair, gorgeous dark skin and a fit physique. He wore bright blue swim trunks, flip flops, and a tight fitting purple T-shirt that matched his lavender eyes. She pulled her gaze from his before the intensity bore right through her.

  Then she saw Michael. Her breath caught and held. He was watching her, piercing cobalt eyes to hazel eyes. It was like she hadn’t spent almost more than two weeks alone with him just a short while ago. The blonde streaks in his hair shined in the sun, blue eyes sparkled like the ocean they were getting ready to dive into. The plane of his stomach was visible through his white shirt. It was the same stomach she’d had her hands on, the same six-pack abs that made her tingle when she glided her fingertips over them. She shivered and turned away remembering him hovered above her, her hands on his stomach as he entered her, thrust himself so deep she had to hold onto those muscles so she could take every inch he gave, feel every heart beat in rhythm with hers. As they climbed together, reached the peak, they soared to the heavens with white opalescent wings and her hope of never returning to earth.

  Shaking her ponytail, Ruby cleared the image from her mind. Sheesh, she needed a dip in the ocean. She glanced around thinking maybe she had a few minutes to do just that when the catamaran’s motor roared to life. Before she could even contemplate changing her mind they took off for the beautiful blue ocean and what she had to offer for divers.

  The master diver pulled the ropes from the cleats and threw them onto the dock. Once they had backed away from the dock, the master diver shared with them the drive time to the first site. About 30 minutes. He explained the layout of the boat including the head and fresh water shower, the fresh water bucket for cameras and the like, and a cooler that held sodas, water, and fruit. Then he went to the wheel with the Captain.

  Nerves jittering and dancing with anticipation, Ruby felt like a schoolgirl on her first day of class. Walking to the front of the boat, she hoped the heat from the sun and the lull of the ocean would halt the crackle of lightning coursing through her.

  * * * *

  Nico had finished prepping his dive gear when Mickey turned to him. “Did you see that exquisite creature? Those legs. What is it about long, muscular legs that are so erotic? With the indecent thoughts I’m having I think I’ll have to marry her.”

  “Maybe you should find out her name before you make such a snap decision.”

  “Excellent idea.” Michael slapped a hand on Nico’s shoulder. I think I’ll join the young lady up front and see if I can get a name to go with that beautiful face.”

  “Good luck.”

  She sat in the front, her face tipped toward the sun soaking in its radiant heat when Michael walked up. “Do you mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all. There’s plenty of room and sun to share.” She scooted over.

  He took a seat right next to her, extending his hand for an introduction. “Very kind of you. My name is Mickey.”

  She took his hand and noticed how well their hands fit together. “Nice to meet you. I’m Ruby.”

  “Ruby. That’s an unusual, old-fashioned name.”

  “My parents are unusual.” That brought a broad grin to Michael’s face because he knew they were.

  “Where’re you from?”

  She looked at him quizzically then realized it was an act. “New Hampshire.”

  “Ah. Beautiful country.”

  “Ever been?” She smiled, knowing the answer to that question.

  “Nope. Never been there. Just never had the opportunity.”

  “Maybe you should make the opportunity.”

  “I may just do that. For the right person.” That surprised her. She’d invited him on numerous occasions but he was never available, always too busy, out of the country, or recuperating from a trip.

  Nico made his way to the front of the boat and Mickey stood. “Glad you joined us Nico. Let me introduce you to our other diver.” Mickey turned toward her. “Nicolas, this is Ruby. I’m sorry. I don’t know your last name.”

  “It’s Goodman, Ruby Goodman.” She extended her hand.

  “Nice to make you’re acquaint...” He trailed off. “I knew there was something about you I recognized.”

  “Nico? Oh, my gosh! I can’t believe this. It really is a small world.”

  He grabbed her, pulled her to her feet and into a big bear hug, and then pushed her back at arm length. “Let me get a good look at you.” He spun her around. “You look marvelous. Tres jolie. More beautiful than the last time I saw you. You’ve grown into a gorgeous woman.” He kissed both of her cheeks.

  “And you’re even more handsome, if that’s possible, debonair as always.”

  “You two know each other?”

  “We worked together a long time ago for a government contractor. Ruby was my protégé.” One arm wrapped round her shoulders, Nico gave Ruby a toothy, easy grin.

  Returning his smile, Ruby added, “Nico was the best mentor a girl could ask for. I learned a lot through his direction. He’s also the one who taught me to scuba dive.”

  Hmm. Just what else had Nico taught her? His arm still wrapped around Ruby in a too familiar manner, Nico’s thumb stroked Ruby’s bare shoulder, and he looked like he wanted to take a bite out of her.

  Addressing the question to Ruby, Michael asked, “What do you do for a living?”

  “Software development. How do you two know each other?”

  “We’re recent business acquaintances,” Michael answered, slapping a hand on Nico’s shoulder. “Hopefully to be business associates if the proposal Nico created is everything I expect it to be.”

  “I’m sure it will be. Nico always exceeded expectations.”

  Another comment that put Michael’s back up. What expectations had she had from him? What expectations did he exceed? Cut it out, he mentally berated himself. This was business. There was no room for teenage jealousy.

  Before they could continue their conversation, Captain Bruce came up front and announced they would be at the first dive site in ten minutes. As they moved to the rear of the boat to gear up, Michael watched Nicolas, his hand firmly planted on Ruby’s arm. She wasn’t going to break or fall. She made it to the front of the boat without anyone’s help. Get over it.

  The captain followed behind them, providing a description of their first dive site, Shark’s Cove, on the North Shore. “It’s one of the best dive spots on the island. Following the wall to the east there are many small caverns and boulder swim-throughs. Further out in 35 to 45 feet are large boulders and the small overhung habitats that they create. It’s an easy and relaxing dive with good sea life. Any questions?”

  The divers acknowledged his explanation and returned to getting setup. The dive master approached Ruby placing his hand on her shoulder. “Do you need a dive partner?”

  Before she could respond, Nico answered for her. “She can dive with us. That all right with you Mickey?”

  He shrugged. “Yeah, sure. The more the merrier.”

  “I guess I’l
l be diving with the boys then. Thanks for the offer.” Michael recognized the disappointment on the young man’s face before Ruby continued. “Maybe on the next trip.” Her smile beamed at the dive master and Michael saw the quick, wide grin cut across his face. She had a way of making people feel good even when she disappointed them.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Michael caught a glimpse of Ruby releasing something. When he made a full turn around he got a better view. She’d removed the fuchsia sarong from her hips. Underneath was a multi-color bikini. She looked tremendous. His hand halted on the locking mechanism of his weightbelt when he spotted Nicolas and the dive master staring. Ruby, a bright pink weightbelt hooked around her hips bent over to pick up the wrap she dropped.

  The damn woman wore a thong bikini. Didn’t they have a conversation about her choice in swimwear? He told her it was too dangerous. She stood, put the wrap in her bag, and once again he got an eyeful. The other men on the boat did too. As a matter of fact, he thought their eyes were going to bulge out of their sockets. He knew what they were thinking. Not that he blamed them. But he could and would blame her.

  Ruby remained oblivious to the men ogling her derrière, Michael wasn’t. He didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t like the little exhibition at all. He distinctly remembered ordering her not to wear that kind of suit. Tugging the weightbelt tighter around his waist, he cursed himself, and slammed the clasp shut. That’s why she did it. He told her she couldn’t do something so she did. Just to spite him. The little wench. At least once the equipment was on no one would be able to see as much. Damn woman! Turning back to his own equipment, Michael put her mostly naked ass out of his mind. Okay, attempted to put it out of his mind.

  Their BCs, weightbelts, and fins on, regulators checked, and their masks in place they were ready for the first dive. Joe stood by the exit to help the divers take the step off into the unbelievably clear blue water. “Lady first.”

  Ruby gave the dive master a wicked smile and a wink as she stepped up with her bright pink fins and allowed him to help her to the gate. Her goggles in position, she placed her right hand over her mask and regulator to hold them then took a big leap off. Once she resurfaced, she blew air into her BC inflating it enough to keep afloat and waited. Michael was next in the water, followed by Nico.


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