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Ivy (Castle Ink Book 3)

Page 3

by Amy Davies

  “She won’t come here, Mum. She’s had a very messed up past.” I take a few breaths and continue, “She lost her mother not too long ago to cancer. She took care of her through it all. But that’s not the worst.” I nod towards the kids.

  “Polly, Josh, Tia, why don’t you guys go and play in the garden. Uncle Luke needs some adult time,” Michelle tells them as she sets Tia down from her lap. The three kids run out into the vast garden, the garden my dad is very proud of.

  “Thank you.” I breathe out. My voice drops to an almost whisper when I continue to tell my family about Ivy. “She was also in a very abusive relationship. He would hit her, but never in front of her boy. He told her she was worthless, that she wasn’t enough for any man but he was putting up with her. He even threatened to take her son from her, which is why she stayed.” I remember the night Dex and Jay told me a few things about Ivy and her past. That night I was in my home gym until two a.m. using the punchbag to vent my anger. I will kill the son-of-a-bitch if I ever see him.

  “So, what made her leave?” my sister asks and I sigh.

  “Her ex hit the boy. That was the final straw for her. She upped and left him, took Carter and came to Castle Ink.” My family all look at me with confusion on their faces. I chuckle.

  “Umm, son. Why Castle Ink?” my dad asks as he enters the room.

  “Well, as it turns out, Dad, Ivy is Dex and Jay’s half-sister. Their dad had an affair with her mum. Ivy’s mother didn’t know he was married when she was with him. There’s only three months between Jay and Ivy.”

  “Oh, my God, that is crazy. I bet that was one big-arse shock to the system,” Ellie says.

  “You got that right. When Ivy came through the door of the studio and asked for the boys, we all thought Addy was going to kill Dex. Ivy’s son is a spitting image of Dex and Jay. Addy thought he may have been Dex’s son.”

  “I would have paid good money to see Addy kick Dex’s arse.” Michelle laughs.

  “Hell, me too.” I laugh with her.

  “Bless her heart. That poor girl has been through hell, Luke. You must bring her here. Bring her to Nana Lilly’s party.” I shake my head again, but they are relentless, if nothing else.

  “Fine, Mum. I’ll ask her.”

  “That’s my boy.” She pats my cheek and gets up to finish dinner for us and the kids. I stay until Ellie and Michelle take the kids home, and then I head to my house. I bought it when I moved back a few years ago. I’d moved away because the town was suffocating me after everything that happened with Tina.

  That bitch almost ruined me. She cheated on me and made me out to be the bad guy. I’m a big guy, which is why Peaches callsme ‘Beast’, but Tina used that to her advantage. She told people that I had cheated on her. I hated her for what she did. I carried a lot of rage inside me for months after. Boxing helped with the anger, which helped me build up the muscle.

  Ellie slapped her across the face at a restaurant one night, and my family do not condone any type of violence, unless it’s warranted. I left town because I couldn’t deal with the stares and the whispering around me.

  When the boys asked me to come back and join Castle Ink, I jumped at the chance. I thought enough time had passed that it was a good time to come back home. I bought my modest four-bedroom house, and it’s perfect for me. I added a drawing room and a gym. No need to pay membership when I can just walk up my stairs.

  I lay in bed thinking about how to get Ivy to come to the party with me. I know my family will never let up until they meet her. I have never, not ever, taken a girl home to meet the family. Hell, I haven't even talked about my interest in a girl before. Poor Ivy, she won’t know what hit her when she meets the Baker family.

  Chapter 4


  It’s Friday afternoon and I’m sitting in the storage cupboard at Castle Ink sorting through all the supplies. I do the inventory now, which Dex loves because he hated doing it. Addy used to do it, but now, with little Phoebe, she’s had to cut back her hours here, so I told them I would take on the job. It doesn’t bother me, and I’m happy to help family out.

  Family. For so long it was just me and Mum, until Carter came along.

  Now I have two brothers, two future sister-in-law’s, and a beautiful niece, who I love to pieces. I even see Liam and Penny and their three kids as family. My heart has grown a hundred times bigger in such a small amount of time. I love them all. My heart is lighter knowing I have them in my life.

  My blissful thoughts are cut off when I hear the most obnoxious laugh ever to be heard by a human ear. I turn my upper body to see where it’s coming from and my heart freezes.

  Luke stands just outside his room with a redheaded girl wrapped around him. My heart is once again torn in two directions. My head and my heart know I shouldn’t feel the way I do, but I can’t stop my body from responding.

  I need to woman-up or let him go.

  As if feeling me watching them, Luke lifts his eyes to mine and his body tenses up. He pulls away and whispers something in her ear. She giggles and walks away. I clench my fists and turn back to my job. Seeing him with these women should make me run a mile, but something holds me to him. I start counting the coloured ink on the shelf, when a shadow falls over me. I don’t need to turn around to know who it is. My body can sense him.

  “What do you need, Beast?”

  “Now isn’t that a loaded question. You keep asking me this, but you never like my answer, Peaches.”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure there are plenty of other women who will be more than happy to help you out.” I take a deep breath, willing my overly-beating heart to calm the hell down. This man has me in knots. I’m sure he brings out the bitch in me. I can never stop my bitter responses to him.

  “But I don’t want every woman,” he replies. I scoff and turn on my knees so I’m facing him. He smirks, and I notice the mistake I’ve made. I’m on my knees before this beast of a man, my eyes pretty much level with his dick. And what a dick it could possibly be. Even from this position I can see there is quite a bulge going on in his jeans. Holy shit. I love the way his tight jeans cling to his muscular thighs and outline his growing erection—which should not be happening in the workplace, but WOW!

  “Peaches?” He says my name and I can’t stop the moan that slips from my throat. The way he says my nickname… hell, when he calls me by my birthday name, it’s like melted chocolate on a hot, sunny day. A growl sounds above me, and my head snaps up to meet his smouldering gaze locked on mine. His eyes darken, and my heart skips a beat as my knickers get uncomfortably wet. I shift on my knees, moving back an inch or two. I lick my lips and say his name, looking up at him.


  “Peaches, I—”

  “Luke, where you at?” Jay’s voice cuts off his words.

  “Fuck,” he growls out before storming off back to his room. I let out the breath I was holding—holding for what, I don’t know. For him to ask me out? God, get over yourself, Ivy. Luke Baker couldn’t ever want you as a girlfriend.

  I shake the thought from my head and get up to go to my brother. I see him standing by the front desk with Cassie and Dex. I’m happy Luke went to his room rather than staying to see how much he’s affecting me.

  “What’s up, big brother?” I ask in a cheerful lilt, trying to hide my inner struggles. Jay raises an eyebrow and studies me for a few moments, like he knows something is wrong, but I force a smile to show him I’m okay⎯even if it is a lie.

  “You. Me. Kitten. We’re going out tonight. Dex and Ads are babysitting. Carter can stay at their house, so you can truly let loose, woman.” He winks at me before his gaze snags on something, or more accurately, someone, behind me.

  “Do I get a say in the matter?”

  “Nope,” Cassie says all too cheerfully. She is one chipper girl.

  “Do I really have to go? I am more than happy for Carter to sleep out, but I can stay in and relax in the bath. I could do with a nice hot soak. Plus, I
have a few books I could catch up on.”

  “Pleeeeease,” Cassie says, drawing out the word like Carter does when he wants extra sweets or more time in the bath.

  “But I’m not really—”

  “Oh, for fucks sake, just go out for a drink. What harm could it do?” Beast growls behind me. I spin around and glare at him.

  “Stay out of this, Beast. This doesn’t concern you.” As I turn my back on him to once again talk to Jay, Luke grabs my upper arm. His grip is not so tight as to hurt me or leave a mark, but enough to jolt painful memories. Suddenly, I am back in my old house where Tim would hit me, almost daily. Coldness washes over my body as I bring my other arm up to protect myself. A cry leaves my throat as I wait for the blow. I squeeze my eyes closed, willing the punch to not come.

  My heart is beating crazily in my chest and my lungs hurt from holding my breath, but I can’t seem to take in enough oxygen. I hear a scuffle and slowly open my eyes. I see Dex and Jay holding Luke back. His face shows utter shock and concern, as he fights against their restraining arms.

  “Let me go. I need to get to her. Peaches.” I look on, confused, not sure what has just happened.

  “Let him go,” I whisper. No one moves, so I try again. “Let him go.” This time my voice is heard, and everyone looks at me as if I have grown another head. Cassie, clearly shocked and upset, is the first to move. She slowly approaches and places her slender arm around my shoulders. Dex and Jay are still holding Luke back from me. Why?

  “Let him go. Now,” I repeat, my voice stronger this time.

  “Ivy, I don’t think—”

  “Now, Dex.” I lock gazes with Luke and see the anger in his eyes, but the anger is not aimed at me. “He would never hurt me,” I say to Dex, but keep my eyes on Beast. They slowly release Luke, and he makes a beeline for me. I don’t cower from him. I truly believe that Luke Baker, my ‘Beast’, would never physically hurt me.

  “Ivy, honey, don’t you remember how you just reacted when Luke grabbed your arm?” Cassie asks from my side.

  “I didn’t fucking grab her,” Luke growls out, taking the last step to me.

  “Luke,’” Jay hisses out in warning, as Luke stops in front of me. My eyes stay locked on his, getting lost in the beautiful colours, seeing his pain for making me feel like this. I shake my head and he gives me a nod, confirming my reaction. Shit. The bastard Tim has ruined everything. I need to try and force myself not to react when men touch me. It’s different when my brothers hug me.

  “I would never hurt you, Peaches. Please, tell me you believe that. Please. Before your brothers take me out back and try to rip me in two.” He gives a little chuckle.

  I smile back at him. “I do believe that you would never hurt me, Beast. My brothers don’t need to take you out back and rip you in two. I’ll protect you from them.” I wink at him and he laughs, surprising me when he follows it up by pulling me into a hug. I force down the urge to tense up. I need to show him and my family that I know he would never hurt me.

  I slowly wrap my arms around his narrow waist, the heat from his skin seeping into my body. He smells so fucking good. I bury myself closer into his chest, not caring who’s watching us. I feel Luke bend down a little, rubbing his face in the crook of my neck and inhaling. He’s scenting me. I thought this would creep me out, from what I’ve read in books, but in this instance, it’s kind of sweet. Now that is not a word you would normally associate with Luke. I chuckle to myself against his white t-shirt.

  “What are you chuckling to yourself about, there, babe?” Beast asks.

  “Nothing,” I say, pulling back from his body. I step up to my brothers, who are looking less concerned about the fact I just freaked the fuck out. “Listen, I think a night out with a few drinks will do me good.”

  “You sure?” Jay asks. I smile, go up on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. A growl sounds behind me and I turn my head to see Luke scowling at Jay.

  “Did you just growl?” I ask him. He just shrugs and walks off to his room. I watch him go, stunned by his sudden mood change. I sigh. I will deal with him another time. Tonight, I’m going to have a few drinks with my brother and his girl, and try to get out of this funk. I know Carter will be safe, so I can have some me time.


  Sitting in the pub with Jay and Cassie, I find myself smiling more than I have in years. They are perfect together. Cassie can make anyone laugh and that, in my book, is a great thing. She can also pull off any outfit. She’s sitting across from me in knee-high boots and tight black jeans with a white t-shirt tucked into the waistline and the word ‘Thirsty’ in red print across her amazing boobs. I didn’t have a bloody clue what to wear, so thank God she came over and helped me out.

  I ended up wearing a thin V-neck jumper and my faux leather, mid-thigh skirt with patterned tights and a pair of small-heeled ankle boots. When we were getting ready, Cassie told me my boobs looked amazing, but I brushed off her comment. She kept telling me my outfit made my ‘mummy curves’ pop. I just laughed at her and finished doing my make-up. I added a little curl to my hair, showing off the layers.

  I look around the room and survey the people sitting around enjoying their night out on this chilly and wet September evening. There are some lads playing darts across the bar by the pool tables. I used to love playing pool when I was in college. Tim used to love me tempting the boys, but then he’d get angry if a man tried to talk to me, so I stopped playing. I didn’t want to play his games. But no one here will stop me. Jay is sucking Cassie’s face off, so I tap the table to separate them. They pull apart and look at me.

  “What’s up, sis?” Jay asks. A big smile breaks across his face whenever he calls me ‘sis’ or ‘little sister’.

  “I’m going to play some pool. Do you guys wanna join me?” I ask while climbing out of the booth.

  “YES!” Cassie yells, making me and Jay laugh. Before I can smooth down my skirt, Cassie is running across the room to secure us a table.

  “Excited much.” I nod in her direction.

  “Yep, she doesn't get out much,” Jay jokes with a wink.

  “Oh, God, I don’t want to know.”

  “Oh, come on. You know that sex is the a thing these days, right? Everyone is doing it.” God, he’s speaking to me like he’s a teenage boy who just got the hottest girl in the whole school. To be honest, I think he did, and so did Dex. They did good when it came to finding the right girl for them.

  “Dickhead. I have no clue what sex is these days,” I joke back as we pass a table of young guys. They hear me and start shouting out crude comments, but I ignore them and keep walking. Their laughter fades as we get closer to Cassie. By the time we reach the table, Cass has it loaded up and ready to play. It’s us girls against Jay. I laugh at her enthusiasm. She is a wicked girl.

  “Do you know how to handle that stick, babe”? Jay asks her. She cocks a perfect brow at him and gives a reply that makes me burst out laughing.

  “Baby, I can handle any stick I hold, but I need time to find yours before I can play with it.” She winks at me before Jay lunges at her. I laugh as I watch Jay take Cassie's mouth in a full and passionate kiss, making me look away from the private moment. Their love is evident in their kiss.

  I set the cue ball on the small white spot and line up the shot. I bring the cue back, but freeze. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, alerting me to the presence of a certain someone who has entered the room. Staying in my position over the table, I scan the room until I find him.

  He walks through the pub like he owns the place. Talking to a few people who stop him, they are all smiles. A girl tries to rub her breasts against him, but he casually steps back, surprising me. Luke would normally eat that shit up, but he isn’t acting like the Luke Baker I have come to know over the past few months. I shake off the thought, line the cue back up, and take a shot.

  The balls go scattering around the table, hitting the walls of felt. They clatter as they bounce off each other, making one hel
l of a noise. I know the sound can be heard over the music. I cringe at the sound and look up to see if anyone is paying attention. I see Luke staring at me. His heated gaze locks on mine and I straighten my spine. A smirk graces his face and my heart skips a beat. What the hell is this man doing to me?

  Chapter 5


  When I heard Jay saying they were going to Sail and Anchor with Ivy tonight, I knew I wanted to drop by. I changed up my usual clothes for tonight. I decided on brown boots, with blue jeans and a dark green t-shirt under my dark khaki winter jacket. I scan the room for Ivy, Jay, and Cassie as I say hi to a few people I know. Trisha steps up to me and greets me with her tits rather than her mouth. I fucked up once when I stuck my dick in her. She automatically thought that because we had sex, we were a couple. Yeah, she was super pissed when I told her that wasn’t the case.

  “Hey, big boy. Fancy coming home with me tonight?” Her tits rub against my arms as I catch sight of my girl bent over the pool table.

  Holy fucking shit. She is beautiful.

  I step back a little and politely as I can, tell Trisha to fuck off. “Not tonight, or any other night for that matter. Stop texting and calling me, Trish. It was a one-time deal.” I walk away from her before she can reply, watching as Peaches takes a shot and the balls bounce around the table. She looks up and our eyes lock. She stands up and my dick disagrees with the movement. Yeah, I hear you fella.

  My gaze never leaves hers as I make my way over to her. I bump into one or two people and casually mutter an apology, but I don’t stop my steps towards my peaches. Movement draws my eyes from hers as a man closes in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. I freeze on the spot. My heart picks up speed. Did she pull someone already? She won’t pursue anything with me, but she will shag a random bloke! I clench my fists and go to turn away, but I see the slight panic in her eyes. She tries to pull his hands off her stomach, but he doesn’t budge.


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