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The Forgotten Debutante (Cotillion Ball)

Page 9

by Becky Lower

  Halwyn’s expression turned sheepish. “All right. You’ve made your point. But I’m well aware of how impetuous you are, and I’m only warning you to exercise some caution around him. Until I can put my finger on what he’s up to.”

  “I will be careful, and I appreciate your concern. But I can handle myself around Zeke. We understand each other.”

  The remainder of the walk was accomplished in silence as Saffron pondered Halwyn’s words. Zeke stared at her when she wasn’t looking! A shot of excitement raced through her body. And she began to contemplate again which gown to wear to the dance. It had to be cut low in the bodice so she could give him something else to gaze upon. By the time they arrived home, her tears were gone, replaced by a genuine smile.

  • • •

  Zeke was playing with fire by spending more time with Saffron, yet he anticipated the Christmas dance as much as she did. He told himself every day to limit his time with her, and he tried to talk himself out of being by her side. Not only was she totally unreachable on a social level, but he’d seen the way her brother glared at him, and he was worried. If Halwyn reacted so strongly to him, what would her father do? Perhaps he should wander over to Suzanne’s cubbyhole in their office, spend some time with her instead. Her father was a blacksmith, so the great social divide he was experiencing with Saffron would not be an issue with Suzanne. But he didn’t want to spend time with another woman. Only Saffron. Sleep eluded him as he pondered what to do next.

  He had to remain with the Reburial Program until he could honor his father’s wish to retrieve his brothers’ bodies. This one final act relating to the war should not be that difficult to accomplish. The only problem was it meant spending more time with Saffron, and the ramifications of that would not be good, either way it went. He’d either be made a laughingstock by her family, or his past life as a camp follower and deserter would finally be uncovered, and he’d have to pay for his sins. Or, perhaps worst of all, she’d destroy his desire for any other woman, ever. He grit his teeth as he pondered what to do. But he had no choice in the matter. His father had requested this one last thing—to bring his brothers’ bodies home. He’d fulfill the request and then move on. And, even though it was folly on his part, he’d carve out as much time with Saffron as he could until he could accomplish his mission. She was correct. The war was over, the world was at their feet, and they both deserved to have some fun. He merely needed to guard his heart while doing so.

  Yes, this approach was the most sensible. He could retrieve his brothers and stay out of harm’s way himself. He hadn’t been spared on the battlefield simply so he could do battle with an overprotective brother. The battle he’d have with his heart if he left Saffron was something else entirely.

  After a restless night and a free day to ponder his future actions, his mind was made up. He’d tell Saffron of his plans after this dance.

  He ran his hand down his worn dress jacket before he knocked on the door of the Fitzpatrick residence. In a few short minutes, Saffron would be in his arms, and probably trouncing on his toes. His grin widened as he waited for the door to open.

  He was led into the house by the butler, who escorted him into the front room where Halwyn waited. His grin faded.

  “Good evening.” Zeke extended a hand to Halwyn and then dipped his head to Grace, a vision in her burgundy gown. Her dark hair shone in the room’s gaslights. Halwyn removed and cleaned his glasses before he continued.

  “Saffron will be right down. She hoped to surprise all of us with her choice of gown, which in itself makes me extremely nervous. Especially after her choice of gown at Thanksgiving.”

  A rustle of movement came from the direction of the staircase. “Here she comes now,” Grace replied, and the trio turned toward the door.

  Saffron stopped at the entrance, the doorframe surrounding her as if she were a picture. Zeke drew in a breath. She was indeed a picture. Light, pale blonde hair, large twinkling blue eyes, a huge smile on those lovely lips. His gaze slid over her face and moved down to take in the emerald gown she was wearing. The bodice was cut low but was still presentable. Yet it stole Zeke’s breath when he glimpsed the swell of her breasts above the gown’s bodice.

  She glided into the room and twirled for her audience.

  “Where did you get that dress?” Halwyn choked out.

  “Jasmine made it for me before I left New York,” Saffron replied. “I’ve been waiting for the right moment to wear it.” She turned to Zeke. “Our sister owns a dressmaking shop back home. Hello, Zeke.” She held out her gloved hand to him.

  He swallowed, hard. His mouth was bone dry. All he could do was to stand in the room and stare at her. Not a word, a sentence, formed in his mind.

  Halwyn grabbed her elbow and began to usher her from the room. “That does it. You need to go change, Saffy. Your gown is much too elaborate for a simple Christmas dance. And it seems to have removed Zeke’s ability to speak.”

  Grace reached out and stopped them.

  “Saffron’s gown is lovely, Halwyn. Stop being such a big brother. Zeke’s reaction to Saffron is totally appropriate.” She grasped Saffron’s extended hand and walked her over to stand beside Zeke. “See how well they look together, Hal? And, I declare, the color of your gown almost exactly matches Zeke’s eyes. How is it possible?”

  “It’s a very pretty color, and it caught my eye in the shop. That’s how it happened.” Then, she continued, softly, so only he could hear. “Maybe I was recalling someone’s coloring when I picked out this fabric at the shop …”

  Zeke’s clouded mind suddenly became clear. Saffron had been recalling him when she shopped for the gown? She’d had no idea they were to ever see each other again, to work together, to attend a Christmas ball together. Yet she’d matched his eye color based on her memory of an event that took place three years prior? He was a most fortunate man. And if Saffron refused to be cowed by Halwyn, by God, so did he.

  He held out an arm to Saffron, and she moved next to him, wrapping her arm around his. He inhaled her signature spicy, floral scent, which so matched her personality. “You are indeed lovely this evening, Saffron. I can’t wait to make all the other men jealous when we walk in together.”

  “So I’m only lovely this evening, am I? What about all the other times we’ve been together?” Saffron’s whisper came to his ears, which immediately turned red with embarrassment.

  “That’s not what I meant, exactly.”

  Saffron smiled at him, and he finally figured out he was being teased. He relaxed his shoulders as they left the home for the waiting carriage. He was indeed a most fortunate man. Now if he could just get Halwyn to stop giving him the evil eye.

  • • •

  Zeke’s chest puffed with pride as they entered the large room where the ball was taking place. Washington, DC, was no stranger to fancy balls, and although this was a fairly modest affair, it was extremely elaborate in Zeke’s eyes. A large crowd had gathered; some he recognized from his days with the program, but others were government dignitaries to whom occasions such as a ball were an everyday occurrence.

  Well, everyday or not, no one else had entered the room with Saffron on his arm. The most beautiful woman of all. Zeke caught the appreciative glances from some of the other men in the room, and figured he’d have his work cut out if he were to dance the night away with her without having other men cut in and take her on a turn around the floor. He desperately needed this one wonderful memory to carry with him for the rest of his lifetime.

  Halwyn and Grace stopped to talk to some of the other officers, for which Zeke was grateful. He was finally able to draw a deep breath. The trickle of dread that slithered down his spine when he first caught Halwyn glaring at him at the start of the evening began to dissipate a bit. Yet it seemed every time Zeke glanced over to where Halwyn and Grace were standing, Halwyn had his eyes on Saffron and him.

  Zeke led Saffron to the middle of the dance floor, where they began a waltz. Maybe if they got cau
ght up in the dancers on the floor, Halwyn would relax his vigil. Quit being the fierce protector and maybe even enjoy himself. Zeke certainly had every intention of doing so.

  He turned his attention to his partner, who managed to accomplish the entire waltz without once stepping on his toes.

  “It seems your dancing lessons with Halwyn have paid off.” He grinned at her as they moved off the floor.

  “Well, Halwyn did help. But if I hadn’t had such a strong partner leading me around, our dance could have been a disaster.”

  Zeke inhaled sharply. His chest puffed up again. Saffron referred to him as a strong partner! He glanced around the room. Halwyn and Grace were nowhere to be found, but he noticed a single man making his way toward them. There was no way he was relinquishing his hold on Saffron for even one dance. He began to pull her with him toward the balcony.

  “Where are we going?” Saffron’s voice rose in excitement as she followed his lead.

  “A bit of a breather on the balcony might be a good idea. Clear the air.”

  “Oooh, yes.” She giggled as she placed her hand on his arm.

  The December air was crisp but not very cold. Even for DC, this was a mild winter night. But still, Saffron shivered as they stood in the open. Her silk gown left a considerable amount of skin exposed. Zeke unbuttoned his jacket and draped it around her. His fingers grazed the sides of her neck as he positioned the jacket on her shoulders, and he jumped a bit. Her skin was so soft, it reminded him of fresh-churned butter. Or cream, fresh from the top of the milk.

  His analogies only further made him aware of the monumental class divide between them. She was a girl from an expensive city house, with lotions to keep her skin soft and servants to perform the hard labor to keep her hands from getting callused, and he was a boy from the farm, very familiar with both butter and cream and how it was attained. Yet he couldn’t keep himself from turning her around so she faced him. He placed his hands on the arms of his jacket, which was still warm from his body, and drew her to him, once again inhaling her fragrance.

  “Is your first ball all you envisioned it would be, Saffron?”

  “Well, very nearly.” She lowered her eyes.

  “What would it take to make it totally special?”

  She sighed. “Do I have to come up with every idea? Why don’t you surprise me?”

  He grasped her chin and raised her eyes to meet his. “Perhaps it’s time for our second kiss?” He lowered his head to meet her lips.

  She pulled out of his grasp and twirled away. “You’ll have to catch me first!”

  She ran three quick steps forward, laughing as she glanced behind her to check on Zeke’s progress. She didn’t see the tall, uniformed soldier until after she ran into him.

  “Oof!” Arms came around her to steady her, and she backed away a few paces and stared up at the man. “Halwyn? What are you doing here?”

  He positioned his crooked glasses back on his face before he replied. “I could ask the same of you. Why are you out here in the chilly night air without an escort?”

  Zeke appeared out of the gloom from the back of the balcony. At the same time, Grace appeared alongside Halwyn, coming from the other direction. Zeke’s muscles bunched as he waited for the physical blow Halwyn was about to give him.

  Grace placed her hand on her husband’s arm, which was already raised into his wrestling pose, ready to strike. “Oh, I guess our plans for the balcony got upended tonight, Halwyn, dear.” She stood in front of him and turned to the young couple. “We were just saying this reminded us of the balcony at the ball where we first ran into one another, and were about to reenact the scene before Saffron crashed into him.”

  Saffron laughed. “Zeke and I were only getting some fresh air. I was never without an escort, Halwyn, so you can relax. And lower your arm. You haven’t hit anyone since your college days.”

  “I will not relax.” Halwyn turned his fury to Zeke. “Against my better judgment, I have allowed you to escort my sister this evening. And before an hour has gone by, you have already dragged her to the balcony so you can have your way with her. I’m putting a stop to this right now. Our evening is at an end.”

  Zeke swallowed hard as he faced Halwyn, who had guessed with uncanny accuracy exactly what Zeke’s motives were. But he was not about to let the evening come to such an abrupt finish.

  “I apologize, Halwyn. It was not my intent to take advantage of Saffron. We truly only were hoping for a bit of fresh air. We were about to head back inside when she ran into you. And Grace.”

  Saffron’s eyes teared up as she gazed at her brother. “Halwyn, please don’t destroy my night. It’s my first ball ever, and I’m not ready to be done yet. I’ve only danced one time so far.”

  Halwyn’s gaze ricocheted between Zeke, Saffron, and Grace. Zeke noted the silent exchange between husband and wife before Halwyn relaxed his stance. Just a bit, but noticeable.

  “All right, Saffy. I’ll let you have your dance. But there will be no more running off to the balcony. You’ll stay by our side the remainder of the evening, you and Zeke.”

  Saffron tossed her head, her curls bouncing as she gazed up at her brother. “And what shall we do if you and Grace decide you wish to return to the balcony?”

  Halwyn’s eyes flashed. “Don’t be cheeky. Now, let’s all get inside before we freeze to death.”

  Halwyn led the way back into the stuffy ballroom. Zeke held Saffron’s hand briefly as they followed. He tried to relinquish his hold on her when they got into the brightly lit room, but she held firmly on to him with a huge smile on her face as she faced off against her brother. Having come from a large family as well, Zeke understood the meaning behind her show of bravado. Saffron might be the youngest in the family, and although she and Halwyn seemed to have a close connection to each other, she would not be ruled by him. By taking Zeke’s hand, she was telling her brother she was taking her life into her own hands. Zeke mentally applauded her while her hand warmed his.

  How could he turn his back on her and their blossoming relationship? Yet he must. He had to try, for both of their sakes. A trip back to the farm might go a long way to putting things into the proper perspective. He’d shoulder the full responsibility of the farm and become the man of the family in every way possible. His father deserved to rest a little now that he was older, and Zeke needed to put away his foolish notions from his youth. And allowing Saffron to be nothing more than a pleasant memory would be a good start.


  Saffron should have felt giddy this morning, since it was the day after her first-ever ball, and she’d been escorted by Zeke, much to the dismay of her nemesis, Suzanne Miller. Instead of being deliriously happy, she suffered a bout of motion sickness from the train, and the whimpering of Halwyn’s children only added to her dismay. The only thing that would have made the ride better would have been having Zeke along as they made their way to New York City.

  But Saffron decided not to even mention it as a possibility to Halwyn. Not after the embarrassment he had caused her at the ball. Zeke was left to find his own way home to upstate New York and the farm. So, here she was with Halwyn, Grace, and their three small, dark-haired children. Most of the servants in the DC household had been given time off for the holiday since the Fitzpatricks would be spending their time in New York City. So there was only a nanny along for the trip, and the train’s motion had lulled her to sleep.

  Saffron ran her fingers over the seed pearls that formed a floral pattern on her reticule, unable to keep her hands still. She relived the previous evening with Zeke and how she so stupidly waltzed away from him when he offered to kiss her. And waltzed straight into the arms of Halwyn, who was blind without his glasses. But once he put the glasses back on, his focus aimed straight at Zeke, who he assumed was being totally forward and inappropriate. But that was only because Halwyn wasn’t aware she and Zeke had a past together. He thought they had only just met a short time ago.

  And Saffron wasn�
��t about to correct Halwyn’s misconceptions. It would only inflame him further to know Zeke had been the reason she put herself in danger when she was only fifteen, and for causing the family so much anguish when they couldn’t find her right away.

  The train slowly made its way toward the New York station, and her ruminations chugged along with it. She played with the fringe on her shawl as her mind tried to focus. Could Zeke be her one true love? Even though he’d been a raw and lanky boy when they’d first met, he’d been the one she’d used as her benchmark for other men she’d met, and so far, no other had measured up to him. And now, meeting him again when he was full-grown, with his well developed shoulders tapering to a trim waistline, and his strong legs, how could she possibly resist? She was infatuated and had been ever since their first kiss. And was hungry for a second one. Which could have happened last night if she hadn’t been playing hard to get. She enjoyed teasing him and making things a challenge for him, but she had hurt herself in the process. What she really longed for was to taste his lips again. She had wanted to kiss him again ever since their first fateful meeting.

  She sighed just as the youngest, Emily, let out a wail. Saffron glanced up, wishing she could wail along with the toddler. The nanny didn’t stir from her nap.

  “I’ll take her, Grace.” Saffron scooped up the fussy child and stood in the aisle. She paced up and down, Emily on her hip. The action settled the baby, and her own stomach settled in the process. Once Emily fell asleep on Saffron’s shoulder, Saffron returned to their seat, handed off the sleeping child, and opened her book. Halwyn wandered up the railcar to talk to the engineers. Grace settled her children in beside her on the facing seat and turned to Saffron, smoothing out her taffeta skirt before she spoke. Her alabaster skin glowed in an ageless appearance. Saffron was amazed Grace had lost none of her youthful appearance despite surviving a vengeful stepfather and already birthing three children.

  “Do you see Zeke returning to the program after the holiday, or have we seen the last of him?”


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