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Slam: A Colorado Smoke Novel

Page 21

by Andee Michelle

  “What’d you do?”

  “I requested a new waitress. The kind who doesn’t manhandle the customers.”

  He drops his head and I can tell immediately he feels guilty.

  “Bryant,” I start. “Nothing about what happened was your fault. She was out of line.”

  His eyes meet mine, and I can tell he’s not happy about this situation, and it pisses me off even more than she caused this.

  “Let’s go,” I say, pushing my chair back out and standing up.

  “We don’t have to leave. It’s okay.”

  “Nope, we’re leaving. We can find somewhere else to eat.”

  He grabs my hand as we walk away from the pub.

  A block away, there is a little café that has a sign out about a lunch special that catches our attention. Making our way inside, the lady behind the counter smiles brightly and tells us to take a seat wherever we’d like and a waitress will be with us in a moment.

  “So, where to next?” he asks, rubbing his thumb across the top of my hand.

  “Statue of Liberty,” I tell him, my voice rising with excitement, which makes him smile brightly. I’m glad getting away from the pub and changing the subject has lightened his mood.

  “Absolutely. I’ll text Stanley and have him pick us up here to take us.”

  After seeing the lunch special come out for another table, we both agree the sandwich is too big for one person, and neither of us are crazy hungry, so we’ll split one. Plus, Bryant informs me the only thing he has planned out is dinner, which I apparently need to be hungry for. His words.

  The meatball sandwich and fries are amazing. Stanley picks us up to take us to the Statue of Liberty, Bryant never letting go of my hand.

  I could get used to this. The hand holding thing. It’s like he can’t get close enough to me so he needs to be touching me all the time. I love it, but it also scares me because I’m already so deep. As much as I’d like to say I’m immune to his intensity, I’d be lying. He definitely has the ability to break my heart in a big way.

  The guide gives us the background on the Statue and tells us interesting little bits of information. She’s fun and quirky.

  By the time we wrap up the tour and are back in the car with Stanley, I’m exhausted. We did a lot of walking today, and Bryant did a lot of signing autographs and pictures with fans. He apologized to me every single time it happened even though I continually told him to stop. This is his life. If we are going to date, this is bound to happen, and I should get used to it—as well as the women who are obviously interested in more than just his signature and a picture.

  Unbuckling my seat belt, I slide into the center seat so I’m right next to Bryant, before putting that seat belt on and laying my head on his shoulder. I feel the heat of his breath in my hair as he leans over and kisses the top of my head.

  “Thank you for today. I had a great time,” I tell him honestly.

  “Pleasure was all mine, babe,” he replies with a smile. “But don’t think you’re getting rid of me yet. It’s only 6:00 p.m. Dinner is at seven, so we’ve got an hour to rest.”

  I nod in response, my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

  I’ve texted Mandy several times throughout the day, and she and Gracie are having a blast. No doubt Gracie will be out like a light early tonight with all the activities Mandy has crammed into today.

  When I feel warm kisses on my forehead, I open my eyes slowly, realizing I must’ve fallen asleep on Bryant’s shoulder on the way to the hotel. God, I hope I didn’t drool on his shirt.

  “Wake up, babe. We’re here,” he murmurs against my forehead.

  “Sorry. I guess I was more tired than I thought.”

  “We got stuck in traffic, so it took us a while to get here.”

  “What time is it?” I ask, stretching my arms out in front of me.

  “It’s a quarter to seven.”

  “So, dinner in fifteen minutes? Do I have time to pop in and see how Gracie is before we leave?”

  “Yep,” he replies, holding out his hand to help me climb down from the SUV.

  Walking quickly to the elevator, Bryant trails behind me.

  “Layne, we’re eating dinner here, so you don’t have to rush. It’s fine.”

  “Oh good. I was worried we’d be late.”

  “Let’s go check on Gracie, and then we’ll have dinner,” he replies as the elevator arrives.

  Bryant comes into my room with me to check on Gracie, only to find her and Mandy passed out on the couch.

  I quickly rub my hand on Mandy’s shoulder to wake her. I need to at least see if everything went okay today.

  “Hey, girl,” she whispers so she doesn’t wake Gracie. “You’re back already?”

  “I’m stopping in to see how everything went today, but I’m going to guess by the way Gracie is snoring that it was a good day.”

  Mandy smiles in response. “We had a blast.”

  I lean down and kiss Gracie’s forehead, and she doesn’t even break a snore. Mandy wore her out for sure.

  “Well, we’re going to have dinner, so I’ll see you later, okay?” I ask. Mandy nods and then snuggles back down. Apparently Gracie isn’t the only one who got worn out today.

  Bryant is still standing near the door when I turn around, looking at his phone. He looks up as I get closer to him.

  “Everything okay in here?” he asks with a smile.

  “Right as rain. You ready?”

  His eyes meet mine once again, a little of the smolder from earlier in the day returning. It’s a few minutes after seven when I close the door to my room behind us. Lacing my fingers through his, we head to the elevators, but only make it a few steps when Bryant stops, turns to his door and presses the card key to the pad.

  “Did you need to grab something?” I ask. He doesn’t answer but pulls me in with him and shuts the door behind us.

  When I turn to the living area, I’m speechless at what I find. The area has been made into a beautiful dining area. Flowers, candles, and a waiter standing beside a bucket of ice with a bottle of wine in it.

  Turning my attention back to Bryant, my smile must tell him how happy I am at this arrangement. Having him to myself without all the gawkers will be a perfect way to end this day.

  I watch him walk to the table and pull out one of the chairs for me to sit, which I do, thanking him as he walks around to the other side and takes his seat.

  I can’t pry my eyes away from him. He looks to the waiter and nods, prompting the waiter to immediately pull the uncorked bottle of wine from the bucket and pour us each a glass. I love that he made this fancy, but I’m really hoping this waiter doesn’t stick around all night. As the waiter sets the bottle back in the bucket, there’s a knock at the door and the waiter excuses himself to answer it.

  The sight at the door causes me to laugh out loud. A pizza delivery guy is standing at the door with the biggest pizza box I’ve ever seen.

  “We’re having pizza for dinner?” I ask with what has to be the biggest smile on my face.

  “Yep. You can’t come to New York City and not enjoy the best pizza in the world,” he answers with a smirk.

  "I think Chicago might disagree with you, but whatever,” I rib him with a laugh.

  The waiter takes the pizza box from the delivery guy and sets it on the counter in the kitchen. He grabs two plates and places a piece on each plate before bringing them to the table and setting them in front of us. The pizza slices are so big they hang off the sides of the plate, and my mouth starts to water at the smell. It’s amazing.

  He turns his attention to Bryant. “Mr. Nash, will there be anything else I can get for you before I go?” he asks politely.

  Bryant looks to me, and I shake my head no. I can pour my own wine and fetch my own pizza.

  “Nope. I think we are good. Thank you for your help tonight,” he replies.

  “Enjoy your stay in New York City,” he says to me, before retreating toward the door.

>   “Thank you,” I say as the waiter starts to shut the door behind him.

  “You know, Mr. Nash, we could’ve been eating pizza and drinking wine on the floor in the living room in front of the TV. You didn’t have to go through all of this for me.”

  “I know, and that’s exactly why I wanted to make it special.” His words make my stomach flutter.

  Although I can hardly wait to dig into this pizza, it smells amazing, I excuse myself to the restroom to wash my hands.

  Looking into the mirror, I wipe under my eyes where my mascara has run a little bit, before turning the water on. When I look down, my hands covered in lathered hotel soap, I freeze. Blonde hair. Long blonde hair in the sink and on the vanity. I turn the water off, lifting the hair up and staring at it. Why is there a woman’s hair in his sink? Shaking my head, I almost laugh out loud at my stupid thoughts. Probably housekeeping. I toss the hair in the trash can and return to washing my hands.

  As I walk back in, Bryant looks up and smiles at me. He’s so gorgeous. I take a second to appreciate this day with him, but make my way to him quickly. I really need to thank him. Also, I need to kiss him. Now.

  He must see something in my eyes because he pushes his chair back from the table as I round it. I’ve wasted enough time trying to keep my walls up. Bryant is obviously serious about us giving this a try. I need to be all in or walk away, and I’ve been kidding myself to think it’s even an option.

  I’m completely lost in this man.

  The moment my legs go to either side of his hips and I sink down onto his lap, his eyes widen as his hands settle on my hips, and I waste no time pressing my lips to his. His hands find their way into my hair, and it doesn’t take long before he’s taken complete control of the kiss, deepening it to the point that I can hardly breathe.

  My body slowly rocks against his on its own accord, and when I realize my movements are causing this to become much more than a make-out session, I pull slowly back from the kiss, keeping my eyes trained on his. His hands have found a resting spot on my hips, and I’m almost embarrassed to feel the hardness I’ve created under me.

  “That was one hell of a thank you kiss,” he tells me, his voice deeper than usual and full of need.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, pressing my body down on his. I really should stop, but the feel of him under me is making me lose my mind. It’s been so long. Ages really.

  “Layne,” he moans, squeezing my hips and pressing up to me.

  My entire body is shaking in anticipation of the tingling that is already starting. He presses his mouth to my neck, continuing to grind against me.

  “Baby, we have to stop,” he mumbles against my neck. I know in the back of my mind he’s right, but I don’t want to stop.

  “We really should,” I reply on a groan and press down harder, threading my hands into his hair and pulling gently as he licks my neck and nibbles on my ear.

  Grabbing his hands that are still resting on my hips, I slide them up my sides to my breasts, which are so sensitive my body shivers when his hands connect. He gets the hint and immediately shows them the attention they want. When he pinches my nipples through my top, my entire body begins to pulse in anticipation.

  When another moan falls from my lips, Bryant’s movements slow and he returns his hands to my hips, before breaking the kiss slowly.

  “We really have to stop, Layne,” he whispers against my lips. “I’d give almost anything to make love to you right now, but I can’t.” He pulls his face back from mine and drops his forehead to my chest, which is heaving.

  “Tell me why,” I retort. I know he wants me. His need is throbbing against my body right now. I know he wants this.


  I pull back and look at the uncomfortable pain on his face and can’t help but burst out laughing.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I wish I was. Superstition is a big thing in baseball. Nobody on the team has sex during the playoffs or World Series. We play harder and more aggressively when we’re hard up.” And then even he starts laughing.

  “Well, the whole conversation about happy endings makes a lot more sense now,” I choke out through my laughter.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I start to climb off his lap, but he pushes down on my hips to stop me. “That is the only reason I’m not taking you to my bed right now, Layne.” He presses his pelvis up and once again makes his desire for me known. “Well, that and after I’m done with you, I want to sleep with you in my arms, and I know that’s not possible while we are here.”

  And he’s right. I can’t stay the night with him with Gracie here.

  He allows me to climb off his lap and chuckles when my legs are wobbly.

  “Don’t laugh. I want to see you get up and walk around like that,” I retort with laughter, pointing at the big bulge in the front of his pants. He readjusts himself and lets out a grumble, causing me to chuckle more.

  I sit back down on my chair and grab the giant piece of pizza, folding it in half and taking a huge bite of it while Bryant stares at my mouth and then readjusts himself again.

  “Now you’re gonna be a pervert all night and make everything sexual, aren’t you?” I laugh out. “I could tease you some more if you want.”

  I take a sip of my wine and then set it down, his eyes watching my tongue sweep across my lips.


  “Okay, stop it. I’m already going to have to take a cold shower in a minute. Let’s talk about something that’s not going to make this situation worse,” he blurts out, pointing down at his crotch.

  We both devour two pieces of pizza each and chat about the game tomorrow. Game five. I can tell he is nervous, but he’s trying to stay calm. His shoulder seems to be holding up fine, and I’m happy for him. I know it’s been a major concern.

  At nine o’clock, he walks me to the adjoining door, unlocks it, and escorts me into my suite. All the lights are out, and Mandy and Gracie are not in the living room, so they must be in bed already.

  Bryant pulls my body flush to his and kisses me slow and deep. This man’s kisses have ruined all future kisses for any other man. His kisses are always full of need, and I can’t get enough of them.

  When he pulls back, he smirks because I’m breathless again.

  “I won’t see you tomorrow during the day. We will be at the field most of the day before the game going over game tapes and shit.”

  “Then we’ll see you tomorrow night at the stadium.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Stanley will drive you.”

  “Okay. Thanks again for today. I had a great time.” He places a quick kiss to my lips before disappearing back through the door.

  Yep. I’m lost in him.


  I WAS ACTUALLY up before Conor started beating on my door this morning, which is a miracle these days.

  Letting him in, I holler to him that I’m jumping in the shower so we can head down for breakfast before we go to the stadium.

  He grunts and makes himself comfortable on the couch. He’s normally irritatingly cheerful in the morning, so something must be up. I’ll get to the bottom of it at breakfast.

  As soon as I step out into the living room area after my shower, I hear him on the phone.

  “Thanks, beautiful. I’ll see you at the game.”

  When he looks up and sees me, he smiles. No sign of his earlier grumpiness.

  “Mandy?” I ask with a knowing smile.

  “Yeah. I’m addicted to her already, man.”

  “You literally just met her. How are you addicted to her already?”

  “She’s different,” he asserts. “I don’t know what it is about her that draws me in. It’s like I can’t get enough of her.”

  “She’s definitely different,” I respond with a chuckle, but when I see the look on his face, I continue. “I had a feeling you two would get along. She’s like the female version of you.”

  He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.r />
  “Let’s go eat before we head to the field.”

  Less than an hour later, we’re on our way to the field when Conor starts in.

  “So, how did yesterday go with Layne?”

  I tell him all about our day and how she handled the waitress in the pub. He laughs and reminds me to never cross her.

  “Dude, she’s a little more than sassy. She’s a little scary when she’s pissed,” he says with a laugh.

  “You’re telling me,” I reply, letting the conversation die. The rest of the drive is quiet, both of us focusing on the fact that today’s game could be it. If we win today, we are the World Champs.

  We’re almost to the field when I break the silence.

  “I put in for another coaching job, and they made me an offer.”

  His head snaps to me, eyes wide.

  “You mean one not with the Smoke?”

  I smile in response, watching as shock covers his face. “Explain please.”

  So I do. The more I talk about the job, the more I realize how much I really want it. I swear Conor to secrecy because I don’t want it to get out before I make my decision.

  When we reach the stadium, I tell Conor that I’ll meet him in the locker room and head out onto the field. Walking out on to the grass, I tilt my head back and close my eyes.

  Game six of the World Series. If we win this game, the series is over and I will have played my last major league game. Ever. Am I ready for that? I’ve known all year this was it, but faced with the idea that this could be the very end, my emotions are all over the place.

  Am I ready for the next step in my life? Am I really ready to let this all go?

  Taking a deep breath, I let the sun beat down on my face, inhaling the scent of the game. This has been my life for so long. The adrenaline. The crowds. The fans. The notoriety.

  When my mind drifts to the feeling I got seeing Layne and Gracie in the stands, cheering for me, my throat feels like it’s going to close up. As much as baseball has been my life up until this point, when I look at Layne and Gracie, I see my future.

  And that scares the ever-loving shit out of me.


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