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by Amy Valenti


  Amy Valenti

  Copyright 2012 Amy Valenti

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  Corneredby Amy Valenti

  Chapter One

  I’d never seen a girl try to turn a sandwich in the university cafeteria into a romantic dinner date before, but the new student, Kate, seemed determined to turn my friendly gesture of welcome into something more, and without offending her I could do jack about it. Though I ate as quickly as I could, she took tiny bites of her meal, drawing it out for as long as possible.

  I made polite conversation, smiling and nodding where appropriate, but Kate either didn’t read the signs or had decided to ignore them. Just as her foot brushed mine under the table, I heard a familiar voice across the room, and looked over to see Sian walk in.

  She was a friend, officially. Unofficially, we both knew it was just a matter of time before we became something more. I wasn’t sure when, but sooner or later I was gonna have to ask her out. We’d been dancing around each other for a year or so now, and the situation had progressed from exciting to maddening.

  She spotted me, and a slow smile spread across her face. Doubtless our fellow students had been gossiping about the situation, and she’d come to check the situation out. She tilted her head a little to analyse Kate. I narrowed my eyes at her a little in warning, and her smile split into a full-on grin as she headed for the vending machines.

  Kate noticed my change in expression, and glanced over her shoulder to find the source of it. Her brows shot up when she located Sian, who was gothed up to the nines as usual, and she jerked a thumb over her shoulder, leaning in towards me conspiratorially. “Takes all sorts, I guess.”

  “She’s in our next class,” I told her, relieved to be off the topic of her childhood in Mississippi.

  “You’re kidding me,” she said, frowning. “She’s a medical student?”

  “Just cause she’s goth, that doesn’t mean she’ll make a bad doctor,” I replied, shrugging. “She’s smarter than me.”

  “Oh, I certainly am,” Sian called, scooping a candy bar from the machine. “And I can hear you.”

  As she meandered over to us, I performed the introductions. “Kate Howard, meet Sian Turner.”

  “Good to meet you,” Sian said, rounding the table and taking a seat…in my lap.

  Trying to ignore the sensations that having her warm body pressed against mine evoked, I breathed into her ear, “What the hell, Sian?”

  “I’m rescuing you,” she replied, her equally soft words sending tingles through my skin. “Work with me, here.”

  I was in uncharted waters, but I’d always been able to improvise at a moment’s notice. Slipping my arms around her waist, I pulled her tighter against my body, smiling up at her. “Good day?”

  “It’s getting better,” she answered lightly, with the slightest quirk of her eyebrow. Before I could respond, she directed her next words toward Kate. “So how’d you meet my boy?”

  Kate blinked at us, dismayed. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was clearly interested in more than a cafeteria sandwich, I’d have felt bad for her. “We’re in the same dorm.”

  “Cool,” Sian said, smothering a smile. She turned further toward Kate, adjusting her position in my lap a little and giving an almost imperceptible gasp when I tightened my grip in response. “Hope you’re finding your way around okay.”

  “You two known each other long?” Kate asked, trying to act as though I didn’t have a strikingly attractive girl nestled close to me.

  “Since our first anatomy class, last year, right?” I said, and Sian shot me a theatrically delighted glance.

  “You remember the date we met? That’s so sweet!” Before I could anticipate her next move, she kissed me full on the mouth, her lips lingering for a couple of seconds longer than was appropriate under the circumstances. My instincts overrode my common sense, and I couldn’t stop myself from kissing back, enjoying the slight quiver that ran through her body in response.

  “Sian, you remember we talked about that ‘polite company’ thing?” I murmured when she drew back, and cast an apologetic look at Kate, who was shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

  “You know, I just remembered I have to stop by the administration building,” she said, pushing aside her half-eaten meal and standing up. “I’ll see you in class.”

  “See you later, Kate.”

  She nodded, attempting a smile before beating a fast retreat.

  “Bye…” Sian called after her, but the new girl didn’t look around. We watched her leave the almost-empty cafeteria before locking gazes again.

  “Your boy?” I asked, trying to pull my emotions under control.

  Sian shrugged, shifting in my lap with a casualness that almost made me believe she was unaware of what she was doing to me. “You had that ‘cornered animal’ look. I was ridding you of the hunter.”

  “Could’ve burst into tears and told me you needed to talk, too,” I pointed out, and she instantly began to rise from my lap, her expression guarded.

  “Next time I’ll do that, then.”

  Impulsively grabbing her hips, I pulled her back toward me. She overbalanced and fell back into my lap with a gasp that was half surprise at losing her equilibrium, and half discovery—her thigh brushed my slight erection as she landed.

  “You got rid of her. I guess thanks are in order,” I growled into her ear, running a finger down her arm and watching a wave of gooseflesh rise in its wake.

  Her eyes fell closed, and she opened them again with an effort, whispering, “God, Ryan…”

  There was no point in pretending I didn’t want her, not while she was sitting in my lap with her face only inches from mine. She didn’t even try to disentangle herself from my embrace, and instead dropped her head onto my shoulder and pressed her lips to the side of my neck in a teasing kiss.

  “You gonna keep that up?” I asked, breathing deeply to try to curb my more primal urges. Still, my traitorous brain fed me images as she continued to trail kisses along my jaw. I could just spin her so that she straddles me, push that tiny skirt of hers aside and—

  “Well, she might come back,” Sian said, and it took me a second to realise that she was talking about Kate. A moment later it ceased to matter. She skimmed a hand across my erection with a wordless purr, and I bit back a curse at the intense sweep of need that resulted.

  As much as I wanted to bend her backwards over the table and fuck her, the cafeteria wasn’t the place. “Sian… Not here.”

  She ceased her teasing with a reluctant nod, getting to her feet and watching me follow suit. “My dorm?”

  “Too far.” Hoping like hell that we wouldn’t run into anyone who’d notice my obvious hard-on on the way, I took her hand and pulled her out into the hall. There was a cafeteria storeroom a short way down, large enough to hide us if need be, and the door was unlocked—thank god.

  The door closed behind us, and Sian was kissing me before I’d even turned to find her, her fingers in my hair and her hips pressed into mine. The darkness was absolute, and it crossed my mind that our first time shouldn’t be like this—unable to watch each other or take our time, fucking against the wall of a storeroom as if this were just a mindless one-off encounter.

  The thought disappeared as she slipped her fingers up under my shirt, skimming them against my lower back and sending tingles through my skin. I
set my mind to the task of pushing up her clothing and trailing my lips over her warm flesh, wondering if I was kissing tattoos I couldn’t see through the darkness. I unsnapped her bra fastening, and the garment loosened enough that I could brush it out of the way.

  I nipped and licked my way over her skin until I found her taut nipple—and it was pierced. Oh, fuck. My cock twitched and I bit back a groan, wishing like hell that I could tear myself away from her for long enough to find a light switch, but knowing it just wasn’t going to happen as long as she kept grinding her hips against mine like that.

  I licked her nipple, then bit down gently and nudged at the piercing with my tongue. Sian’s breath escaped in a soft moan, then another, slightly louder. Amused, I drew back enough to breathe against her skin, “You know, keep that up and someone’s gonna hear…”

  She exhaled shakily as I returned to my ministrations. “Sorry. I’m not used to being quiet.”

  I revisited her lips hard, imagining her writhing and moaning unrestrainedly beneath me. She set deft hands to work at my belt, and I slipped my own fingers beneath her skirt, yanking her underwear down and rubbing an experimental finger between her thighs. God, she was so fucking wet, and knowing it was all for me was more of a turn-on than I could stand.

  I caught her clit at the end of the second stroke, and this time her cry was silent—more than a sigh, but controlled at the very edge of becoming vocal. I wanted to demand that she moan for me, but the risk that someone would overhear and interrupt us was just too high.

  When I eased my fingers into her pussy, I almost lost my mind. She was molten, so hot and wet, and as she began to slowly ride my fingers I had to control my urge to come then and there. That wasn’t helped by the way every languid tilt of her hips teased my confined cock. I bit back a groan of frustration and curled my fingers, seeking the spot I knew would drive her wild, and knew I’d found it when she contracted around me and whispered, “Oh, fuck, right there!”

  Her endeavours to free my demanding cock had faltered, but as I teased her nipple with my other hand she seemed to regain her sense of purpose and finished with my pants, tugging them down. She ghosted her fingertips up and down my length, somewhere between teasing and exploratory, and I whispered a curse, circling her clit with my thumb a little harder as I sped up the pace of my fingers inside her. Her head fell back, and I covered her throat in kisses, enjoying her tiny gasps.

  When she firmly took my cock in hand and began to give as much as she was getting, I fought the urge to just nail her to the wall without a further thought. “Sian—wait. Let me find…”

  Anticipating my next words, she shook her head. “On the pill—“

  The rest of her sentence was lost in her gasp as I hit her clit at an angle she seemed to love. Without bothering to reply, I pressed her back against the wall and drove into her, unable to suppress a low growl as I adjusted to the sensation.

  Sian cried out, muffling the sound against my shoulder, and nuzzled my neck, tilting her hips to allow me in deeper. I ground her into the wall until I was as deep as I could get, then paused, wishing like hell that I could see her right then. She held her breath, then let it out in another silent cry when I made another pass at her clit with my thumb.

  “Oh, god, don’t tease,” she gasped, arching against my fingers.

  Suddenly, all I wanted to do was tease. I let her feel my breath escape in a muted laugh as I kept still, pinning her with my body weight, and tapped her clit with a fingertip in an irregular, unpredictable rhythm; fast, slow, hard, soft. She writhed against me, seeking more, her exhalations shaky and rapid. When she began to whisper, at first I couldn’t make out what she was saying. It was only after a few seconds that I deciphered it. “Ryan, please, fuck me, please, please, please…”

  There was no way in the world I could resist, especially not when I felt her contract around me, poised on the brink of orgasm. I drew back and started to take her, felt her dig her nails into my shoulders as she moved with me, and god, I couldn’t remember the last time sex had felt this good—

  A distant laugh permeated the fog around my rational brain, followed by a completely out of context sentence. “Hang on—I’ll just grab some more bread.”

  Sian froze at the same moment I did, and although it was too dark to see her expression, I was pretty sure it mirrored mine. Thinking fast, I lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around my waist, allowing me to feel my way around a stack of boxes, putting them between us and the door. I put my back to the wall and slid down it to kneel on the floor, my aching cock still buried deep inside Sian’s tight heat, and I tried to ignore the urge to take advantage of the new position we were in.

  The door opened, and Sian buried her face in my neck, her shoulders shaking. She’s laughing? Seriously? For a second, I was incredulous, but then I couldn’t help but see the funny side, and I gritted my teeth against the urge to join her, holding my breath.

  I definitely wouldn’t be laughing if we were caught, though—maybe Sian could survive the telling and retelling of the story around the university, but people expected kinky things from goths like her. I was a different story, and it was that knowledge that allowed me to swallow my mirth.

  Light spilled into the room from the corridor, and I hoped like hell that the cafeteria employee wouldn’t decide to flip the light switch. Sian and I stopped breathing almost simultaneously, and though I wanted to take advantage of the light to look at her, I didn’t dare risk pulling Sian’s face away from my neck in case the movement attracted the woman’s attention.

  The intruder hummed tunelessly as she gathered what she needed, using the light from outside to see by, but then she cut off abruptly. We waited to hear what had made her stop in motionless silence.

  “Marie?” she called loudly, and the voice of her colleague answered in the distance after a pause that seemed like an eternity. “Did we run out of sunflower oil yet?”

  Somehow, I just knew that the sunflower oil was stored right where we were hiding.

  The woman took one step closer to us, and Sian gave a tiny gasp, her fingers tightening on my shoulders. I dared not move, even though every muscle in her body had tensed, inside as well as out. She was so tight around my cock right then that I just wanted to move inside her, and damn the consequences.

  Sian registered the change in my breathing and caught onto why, and the next thing I knew she was teasing me on purpose, squeezing and relaxing her internal muscles around me without moving an inch anywhere else. God, if she keeps this up…

  “Yeah, during the lunch rush!” the other cafeteria worker yelled in the distance. “I picked up another bottle already!”

  After a brief hesitation, the woman with us picked up one more item from a nearby shelf, depositing it with a rustle on top of her other selections. It seemed to take a lifetime for her to retreat to the doorway and close the door behind her, and even when the storeroom fell into darkness again, neither of us dared to move or make a sound.

  It was only when the receding footsteps grew too faint to hear that we relaxed, sighing our relief against each other’s skin. Sian began to giggle once more, and I allowed myself a soft, relieved laugh before grabbing her hips, pulling her tightly against me. “One more second of that, and I would have just—”

  With a gasp, she whispered in my ear, “Oh, you would?” Rising to her knees, she began to ride me, resuming where we’d left off before the interruption.

  I nipped her neck, resting my hands on her waist to guide her as she moved. “Mm-hmm… And then she woulda caught us…”


  I swept a thumb over her clit, effectively cutting her off mid-sentence. Trembling, she cried out a little too loudly, and I dragged her head down to mine, kissing her to muffle any further moans.

  All attempts at communication ceased from that moment. There was only the liquid darkness around us, the heat of skin on skin. I’d watched Sian dance countless times when we’d gone out clubbing, and the thought that
she must be fantastic in bed had strayed across my mind more than once. The way she’d moved to the music had just been too rhythmically suggestive to indicate otherwise, and right then, she was confirming all my suspicions.

  The movements of her hips were hard, fast, yet controlled—she knew exactly where she wanted me and she didn’t hesitate to put me there, driving me half out of my mind in the process.

  At first, I tried to keep one ear open for the sound of approaching footsteps, but the way she felt… I couldn’t have moved away from her even if someone had opened the door and stared right at us. I was past the point of caring, and all of my focus was concentrated on our interlocked bodies.

  Shaking with need, she pressed her forehead against mine, gasping my name. Knowing what she was pleading for, I stroked my fingers over her clit faster and harder, rewarded by a quick, shallow gasp followed by a moan she only just managed to bite back. She was right there with me at the edge, and I bucked up against her hard, trying to tip her over before I was spent.

  She spiralled into her climax with a tiny cry, clutching my shoulders tightly as she rode it out, and I relished the sensation of her release, finally allowing myself to join her. My mind went blank, emptying out for a few searing, pulsing seconds, and I buried my face against Sian’s neck, inhaling her perfume deeply while she gave a soft, satisfied giggle.

  Breathing hard, I drew her tightly against me, my pounding heart keeping pace with hers. She ran a hand through my hair, and we both drifted on a lazy current of satisfaction, pressing occasional light kisses to each other’s necks, shoulders and faces.

  “That was…” Sian trailed off, and I could read the smile in her voice.

  “Uh-huh,” I agreed, running my fingers down her cheek, finding her lips and leaning in to possess them. The kiss was slow, soft and unhurried, and she responded in kind with almost intangible flicks of her tongue against mine, tempting me skilfully.

  “Wanna cut class?” she breathed against my lips, and I gave her one final kiss before breaking away with a grin she couldn’t see.


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